Archaeological Map
Recent papers in Archaeological Map
This article offers an attempt to compile an archaeological map of the South-Western Crimea drawing on extensive archival material. The man focuses of the study is on medieval churches located in the valleys of the Alma and Kacha rivers.... more
The article attempts to supplement the existing database of archaeological sites of Afghanistan, based on the data presented in the seminal book by W. Ball, as well as on recently published materials of the Soviet-Afghan archaeological... more
The author considers the issues of study and preservation of such important cultural heritage sites as archaeological monuments. A total of over 5 thousand monuments have been identified and examined in Tatarstan, and they represent a... more
In the system of archaeological knowledge, the concept of “archaeological culture” is an essential theoretical construct determining the gnosiological capabilities and the direction of its development as a science concerning the past of... more
Novetats en el coneixement de l'arqueologia premianenca entre els anys 2004-2007. En destaquen sobretot les dutes a terme al jaciment de la Gran Via-Can Ferrerons
Resultats dels controls d'obra (pública i privada) duts a terme a Premià de Mar i Premià de Dalt (El Maresme) des de mitjans de la dècada de 1990. Inclou també algunes troballes casuals. Segona part del treball.
Resultats dels controls d'obra (pública i privada) duts a terme a Premià de Mar i Premià de Dalt (El Maresme) des de mitjans de la dècada de 1990. Primera part del treball.
"Contents INTRODUCTION M. Santana Quintero 1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND GEOMATIC NEEDS 1.1 3D modeling in archaeology and cultural heritage – Theory and best practice S. Campana 1.2 Geomatic and cultural heritage F. Remondino 1.3 3D... more
In 2015 ARGEOgraph created the Archaeological Predictive Map of Saba for the Dutch ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This map has been made available to the Saba Archaeological Center (SABARC) and the Sint Eustatius Center for... more