Leaf Area Index
Recent papers in Leaf Area Index
swamy et al., 2003). In Mexico, it is important for determining import-export policies, government aid for Large-area yield prediction early in the growing season is important farmers, and allocation of subsidies for regional agriculin... more
This study reports the seasonal assessment of energy balance components and carbon dioxides fluxes over a drip irrigated kiwifruit orchard, with a Leaf Area Index (LAI) of 3 at full canopy development. The most remarkable amount of energy... more
Eddy covariance measurements of CO2 fluxes were conducted in 2004 at the agricultural site of Lonzée, Belgium, over a sugar beet crop. Additional measurements of biomass net primary production and leaf area index (LAI) were carried out.... more
Leaf area, crown projection area and growth over the last 5 years were measured to assess growth efficiency (GE) and crown efficiency (CE) of dominant (D), codominant (CD) and suppressed (SP) trees growing in height-repressed (P sites)... more
Breeding to improve perennial grasses for forage usage aims to increase the whole-plant aerial biomass. However, the ability to increase the whole-plant yield by breeding may be questionable in grasses which are expected to reach an... more
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most important cereal crop after rice in India. Optimum schedule of irrigation for wheat and its response to irrigation based on the ratio of irrigation water and cumulative pan evaporation (irrigation... more
Plant leaf area index (LAI) is an important structural parameter for describing the ability of the canopy to intercept solar radiation, and it plays an important role in the estimation of forest biomass. To overcome the difficulties of... more
Leaf area index (LAI) is one of the most frequently used parameters for the analysis of canopy structure and it has also been shown to be an important structural characteristic of the forest ecosystem and forest productivity. The... more
Reliable estimation of the surface energy balance from local to regional scales is crucial for many applications including weather forecasting, hydrologic modeling, irrigation scheduling, water resource management, and climate change... more
Transpiration rates were measured in a flooded population of Phragmites australis ssp. altissima in a wetland located in El Hondo Natural Park (southeastern Spain) during the growing season of 2000. The heat balance method for measuring... more
Litter is frequently present within vegetation canopies and thus contributes to the overall spectral response of a canopy. Consequently, litter will affect spectral indices designed to be sensitive to green vegetation, soil brightness or... more
Progress in assessing the feasibility for imaging fluorescence using the O 2 -A band with 1 nm full-width halfmaximum (FWHM) bands centered at 757.5 and 760.5 nm is reported in this paper. Multispectral airborne data was acquired at 150 m... more
Crops respond to N deficiency through a reduction in resource capture and/or resource use efficiency. The objective of this paper is to examine whether differences in this response pattern are associated with either metabolic group (C 3... more
Genotype Root area index Nitrogen concentration Leaf area index Populus spp.
Eddy covariance measurements of CO 2 fluxes were conducted in 2004 at the agricultural site of Lonzée, Belgium, over a sugar beet crop. Additional measurements of biomass net primary production and leaf area index (LAI) were carried out.... more
Various crop growth simulation models exist for rice but thorough validation and evaluation reports are scarce. We present the model ORYZA2000, which simulates the growth and development of rice under conditions of potential production... more
Because of the high water content of vegetation, water absorption features dominate spectral reflectance of vegetation in the near-infrared region of the spectrum. In comparison to indices based on chlorophyll absorption features (such as... more
The magnitude and seasonal dynamics of evapotranspiration (ET) for a steppe in central Mongolia was estimated over a full year period (from 25 March 2003 to 24 March 2004, 366 days) using the eddy covariance (EC) technique. The steppe,... more
CITATIONS 15 READS 15 6 authors, including:
The montado/dehesa landscapes of the Iberian Peninsula are savannah-type open woodlands dominated by evergreen oak species (Quercus suber L. and Q. ilex ssp. rotundifolia). Scattered trees stand over an undergrowth of shrubs or herbaceous... more
The water balance and growth of Eucalyptus grandis hybrid plantations in Brazil are presented based on 6 years of intensive catchment hydrology, physiological and forest growthsurveying, and modelling. The results show a balance between... more
A field study on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv.) was carried out from 2005 to 2008 in the Çukurova Region, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Treatments were designated as I100 full irrigation; DI70, DI50 and DI00 which received 70, 50,... more
Native tree plots have been established in river irrigation districts in the western U.S. to provide habitat for threatened and endangered birds. Information is needed on the effective irrigation requirements of the target species.... more
Th e fi rst crop chosen to parameterize and test the new FAO AquaCrop model is maize (Zea mays L.). Working mainly with data sets from 6 yr of maize fi eld experiments at Davis, CA, plus another 4 yr of Davis maize canopy data, a set of... more
Abstract A lack of reliable observations for canopy science research is being partly overcome by the gradual use of lidar remote sensing. This study aims to improve lidar-based canopy characterization with airborne laser scanners through... more
Forest managers now operate in an information-rich but increasingly challenging environment in which the competing demands of environmental stewardship and sustainable management must counter-balance the demands of increased production... more
Light attenuation within a row crop such as maize is in¯uenced by canopy architecture, which has to be de®ned in terms of the size, shape and orientation of shoot components. Cultural practices that improve the ef®ciency of light... more
This paper presents a mathematical model yielding a sensible, albeit simplified representation of the dynamic thermal behaviour of actual green roofs. Several parametric sensitivity analyses have been carried out to assess the cooling... more
Source approach for estimating soil and vegetation energy fluxes in observations of directional radiometric surface temperature [
This paper presents a methodology for water stress detection in crop canopies using a radiative transfer modelling approach and the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI). Airborne imagery was acquired with a 6band multispectral camera... more
A pot experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, to study the effect of Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) and Ascorbic Acid (AA) foliar application application 20 and 40 ppm was compared to the control (distillated water) on... more
To study the leaf area index, LAI, based thermal performance in distinguishing trees for Cairo's urban developments, ENVI-met plants database was used as platform for a foliage modeling parameter, the leaf area density, LAD. Two Egyptian... more
The continuously increasing demand of accurate quantitative high quality information on land surface properties will be faced by a new generation of environmental Earth observation (EO) missions. One current example, associated with a... more