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The current development of a cyber defence policy by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is usually seen as exemplifying the alliance’s changing scope of intervention; as well as its broadened perception of security. From an... more
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      CyberlawNATOCyber WarfareCybersecurity
In 2013, Indonesia topped China and was acknowledged as the country with the highest rate of cyber attack traffic, in which with its 1,6 percent share of world Internet users, Indonesia contribute 38 percent of the total cyber attack in... more
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      CyberculturesCyber LawCyber SecurityCyber Defence
Concepts such as “hybrid threat” or “grey zone” are used to define the wide range of “political warfare” actions that countries such as Russia, China, Iran or North Korea employ for projecting their influence, plausibly denying their... more
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      Strategic StudiesMilitary StudiesFuerzas ArmadasDisinformation
The purpose of the article is to analyse Operation “Olympic Games” including, in particular, to indicate the political background to the activities aimed at preventing the development of Iran’s nuclear programme, and to examine the... more
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      Intelligence StudiesIntelligenceInternational SecurityCybersecurity
Information Warfare and Influence Operations are, in principle, intended to get your own message across or to prevent your adversary from doing so. However, it is not just about developing a coherent and convincing storyline as it also... more
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      Information WarfareCyber SecurityCyber DefenceCyberspace Operations
يسعى هذا التحليل لإلقاء الضوء على مفهوم الدفاع الإلكتروني من واقع الاستراتيجيات العسكرية المختلفة، وآليات تحقيقه، بالإضافة إلى الوقوف على أهم أهداف الدفاع الإلكتروني والمؤسسات المسؤولة عن تحقيقه في هذا المجال، وتحديد أبرز التطورات... more
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      Cyber SecurityCyber Defence
The emergence of the Internet has brought both advantages and threats. As countries become more border-less, cyber attacks or cyber-based threats are becoming more increased yearly, as easily as dropping a Trojan horse into a computer... more
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      MalaysiaCyber DefenceNational ResilienceNational Security and Strategy
This study presents the context and measured results of cyber security joint cyber defense training exercises. Building on previously published work by the authors that introduced AGILE methodologies, this study analyzes the outcomes of... more
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      EducationTraining and DevelopmentNetwork SecuritySecurity
O II Seminário de Segurança e Defesa Cibernética da Universidade da Força Aérea (UNIFA) foi organizado pelo Centro de Estudos Avançados (CEA-UNIFA) e teve como tema central “Desafios da Defesa Cibernética na Projeção Espacial Brasileira”.
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      Relações Internacionais e Poder AeroespacialSpace SecurityCyber DefenseDefesa Cibernética
Una vez que se ha alcanzado suficiente nivel de madurez en las técnicas y medios de ciberdefensa, es necesario continuar mejorando y ser capaces de conocer, dinámicamente, el nivel de seguridad de los sistemas a nuestro cargo para que se... more
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      Cyber SecuritySITUATIONAL AWARENESSCyber DefenseCyber Defence
Efforts to regulate cyber conflicts—and cyber-defence postures more generally— rose to prominence almost a decade ago, when the risks for national and international security and stability arising from the cyber domain became clear.1 As I... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesComputer EthicsSecurity StudiesCyber Conflict
Critical infrastructures are the physical and virtual systems essential to the minimum operations of the economy and the government. Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) is a critical agenda item for governments in the developed... more
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      Critical infrastructure protectionCyber DefenseCritical InfrastructuresCyber Threats
In the field of cyber security, ill-defined concepts and inconsistently applied terminology are further complicating an already complex issue. This causes difficulties for policy-makers, strategists and academics. Using national cyber... more
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      Cyber SecurityCyber Defence
O tema deste trabalho gira em torno dos impactos da securitização militar do ciberespaço na política internacional do século XXI. Escolhe-se como objeto de estudo a defesa cibernética, justamente por ela possibilitar inferências sobre a... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceSecuritizationCopenhagen School/Securitization
Cyberspace is a new challenge for the global security and stability and poses numerous threats for the protection of national critical infrastructures. This paper analyses the way the European Union adjusts to these threats, by adapting... more
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      NATOSecurity StudiesEuropean UnionCybersecurity
This paper describes state-of-the-art simulation systems designed for information security and information assurance education, training and awareness. Being people the weakest link in the implementation of any security policy, it is of... more
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      Information SecurityCyber SecurityCyber Defence
Csutak Zsolt: ÚJ IDŐK ÚJ HADVISELÉSE-KOGNITÍV BIZTONSÁG AZ INFORMÁCIÓS ÉS A KIBERHADVISELÉS KORÁBAN ÖSSZEFOGLALÓ: A 21. század posztmodern, globalizált és a számítógépes rendszerek uralta korában radikálisan megváltoztak az... more
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      NATOCyber Defencehistory of the USAHybrid Warfare
En el presente trabajo se aborda la cuestión de la ciberseguridad, una disciplina que atiende las amenazas que surgen y se despliegan en el "quinto dominio" o ciberespacio. Su objetivo principal consiste en determinar si en esta cuestión... more
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      International SecurityCyberspaceCyberwarfareCybersecurity
With the increase of mobile devices and the implementation of the concept of “internet of things”, human beings began to live entirely in a cyberworld besides physical world. This unexpected expansion of cyberspace has caused a... more
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      TurkeyCyber SecurityCyber Defence
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityInternational StudiesCyber Warfare
Omówienie zasadności stworzenia oraz sposobu konstruowania rozbudowanego programu rozwoju zdolności resortu obrony narodowej i Sił Zbrojnych RP do działania w domenie cyber oraz podsumowanie 2 lat wdrażania programu.
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      CybersecurityCyber DefenceCyberdefenseCyberbezpieczeństwo
In this article we compare the main regulations employed by the United States and Brazil for their respective cybersecurity and cyber defence. From this comparison we produced four main conclusions. First, the absence of an effective... more
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      International RelationsCyberlawBrazilCyber Terrorism
Cyber security is one of the burning issues in modern world. Increased IT infrastructure has given rise to enormous chances of security breach. Bangladesh being a relatively new member of cyber security arena has its own demand and... more
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      CybercrimesBangladeshInformation Security and PrivacyNational Security
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityInternational StudiesCyber Warfare
Considering the advantages and conditions of launching and executing cyber warfare, an interesting question that arises and which we envisage as possible, is the potential formation of military cyber alliances. These cyber alliances may... more
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      Cyber DefenceCyber War
The potential that cyber warfare seems to have, and the low economic costs required to implement a cyber army, when compared to the acquisition of means used in conventional warfare, can lead to the massive appearance of the first ones.... more
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      Cyber DefenceCyber War
Documento Opinión *NOTA: Las ideas contenidas en los Documentos de Opinión son de responsabilidad de sus autores, sin que reflejen, necesariamente, el pensamiento del IEEE o del Ministerio de Defensa. Documento de Opinión 75/2012 1
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      Cyber SecurityCyber Defence
Aunque está claro que para lograr el control adecuado sobre nuestras infraestructuras TIC es necesario que funcionen nuestros sistemas de conciencia situacional, en muchas ocasiones nos olvidamos de los retos que supone la introducción de... more
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      Cyber SecuritySITUATIONAL AWARENESSCyber DefenseCyber Defence
The possibility of using computerized means in offensive action against civilian or military installations from enemy countries is a real. Given the potential of this type of action, they can be seen by many countries as interesting. And... more
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      Cyber SecurityCyber DefenceCyber War
En el presente artículo se describen las características principales de los sistemas Ciber-inteligentes, denominados MAS&T (Multi-Agent Systems and Technologies), y los sistemas Ciberfísicos, también denominados CPS (Cyber-Physical... more
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      Multiagent SystemsMultiAgent Systems (Computer Science)Multiagent Systems (Intelligence)Cyber Physical Systems
Nel corso dei prossimi anni le innovazioni tecnologiche attuali e future avranno un crescente impatto sugli eserciti occidentali, in particolare quelle che riguardano le tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, l'intelligenza... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNATOEuropean UnionFrance
Over the next years, ongoing and future technological innovations, especially related to information communication technology (ICT), artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud will have an increasing impact on Western armies. The soldier will... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNATOEuropean UnionFrance
Multifaceted nature of frameworks are growing bit by bit. This prompts a consistently expanding number of weaknesses in the Systems. Assailants utilize these weaknesses for abusing the arrangement of casualty. It is more brilliant to find... more
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      Penetration TestingSystem SecurityVulnerability assessmentCyber Defence
En el presente artículo se concluye el análisis de alto nivel sobre la compartición de la información en Ciberdefensa que ya iniciaron los autores en la edición de SIC de noviembre de 2014, donde en el artículo denominado “El reto de la... more
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      Information SharingCyber SecurityCyber DefenseCyber Defence
The term "hybrid" gained widespread use in military and political discourse; it grabbed the headlines and eventually reached the general public. We refer to "hybrid warfare" or "hybrid conflict", most likely without fully comprehending... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageDemocracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticePeace and Conflict StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
Il Cyber Strategy & Policy Brief si pone come scopo quello di sensibilizzare ogni mese i lettori su questi argomenti, analizzando i principali avvenimenti a livello internazionale, al fine di desumere i trend della ‘minaccia cibernetica’... more
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      Japanese StudiesMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)International Relations
A wealth of data is generated by the Ministry of Defence’s IT networks which can be analysed to improve cyber threat detection and data centre operations. In cyber defence, detection algorithms have advanced from static rules to... more
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      Data AnalyticsCyber DefenceData Centre
Güvenlik kavramı, insanoğlunun tarih boyunca hem en temel ihtiyacı hem de en önemli problemi olmuştur. Savunma ve saldırı stratejileri, savaş temelinde güvenlik politikalarını şekillendirmiştir. Savaş kavramı yüzyıllardır gelişerek... more
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      EncryptionCyber SecurityCyber DefenceEncryption Algorithms
The state of development of the information society of a particular country can have a great influence on the outcome of a cyberwarfare in which it is involved. This influence, in the possible outcome of a war of this type, can be... more
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      Cyber SecurityCyber DefenceCyber War
Pada saat ini Indonesia masih kurang sadar akan keamanan informasi yang ada di dalam dunia digital. Hal ini terjadi karena banyak masyarakat yang masih berfikir bahwa dunia digital tidak terlalu penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia, padahal... more
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      CybercrimesNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksCybersecurity
Based on a review of different analytical frameworks, it is suggested to run a table top cyber wargame when trying to analyse the effects of closed national networks being imposed in the near future. The scope of the wargame is to extract... more
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      RussiaWargamingCyber DefenceCyber Resilience
Within the last decade, the world has been more interconnected through the cyber world, which relies on internet connection. Nonetheless, such fact has also brought challenges which have shocked the world. There has been an increasing... more
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      GlobalizationCyber SecurityCyber DefencePublic Policy
Topic Area A: Upgrading NATO's Cyber defence policy: increasing capacity and developing capability (Representing the Federal Republic of Germany
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      International LawPublic International LawGermanyCyber Security
The purpose of the article is to analyse Operation "Olympic Games" including, in particular, to indicate the political background to the activities aimed at preventing the development of Iran's nuclear programme, and to examine the... more
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      Intelligence StudiesCounterintelligenceIntelligence and security studiesCyber Defence
The current year has seen unprecedented amount of hacker/ransomware attacks on government as well as private enterprises spread all across the world. Shadow Brokers came in form this year by leaking alleged NSA tools, which included a... more
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      Artificail IntelligenceCyber Defence
Por derecho propio, el ciberespacio se ha convertido en el quinto dominio de las operaciones militares tras la tierra, los mares, el aire y el espacio. Aunque a diferencia del resto de los entornos donde se combate, éste tiene una... more
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      CyberwarfareCiberculturaCyber SecurityCyberwar
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      Critical infrastructure protectionCyber DefenseCritical InfrastructuresCyber Threats
Within the last decade, the world has been more interconnected through the cyber world, which relies on internet connection. Nonetheless, such fact has also brought challenges which have shocked the world. There has been an increasing... more
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      GlobalizationCyber SecurityCyber DefencePublic Policy
This article discusses the development of the strategic communications of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, the EZLN, between 1994 and 1996. During this period, the Zapatista movement transformed from a group focused on armed... more
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      Strategic CommunicationCyber SecurityDefence and Strategic StudiesCyber Defence
Development of international norms and confidence building measures in cyberspace.Cyber operations can be described as operatives that run through a computer using a data system. These operations may have different purposes, to infiltrate... more
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      International RelationsDemocracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticeRomanian HistoryResearch Methodology