Native Species
Recent papers in Native Species
As human influences fragment native communities and ecosystems, remaining land must be better managed to conserve many elements of biodiversity. Much of this land is privately held, yet traditional private land-use management practices... more
Restoration practice suggests that neighbor control is essential in semiarid grasslands, but ecological theory predicts that neighbor effects are relatively small in young fields. We investigated the effectiveness of neighbor control... more
One of the primary tools for raising awareness on biological invasions has been the publication of species accounts of the most prominent alien invaders. Until now such compilations have been available only for particular taxa, biomes... more
Habitat utilization of native young-ofthe-year (YOY) muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, was quantified by the type and density of vegetation present, water depth, and fish communities associated with their presence and abundance in nursery... more
Nonindigenous species are increasingly recognized as altering marine and estuarine communities, causing significant changes in abundance and distribution of native species. Such effects are of particular concern to coastal fisheries. We... more
Temporal trends in attributes of restored ecosystems have been described conceptually as restoration trajectories. Measures describing the maturity or ecological integrity of a restoration site are often assumed to follow monotonically... more
ABSTRACT Native species of Sardinian brown trout (Salmo trutta) have declined drastically because of the introduction of non-native salmonids, overharvesting, and habitat degradation. One approach to conservation of declining species is... more
Tributaries of the Colorado River Basin, historically home to a complex of endemic omnivores collectively referred to as the 'three species'; flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis), bluehead sucker (C. discobolus) and roundtail chub... more
This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey of the views of the road users about the scenic beauty of current roadside vegetation and their perceptions of roadside vegetation with improved scenic value. A majority (83%) of... more
Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea, L.) invasion of wetlands is an ecological issue that has received attention, but its impact on soil microbial diversity is not well documented. The present study assessed the size... more
Report on Huron Mountain Club, published privately in 1938, represented a novel synthesis of emerging ideas in forestry, wildlife ecology, protected area design, and landscape-scale planning. Examination of this little-known report... more
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus uirginianus) can cause major changes in the composition and structure of forest communities by browsing shnibs and tree seedlings and grazing understory forbs. Such effects have become an increasingly... more
Many species of Western Australian Cyperaceae (sedges) are vital components of the indigenous flora but commonly display low seed set, poor seed quality and intractable seed dormancy. We report the effects of incubation temperature and in... more
English broom (Cytisus scoparius) is an aggressive invasive shrub in native sclerophyll forests of South Australia. We studied its relative growth rate (RGR) and competitive ability in soils from invaded and uninvaded woodlands, in... more
When nonnative species become established within new communities, competition may play a role in determining the persistence of ecologically similar native species. In western North America, many native cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus... more
Plant litter may play an important role in herbaceous plant communities by limiting primary production and influencing plant species richness. However, it is not known how the effect of litter interacts with fertilization. We tested for... more
In this chapter, we review empirical evidence for stronger allelopathic effects of exotic European invaders on North American natives than on other European species. We argue that this evidence provides critical insights into the impor-... more
Leaf area index (LAI) is one of the most frequently used parameters for the analysis of canopy structure and it has also been shown to be an important structural characteristic of the forest ecosystem and forest productivity. The... more
We report the results of a 2-yr survey that determined some of the host plant and parasitoid associations of Anastrepha fruit ßies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the "Montes Azules" tropical rainforest biosphere reserve (State of Chiapas,... more
Background: The invasion by Pinus elliottii is one of the most serious threats to the remaining native cerrado vegetation in São Paulo State, Brazil, causing biodiversity losses yet to be evaluated. We conducted a study in an area where... more
The fern genus Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae) is represented in the Hawaiian Islands by 18 endemic taxa and one non-endemic, native species. The goals of this study were to determine whether Dryopteris in Hawai’i is monophyletic and to... more
In this study, we compared the soil seed bank and current vegetation under coniferous plantations and adjacent native deciduous forests. The objective was to assess how much of the initial plant diversity is retained in such plantations,... more
Cladocerans have long been used for toxicological assessments of a diverse range of substances. The use of cladocerans in toxicity tests has many advantages, such as their short life cycle, parthenogenetic reproduction (clones), and high... more
Early growth performance of six native and two introduced tree species was studied for seven years at 16 sites in the Southern region of Costa Rica. Selected study sites represent a wide environmental gradient that ranges from acid low... more
This study is one of the first to show that invasive plant-induced changes in the soil microbial community can negatively impact native plant performance. This greenhouse experiment tested whether soil microbial communities specific to... more
Eradications of invasive species often have striking positive effects on native biota. However, recent research has shown that species removal in isolation can also result in unexpected changes to other ecosystem components. These... more
Although some invasive plants are cosmopolitan, not all ecosystems are invaded to the same degree. Yet there is little experimental work on how ecosystem resistance to invasion at the establishment phase differs among ecosystems. We... more
The tree Acacia dealbata Link is an Australian woody legume that has become a serious environmental problem in Northwest Spain, where its expansion is assumed to reduce populations of native species and threaten local plant biodiversity.... more
The use of fish communities to assess environmental quality is common for streams, but a standard methodology for large rivers is as yet largely undeveloped. We developed an index to assess the condition of fish assemblages along 1,580 km... more
Abstract: In Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, a small satellite of the equatorial Lake Victoria, approximately 50% of the indigenous fish species disappeared from the open waters subsequent to establishment of the introduced predatory Nile perch... more
A literature survey identified 403 primary research publications that investigated the ecological effects of invasive alien insects and/or the mechanisms underlying these effects. The majority of these studies were published in the last... more
Preliminary studies of flavonoids have been realised in five native species from Tafí del Valle (Tucumán, Argentina) used in popular medicine. Most of compounds detected were flavonoids mono and dihydroxylated in B ring. Screening for... more
The complex interactions among endangered ecosystems, landowners’ interests, and different models of land tenure and use, constitute an important series of challenges for those seeking to maintain and restore biodiversity and augment the... more
Of the four types of biological control, (1) natural, (2) conservation, (3) augmentation, and (4) importation), ethical concerns have been raised almost exclusively about only one type: importation. These concerns rest largely on fears of... more
Desiccation tolerance in seeds of Prosopis ferox and Pterogyne nitens (Fabaceae). The high number of endemisms and species diversity together with the accelerated biodiversity loss by deforestation, especially in North Western Argentina,... more
The influences on forest stream invertebrate communities of riparian forest type (native/exotic Pinus radiata) and logging, with or without native forest riparian buffers, were investigated at 28 stream sites on Coromandel Peninsula, New... more
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of mans interventions on the present day distribution of fish in a mountain area in southern Norway, the Atna river system. River Atna originates in the Rondane mountains at altitudes of... more
Nesting substrates and construction materials are compared for 65 of North Amer-icaÕs 139 described native species of Osmia bees. Most accounts report Osmia bees nesting in preexisting cavities in dead wood or pithy stems such as... more
El presente documento ha sido elaborado por el Instituto Machu Picchu, a solicitud de Explorandes S.A.C., con la coordinación del trabajo de campo auspiciado por APTAE (Asociación Peruana de Turismo de Aventura y Ecoturismo), movidos por... more
The insecticidal activity of nine essential oils (EOs) against the house fly (Musca domestica) was evaluated by placing flies in a screw-cap glass jar holding a piece of EO-treated cotton yarn. The dose necessary to kill 50% of flies (LC... more
We found all developmental stages of the midge Telmatogeton japonicus (Chironomidae) on offshore windmills near the major Swedish seaport Kalmar in the southern Baltic Sea. This might be the first record of an insect species really... more