Agriculture and Human Values 14: 283–289, 1997.
c 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
On the ethics of biological control of insect pests
Jeffery W. Bentley1 and Robert J. O’Neil2
Cochabamba, Bolivia; 2 Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Accepted in revised form June 12, 1997
Abstract. Of the four types of biological control, (1) natural, (2) conservation, (3) augmentation, and (4) importation),
ethical concerns have been raised almost exclusively about only one type: importation. These concerns rest largely on
fears of extinction of animal species. Importation biological control is a cost-effective alternative to chemical control
for basic food crops of resource-poor farmers. Regarding the other types of biological control, natural biological
control is not consciously manipulated by humans. Augmentation has some technical concerns, but is generally an
environmentally-sound, viable alternative to chemicals and offers local employment. Conservation can help empower
farmers to preserve native species, while saving labor and money and reducing chemical insecticides.
Key words: Biological control, Ethical issues, Evironmental policy
Jeff Bentley is a North American anthropologist who worked in Honduras (Zamorano, 1987–1994) designing a
“Natural Pest Control” program, based largely on understanding campesino folk entomology and training smallholder
farmers about the conservation of native natural enemies. Since 1994, Bentley has worked as an independent consultant
in South America.
Bob O’Neil is a specialist in biological control, who studies the basic biology and use of predatory insects. He
has been involved since 1984 with the Crop Protection Department, Zamorano, Honduras and is active in biological
control research and community outreach with farmers in the midwestern USA. He is an entomologist in the Department
of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
Humans have permanently altered ecosystems since the
Upper Paleolithic, when the global expansion of humans
coincided with the extinction of hundreds of species
of large mammals and birds (Diamond, 1992). Human
change of the environment quickened with the agricultural revolution. Crops like maize spread from Mexico to
much of the area between Canada and Argentina (Kroeber,
1969 [1939]). Crops and domesticated animals spread
from the Near East through Europe (6 to 3,000 years ago)
with the spread of the Indo-European-speaking peoples
(Mallory, 1989). On a global scale, farming peoples (and
their crops and animals) expanded at the expense of local
hunter-gatherers (Bellwood, 1991).
The world’s ecosystems were altered even faster during the age of discovery, when plants, animals, human
populations, and diseases spread between all inhabited continents (Viola and Margolis, 1991). The intercontinental movement of crops and their pests created new
conditions for pest growth, as pest population dynamics
were no longer constrained by regulatory factors in their
areas of origin. For insects, whose populations can be
significantly influenced by natural enemies (parasitoids,
predators, and pathogens), the lack of key natural enemies
allowed for unchecked growth leading to pest outbreaks
and crop losses. Early specialists reasoned that re-uniting
pests with their natural enemies could reduce pest outbreaks, a concept later termed the “importation method”
or “classical biological control.” Since its first success in
the USA over 100 years ago, “classical biological control”
has resulted in the complete or substantial control of over
200 insect pests (Van Driesche and Bellows, 1996) – making this method one of the most successful approaches to
pest control (DeBach and Rosen, 1991).
Biological control is more than the importation method
and is applied to more situations than insect pests of
crops. The scientific, agronomic, ecological, and ethical
questions vary by situation, and depends on whether one
is addressing, for example, cultural methods that increase
the impact of plant pathogenic antagonists (a form of
biological control in plant pathology; see Abawi and
Thurston, 1994; Page and Bridge, 1993) or applying
sugar to crops to attract insect predators (a form of “conservation” biological control). Ethical considerations are
made more complex as programmatic or policy decisions
made for one type of biological control have ramifications for other types. For example, the number of natural
enemy species available for “augmentative” biological
control (the periodic release of natural enemies) is directly
affected by the discovery of new natural enemies from
classical biological control efforts. This is because many
natural enemies used in augmentative programs were discovered and used in previous importation programs, e.g.,
the use of Encarsia formosa to control greenhouse whitefly. Reduction of effort in classical programs not only
reduces the success rates of these programs, but it also
reduces the options available to farmers, homeowners,
gardeners, and others using augmentative programs.
In this paper, we focus on the biological control of
herbivorous insect pests. We contrast ethical considerations of the various types of biological control to each
other and to the primary method of insect pest control:
insecticides. We draw on our experience teaching biological control to smallholder farmers and our observations of
the effects of reliance on pesticides for pest control. These
observations and experiences have taught us that whatever ethical considerations are made about the practices
of biological control, they must be viewed with respect
to the need to provide alternatives to the pesticide paradigm that dominates agricultural systems. Failure to do so
is a disservice to farmers needing environmentally sound
solutions to their pest problems.
1. Tactics of biological control
The major tactics of biological control are (1) natural,
(2) conservation, (3) augmentation, and (4) importation
of natural enemies. Each tactic suggests unique ethical
1.1 Natural biological control
Biological control as a technology implies conscious
manipulation by people to keep populations of herbivorous insects too low to become pests. In the absence of
manipulation by humans, i.e., classical biological control, the mortality caused by natural enemies on insects is
a fact of life and has no ethical problems. Only as people
modify the relationship between natural enemies and pests
do ethical considerations enter.
1.2 Conservation
Conservation of natural enemies is the conscious efforts
of people, especially farmers, to protect or increase the
populations of natural enemies of pests through the manipulation of the environment. Examples include reducing
insecticide applications, not destroying ant nests, planting flowers to provide nectar for adult parasitoid wasps,
and building roofs or arbors to provide habitat for social
(predaceous) wasps (Van Driesche and Bellows, 1996;
Debach and Rosen, 1991). Chinese peasant farmers have
traditional techniques for using ants to control citrus pests
(Huang and Yang, 1987; see also Way and Khoo, 1992).
Conservation usually costs little labor or cash and simply increases the populations of existing, usually native,
natural enemies. This strategy involves people working
with nature instead of against it. The manipulation of
natural enemies to reduce pests has few if any long-term
environmental risks. Unless we are prepared to argue that
farmers do nothing to favor, disturb, or benefit one population of insects over another, the local manipulation of
indigenous natural enemies to control pests has no ethical
considerations independent of those relating to manipulating the environment to produce food versus maintaining
“natural” ecosystems without human food production.
1.3 Augmentation
Augmentation is the periodic release of natural enemies
and is typically a more invasive form of manipulation
than natural enemy conservation (Cate, 1990; Waage
and Greathead, 1988). Augmentative biological control
is being practiced worldwide with an estimated 10 percent of greenhouses in the USA using this method (OTA,
1995), and ca. 50,000 ha of fruit and vegetable crops
grown in Europe with the aid of natural enemies (Bigler,
1991). Ethical considerations in augmentative biological
control can be related to the frequency of releases, the
location of releases, the geographic scale of releases, and
the host specificity and other aspects of the biology of
the natural enemy. Also relevant, but not discussed here,
are ethical considerations of the business of selling natural enemies (e.g., quality control issues, effectiveness
of commercially-available natural enemies, contaminants
in shipments, etc.: see Hoy et al., 1991). We point out
that the commercial sale of natural enemies has generated
a new industry: in 1990, Colombia had 24 firms rearing natural enemies (Kaimowitz, 1995), and in the USA
about 90 firms sell natural enemies (Hunter, 1994). These
firms provide local employment, and alternative control
options for farmers, homeowners, and pest managers. It is
our belief that private enterprise, not governments, should
be the principle suppliers of natural enemies to the public
in general and farmers specifically.
The release of natural enemies within contained environments (e.g., greenhouses and interiorscapes) has fewer
ethical considerations than similar releases outside. For
example, the use of Encarsia formosa to control greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) requires
multiple releases of the parasitoid, because the greenhouse environment does not provide for sustained population growth of the parasitoid, since the host (whitefly) is
not continually present. There are no data that show that
natural enemies released into greenhouses, interiorscapes,
or other contained areas have caused environmental
damage (Van Driesche and Bellows, 1996). When releases
are made outside of contained environments, additional
concerns come into play. Principally, those natural
enemies that are generalists, that can establish populations
in the release environment, and that are used simultaneously over a broad geographical area invoke more concern
than highly specific natural enemies that do not establish
populations or are used sporadically in localized areas.
Typically, natural enemies used in augmentation
programs, for any number of reasons, are incapable of
sustaining population growth in the release environment
(Van Driesche and Bellows, 1996), but there are few
examples of natural enemies that have established populations following augmentative releases [e.g., Phytoseiulus persimilis in California (McMurtry et al., 1978)].
The establishment of natural enemies used in augmentative biological control raises similar ethical issues to
the establishment of an “exotic” natural enemy used in
a “classical” biological control program (see below). For
natural enemies used in augmentative programs that do
not maintain populations without continual releases, their
negative environmental effects, if any, are likely to be of
short duration, localized, and would dissipate with time,
as releases are discontinued.
The specificity of the natural enemy use in biological
control programs is often cited as a concern (Howarth,
1991; OTA, 1995; Van Driesche and Bellows, 1996).
Regardless of how we define specificity (e.g., at the
species, genus, or family level), the genetic plasticity of
species and the inadequacies of our ability to meaningfully
measure specificity under controlled conditions means
that we risk using natural enemies that attack more than
the target pest species. This is true for natural enemies
used in augmentative and “classical” biological control
programs. Ethically, a balance should be struck between
the need for, and value of, augmentation versus the level
and degree of collateral environmental damage. With over
100 species of natural enemies for sale in the USA alone
(Hunter, 1994), “environmental impact” studies can not
be done for every situation, nor do we think they should
be. We suggest that the need for such studies should be
demonstrated from field data or strongly suggested by
the situation (e.g., the presence of an endangered species
in the release area). An example of the type of study is
given by Andow et al. (1995), who examined non-target
effects of augmentative releases of Trichogramma nubilale to control the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, in maize. Although the authors found that eggs of
an endangered butterfly (the “Karner blue,” Lycaeides
melissa samuelis) could serve as hosts for the parasitoid,
their analyses and field data suggest that impact of T. nubilale releases on the butterfly’s population dynamics would
be negligible. Orr and Landis (1994) in their study of nontarget effects of releases of Trichogramma brassicae (to
control European corn borer), documented that although
the parasitoid does attack eggs of non-target lepidoptera
in the laboratory and in maize fields, no lepidopteran eggs
located at a distance as short as 10 m from the releases
sites were attacked. We specifically mention this finding
because it has been suggested that widespread use of this
parasitoid may endanger the long-term survival of several
species of Lepidoptera, although, actual field measures
of its impact suggests that such fears may be unfounded
(Andow et al., 1995). Similar protocols could be adopted
for natural enemies used in augmentative programs when
their use suggest significant environmental impact.
Ethical considerations in augmentative biological control may be related to the scope of the program rather than
the concept of periodically releasing natural enemies, per
se. For example the widespread use of a microbial insecticide in a large tract of forest or mass release of a predators in thousands of hectares of agronomic fields, invokes
more questions than use of the same organisms in a homeowner’s backyard. Since such programs are typically in
the domain of governments, that, presumably, can afford
“environmental impact” studies, the collateral environmental damage done by the simultaneous mass releases
of natural enemies over wide areas could be incorporated
into an assessment of the overall program. However, the
need and extent for such studies should be a function of the
host specificity of the natural enemy, its ability to sustain
population growth in the release area, the availability and
cost of alternative controls, and the current insecticide use
Some pathogens of insects (excepting nematodes)
used in augmentative programs in the USA are considered “microbial pesticides” and are registered for use
with the Environmental Protection Agency. Ethical issues
for augmentation of insect pathogens are similar to those
for augmentation of parasitoids and predators. There are
fewer possible ethical considerations for host-specific
pathogens that do not establish populations, or are used in
enclosed spaces, or over limited areas, than for pathogens
with broad host ranges that establish after application over
wide areas. Direct vertebrate toxicity for pathogens used
to control insects is rare (Saik et al., 1989) and although
non-target invertebrate impacts have been shown, they
are generally less severe than those that occur with pesticide use (see, for example, Zgomba, 1986; Couch and
Foss, 1989; Croft, 1990; Miller, 1990; USDA, 1995).
There are few documented cases of sustained reductions
in non-target populations, or disruptions of community, or
ecosystem stability, or dynamics from the use of microbial pesticides (Van Driesche and Bellows, 1996; OTA,
1.4 Importation (classical biological control)
Classical biological control is the introduction of (usually)
an exotic natural enemy to control (usually) an intro-
duced pest. The first documented case was in 1888, when
Albert Koebele introduced the vedalia beetle (Rodolia
cardinalis) from Australia to control the cottony-cushion
scale (Icerya purchasi), a serious citrus pest in California.
The beetle was successful, preying on the scale insect
and keeping it under control until the late 1940s, when
the widespread use of DDT upset the ecological balance
(Cate, 1990; Waage and Greathead, 1988; Janick et al.,
1981). Since then, there have been hundreds of successful
cases (Cate, 1990), e.g., black fly (Aleurocanthus woglumi) in Florida citrus (Tefertiller et al., 1991), ash whitefly (Siphoninus phillyreae) in California (Bellows et al.,
1992), and alfalfa weevil (Hypera positca) in the eastern
USA (Day, 1981). One of the most impressive recent successes has been the introduction of the parasitoid wasp
Epidinocaris lopezi from South America to Africa to control cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti), which
had been inadvertently introduced from South America, to
Africa. By the 1970s, the mealybug threatened to destroy
the African cassava crop, a major food that withstands
drought and poor soil fertility and can be harvested yearround (Goldman, 1995). The introduction of the parasitoid
reduced the significant damage done to this subsistence
crop of millions of Africans, and it has precluded the use
of insecticides targeted at the mealybug on millions of
hectares (Herren and Neuenschwander, 1991).
The classical biological control method has been
attempted in about 1200 projects worldwide in the past
100 years, contributing to the control of 200 pest insects
(Van Driesche and Bellows, 1996; DeBach and Rosen,
1991). The vast majority of attempts have been made with
insect predators and parasitoids. The notion that classical
biological control with arthropod natural enemies may
cause continent-wide or global alterations to ecosystems
(sensu Lockwood, 1996) has not been documented in any
study. There is a single documented case of local extinction of an insect – that of the introduced coconut moth
(Leavuana iridescens) in Fiji, although several other cases
have been proposed (Howarth, 1991). Permanent, nontarget effects remain largely undocumented and the magnitude of ecological “disruption” via the successful establishment of arthropod natural enemies for insect control
must be lower than the collective observational abilities
of hundreds of scientists throughout the world who have
been involved in classical biological control projects.
In contrast, negative effects of insecticides are
abundantly documented, e.g., secondary pest outbreaks
(Jirström, 1996; Murray, 1994; Ramalho et al., 1990;
Vélez, 1994; Whitten and Oakeshott, 1991), insecticide
resistance (Bolaños, 1990; Gould, 1991; McKenzie and
Byford, 1993; Murray, 1994; Pimentel and Goodman,
1978; Sechser, 1989), and worker poisonings (Loevinsohn, 1987; Murray, 1994; Rola and Pingali, 1993). The
suggestion that other pest control technologies, specifically insecticides, are spatio-temporally limited in their
environmental effects (Lockwood, 1996) is questionable.
For example, DDT is present in penguin eggs in Antarctica (Bolaños, 1990), and pesticides from tropical Asia
and Latin America are volatilized and fall in the Canadian
Arctic, where they accumulate in toxic levels in fish eaten
by Native Americans (Pearce, 1995). Since the mid 1980s,
fresh produce has become much more widely traded internationally. Frozen peas bought in New York may have
been grown in Guatemala, and chemical pesticides were
probably applied to them (Murray, 1994). Ethical questions about classical biological control must be asked in
the context of its long-term record of success and safety
and against a backdrop of available options and real-world
2. Ethics by type of pest control
Sahlins (1996) recently proposed that even anthropological theory is rooted in Judeo-Christian folk cosmology.
The author’s ethics may be equally naive, but they include
concerns for rural people (Berry, 1990) and for the natural
environment, e.g., preventing human destruction of biodiversity (Wilson, 1988, 1992). We accept the ethics of
minimizing change to big, native, unique and integrated
ecosystems (Lockwood, 1996) – but few agro-ecosystems
are big, native, unique, or integrated. They are “big”
depending on one’s definition of the “ecosystem,” but they
are less native, unique, and integrated than natural ecosystems. Much of Lockwood’s (1996) argument is that pest
control does not justify extinction or other environmental
damage outside the agro-ecosystem. Accepting this
ethical guideline, we work in biological control because it
allows for sustainable food production while minimizing
danger to non-target species – especially when compared
to chemical pest control (see OTA, 1995). Our ethics are
expressed through the goals of praxis: to improve the
well-being of rural people, to protect consumers from
poisoning, and to increase or maintain crop yields, while
sustaining the natural environment.
Chemical pest control is difficult to defend ethically.
US vice-president, Al Gore, has reviewed the growing
environmental threat from chemical pesticides, and we
will not repeat his argument here (Gore, 1992). Chemical
companies argue that negative side-effects from pesticides are justified to increase food production and prevent
hunger. This dubious claim is refuted by the fact that
the percentage of crops lost to pests has remained stable
since pesticides were first massively used (US figure is
ca. 35 percent loss before and after adopting pesticides,
see Pimentel, 1991). To this statistic, we add that others
equally shocking such as: over 500 species of arthropods
have evolved resistance to pesticides by 1983 (Quiroz,
1993) and nearly 20,000 cases of pesticide poisoning were
reported in Central America in the mid-1970s (Mendes,
1977). No comparable statistics exist for biological
While a single chemical insecticide will (eventually)
dissipate from an ecosystem (although this may take
decades), the reduction of the use of insecticides as a
class of control agents will only be done if alternatives
are available. Until insecticides are replaced by alternative control tactics, agriculture will continually be faced
with the regulation, storage, safety, and environmental
costs of using insecticides. Replacing environmental
contamination by one type of insecticide with another
only perpetuates the problem.
However, our main argument against chemical pesticides is not because of their environmental or human
health problems, although we are concerned about those
issues, but because chemical control is usually a shortterm “solution” to a pest problem. Chemical control on
the whole cannot be justified agronomically; the technology is not sustainable in the sense that the pests evolve
resistance to the chemical while their natural enemies are
decimated (Bentley et al., 1995). The more farmers use
pesticides, the more “essential” pesticides become, as the
complex invertebrate ecology of their farm ecology is
replaced by a simplified relationship of between pesticide
and pest.
Our own experience working with farmers has reenforced the frequency of this unfortunate outcome. From
1987 to 1994, one of us (JWB) asked farmers throughout Honduras whether pests were more common “now”
or before farmers adopted pesticides. During hundreds
of interviews and in group discussions with thousands
farmers during training courses (Bentley et al., 1994),
farmers never reported that pests chronically diminished
as a result of chemical pesticides. Farmers consistently
told us that there were more kinds of pests than before the
adoption of chemical pesticides in the 1970s and that pest
populations were greater. In response to farmers’ insights
on their pest problems, workshops were designed to teach
farmers the basics of insect ecology and biological control (Bentley, 1994). Once farmers appreciated the existence and importance of natural enemies, they combined
these ideas with their traditional knowledge to synthesize
new techniques for conserving native, beneficial organisms (Bentley, 1989; Rodrı́guez and Bentley, 1995a, b).
A similar training program for Honduran and Nicaraguan
farmers, for the control of crop diseases, also had positive
results (Sherwood and Bentley, 1995).
However, no matter how creative farmers are, they can
not control all their insect pest problems by conserving
native natural enemies. To add to their abilities to control
pests without resorting to chemicals, farmers must have
the options to augment natural enemies and to participate in, and benefit from, classical biological control
programs. We do not know the number of living species
on the planet, not even to the nearest order of magni-
tude (Wilson, 1992), and with the vast majority of insect
species unidentified (let alone understood), we cannot
empirically predict all the effects of a new species. But
the difference between what is possible and what has been
shown to have happened is important as a basis for ethical
decisions. Real people have been poisoned by pesticides
and the contamination of water, soil, and air from pesticide use is easily measured and abundantly documented.
Ecosystem-level, global effects of biological control have
not been substantiated – the concerns of Howarth (1991)
and Lockwood (1996) notwithstanding. To address these
and other issues, more basic biological and ecological
field research is needed. This should be (but is not) a major
international concern. However, the collective history
of biological control of insect pests has shown it to
be an effective, economical, environmentally-sound and
socially equitable pest control tactic. The cassava program
that saved a major food crop for Africa was almost denied
permission to start, because local politicians were unduly
concerned with the potential damage by the natural enemy
(Waage and Greathead, 1988). If African leaders had had
a bit more negative information about biological control,
the program might never have been started and several
million poor people would have had a major food crop
threatened by the introduction of a new pest. Given public
research for ecologically-based, pesticide-reducing, sustainable pest control for smallholder farmers is essential,
biological control stands on moral high ground and needs
the support of the academic community.
Ana González, Joe Maddox and two anonymous
reviewers read and commented on earlier versions.
Thanks to Doug Landis for providing information on
Trichogramma. We also appreciate the comments and
patience of Jeff Lockwood.
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Address for correspondence: Jeffery W. Bentley, Casilla 2695,
Cochabamba, Bolivia
Phone/Fax: +591 42 43328
[email protected]