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      GeologyGeophysicsTectonicsStable Isotope
Purpose – To draw the frontiers of the functional food universe, to identify concepts that should be included in a broadly accepted functional food definition and to propose a definition. Design/methodology/approach – Based on a review of... more
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      NutritionMultidisciplinaryFunctional FoodLegislation
Elucidating the role of pyrogenic carbon (C pyr) as a global pool for CO 2 sequestration in temperate ecosystems requires information on the contribution of C pyr to soil organic carbon (SOC) across different climatic regions. We... more
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Over the past decade, Web-based learning management systems, such as Blackboard and WebCT, have been gradually integrated into college education. The strategic use and effectiveness of such systems have been investigated to a large... more
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      Design ScienceMultiple PerspectivesNorth AmericanInformation System
A serologic survey of anti-Brucella spp. antibodies was undertaken on 2,470 samples of 14 North American marine mammal species collected between 1984-97. Serum or blood from eight species of cetaceans and six species of pinnipeds was... more
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      ZoologyWildlife DiseasesWhalesBrucella
Y. Kominami). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / a g r f o r m e t 0168-1923/$ -see front matter # a g r i c u l t u r a l a n d... more
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      Applied MathematicsEarth SciencesBiomathematicsBiometrics
Since Þrst discovered in the New York City area in 1999, West Nile virus (WNV) has become established over much of the continental United States and has been responsible for Ͼ10,000 cases of severe disease and 400 human fatalities, as... more
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      Medical EntomologyBiological SciencesNew York CityUnited States
Atlantic salmon and brown trout frequently cooccur in the same habitats and juveniles of both species are difficult to discriminate. Hybridization between the two taxa has also been widely documented especially in endangered populations... more
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      GeneticsPolymorphismHybridizationBrown trout
When the development of gap models began about three decades ago, they became a new category of forest productivity models. Compared with traditional growth and yield models, which aim at deriving empirical relationships that best fit... more
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      Life historyMultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingTree Mortality
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      Early Childhood EducationCommunication TheoryEarly ChildhoodTechnological change
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      Sedimentary BasinsMultidisciplinaryLate CretaceousAnisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility
We assessed the changes in abundance of American crows in the northeastern U.S. following the arrival of West Nile virus (WNV), with two aims. First, we determined the impact and spatial extent of the initial epizootic that began in New... more
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      Time SeriesEcohealthEcologyNew York City
The previously unknown preorbital part of the skull of Patriomanis americanus shows that by the end of the Eocene, this North American pangolin was already like all extant pangolin species in being completely edentulous. The skull, like... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesNorth American
Soils of many potential soybean fields in Africa are characterized by low levels of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) activities and often cannot support high soybean yields without addition of inorganic N fertilizers or external... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBiological Nitrogen FixationPopulation Size
To mitigate global climate change, a portfolio of strategies will be needed to keep the atmospheric CO 2 concentration below a dangerous level. Here a carbon sequestration strategy is proposed in which certain dead or live trees are... more
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      Carbon SequestrationMultidisciplinaryPower PlantGlobal change
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPsychologyCognitive Science
Aspen was heat-treated at high temperature in a laboratory thermogravimetric analyzer. The high temperature wood treatment technology is new in North America and needs to be adapted to the North American species. The objective of this... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceWeight LossHigh Temperature
Conservation of fauna breeding in vernal pools is challenging given their complex life histories. Many species, including the widespread North American Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica), require both aquatic and terrestrial habitat, yet... more
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      ZoologyHerpetologyLife historyConservation planning
Exotic plants often face different conditions from those experienced where they are native. The general issue of how exotics respond to unfamiliar environments within their new range is not well understood. Phenotypic plasticity has... more
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      GeneticsEcologyMolecular GeneticsPhenotypic Plasticity
For various reasons, North American crop farmers are more likely to practice limited-duration no-till than continuous no-till (NT). Little is known about effects of short-term no-till (ST-NT) on organic C and total N relative to NT and... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesField ExperimentNitrogen
The emergence of b-lactamase-mediated resistance to b-lactam antibiotics among key respiratory tract pathogens has threatened the usefulness of the b-lactam agents familiar to physicians as being clinically effective and well tolerated.... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyTreatment OutcomeChildAnti-Bacterial Agents
Measurements of tropospheric nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) made in continental North America should exhibit a common pattern determined by photochemical removal and dilution acting upon the typical North American urban emissions. We... more
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      GeologyAtmospheric ChemistryMultidisciplinaryStandard Deviation
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
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      EconomicsBusiness HistoryCollective ActionPhilosophy and Religious Studies
Hadrurus arizonensis is a large, long-lived species of North American desert scorpion with lengthy, stereotyped courtship behaviors that lead to sperm transfer via an external spermatophore. Courtship and mating behaviors in H.... more
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This study examined the role and perceived value of public relations in institutional ethics initiatives. The findings of a survey of ethics officers in North American institutions reveal that public relations professionals are not... more
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      EthicsOrganizational CommunicationPublic RelationsLanguage Culture and Communication
Prunus serotina, a forest tree of North American origin, was introduced to central Europe and planted for various purposes. In the course of the centuries it was regarded as a valuable timber tree by European foresters; subsequently, as a... more
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      Biological invasionsBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesDevelopment policy
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      Research DesignDeveloping CountriesPeruApplied Economics
The subspecies composition of migratory sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) which stage and winter along the Lower Columbia River in northwest Oregon and southwest Washington is uncertain, but may include all 3 using the Pacific Flyway:... more
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      Environmental EducationConservation BiologyBiodiversityCalifornia
The Romeral Fault System (RFS) extends 1600 km from Barranquilla-Colombia to Talara city-Peru and before the Pliocene. In the Middle Eocene RFS defi ned the northwestern border of the South America plate, being originated by a triple... more
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      Earth SciencesPeruSeismotectonicMiddle Jurassic
The North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, is one of two living species of paddlefishes, the other being the Chinese paddlefish, Psephurus gladius. Although P. spathula was once abundant throughout the Mississippi River basin,... more
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      GeographyArchivesBiologyBiological Sciences
Sampling efficiency of two oyster fishing gears, patent tongs and an oyster dredge, were compared in reference to diver-harvested quadrats in Chesapeake Bay, which supports im portant harvests of eastem oyster Crassosrrea virginica. Mean... more
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      Fisheries SciencesChesapeake BayDensity EstimationNorth American
Although cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in most nations, the spectrum of cancer occurrence varies substantially worldwide. Most previous epidemiologic studies investigating cancer etiology were conducted in North... more
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      ObesityLife StyleTobaccoDiet
A series of experiments were conducted to determine the toxicity, behavior, blood glucose stress response, and disease susceptibility in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus following un-ionized ammonia (UIA) exposure. The acute toxicity of... more
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      Disease susceptibilityBlood GlucoseStress responseFisheries Sciences
The orientation and depth of deformation in the Earth is characterized by seismic anisotropy 1 -variations in the speed of passing waves caused by the alignment of minerals under strain into a preferred orientation. Seismic anisotropy in... more
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      Structural GeologyMultidisciplinarySeismic Anisotropywestern United States
The goals of this study were twofold: (1) to confirm a relationship between employee perceptions of psychological safety climate and safety behavior for a sample of workers in the rail industry and (2) to explore the relative strengths of... more
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      PsychologyOrganizational CultureMaintenanceData Collection
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyEastern EuropeGene Flow
As corporations attempt to move toward environmental sustainability, management must extend their efforts to improve environmental practices across their supply chain. The literature characterizing environmental management within the... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental PlanningEnvironmental Sustainability
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      GeologySr isotopesMineralogy and PetrologyNorth American
Aims We aimed to investigate the prevalence and incidence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in a large European population-based study.
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      Population based studyAtrial FibrillationCohort StudyNetherlands
 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an increasingly pervasive phenomenon on the European and North American economic and political landscape. In this paper, we extend neo-institutional and stakeholder theory to show how... more
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      MarketingCorporate Social ResponsibilityGlobal WarmingCorporate Strategy
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in North American men. Currently available prognostic factors inadequately predict which cancers will be aggressive and which will lead an indolent course. This study was aimed at investigating... more
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      CancerImmunohistochemistryProstate CancerGene expression
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesFreshwater Fish
Trap nets of varying design are commonly used to assess fish populations, but the effect of the design on gear selectivity is not well known. In particular, it may be advantageous to use multiple net designs with different mesh and throat... more
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      Fisheries SciencesSpecies CompositionNorth American
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      TechnologyPotatoBiological SciencesSeasonality
Boreal forest carbon (C) storage and sequestration is a critical element for global C management and is largely disturbance driven. The disturbance regime can be natural or anthropogenic with varying intensity and frequency that differ... more
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      ForestBoreal ForestWildfireSoil Carbon
To date, no other studies have examined the seasonal changes in circulating levels of various bile acids in the plasma of wild North American black bears, Ursus americanus. Using gas chromatography, bile acid concentrations were measured... more
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      HibernationBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesGas Chromatography
Background: Recent reports indicate that male breast cancer rates are increasing in North America. While there have been numerous large-scale studies examining women's experiences with breast cancer, to date there have been no North... more
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      Breast CancerQualitative ResearchQualitative StudyNorth America
In this chapter, we review empirical evidence for stronger allelopathic effects of exotic European invaders on North American natives than on other European species. We argue that this evidence provides critical insights into the impor-... more
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      CoevolutionExotic SpeciesBiological InvasionNative Plants
We compare quantitatively eight stochastic models explaining improvements in mortality rates in England and Wales and in the United States. On the basis of the Bayes Information Criterion (BIC), we find that, for higher ages, an extension... more
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      Applied MathematicsParameter estimationEngland and WalesMaximum Likelihood
We describe six patients with hepatic carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT1 A) deficiency who are members of a large extended Hutterite kindred living in widely scattered communities in the United States and Canadian Prairies. Two... more
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      GeneticsMolecular GeneticsAdolescentDNA