Recent papers in Asclepius
'The most famous of sanctuaries of Asclepius had their origin from Epidaurus’, Pausanias writes in his Hellados Periegesis (‘Description of Greece’). All across the Aegean and beyond, word of the salutary reputation of Epidaurian divinity... more
Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica [accepted]
RESUMEN: Se estudia aquí un iama o sanatio transmitida por un tratado médico del siglo IV d.C. (Oribasio, Coll. Med. XLV, 30.10-14), que lo toma de una obra perdida del médico Rufo de Éfeso, del siglo II d.C. Esta curación, ocurrida en... more
Ancient Greek healing cults can be studied in the context of "personal piety." This article emphasizes personal aspects of the Greek religion. It shows that the concept of "polis religion" does not embrace major aspects of ancient Greek... more
È conservata nel Museo Archeologico di Ruvo di Puglia una singolare lekythos a rilievo 1 , che per le sue peculiarità formali -originalità del testo figurativo e dei materiali impiegati -induce a porci il problema, sinora scarsamente... more
The present paper aims to investigate the role of anthropology in the development of Ritual Studies as an interdisciplinary platform, with a focus on ritual dynamics by using a historiographic description, focusing on the transition of... more
An examination of the rituals and ritual life of the Asklepios sanctuaries with a focus on the goddess Mnemosyne.
Readers have long wondered what is the meaning of the dog that briefly appears in the Jewish fairy tale known as the Book of Tobit. This article considers common answers such as influence from Ahikar, the Odyssey, influence of Persian... more
Ab ca. 300 v. Chr. entstehen im Mittelmeerraum Heiligtümer, die – mittels aufragender Terrassen auf Fernsicht konzipiert – als ansteigende Sakralräume inszeniert sind. Trotz des großen Effektes auf die Architekturgeschichte bleibt die... more
Luke, D. (2017). The big dream and archeo-geo-neuro-pharmaco-parapsychological theories. Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, 7(2), 13-14.
SOMMARIO † Federico Halbherr F. Franco, Le asimmetrie della Pinacoteca dei Propilei sull'Acropoli d'Atene (tav. I-IX) M. Segre, Iscrizioni dell'Aclepieo di Atene S. Ferri, Nuova testa di Alessandro D. Levi, I bronzi di Axòs (tav.... more
C’est sans doute dès l’institution du culte hellénisé de Sarapis à Canope, Memphis et sans doute Alexandrie que celui-ci fut considéré comme un dieu oraculaire et guérisseur. Longtemps cantonnée à l’Égypte, cette fonction semble avoir... more
This study looks at the ways that the healing inscriptions at the Epidauran Asklepieion transfer the private experience of a supplicant into the public realm of the life of the sanctuary. This process imbues the individual dream with a... more
İnsanlık tarihi karşımıza; birçok insani ve ruhani erdeme sahip olabilme ayrıcalığını göstermiş, kişisel hırslardan arınmış, yıllarca süren içsel yolculuğuyla mutlak iyilik duygusunu, huzuru ve barışçıl bir düşünce yapısını yakalamış ve... more
A short paper on Ficino's relationship to the so called Hermetic Genesis. Proceedings from the 4th European Congress of the FIDEM (Palermo, june 2009). Published also in Coexistence and cooperation in the middle ages. IV European... more
This article suggests a bio-cultural approach to the Asclepius cult in order to explore the attractiveness and memorability of the religious ideas, myths, and narratives about the divine healer. The transformation of Asclepius from a... more
Esta sexta edición de la Revista AKROS, la publicación del Museo de Melilla, mecenas de la difusión de la Historia y la Arqueología, de la cultura en si, es una singladura por aspectos tan apasionantes como valiosos para comprender el... more
Asclepius was a Greek god of medicine and healing art. Temples «Asclepeions» were built everywhere Greece. In Hellenistic Egypt such sages like Imhotep and Amenhotep, were identified with Asclepius, as a God of healing. In the Greco-Roman... more
In Epidaurus, the main ancient sanctuary of Asclepius, important inscriptions from the fourth century B.C. were found. Their texts were based primarily on earlier traditions on healings. They tend to exaggerate and to promote the... more
The aim of this paper is to give a concise overview of the complex relations between dream world, medicine and religion in ancient Greek culture. Il seguente saggio si propone l'intenzione di offrire una sintetica panoramica dei... more
Die Sektion der Iamatika-Epigramme umfasst sieben Epigramme (insg. 32 Verse), folgt auf die Nauagika (mit 26 Versen) und geht der letzten Sektion der Tropoi (ebenfalls insg. 32 Verse) voraus. Die Verwendung des Adjektivs ἰαματικόν... more
This article examines the Greek goddess Hygieia by looking at her identity, cult status in the ancient world and subsequent scholarly reception. Should she be viewed as a goddess or a personification? By studying Hygieia primarily as a... more
Bibliography on the inscriptions from Epidaurus and elsewhere, concerning miracles. About 200 entries.
This is a final draft of the book's index locorum, generated from a Word document, and not the published version (which is available through Brill online). It is posted here both to help other researchers by informing them of the book's... more
In 1904 an excavation in Ephesus brought to light a series of inscriptions recording the results of medical contests that took place at the city over the two days of the Great Asclepieia during the 2nd century CE. Because of the... more
Discussion paper Hygieia at: ‘Historicisation’ A summer course for PhD students arranged by the Nordic network for medical history (NordForsk) about "framing health".. The University of Bergen, 24-26 August, 2011. Updated and corrected... more
Bevezetés az epidaurosi Asklépios-szentély gyógyulási feliratkorpuszának első teljes magyar fordításához.
The Roman baths of Agnano are one of the biggest archaeological complexes of Neapolis; it’s on the border between this last and Puteoli, along the road that connected the two centers. The area was intensely busy beginning from the... more
Segnalazione di alcune iscrizioni conservate nel Casale Torlonia sull'Aventino a Roma, con particolare attenzione per una dedica a Esculapio tardoantica, significativa testimonianza del perdurare di culti pagani in pieno IV sec.
This paper asserts that the 1499 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili deserves to be classed among the texts of Renaissance Hermeticism. In particular, it examines evidence that the anonymous author of the Hypnerotomachia drew on the Hermetic... more
Estudio del simbolismo de la serpiente en cinco mitos griegos que presentan un mismo leit-motiv: el combate que un dios o un hombre excepcional mantienen contra un monstruo de clara filiación terrestre. No obstante, en cada uno de los... more
Il dialogo ermetico Asclepius, composto da un anonimo madrelingua greco in uno dei primi secoli dell'era cristiana, è un'opera latina che condivide la stessa tradizione testuale degli opuscoli fi losofi ci di Apuleio (De deo Socratis, De... more
Este artigo tenta trazer algumas contribuições para o estudo do corpus de inscrições de cura do santuário do deus Asclépio em Epidauro, na segunda metade do século IV a.C. Essas inscrições compuseram um tipo específico de literatura,... more
HEALING AND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DREAMS AND EGO by John C. Radecki (aka Woodcock) M. A.: Education, Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Guidance PURPOSE: 1. To undertake an historical and a theoretical exploration of... more
It is worth noting that the topic of the early days of the Asklepios cult at Pergamon is also addressed in the following work, which only became available after changes could no longer be made to my article: Milena Melfi, "The... more
Medicine and Philosophy, in classical antiquity mainly, coexisted and joined hands as activities of the human intellect, with one exerting fruitful influence on the other in the course of time. The influence of philosophy on ancient... more
Dit is de eerste Nederlandstalige studie over Hygieia. Het boek handelt over de vraag of Hygieia als godin of personificatie gezien moet worden. Het beslaat Griekse godsdienst en mythologie, oude geschiedenis, archeologie en kunst en... more