National Security and Strategy
Recent papers in National Security and Strategy
Hai-Nyzhnyk P., Chupriy L., Fihurnyi Y., Krasnodemska I., Chyrkov O. (2018). Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine: ethnonational dimension and civilizational confrontation. Saarbrucken (Germany): LAP Lambert Academic... more
This essay will criticize the notion of terrorism and asserting the extremist morphology to prevail in the issue and its impact in the context of the international peace and security in the contemporary controversies. It will weigh the... more
Over the past two decades, periodic strategic reviews have become a mainstay of U.S. national security policy making, as government officials have instituted quadrennial reviews at all of the major national security agencies. The outcomes... more
W artykule przedstawiono znaczenie Strategii Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego i jej wpływu na politykę państwa. Autor prezentuje znaczenie i etymologię słowa „strategia”, co jest wstępem do przedstawienia procesu jej przyjmowania na podstawie... more
Artykuł dotyczy miejsca zarządzania kryzysowego w systemie bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Artykuł zawiera opinie na temat systemu bezpieczeństwa narodowego opublikowane w Białej Księdze Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej,... more
This paper serves as an analysis of the Russian Federation's (RF) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) as they relate to the 2021 Russian National Security Strategy and the relationship between the RF and the United... more
National security is of paramount importance for North Korea due to the continuous hostilities between North and South Korea and the external threats posed by other nations. The military tension between North and South Korea has increased... more
This essay analyses the new Strategic Defense Concept, approved in April 2013 and, according to the National Defense Law, brought into force by a Resolution of the Council of Ministers. It describes the contents and the language used,... more
Monografia zbiorowa - red. naukowa Robert Kupiecki. Załącznik zawiera stronę tytułową, spis treści i wstęp redaktura naukowego tomu.
RESUMO: Com a saída dos militares do centro do governo e o fim da guerra fria ganha corpo um debate sobre o papel das Forças Armadas no Brasil contemporâneo. Nessa direção, o presente trabalho começa abordando o que se convencionou chamar... more
Queria começar pelo mais evidente. A protecção do território nacional ao longo, e no interior, da única fronteira continental que temos enquanto Estado, continua a ser uma prioridade óbvia. E continuará certamente a sê-lo por muito tempo,... more
Рущин Д. А. Проблемы и перспективы развития искусственного интеллекта в России // Медиа в современном мире. 59-е Петербургские чтения: сб.матер. Междунар. научн. форума (9–12 ноября 2020 г.) / отв. ред.В. В. Васильева. В 3-х т. Т. 2. —... more
An interesting challenge to the study of public argument presents itself in the expert debate surrounding the two National Security Strategies of the George W. Bush administration: NSS 2002 and NSS 2006. While NSS 2002 had been lambasted... more
Este livro é um contributo para a expansão dos estudos de informações e de segurança na Universidade, realizado na perspectiva da História do Presente e sobretudo através da aplicação da técnica da open sources intelligence (osint),... more
This Master Thesis concentrates on the figure of Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Polish immigrant who distinguished himself for his role as a pillar of American foreign policy. After he emerged in the new American foreign policy elite as a... more
The emergence of the Internet has brought both advantages and threats. As countries become more border-less, cyber attacks or cyber-based threats are becoming more increased yearly, as easily as dropping a Trojan horse into a computer... more
This is a NMF report for the Government of India on recommendations for India's national-strategy on Indo-Pacific. Chapter 2 of the report carries my work titled, "The ‘Indo-Pacific’ Idea: Origins, Conceptualisations and the Way Ahead".
Hypersonic weapons have recently become a very popular leitmotif of the debates concerning national security of many nation-states and international security as a whole. Hypersonics technology gets attention mainly because it is often... more
This book addresses the ‘blank sheet of paper’ problem. When given a blank sheet of paper and asked to imagine a new grand strategy or to revise or even critique an existing one where should you start? There is no other book that answers... more
Strategia Națională de Apărare a Țării pentru perioada 2015-2019 (SNAp) și Hotărârea CSAT nr. 128 din 10 decembrie 2015 privind adoptarea Ghidului Strategiei Naționale de Apărare a Țării pentru perioada 1015-2019 (Ghidul) au prevăzut... more
Neste breve ensaio relaciona-se o "conceito estratégico nacional" com o planeamento militar. Começa por clarificar a perspetiva do autor sobre o que entende por "conceito estratégico nacional", abordando também a sua evolução histórica.... more
The IC's history is one of competiveness among the DoD intelligence agencies, the FBI, and the CIA. The government has studied organizational issues and modified the IC multiple times, including enhancing the powers of the chief... more
Bu çalışma, küresel ve bölgesel şartların değişimiyle oluşan yeni bağlamın güçlü oyuncularından birisi olan Rusya Federasyonu'nun Putin dönemi ulusal güvenlik stratejilerini inceleyerek Rusya'nın Suriye krizine dahil olmasını ele... more
ÖZET Ulusal güvenlik, her devletin kendini risk ve tehditlere karşı koruyacak bir önleyici sisteminin kurulması olarak adlandırılabilir. Güvenlik kavramı ilk konuşulduğu zamanlarda daha çok askeri anlamda kullanılmıştır ve güvenlik... more
Türkiye’deki Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) çalışmalarının gelişimini, mevcut durumunu, temel özelliklerini, küresel Uİ disiplini içerisindeki konumunu ve bu alanda çalışanların küresel, bölgesel ve ulusal gündemdeki temel meselelere ilişkin... more
Increasingly, contemporary operations take place in a complex environment involving a number of local actors. There have been numerous attempts to make sense of this environment. Influence operations, for example, tend to classify local... more
Cyberspace is everywhere in today’s world and has significant implications not only for global economic activity, but also for international politics and transnational social relations. This compilation addresses for the first time the... more
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The Caspian Project is a weekly digital magazine organized by the online analytical resource, Modern Diplomacy. Dr. Matthew Crosston is the Senior Editor of the project, which aims to acquaint people with this critically undervalued... more
Subliminally, the various strategic review processes have been about the type of military/security force that the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force has become, will always be, or alternatively should not be limited to. There is a need to... more
Bu çalışmada, toplumunun tarihsel olarak kendine özgü bir güvenlik tanımlaması çerçevesinde inşa edildiğini söyleyebileceğimiz Türkiye' de güvenlik ve strateji kültürünün temel dayanakları, gelişimi ve uygulanışı ele alınacaktır. Bu... more
If you spend some time listening to reputable news shows all across the West you will start to notice several recurring ‘interpretations’ that explain all things Russian and Vladimir Putin. Rather than being enlightening about this... more
We are experiencing a technical revolution in biotechnology that will change the way we live as much as any technological advance in human history. Advances in gene sequencing, gene editing, and gene synthesis have shifted our... more
Cyber security is one of the burning issues in modern world. Increased IT infrastructure has given rise to enormous chances of security breach. Bangladesh being a relatively new member of cyber security arena has its own demand and... more
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler öğretim üyesi ve SETA Strateji Araştırmaları masası direktörü olan Hasan Basri Yalçın, uluslararası ilişkiler teorisi üzerine yaptığı orijinal çalışmalarının yanı... more
Cyber security is one of the burning issues in modern world. Increased IT infrastructure has given rise to enormous chances of security breach. Bangladesh being a relatively new member of cyber security arena has its own demand and... more
A recent article in the National Security Journal provides a quantitative assessment of the threats from drones in New Zealand.1 The present article builds upon that risk assessment to develop a counter-drone strategy for New Zealand.... more
Este artigo sobre cultura estratégica e estudos estratégicos visa valorizar as questões levantadas pelo Professor Doutor Luís Kandjimbo no seu texto, "Para Uma Cultura Estratégica Angolana", publicado no Jornal de Angola do dia 25 de... more
L'Italia ha bisogno di rinnovare il suo comparto Intelligence? Perché costruire un Consiglio di Sicurezza Nazionale sul modello statunitense potrebbe essere vantaggioso per l'Italia? A queste e a molte altre domande rispondiamo nel paper... more
The overall objective of the paper is to examine how states that face an overarching (perceived) existential threat may be at a disadvantage when developing their National Security Strategies (NSS). The main hypothesis is that states... more
(. . .) Το βασικό μήνυμα αυτού του τόμου είναι ότι για να μπορέσει η χώρα μας να επιβιώσει τον ερχόμενο αιώνα στο διεθνές σύστημα, πρέπει να αυξήσει την ανταγωνιστικότητά της, τόσο στο οικονομικό, όσο και στο στρατιωτικό πεδίο. Ο εικοστός... more
O presente trabalho busca compreender como o poder e a percepção de ameaças estão relacionados à organização interna e à construção de uma coerência estratégica, apresentando a hipótese de que quanto maior o alcance da percepção de... more
Despite the already existing rules on both sides to avoid such thinking, preconception that begets misperception that begets faulty intelligence analysis continues to afflict both academics and practitioners alike. The only ‘remedies’... more
In Armenian Իմ երկու նոր` ուսուցողա-մեթոդոլոգիական հոդվածները "Ազգային անվտանգության և անվտանգության հաստատությունների բարեփոխումների ռազմավարություն" և "Անվտանգության հաստատությունների բարեփոխումներ" թեմաներով. «ՀԿ Դեպո – Հասարակական... more
In an environment where drone technology is being openly sold on a massive scale across the global market and countless countries are striving to build and obtain their own drone fleets, it is deeply troubling that the general consensus... more
In a previous article ( ltered/on-the-elaboration-of-armenia-s-new-national-security-strategy), written at the beginning of the development process of Armenia's new National Security Strategy (NS Strategy)... more