Biol Invasions (2009) 11:21–45
DOI 10.1007/s10530-008-9318-y
Ecological effects of invasive alien insects
Marc Kenis Æ Marie-Anne Auger-Rozenberg Æ Alain Roques Æ Laura Timms Æ
Christelle Péré Æ Matthew J. W. Cock Æ Josef Settele Æ Sylvie Augustin Æ
Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde
Received: 11 November 2007 / Accepted: 29 February 2008 / Published online: 24 July 2008
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008
Abstract A literature survey identified 403 primary
research publications that investigated the ecological
effects of invasive alien insects and/or the mechanisms underlying these effects. The majority of these
studies were published in the last 8 years and nearly
two-thirds were carried out in North America. These
publications concerned 72 invasive insect species, of
which two ant species, Solenopsis invicta and
Electronic supplementary material The online version of
this article (doi:10.1007/s10530-008-9318-y) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
M. Kenis (&) C. Péré M. J. W. Cock
CABI Europe-Switzerland, 1 Rue des Grillons,
2800 Delemont, Switzerland
[email protected]
M.-A. Auger-Rozenberg A. Roques
S. Augustin C. Lopez-Vaamonde
INRA, Station de Zoologie Forestière,
45166 Olivet, France
L. Timms
Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Canada M5S3B3
C. Péré
University of Neuchâtel, 2009 Neuchatel, Switzerland
J. Settele
Department of Community Ecology, UFZ—Helmholtz
Centre for Environmental Research, 06120 Halle,
Linepithema humile, accounted for 18% and 14% of
the studies, respectively. Most publications investigated effects on native biodiversity at population or
community level. Genetic effects and, to a lesser
extent, effects on ecosystem services and processes
were rarely explored. We review the effects caused
by different insect invaders according to: their
ecosystem roles, i.e. herbivores, predators, parasites,
parasitoids and pollinators; the level of biological
organisation at which they occur; and the direct and
indirect mechanisms underlying these effects. The
best documented effects occur in invasive ants,
Eurasian forest herbivores invasive in North America, and honeybees. Impacts may occur through
simple trophic interactions such as herbivory, predation or parasitism. Alien species may also affect
native species and communities through more complex mechanisms such as competition for resources,
disease transmission, apparent competition, or pollination disruption, among others. Finally, some
invasive insects, particularly forest herbivores and
ants, are known to affect ecosystem processes
through cascading effects. We identify biases and
gaps in our knowledge of ecological effects of
invasive insects and suggest further opportunities
for research.
Keywords Invasive alien species Insect
invasions Ecological effect Ecological impact
Native species Natural communities Predators
Parasitoids Pollinators Review
The threat posed by invasive alien species on biodiversity is widely recognized (Williamson 1996;
Wittenberg and Cock 2001; Pimentel 2002). Although
insects form a large part of the alien fauna worldwide,
invasive alien insects appear to have received disproportionately less attention regarding their effects on
the environment compared to plants, vertebrates, or
aquatic organisms (Parker et al. 1999; Levine et al.
2003; Long 2003). Alien insects can affect native
biodiversity through direct interactions, e.g. a herbivore feeding on a native plant (Jenkins 2003), a
predator or a parasitoid attacking a native prey or host
(Boettner et al. 2000; Snyder and Evans 2006), an
alien species hybridizing with a native species (Jensen
et al. 2005), etc. They can also affect native species
and ecosystems indirectly, through cascading effects,
or through various mechanisms, such as carrying
diseases, competing for food or space or sharing
natural enemies with native species (NRC 2002).
Ecological impact by invasive species can occur at
different levels of biological organisation: genetic
effects; effects on individuals, populations or communities of species; and effects on ecosystem
processes (Parker et al. 1999). It can also occur at
different spatial scales, from microhabitat to landscape (Williamson 1996). Parker et al. (1999)
surveyed for published reports of quantitative data
on impacts by various categories of invasive organisms. The majority focused on population effects and
most studies were carried out in a correlative
manner—e.g. comparing sites before and after invasion, or sites inside and outside the invasion range, but
only a few of these studies used designed experiments
to assess the mechanisms or pathways through which
these impacts occur. For terrestrial invertebrates, they
identified two dozen publications, more than half of
them illustrating population-level effects.
To date, reviews on the ecological effect of invasive
alien insects have been published on particular taxa,
such as ants (Holway et al. 2002), bees (Goulson 2003;
Moritz et al. 2005) and mosquitoes (Juliano and
Lounibos 2005), for specific regions, such as the
Galapagos Islands (Causton et al. 2006), or for
particular impact mechanisms, such as the ecological
impact of generalist predators (Snyder and Evans
2006). This paper provides the first comprehensive
M. Kenis et al.
literature review of the ecological effects of invasive
insects. We first make a general analysis of the
literature presently available on the topic and review
the impacts caused by different invaders according to
their ecosystem roles—herbivores, predators, parasites, parasitoids and pollinators. Within these groups
we analyse ecological effects at different levels of
biological organisation—genetic, population/community and ecosystem—and through different ecological
mechanisms, e.g. herbivory, predation, parasitism,
resource competition, and various indirect mechanisms. We also try to identify gaps in knowledge of
ecological hazards by invasive insects and to stimulate
new approaches to fill these gaps. The study was
carried out as part of the EU project ALARM (Settele
et al. 2005).
Published studies on the ecological impact
of invasive insects
Relevant primary research publications on the ecological effects of invasive alien insects were first
identified by electronic searches in CAB Abstracts
covering the period 1900–2007. Since the terminology
used in the context of invasive species has changed
during this period, the widest possible variety of terms
(e.g. invasive or alien or non-indigenous or exotic;
impact or effect, displacement) were entered in the
search engine, in various combinations. Then the
references in these sources were examined for additional relevant publications. Only papers published
until 2007 were included in the general analysis, but
some relevant papers in press are cited in the text. In a
couple of cases, general publications were included in
the analysis when they described essential unpublished
research. Studies describing the effect on single
individuals without information on the effect at
population level (e.g. an alien parasitoid emerged
from a native species, or an alien herbivore found
attacking an alien plant) were not taken into account,
unless the mortality described in the paper affected a
measurable and significant proportion of the regional
or world population of a native species (e.g. Stiling and
Moon 2001; Fowler 2004). Studies showing negative
results (i.e. no ecological effect) were included. In
contrast, papers on risk assessments or on alien
biological control agents showing a positive effect
Ecological effects of invasive insects
No. of publications
Fig. 1 Number of publications found on primary research
investigating the ecological impact of invasive insects and/or
the mechanisms underlying these impacts, from 1970 to 2007.
Four publications from 1930, 1952, 1961 and 1963 are not
shown in the figure
on the environment, either through the control of a pest
of ecological importance or through pesticide reduction, were excluded. Papers describing a negative
impact of phytosanitary methods implemented to
control invasive insects were also excluded, as well
as those mentioning interference with pests in purely
agricultural systems. Finally, we did not consider in
the analyses the effect of alien species on other alien
species, unless this effect had an indirect consequence
on native biodiversity.
Papers were classified following the biological
organisation level at which the investigated effects
occur (genetic, population/community, and ecosystem) and based on how the effect was quantified: (1)
studies based on field observations, usually comparative studies between invaded and non invaded sites,
or comparing data before and after invasion; (2) field
studies with a significant experimental component,
e.g. exclusion experiments, exposure of sentinel
animals or plants, etc.; (3) laboratory experiments
or mathematical models used to investigate impact
mechanisms. Studies of the third type were included
in the database only when they were based on field
data showing or suggesting that impact by the
invasive insect already occurs. The identity of
the invasive species, the year of publication and the
continent/region in which the study was carried out
were also included in the database.
A total of 403 primary research papers were
identified that investigate the ecological effect of
invasive insects and/or the mechanisms underlying
these effects (See electronic Appendix A available on
the Biological Invasions web site). Although these
represent only a fraction of the publications available,
we believe that they are a representative sample of
the published literature on the topic. Nearly 60% of
the papers were published in the last 8 years, even
though many of the alien insects were introduced
several decades earlier (Fig. 1). Few papers on
invasive alien insects published before the 1990s
were included in our analyses because, in most cases,
earlier papers described damage on individuals,
economic injuries or anecdotal observations on
ecological effects, but did not provide reliable and
measurable data on the effects on native populations,
communities and ecosystem processes. This suggests
that the ecological impact of insects is a relatively
new area of research, or that the ecological effects of
invasive alien insects were of little concern until
recently, and we can expect that much more information on impacts and impact mechanisms will
become available in the next few years. About 62%
of the studies were carried out in North America,
followed by Oceanic Islands (13%) and Australia/
New Zealand (8%) (Fig. 2). Only a few studies were
conducted in the other continents Vilá et al. (2006)
M. Kenis et al.
Oceanic Islands
South and Central America
North America
Australia/New Zealand
No. of publications
Fig. 2 Number of publications found on primary research
investigating the ecological impact of invasive insects and/or
the mechanisms underlying these impacts, from different
continents and regions. Oceanic Islands includes islands from
all oceans and of less than 20,000 km2
found a similar pattern for plants. They showed that
59% and 21% of studies assessing the ecological
effects of invasive plants were carried out in North
America and Oceania, respectively. This discrepancy
in the number of studies on the effect of invasive
species between regions and continents probably
reflects the higher incidence of invasive species
usually observed in Oceanic islands, Oceania, and
North America compared to other regions (Simberloff 1986; Niemelä and Mattson 1996; Pimentel
2002). However, literature searches being usually
made in English and references in other languages
being generally under-represented in peer-reviewed
literature, a bias towards English-speaking countries
cannot be ruled out.
Only nine of these 403 publications describe
investigations on genetic effects. Publications on
the effect of invasive insects on ecosystem processes
are more numerous (25 publications), but concern
nearly exclusively ants (e.g. Solenopsis invicta
Buren) and, especially, forest herbivores in North
America (e.g. Adelges tsugae Annand and Lymantria
dispar (L.)). Most studies analyse effects at the
population or community level. Effects were most
commonly assessed or studied through field comparisons of populations in invaded and non-invaded
areas (224 publications), but field studies involving
an experimental component were more frequent than
previously expected (106 publications). Laboratory
experiments (104 publications) concern mainly intraguild predation tests with the invasive predators.
Parker et al. (1999) also observed that population
level effects are by far the most commonly documented ecological effects for invasive terrestrial
invertebrates, as for all other taxonomic groups.
Impact studies were found for 72 invasive insect
species and evidence for ecological effects in the field
was found for 54 of them (Table 1). Two ant species,
S. invicta and Linepithema humile (Mayr), account
for 18% and 14% of the studies, respectively. Other
extensively studied species include the honey bee
Apis mellifera L.(7%), three Eurasian forest pests
introduced into North America, L. dispar (6%),
Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg) (5%) and A. tsugae
(5%), and a biological control agent, the Asian
ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (6%). All
together, invasive ants were the target of 41% of
the studies, other predators 19%, parasitoids and
parasites 6%, herbivores 24% and pollinators 10%
(Fig. 3).
Genetic effects
Hybridization between invasive and native species
may be of major concern because of the disturbances
it can induce in native genetic resources (Huxel 1999;
Mallet 2005). Hybridization has been well documented in vertebrates and plants and, in several cases,
has been shown to have a strong negative impact on
native species (Rhymer and Simberloff 1996; Vilà
et al. 2000, 2006; Long 2003). In contrast, genetic
impacts related to invasions of insects and other
terrestrial invertebrates remain largely unexplored.
Indeed, most studies focused on the genetic structure
of insect invaders (Tsutsui and Case 2001; Lee 2002),
especially with the aim of tracing their origin
(Scheffer and Grissell 2003; Grapputo et al. 2005;
Havill et al. 2006). No case of horizontal gene
transfer is reported except in some laboratory tests
(Labrador et al. 1999) and good examples of interspecific hybridization are scarce, and mainly concern
laboratory experiments, e.g. with bumblebees
(Mitsuhata and Ono 1996). More examples concern
hybridization between native and introduced bees and
bumblebee subspecies. The shipment of vast numbers
of non-native honeybees and bumblebees throughout
the world has already resulted in noticeable genetic
effects. The massive introduction in north-western
Europe of two subspecies of A. mellifera originating
from southern Europe, A. m. ligustica S. and
No. of publications
Ecological effect
found in the field
Country or region where
the effect occurs
Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg) (Hem.: Adelgidae)
North America
Adelges tsugae (Annand) (Hem.: Adelgidae)
Andricus corruptrix (Schlechtendal) (Hym.: Cynipidae)
Andricus kollari (Hartig) (Hym.: Cynipidae)
Andricus lignicola (Hartig) (Hym.: Cynipidae)
Andricus quercuscalicis (Burgsdorf) (Hym.: Cynipidae)
Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hem.: Aleyrodidae)
China, Australia
Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lep.: Pyralidae)
South Africa
Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lep.: Pyralidae)
Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isopt.: Rhinotermitidae)
Cryptococcus fagisuga Lindinger (Hem.: Eriococcidae)
Drosophila subobscura Collin (Dipt.: Drosophilidae)
Elatobium abietinum (Walker) (Hem.: Aphididae)
Erythroneura variabilis Beamer (Hem.: Ciccadellidae)
Homalodisca coagulata (Say) (Hem.: Ciccadellidae)
French Polynesia
Icerya purchasi Maskell (Hem.: Margarotidae)
Larinus planus (F.) (Col.: Curculionidae)
Lipara sp. (Dipt.: Chloropidae)
Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lep.: Lymantridae)
Nezara viridula (L.) (Hem.: Pentatomidae)
Orthezia insignis Browne (Hem.: Ortheziidae)
St. Helena
Pieris rapae (L.) (Lep.: Pieridae)
Pineus boerneri Annand (Hem.: Adelgidae)
Rhinocyllus conicus (Froelich) (Col.: Curculionidae)
Urophora affinis (Frauenfeld) (Dipt.: Tephritidae)
Urophora quadrifasciata (Meigen) (Dipt.: Tephritidae)
Zizina labradus (Godart) (Lep.: Lycaenidae)
New Zealand
Penicillaria jocosatrix Genée (Lep.: Noctuidae)
Ecological effects of invasive insects
Table 1 Non exhaustive list of invasive alien insects for which primary research publications were found that describe investigations on their ecological effects at various levels
of biological organisation
Table 1 continued
No. of publications
Ecological effect
found in the field
Country or region where
the effect occurs
Anoplolepis gracilipes (Fr. Smith) (Hym.: Formicidae)
Several tropical islands, India
Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hym.: Formicidae)
USA, Southern Europe, South
Africa, Pacific Islands, Japan
Paratrechina fulva (Mayr) (Hym.: Formicidae)
Pheidole megacephala (F.) (Hym.: Formicidae)
Australia, Hawaii, Fiji, Mexico
Solenopsis geminata (F.) (Hym.: Formicidae)
Australia, Polynesia, Galapagos
Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hym.: Formicidae)
Solenopsis wagneri Santschi (Hym.: Formicidae)
Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger) (Hym.: Formicidae)
New Caledonia, Gabon, Galapagos
Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Col.: Coccinellidae)
Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Dipt.: Culicidae)
Other predators and detritivores
Lab onlyc
Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy (Dipt.: Calliphoridae)
Cicindelidia trifasciata (F.) (Col.: Carabidae)
Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) (Dipt.: Calliphoridae)
Chrysomya putoria (Wied.) (Dipt: Calliphoridae)
Lab onlyc
Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) (Dipt: Calliphoridae)
Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col.: Coccinellidae)
Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Dipt.: Culicidae)
Hawaii, New Zealand
Forficula auricularia L. (Derm.: Forficulidae)
Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Col.: Cocinellidae)
Limnophyes minimus (Meigen) (Dipt.: Chironomidae)
North America
Marion Island
Propylea quatuordecimpunctata (L.) (Col.: Coccinellidae)
Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) (Col.: Carabidae)
Tenodera sinensis Saussure (Orth.: Mantidae)
Trechus obtusus Erichson (Col.: Carabidae)
Vespula germanica (F.) (Hym.: Vespidae)
Vespula vulgaris (L.) (Hym.: Vespidae)
New Zealand
New Zealand
M. Kenis et al.
Oopterus soledadinus (Guérin-Méneville) (Col.: Carabidae)
Polistes dominulus (Christ) (Hym.: Vespidae)
No. of publications
Ecological effect
found in the field
Country or region where
the effect occurs
Aphidius ervi (Haliday) (Hym.: Braconidae)
Bessa remota (Aldrich) (Dipt.: Tachinidae)
Cales noaki Howard (Hym.: Aphelinidae)
Compsilura concinnata (Meigen) (Dipt.: Tachinidae)
Cotesia glomerata (L.) (Hym.: Braconidae)
Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hym.: Braconidae)
Microctonus aethiopoides Loan (Hym.: Braconidae)
Lab only
Philornis downsi Dodge & Aitken (Dipt.: Muscidae)
Pteromalus puparum (L.) (Hym.: Pteromalidae)
Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hym.: Torymidae)
Trichopoda pilipes (F.) (Dipt.: Tachinidae)
Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hym.: Scelionidae)
Ecological effects of invasive insects
Table 1 continued
Apis mellifera L. (Hym.: Apidae)
Bombus terrestris (L.) (Hym.: Apidae)
Megachile apicalis Spinola (Hym.: Apidae)
Megachile rotundata (F.) (Hym.: Apidae)
All references are cited in the electronic Appendix A. Criteria for being included in the list are described in the text
Level of biological organisation at which effects were found in the field. G = Genetic effects; P = Effect on Populations or communities; E = Effects on ecosystem processes
Only in association with other Coccinellidae
Effects found in laboratory experiments or using mathematical models, but good evidences for effects in the field are still lacking
Genetic effect (hybridization) speculated but not proved
M. Kenis et al.
Other predators*
Invasive ants
No. of publications
Fig. 3 Number of publications on primary research investigating the ecological effects of invasive alien insects belonging
to different functional groups. * ‘‘Other predators’’ also include
A. m. carnica Pollmann, has caused large-scale gene
flow and introgression between these subspecies and
the native black honeybee, A. m. mellifera (Jensen
et al. 2005), whose native populations are now
threatened in north-west Europe (Goulson 2003)
and in the Canary islands (De La Rùa et al. 2002).
A similar problem exists with bumblebee subspecies,
Bombus terrestris dalmatinus Dalle Torre and
B. t. sassaricus Tournier, originating from the Middle East and Sardinia respectively, which have been
introduced in vast numbers worldwide as managed
pollinators of glasshouse crops. Indeed, there is a real
risk that commercial and native subspecies will
hybridize (Ings et al. 2005a, b). Even if growers are
advised to prevent the escape of sexuals (queens and
males) that could interbreed with native bumblebees,
this measure might not be enough since workers can
successfully produce males (by arrhenotokous parthenogenesis) by invading congener colonies (LopezVaamonde et al. 2004). However, suitable molecular
markers still need to be identified to genetically
characterize B. terrestris subspecies and to identify
evidence for recent hybridization.
Other cases of hybridization between native and
invasive species or subspecies are rather speculative,
since they have not been confirmed by proper genetic
studies. A frequently cited example is the Australian
lycaenid butterfly Zizina labradus (Godart), which has
apparently displaced the endemic Z. oxleyi (Felder) in
several regions in New Zealand (Barlow and Goldson
2002). Hybridization is the most likely mechanism
responsible for the displacement because the two
species—often regarded as sub-species—interbreed
freely at sites where they still occur sympatrically
(Gibbs 1980, 1987). However, other impact mechanisms such as competition for resources or indirect
competition through shared natural enemies cannot be
ruled out. Interestingly, hybridization was also suspected to be the cause of the observed displacement of
the native Torymus beneficus Yasumatsu and Kamijo
by the introduced Torymus sinensis Kamijo, hymenopteran parasitoids of the chestnut gall wasp,
Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, in Japan (Yara
2006). However, recent molecular studies revealed
that hybridization between the two species in the field
was marginal and, thus, was probably not playing a
significant role in the displacement of the native
species (Yara et al. 2007).
Due to the limited number of studies, the question
of whether genetic risks, especially hybridization, due
to invasive populations are weak or just underestimated in insects remains open. Further research is
badly needed, in particular the molecular quantification of gene flow between introduced and native
Ecological effects due to herbivores
Direct effect on native plant populations
Alien invertebrate herbivores can be particularly
harmful to native plant populations, sometimes
driving them to local extinction. However, most
publications reporting ecological effects of alien
herbivores do not properly quantify these effects.
The best documented effects of invasive invertebrate
herbivores are undoubtedly those caused by forest
insects. North America has been particularly affected
by invasive forest insects from Eurasia. For example
the balsam woolly adelgid, A. piceae, and the hemlock woolly adelgid, A. tsugae, are threatening
unique forest ecosystems in eastern North America
by killing Fraser fir (Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir) and
Eastern and Carolina hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.)
Carr. and T. caroliniana Engelm.) on a large scale, so
that they are gradually replaced by other tree species
(e.g. Smith and Nicholas 2000; Jenkins 2003; Small
et al. 2005; Weckel et al. 2006). In particular,
A. tsugae poses a major threat to the viability of
Carolina hemlock, a rare endemic tree species in the
Appalachian Mountains. Since its accidental
Ecological effects of invasive insects
introduction from Europe to North America in the
nineteenth century, the gypsy moth, L. dispar, has
become the main pest of broadleaved trees in Eastern
North America. Repeated defoliation may lead to
severe tree mortality, particularly in oak (Quercus
spp.) stands (Kegg 1971; Allen and Bowersox 1989;
Liebhold et al. 1995; Fajvan and Wood 1996). Other
examples of Eurasian insects causing serious concern
for North American tree species include the spruce
aphid, Elatobium abietinum (Walker), threatening
Engelmann spruce, Picea engelmannii Parry ex.
Engelm. (Lynch 2004), and the newly introduced
emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire,
which, in a few years, has already killed 15 million
ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) (Poland and McCullough
Endemic flora on islands are particularly vulnerable to herbivore invasions. In St Helena, the scale
insect Orthezia insignis Browne was in the process of
pushing the endemic gumwood, Commidendrum
robustum (Roxb.), to extinction when a successful
biological control programme was implemented
(Fowler 2004). Similarly, in the Galapagos, another
scale, Iceria purchasi Maskell, has severely affected
populations of endangered plants (Roque-Albelo
2003). Here again the introduction of its natural
enemy, Rhodolia cardinalis Mulsant, clearly mitigated its effect. Sometimes, biological control agents
introduced against exotic weeds may have an adverse
effect on native plants. The weevil Rhinocyllus
conicus (Frölich), introduced in North America to
control the exotic weed nodding thistle, Carduus
nutans L., now feeds on many native thistles
including the endangered Pitcher’s thistle (Cirsium
pitcheri (Torr. ex Eaton) Torr. & A. Gray), significantly reducing the seed production of native thistles
(e.g. Louda et al. 1997, 2005; Russel and Louda
2005). Native thistles, in particular Tracy’s thistle,
Cirsium undulatum var. tracyi (Rydb.) Welsh, are
also threatened by another European weevil, Larinus
planus (F.) accidentally introduced in North America
but deliberately distributed within the continent as a
biological control agent (Louda and O’Brien 2002).
The cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg), was
introduced to the Caribbean to successfully control
prickly pear cacti, Opuntia spp., in 1956. In 1989, it
was found in Florida, where it is now threatening the
survival of already endangered indigenous Opuntia
species (Stiling and Moon 2001; Stiling et al. 2004).
It is also spreading along the coast towards Mexico,
an important centre of diversity and endemism for
Opuntia spp., where some species are also of
significant economic importance (Perez-Sandi 2001).
Indirect effects on native plant communities
By killing and reducing host plant populations,
invasive herbivores also indirectly affect populations
of other native plant species and native plant
communities. Defoliation by L. dispar can cause a
major shift in tree species in North America, either
directly through tree mortality (Allen and Bowersox
1989; Fajvan and Wood 1996) or via seed failures
and mortality of oak seedlings (Gottschalk 1990).
The dramatic mortality observed in Fraser fir and
Eastern hemlock due to Adelges spp. has totally
altered forest plant communities in these forest
ecosystems (Jenkins 2003; Eschtruth et al. 2006;
Weckel et al. 2006). Busing and Pauley (1994)
showed that the loss of Fraser fir due to A. piceae
has increased wind exposure and, consequently,
mortality of remaining canopy trees, in particular
red spruce, Picea rubens Sarg.
Indirect effects on native fauna
Invasive herbivores may affect populations and
communities of native herbivores by competing for
the same resource, although mechanisms underlying
competition are not always fully understood (Reitz
and Trumble 2002). An Asian adelgid, Pineus
boerneri Annand, has been shown to be competitively superior and to displace a native congener,
P. coloradensis (Gilette) in red pine (Pinus resinosa
Aiton) plantations in Eastern USA, probably by
reducing host plant quality and forcing P. coloradensis to less suitable sites (McClure 1984, 1989). The
European weevil R. conicus, feeding on flowerheads
of native thistles in North America, significantly
decreases the density of native tephritid flies, which
also feed on the flowerheads, at high weevil density
(Louda et al. 1997). The scale insect I. purchasi, by
killing endangered plants in the Galapagos, has also
caused local extinctions of host-specific Lepidoptera
(Roque-Albelo 2003). Fabre et al. (2004) suspect
resource competition between native and exotic seed
chalcids of the genus Megastigmus spp. in Europe,
and displacement of the native species. The African
stem borer Busseola fusca (Fuller) seems to be
displaced from grain sorghum fields by the Asian
stem borer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Kfir 1997),
perhaps because the native species is deterred by the
invasive species, or because of differences in their
phenology. Oak defoliation by gypsy moth, L. dispar,
may negatively affect populations of the northern
tiger swallowtail, Papilio canadensis Rothschild &
Jordan. Adult female swallowtails are incapable of
distinguishing between damaged and undamaged
leaves and laboratory experiments showed that defoliation by gypsy moths depressed swallowtail growth
rate and survival (Redman and Scriber 2000).
An invasive herbivore can also displace other
indigenous species via behavioural interference. A
striking example is the rampant invasion of biotype B
of the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). This biotype is one of the world’s most
damaging agricultural pests and has displaced two
indigenous biotypes of this species because invading
males interfere with mating by native males and
invading females produce more female offspring (Liu
et al. 2007).
Biological control may provide an opportunity to
confirm competitive displacement a posteriori. For
example, the displacement of native Lepidoptera by
the exotic noctuid moth Penicillaria jocosatrix Guenée in Guam was confirmed by a successful
biological control program against P. jocosatrix,
which allowed the native species to recover
(Schreiner and Nafus 1993).
Invasive herbivores do not only affect closelyrelated species. The disturbance of Fraser fir forests
by the balsam woolly aphid has had a detrimental
effect on local birds, 10 out of 11 species declining,
and six species by more than 50% (Rabenold et al.
1998). Similarly, the decline of eastern hemlock due
to A. tsugae in North America strongly affects bird
species composition (Tingley et al. 2002) and also
has an effect on salamander populations (Brooks
2001), and on deer survival through modifications in
forest microclimates (Lishawa et al. 2007). The
indirect consequences of L. dispar outbreaks on
native birds, have been extensively studied (e.g. Bell
and Whitmore 2000; Gale et al. 2001). However, in
contrast to Adelges spp., defoliations by L. dispar
induced only temporary changes to bird populations
and communities, probably because the general
impact on the dominant tree species is less dramatic
M. Kenis et al.
for L. dispar than for the two adelgids. Interestingly,
Thurber et al. (1994) observed that nests in sites
defoliated by L. dispar suffered a higher predation
rate than did those in non-defoliated sites.
Finally, invasive species may also affect native
predators through intoxication. The glassy-winged
sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulate (Say), has
recently invaded islands of French Polynesia, where
it represents a poisonous prey for native spiders
(Suttle and Hoddle 2006). Laboratory experiments
showed that H. coagulata can be lethal for two native
spider species, and preliminary field surveys suggest
that the invasive species may already have adversely
affected an endemic spider population on at least one
Indirect impact as vectors of plant and insect
Invasive herbivores may affect native plants by
transmitting or facilitating diseases. The European
elm bark beetle, Scolytus multistriatus (Marsham) is
the vector of the infamous Dutch elm disease,
Ophiostoma ulmi (Buisman) Nannf., and O. noviulmi (Brasier) in North America (Brasier 2000). The
European beech scale, Cryptococcus fagisuga Lindinger is associated with the fungus, Neonectria
faginata (Lohman et al.) Castl. & Rossman, to cause
beech bark disease, which devastates American beech
(Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) in North America (Houston
1994; Morin et al. 2007). The insects themselves are
relatively minor pests, but the related diseases have a
tremendous impact on North American forest species
and ecosystems.
Non native insects may also affect native insects
by transmitting diseases. An interesting case is the
extinction of the Madeiran large white, Pieris brassicae wollastoni Butler. This remarkable endemic
disappeared a few years after the introduction in
Madeira of the congeneric pest species, Pieris rapae
(L.), which is now one of the most abundant
butterflies in the island (Wakeham-Dawson et al.
2002; Aguiar-Franquinho and Karsholt 2006). Gardiner (2003) suggests that the introduction of P. rapae
brought a different strain of the granulosis virus for
which P. brassicae wollastoni had no resistance,
which in turn lead to the sharp decline and ultimate
extinction of this island endemic.
Ecological effects of invasive insects
Indirect effects through apparent competition
Apparent competition occurs when the presence of
one species indirectly decreases the fitness of another
through the increased presence of a shared enemy
(Holt 1977). Very few studies have investigated such
interactions in invertebrates, and fewer still in the
context of invasive insects. The earliest of these
studies investigated the correlation between invasion
of the variegated leafhopper, Erythroneura variabilis
Beamer, and decreases in populations of a congeneric
native grape leafhopper, E. elegantula Osborn, in
California vineyards (Settle and Wilson 1990). Field
experiments and collections revealed that although
neither species was superior in direct competition,
declines in E. elegantula populations were correlated
with increased levels of parasitism by a native
mymarid wasp, Anagrus epos Girault, in the presence
of E. variabilis.
The invasion of L. dispar in North America has
provided numerous possibilities for apparent competition with native species. Efforts to biologically
control the gypsy moth have led to the introduction of
over 60 species of parasitoids from Europe and Asia.
Many of the natural enemies found attacking gypsy
moth in North America are generalist parasitoids of
Lepidoptera. These include the polyphagous tachinid
fly Compsilura concinnata (Meigen), which has been
implicated in the decline of several endangered
saturniid moths (Boettner et al. 2000) (see section
on parasitoids below). Redman and Scriber (2000)
also investigated the effect of gypsy moth on native
northern tiger swallowtails, P. canadensis, through a
suite of indirect interactions. Although they did not
examine the competitive interactions between the two
species in the absence of shared enemies, they did
find that parasitism rates of the native caterpillar
more than doubled in the presence of the gypsy moth
(Redman and Scriber 2000). Gypsy moth outbreaks
also favour a generalist predator, the white-footed
mouse, resulting in an increase in tick populations
and in the incidence of Lyme disease (Jones et al.
Some studies failed to observe apparent competition between invasive and native insects. Schönrogge
and Crawley (2000) used quantitative linkage webs to
investigate the effect of alien cynipid gall wasps on
native gall wasps in the UK through shared native
parasitoids and inquilines. They concluded that the
recruitment of parasitoids and inquilines by the
invading species was unlikely to have a strong effect
on the native species because the native parasitoids
did not exhibit strong responses to the invasive
wasps. In other cases, shared natural enemies
between an invasive and a native species may favour
the latter. In North America, Hoogendoorn and
Heimpel (2002) compared parasitism rates in an
invasive ladybeetle, H. axyridis, and a native ladybeetle, Coleomegilla maculata (DeGeer), by a native
braconid wasp, Dinocampus coccinellae (Schrank).
They used parasitism rates from field collections and
a calculated measure of host susceptibility from lab
trials to parameterize a model of parasitoid-mediated
interactions between the two species. Hoogendoorn
and Heimpel (2002) concluded that invasion by
H. axyridis may actually be beneficial to C. maculata
because limited susceptibility of the invader to
D. coccinellae can allow it to act as an ‘egg sink’,
reducing the abundance of the parasitoid in the
Effects on ecosystem processes
Good studies on the effect of invasive insects on
ecosystem processes are rare and most examples
concern the effect of herbivores on forest ecosystems
through tree defoliation or mortality. Effects on North
American oak forests by L. dispar defoliation have
been extensively investigated (see review in Lovett
et al. 2002, 2006). Defoliation decreases transpiration, tree growth and seed production and increases
tree mortality, light penetration to the forest floor and
water drainage. It alters tree species composition and
consequently, faunistic composition. It may also alter
carbon allocation and nitrogen cycling, which may
have consequences such as acidification of stream
Adelges tsugae provides another example of a
forest insect for which the impact on ecosystem
processes has been well studied. A major effect of
Eastern hemlock mortality caused by the adelgid is a
dramatic increase in inorganic N availability and
nitrification rates, resulting in nitrate leaching in
regions experiencing adelgid infestations (Jenkins
et al. 1999; Kizlinski et al. 2002). Yorks et al.
(2003) made similar observations when girdling trees
to simulate an adelgid attack. Stadler et al. (2005)
showed that infestations by adelgids increased the
presence of bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungi in
the canopy, and strongly altered the chemistry,
quantity and spatial pattern of throughfall. Tree
mortality due to the adelgid may also modify forest
floor microclimate (Cobb et al. 2006; Lishawa et al.
2007) and hydrologic processes (Ford and Vose
2007). Other invasive forest insects such as A. piceae,
C. fagisuga (and its associated fungus N. coccinea
var. faginata), E. abietinum and A. planipennis are
probably responsible for serious changes in forest
ecosystems because they kill important tree species on
a large scale, but the precise impacts, as well as
the processes underlying these impacts, are largely
Ecological effects due to predators
and detritivores
Effects on native animal populations
Many studies show that invasive predatory insects
displace native species, but most fail to identify the
mechanism behind displacement (Reitz and Trumble
2002). This can be caused by extensive direct predation, exploitative competition for food or space,
relative immunity from shared natural enemies or a
disruptive mating system (see review in Snyder and
Evans 2006). Many invasive predators are especially
detrimental to related native predators. For example,
H. axyridis, and the European seven-spotted ladybird,
Coccinella septempunctata L., are both strongly
suspected to displace other aphidophagous ladybirds
in various agricultural environments in North America
(e.g. Elliott et al. 1996; Brown and Miller 1998;
Colunga-Garcia and Gage 1998; Michaud 2002; Evans
2004). But it is not clear whether the main mechanism
of displacement is predation on native coccinellids or
local depletion of aphids. Several laboratory experiments showed that larvae of H. axyridis and, to a lesser
extent, C. septempunctata, are aggressive intraguild
predators and will successfully prey on immature
stages of most indigenous ladybirds (e.g. Burgio et al.
2002; Snyder et al. 2004; Yasuda et al. 2004; Ware
and Majerus 2008). In contrast, there are few studies
that investigate the more complex mechanism of
displacement of native ladybirds by food depletion.
Those who did include the factor of food availability in
laboratory competition tests (e.g. Obrycki et al. 1998)
M. Kenis et al.
failed to reach firm conclusions regarding the mechanisms involved in the displacement. Both invasive
ladybirds have a particularly broad diet, allowing them
to persist at sites where aphid density is low and purely
aphidophagous species have left (Michaud 2002;
Evans 2004). Invasive ladybirds are not only detrimental to other ladybirds. A recent study (Mizell 2007)
showed that the invasion of H. axyridis also dramatically reduced other groups of aphid predators and
parasitoids in pecan and crape myrtle.
Among predatory insects, alien ants show the
highest and best documented records of ecological
damage on the native fauna. The most dramatic
impacts of invasive ants occur when native ants are
displaced through resource competition or direct
predation. But other invertebrates or even vertebrates
may also be displaced through the same mechanisms.
Only some examples are given here. More can be
found in Holway et al. (2002). The red imported fire
ant, S. invicta, is probably the invasive insect which
has received the most attention for its impact on
native biodiversity. Originating from South America,
it has invaded southern North America, where it
threatens several arthropods, molluscs, reptiles, birds,
amphibians, and mammals (e.g. Porter and Savignano
1990; Vinson 1997; Allen et al. 1997, 2000, 2001;
Forys et al. 2001; Morrison 2002). It also attacks
beneficial insects such as parasitoids and predators
(Eubanks et al. 2002; Ness 2003). The argentine ant,
L. humile, has invaded most continents and is known
to displace native ants, other arthropods, birds, lizards
and mammals through a variety of mechanisms such
as predation, by competition for nesting sites or by
tending arthropods and plants (e.g. Human and
Gordon 1996, 1997; Laakkonen et al. 2001; Gómez
and Oliveras 2003; Carpintero et al. 2005; Suarez
et al. 2005; Lach 2007, 2008). The crazy ant,
Anoplolepis gracilipes (Jerdon), greatly reduces
populations of red land crab on Christmas Island
(O’Dowd et al. 2003), ants and other invertebrate
species in Tokelau (Lester and Tavite 2004; Sarty
et al. 2007), many invertebrates in the Seychelles
(Hill et al. 2003; Gerlach 2004) and, in conjunction
with the big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala (F.),
excludes native spiders in the genus Tetragnatha
from native and disturbed forests in Hawaii (Gillespie
and Reimer 1993). Pheidole megacephala is also
introduced in northern Australia, where it displaces
native ants and other invertebrates (Hoffmann et al.
Ecological effects of invasive insects
1999; Hoffmann and Parr 2008) in Florida, where it
may pose a threat to native fauna, including sea turtle
and sea bird nestlings (Wetterer and O’Hara 2002),
and in Mexico, where it has a negative effect on
termite populations (Dejean et al. 2007). The little
fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger), and the
tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (F.), reduce the
diversity and abundance of invertebrates, birds and
reptiles in the Galapagos (Causton et al. 2006).
Wasmannia auropunctata is also present in Central
Africa, where it is known to displace native ants
(Walker 2006) and in New Caledonia, where it has a
negative effect on populations of native arthropods
and lizards (Jourdan 1997; Jourdan et al. 2001).
Finally, the crazy ant Paratrechina fulva (Mayr),
introduced in Colombia for the control of leaf-cutting
ants and poisonous snakes, is now threatening local
biodiversity, in particular soil insects, snakes and
lizards (de Zenner-Polania and Wilches 1992). In
some cases, however, climatic requirements may
limit the impact of invasive ants and other species.
For example, after 150 or more years of residence in
Madeira, P. megacephala and L. humile occupy only
a small part of the island and appear to have little
impact. Most of the island may be too cool for
P. megacephala and too moist for L. humile, which
are excluded by a dominant, better adapted native ant,
Lasius grandis Forel (Wetterer et al. 2006).
Although most of these impacts on the native
fauna were investigated by comparing infested and
uninfested areas, quite a few used experimental
designs, for example by using poisonous baits, hot
water or sticky barriers to exclude the invasive
species (Allen et al. 2001; King and Tschinkel 2006;
Lach 2007), food baits to assess the importance of
resource competition (Sarty et al. 2007) or artificial
nests to assess predation on birds (Suarez et al. 2005).
Social wasps can also be particularly damaging
for both native wasp species and other indigenous
species. European wasps, Vespula germanica (F.) and
V. vulgaris (L.), have invaded New Zealand beech
forests where they prey on vulnerable native invertebrates and strongly compete with rare birds and
invertebrates for food (Beggs 2001). Vespula germanica is also invasive in Australia, where it is suspected
of outcompeting the native paper wasp Polistes
humilis (F.) because of its broader diet (Kasper et al.
2004). Another paper wasp, Polistes versicolor
(Olivier) is considered as highly invasive in the
Galapagos. It is estimated to prey on 17–154 g insects
per ha per day, mainly Lepidoptera, therefore competing for food with finches and other arthropod predators
(Parent 2000, in Causton et al. 2006). A congeneric
species, the European Polistes dominulus (Christ) has
invaded North America where it may be competing
with the native Polistes fuscatus (F.). Although
displacement has not yet been proven, several studies
showed that the invasive species is competitively
superior to the native species (Gamboa et al. 2002;
Armstrong and Stamp 2003; Curtis et al. 2005).
Invasive mosquitoes have the potential to affect
populations of native mosquitoes by various mechanisms. However, the only well illustrated cases of
displacement are between two invasive species,
particularly Aedes albopictus (Skuse) displacing
A. aegypti (L.) in various regions (see Juliano and
Lounibos 2005, for review). For example Juliano
(1998) investigated the competitive interactions
between A. albopictus, recent invader in Florida,
and A. aegypti, the previously resident invader,
which had been shown to be displaced by A. albopictus in some environments and not others (Juliano
et al. 2004). Juliano (1998) used field and lab
experiments to test both the effects of shared
parasites, Ascogregarina sp., and interspecific competition on mosquito communities. His results show
that A. albopictus was a superior competitor in the
absence of the parasite, and that its rate of parasite
infection in the field was actually higher than that
found in A. aegypti. The variation in the outcome of
the interaction between the two mosquitoes was
attributed to differences in habitat suitability. Juliano
(1998) concluded that, when it occurred, direct
competition was the mechanism driving the replacement of A. aegypti by A. albopictus.
Displacements of native mosquito species have
been less extensively studied. The invasive Culex
quinquefasciatus Say may have displaced the native
Culex tarsalis Coquillett in California through competition for resource and by degrading larval breeding
sites (Smith et al. 1995). A laboratory experiment
showed that C. quinquefasciatus displaces C. tarsalis
in laboratory cages within a single generation (Smith
et al. 1995). Carrieri et al. (2003) carried out laboratory experiments to investigate potential competitive
interactions between A. albopictus and the native
mosquito Culex pipiens L. in Italy. They found
evidence that A. albopictus is superior in resource
competition with C. pipiens but, to date, the displacement of C. pipiens has not been demonstrated in the
field. Similarly, although laboratory experiments
consistently showed that the invasive A. albopictus
was competitively superior to the native North
American Ochlerotata triseriatus (Say), there is no
evidence for decline of O. triseriatus in the field
(Lounibos et al. 2001). In some cases, extensive
research programmes on abundant invasive predators
fail to show a significant effect on the native fauna, as
for the European carabid beetle Pterostichus melanarius Illiger, invasive but apparently harmless for
native carabid populations in North America
(Niemelä and Spence 1991; Niemelä et al. 1997).
Several calliphorid blow flies have been introduced from the Old World to the Americas. While
some are strictly saprophagous species feeding
mainly on carrion, at least two species, Chrysomya
albiceps (Wiedemann) and C. rufifacies (Maquart),
are facultative predators on other maggots. Both
species are displacing native flies, in particular the
American species Cochliomyia macellaria (F.), in
both field and laboratory experiments (Wells and
Greenberg 1992; Wells and Kurahashi 1997; Del
Bianco Faria et al. 1999). Interestingly, laboratory
experiments showed that Old World species having
co-evolved with the predatory species are more
resistant to predation than C. macellaria (Wells and
Kurahashi 1997; Del Bianco Faria et al. 1999).
Effects as vectors of animal diseases
Several invasive mosquitoes are vectors of various
animal and human diseases (Juliano and Lounibos
2005). Some of them have severe consequences for
biodiversity. For example, invasive Culex spp. are
responsible for the transmission of avian malaria that
devastates endemic bird populations in Hawaii, particularly at low elevations (Van Riper 1991; Atkinson
et al. 1995; Woodworth et al. 2005). In New Zealand,
Tompkins and Gleeson (2006) found a correlation
between the distribution of the invasive C. quinquefasciatus and the occurrence of avian malaria.
Indirect effects on plant communities
and ecosystem processes
Predators having a significant effect on native species
may also indirectly affect plant communities and
M. Kenis et al.
ecosystem processes through cascading effects. Well
described cascading effects by invasive predators are
rare, except for some invasive ants. For example, the
yellow crazy ant, A. gracilipes, has caused a rapid,
catastrophic shift in the rain forest ecosystem of
Christmas Island by greatly reducing populations of
the red land crab, which is the main endemic
consumer of the forest floor (O’Dowd et al. 2003).
The displacement of crab populations results in
slower litter breakdown, followed by a release of
seedling recruitment and an increase in tree and shrub
species richness. Furthermore, new associations
between the alien ant and scale insects have led to
tree dieback and changes in tree community composition. Similar observations were made in other parts
of the world where A. gracilipes has been introduced,
such as in the Seychelles, where it developed an
association with scale insects resulting in tree mortality (Hill et al. 2003).
The invasion of the argentine ant, L. humile, in
many parts of the world has disturbed seed dispersal
through the displacement of myrmecochorous ants
(Christian 2001; Carney et al. 2003; Gómez and
Oliveras 2003; Gómez et al. 2003; Witt et al. 2004).
It is also known to reduce fruit-set and seed set of
some native plants (Blancafort and Gómez 2005).
Lach (2007, 2008) observed that L. humile displaces
floral arthropods, including pollinators, on various
plants of the South African fynbos, but this decline
had no detectable effect on seed sets. In addition, the
argentine ant is strongly suspected to affect soil
chemistry, turnover and erosion. Nest building and
foraging activities of the red imported fire ant,
S. invicta, affect physical and chemical soil properties and strongly enhances plant growth though the
increase of NH4+ (Lafleur et al. 2005). In general, the
importance of ecosystem process effects in invasive
ants is largely unknown and deserves further studies
(Folgarait 1998; Holway et al. 2002).
The Chinese mantis, Tenodera sinensis (Sauss.), in
North America provides another interesting case of a
trophic cascade effect triggered by a generalist
predator. The mantis preys on both herbivores and
spiders, which feed on the same herbivores. The
result is a net herbivore reduction increasing plant
biomass (Moran et al. 1996; Moran and Hurd 1998).
In other cases, effects on ecosystem processes are
strongly suspected but not fully ascertained. For
example, in New Zealand, European wasps are
Ecological effects of invasive insects
thought to alter nutrient cycling in New Zealand
beech forests by removing honeydew, which reduces
the flow of carbon to microorganisms in the phyllosphere and the soil (Beggs 2001).
Ecological effects due to parasitoids
and parasites
About 2,000 arthropod species have been released in
new regions for biological control purposes, the
majority of them being parasitoids (van Lenteren
et al. 2006). A small number of these parasitoids have
been subsequently reared from non target species. In
several cases an effect on native non-target hosts and
native parasitoids has been either documented or
suspected (see examples in Lynch and Thomas 2000;
van Lenteren et al. 2006; Parry 2008).
The earliest example is probably that of the
tachinid, Bessa remota (Aldrich), released in Fiji in
the 1920s, which is suspected to have caused the
extinction of the questionably native target species,
the coconut moth Levuana iridescens Bethune-Baker,
but also of a non-target native moth, Heteropan
dolens Druce (Tothill et al. 1930; Kuris 2003).
However, assessing the effect of alien parasitoids
on non-target hosts/preys and native parasitoids long
after their introduction is a complicated task because,
in most cases, the necessary quantitative data on
native species populations before the introduction, or
in non-invaded areas, are not available. A good
example is the introduction of the tachinid fly
Trigonospila brevifacies (Hardy) from Australia to
New Zealand to control the tortricid moth Epiphyas
postvittana (Walker). An extensive study on the
parasitoid food web of Tortricidae in New Zealand
showed that the tachinid has become the dominant
parasitoid of many Tortricidae in broadleaf/podocarp
forests in central North Island (Munro and Henderson
2002). Although the introduced parasitoid is suspected to affect both native tortricid populations and
their parasitoids, the authors conclude that, ‘‘as no
pre-release data on the composition of the parasitoid
guild or the relative abundance of lepidopteran
species were gathered before the release of T. brevifacies, it is difficult to determine the exact effect the
tachinid has had on the native fauna in this system.
Empirical studies of a simplified controlled host–
parasitoid community would be required to determine
if native parasitoid displacement were actually
Another tachinid, C. concinnata, has been implicated in the decline of several species of native
Lepidoptera since shortly after its release in North
America in 1906 for control of the gypsy moth.
Boettner et al. (2000) state that C. concinnata has
significantly contributed to the decline of several
native saturniid moths. They base their conclusion,
firstly, on the fact that field exposures of saturniid
caterpillars resulted in very high parasitism by
C. concinnata and, secondly, by presenting arguments that alternative hypotheses for the decline were
very unlikely. A similar study by Kellogg et al.
(2003) demonstrated high rates of parasitism by
C. concinnata on native luna moths, Actias luna (L.),
in Virginia, but concluded that long-term studies
would be needed to determine the actual effects of the
parasitoid on luna moth populations.
Life tables are sometimes used to assess the effect
of alien natural enemies on native species. For
example, Johnson et al. (2005) applied life table
studies to show that the decline of the native
Hawaiian koa bug, Coleotichus blackburniae White,
was due to accidentally introduced egg predators
rather than parasitoids introduced for biological
control. Alternatively, models may be used to assess
the role of invasive species in the decline of native
fauna. Keeler et al. (2006) used a stochastic simulation model to assess the respective role of an alien
parasitoid, an alien plant and the loss of native host
plants in the decline of the native butterfly Pieris napi
oleracea Harris in North America. The model
showed that the role of the parasitoid was probably
negligible compared to the two other factors. Similarly, Barlow et al. (2004) and Barron (2007)
modelled the impact of two introduced parasitoids
in New Zealand on non-target hosts, using the
intrinsic rate of host increase, the average abundance
of the host in the presence of parasitism and the
estimated mortality caused by the parasitoid. Barlow
et al. (2004) predicted that the introduction of the
alien braconid Microctonus aethiopoides Loan would
decrease populations of some native weevil species
by 8–30%. The models developed by Barron (2007)
showed that the introduced pteromalid parasitoid,
Pteromalus puparum (L.), is probably not responsible
for the decline of populations of the endemic red
admiral butterfly Bassaris gonerilla (F.).
Accidentally introduced parasitoids may also
cause ecological damage. For example, the ichneumonid Echthromorpha intricatoria (F.) is suspected
to be partly responsible for the decline of B. gonerilla
in New Zealand (Barron et al. 2004). Kenis et al.
(2007) suspect that many parasitoids that are thought
of as occurring on several continents may have been
more or less recently introduced accidentally with
their host or host plant. Several of these may cause
undetected hazards on new hosts.
It has often been suggested that introduced parasitoids may also displace native parasitoids by
competition (Bennett 1993), but reliable examples
are rare. The Nearctic aphid parasitoid Lysiphlebus
testaceipes (Cresson), introduced in the Mediterranean region to control Aphis spiraecola Patch, has
become a dominant parasitoid of other aphid species,
including Toxoptera aurantii (Boyer de Fonscolombe), in which it may have displaced two
congeneric parasitoid species, L. fabarum (Marshall)
and L. confuses Tremblay & Eady (Tremblay 1984).
Similarly, Schellhorn et al. (2002) provide evidence
that the exotic braconid parasitoid Aphidius ervi
(Haliday), introduced into North America to control
the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris, has caused
the decline of the native Praon pequadorum Viereck.
Another example is the probable displacement of
Encarsia margaritiventris (Mercet) as dominant parasitoid of the viburnum whitefly, Aleurotuba jelineki
(Frauen.), in Italy, following the introduction of the
exotic parasitoid Cales noaki Howard (Viggiani
1994). A recent study by Parry (2008) suggests that
Compsilura concinnata may be involved in the
apparent disappearance from areas of New England
of Lespesia frenchii (Williston), a native polyphagous
tachinid competing for the same lepidopteran hosts.
Other potential cases are listed and discussed in
Lynch and Thomas (2000) and van Lenteren et al.
The small hive beetle, Aethina tumida Murray, a
nest parasite/scavenger native to Sub-Saharan Africa
has invaded North America and Australia, where it
parasitizes domesticated honey bees. It also attacks
and develops on bumble bees, and there is growing
concern that may affect populations of native pollinators (Hoffmann et al. 2008).
Some exotic ectoparasites are considered as ecological pests because of the damage on vertebrates. In
the Galapagos, a parasitic fly, Philornis downsi
M. Kenis et al.
Dodge & Aitken, significantly decreases fledging
success of finches by infesting and killing juvenile
birds (Fessl et al. 2006). A chewing louse, Damalina
(Cervicola), is suspected to cause hair-loss syndrome
in black-tail deer in North America, although firm
evidence is still lacking (Bildfell et al. 2004).
Ecological effects due to invasive pollinators
Invasive pollinators, in addition to causing hazards
through hybridization (see section above), may also
compete with native pollinators for floral resources
and nesting sites. Other undesirable effects include
co-introduction of natural enemies, inadequate pollination of native flora or undesirable pollination of
exotic flora (Goulson 2003; Goulson et al. 2008). The
honeybee, A. mellifera, has been widely introduced
in many regions for pollination and honey production
(Moritz et al. 2005). Although its introduction is
often considered positive, various detrimental effects
have been investigated and reported. In particular, it
has been often reported to cause a decline in native
bee and bird species, particularly on islands (e.g.
Roubik 1978; Kato et al. 1999; Hansen et al. 2002;
Dupont et al. 2003). Another important invasive
pollinator, the European bumblebee, Bombus terrestris (L.), displaces native megachilid bees in
Tasmania, where it is also suspected to have a
negative effect on plant pollination (Hingston and
McQuillan 1999). In addition, it has been shown that
B. terrestris has superior reproductive rate than
native Japanese bumblebees and there is serious risk
of outcompetition since there is overlap in forage use
and time of foraging (Matsumura et al. 2004; Inari
et al. 2005).
Non native pollinators can be vectors of pathogens which can threat native pollinators. An
interesting case is the spread of bumblebee-specific
pathogens (Critihidia bombi Lipa and Triggiani and
Nosema bombi Fantham & Porter) and tracheal mite
(Locustacarus buchneri Stammer) due to trafficking
of commercial bumblebee colonies. Pathogen spillover from commercial bumblebee colonies can
potentially have a devastating effect on native
bumblebee populations (Colla et al. 2006). Indeed,
Colla et al. (2006) have shown that commercial
colonies have greater parasite load than wild
colonies and that pathogen loads in wild bumblebee
Ecological effects of invasive insects
populations near commercial greenhouses are significantly increased.
Introduced bees are also known to reduce fitness of
some native plant species (Roubik 1996; Gross and
Mackay 1998). On the other hand, they may enhance
pollination and, consequently, invasiveness of exotic
weeds, as shown by Barthell et al. (2001) for
Centaurea solstitialis L. in North America and Stout
et al. (2002) for Lupinus arboreus Sims in Tasmania.
Another interesting example is provided by fig wasps.
Many fig species are dependent on highly specific fig
wasps (Agaonidae) for pollination, and without them
the fig tree will bear no seeds. Three exotic fig
trees, Ficus microcarpa L., F. benghalensis L., and
F. altissima Blume grown in Florida gardens for over
a century only started spreading and became invasive
in the 1980s, when their fig wasp pollinators arrived
(Nadel et al. 1992).
It must be noted that no single experiment has
clearly demonstrated long-term reductions in populations of native organisms following the introduction
of exotic pollinators (Goulson 2003; Moritz et al.
2005). As stated by Goulson (2003) this probably
reflects more the difficulty of carrying out convincing
competition studies rather than a true absence of
competitive effects. Whereas most studies on the
ecological effect of introduced pollinators rely on
correlational data or other indirect measures, two
recent investigations use experimental approaches.
Kenta et al. (2007) tested, in a greenhouse experiment, the potential disturbance caused by the
introduction of the European bumblebee on native
plant–pollinator interactions. They concluded that the
alien bumblebee can disturb pollination on a plant
even when only representing a small fraction of the
total pollinator community. Thomson (2004) provides
the first experimental demonstration of the negative
effects of non native honey bees on native bumblebees. She experimentally introduced honey bees and
found that proximity to hives significantly reduced
the foraging rates and reproductive success of
Bombus occidentalis Greene colonies. In addition,
Thomson (2006) found significant niche overlap
between foraging preferences of native bumble bees
and introduced honey bees, which is maximum at the
end of the season when floral resources are more
limited. This indicates that both native bumblebees
and introduced honey bees largely rely on the same
restricted suite of plant species.
Conclusions and future research
This review has shown that invasive alien insects can
affect native species and ecosystems through a
variety of mechanisms. A surprisingly high number
of primary research publications (403) were found
that describe or investigate the ecological effect of
invasive alien insects. Nevertheless, these studies
concern only 72 species, and a clear impact in field
conditions has been ascertained for only 54 of them.
This represents a very low proportion of the alien
insects in the world. For example, 311 alien insect
species are established in Switzerland (Kenis 2006),
more than 2,000 alien arthropods are found in the
Continental USA and more than 2,500 in Hawaii
(Pimentel 2002). It is not clear whether the low
proportion of alien insects known to have an effect on
biodiversity reflects a lack of effect or a lack of
investigations. The vast majority of studies found
during our survey ([80%) reported a significant
effect, suggesting that more investigations would
reveal more impacts. However, it may also be partly
due to a publication bias towards studies showing
significant results.
Other important biases are observed towards
species and ecosystems that are also considered
important for the economy or public health, as
illustrated by the high number of studies investigating
the impact of alien ants, honey bees, plant pests or
mosquitoes. Many studies showing effects on native
insect biodiversity focused on groups that are
considered as more ‘‘attractive’’ for the public and
the researchers, e.g. butterflies or ladybirds, although
there is no scientific reason to believe that, for
example, aphids or flies are less affected by invasive
The vast majority of studies on the effect of alien
herbivorous insects have focused on forest pests and
their damage on trees and forest ecosystems, probably because their effect is more visible and concerns
keystone species of forest ecosystems. However,
many other invasive herbivores would deserve more
attention for their potential effect on indigenous
plants. For example, in eastern North America,
dozens of studies have investigated the impact of
alien forest pests such as L. dispar, A. piceae and
A. tsugae, whereas none has focused on the ecological effects of the lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii
(Scopoli), and the viburnum leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta
viburni (Paykull), two species that may seriously
threaten the survival of wild lilies (Lilium spp.) and
Viburnum spp. in the same region (Ernst et al. 2007;
Weston et al. 2007).
Similarly, many investigations have focused on the
effect of insects released for biological control
because of the follow-up studies carried out in
biological control programmes and because of the
particular interest of conservation ecologists for the
non-target effect of alien biological control agents
(Louda et al. 2005; van Lenteren et al. 2006). The
Asian ladybird, H. axyridis, a biological control
agent that invaded North America and Europe is
presently the target of extensive studies on its
potential impact on native ladybirds (Burgio et al.
2002; Michaud 2002; Snyder et al. 2004; Yasuda
et al. 2004; Ware and Majerus 2008) whereas the
impact of many alien predators accidentally introduced in the same continents remains totally
Furthermore, all examples of ecological impact
cited here concern terrestrial ecosystems, with the
exception of mosquitoes, but freshwater ecosystems
are probably not immune. Insects as effective
biological control agents of alien water weeds clearly
can have a profound effect on freshwater plant
populations and hence ecosystem functioning (Mbati
and Neuenschwander 2005). Thus, there are clear and
important gaps in our knowledge of the effect of alien
insects on native biodiversity and ecosystems, particularly in species and habitats that are of lower
importance for the economy and the general public.
Nevertheless, these gaps also represent exciting
opportunities for further research and the remarkable
increase in the number of studies on the ecological
impact of invasive insects shows that these opportunities are presently being taken.
Examples of effects on species populations and
communities are far more numerous than those on
ecosystem processes, an observation also made by
Parker et al. (1999) for several groups of invasive
species. In contrast, Levine et al. (2003) found that
roughly equal numbers of studies on invasive plants
examined effects on species and communities and
effects on ecosystem processes. In general, effects of
invasive species on native species populations are
more easily observed, i.e. through comparative studies between invaded and non-invaded areas, or
between conditions before and after invasion.
M. Kenis et al.
However, many of these observations are rather
anecdotal or quantified at very local scales only, and
the mechanisms by which the impacts arise are often
not clearly understood. Furthermore, making assessments of invasion impact on the basis of temporal or
spatial correlations may be misleading (Thomson
2006). To fully assess and understand the ecological
effects of an invasive species and the mechanisms
behind variations in populations observed, or not, in
the field, experimental approaches are needed, preferably under field conditions. This is particularly true
for effects occurring at the same trophic level, i.e., the
displacement of an herbivore by another herbivore or
a predator by another predator. In cases such as these,
the mechanisms underlying the impact are often
indirect and complex. For example, until now the
numerous field observations and laboratory experiments carried out to assess the effect H. axyridis on
native ladybirds have failed to understand whether
displacement is due to direct intraguild predation or
through resource competition. The question may only
be answered by field experiments involving the
manipulation of prey and ladybird densities and
analysis of gut contents.
Direct effects of invasive insects on lower trophic
levels through herbivory, predation and parasitism
are easier to assess, at least at a local scale.
Evaluating the effect on native species at a regional
scale is often more complicated because it has to take
into account the geographic, ecological and temporal
variability throughout the distribution range. The
effect of an invasive insect is known to vary with
time, space and system, and, understandably, studies
tend to focus on sites and systems where the impact is
most likely. However, it would be of utmost importance to conduct parallel studies in systems where
impacts are suspected to be lower. This would
improve assessments of the regional importance of
the invasive species, as well as increasing our
understanding of the mechanisms underlying impacts.
Finally it could also allow us to understand how
native ecosystems and communities resist the impact
of invaders, which could be the key for restoring
invasion-resistant ecosystems and for developing
control strategies (Levine et al. 2003).
Investigations on ecosystem effects, albeit less
numerous than population and community effects, are
often of good quality because they require longer
studies based on a priori hypotheses on impact
Ecological effects of invasive insects
processes. Nevertheless, as pointed out by Levine
et al. (2003) for plant invasions, the consequences of
alterations in ecosystem processes for species populations and community structure are poorly explored.
For example, invasive forest herbivores such as
L. dispar and A. tsugae are known to alter nitrogen
cycling in the invaded forests, but how these changes
affect plant and animal communities remains unclear.
Acknowledgments We thank Ecki Brockerhoff, Wolfgang
Rabitsch and an anonymous reviewer for their useful
comments on the manuscript, and Jon Sweeney and Dave
Langor for having invited us to participate in this special issue.
We also thank all the colleagues who provided assistance in
literature search and acknowledge support from the European
Commission Framework Programme 6 via the Integrated
Project ALARM (Assessing LArge scale environmental Risks
for biodiversity with tested Methods; GOCE-CT-2003-506675;; Settele et al. (2005)).
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