Recent papers in Namur
Namur during the French period, from 1794 to 1814
A variety of sedimentary ‘marbles’ were used for carved effigies in the period up to the early 14th century and for other types of monument up to the Reformation and beyond. Tournai marble was an early high-status import. Purbeck marble... more
This study, related to a doctoral thesis on the Grand Council of Malines and Namur law in the 18th century, is based on 200 unpublished trial files kept in the General Archives of the Kingdom.
In general, the reports on coin hoards to be found in old numismatic journals leave much to be desired. Usually superficial and often downright inaccurate, these reports are, more often than not, the only record we have of important coin... more
victime des iconoclastes en 1635, on découvre combien les Vierges miraculeuses furent pensées et vécues par les i dèles comme des « agents » performants. Cette statue miraculeuse rassembla en effet des personnages d'horizons très... more
21.5.2008 Waulsort …………………………………………………………….…..….. 2 Dinant …………………………………………………………………...….. 2 Anhee ………………………………………………………………………. 3 Watisse ………………………………………………………………….….. 3... more
"Tras la generalización del uso del papel en los siglos XI y XII y el posterior avance de la cultura escrita durante la Edad Moderna, la escritura de cartas ha sido una vía de comunicación fundamental para las sociedades alfabetizadas.... more
This paper gathers ten articles published between 2016 and 2020 illustrating by ten interesting trials the judicial life in the county of Namur in modern times. These are only private law disputes, all of which were brought at first... more
L'ouvrage Incunabula Namurcensia est le premier catalogue à décrire, sous un seul volume, les 107 incunables conservés à la Bibliothèque Universitaire Moretus Plantin de l'Université de Namur et à la Bibliothèque jésuite du Centre de... more
45 'Pour servir de mémoire à la postérité' 1 Herinneringscultuur en overstromingen in het vroegmoderne Namen Alexander Soetaert Inleiding Herinneringspraktijken zijn vandaag een niet meer weg te denken onderzoeksthema. Sommige historici... more
We investigate this issue in the context of Italy by looking at the effect of early exposure to Berlusconi's commercial TV network, Mediaset, on voting over the period 1976-2013. We exploit differences in signal reception across Italian... more
This contribution, written on the occasion of a colloquium, identifies the effect on ruel of law ans private law of internal political unrest and wars, using the example of the county of Namur in modern times.
This contribution is the summary of a chapter of a more general research on the former private law of Namur, which was conducted as part of a doctoral thesis at the Catholic University of Leuven under the supervision of Alain Wijffels. It... more
In the year 1176 a dispute erupted over possession of a sacred object known as the Holy Cross of Antioch. Two claimants, the abbey of St. Peter of Brogne and the family of the crusader Manasses of Hierges, argued that they were the... more
Même dans une famille heureuse, il y a des frictions La relation avec les autres membres de la famille ne peut être insouciante en tout temps. Il peut y avoir des problèmes avec les enfants, des situations d'éloignement, des conflits et... more