Mutual recognition
Recent papers in Mutual recognition
ABSTRACT: This paper examines Moran’s argument for the special authority of the first-person, which revolves around the Self/Other asymmetry and grounds dichotomies such as the practical vs. theoretical, activity vs. passivity, and... more
This article argues that the ASEAN Member Nations need to support the establishment of a Mutual Recognition Agreement for Teaching Services to build a stronger ASEAN Community, to support the achievement of the 2030 UN Sustainable... more
This article attempts to present the unity as well as the difference between Hegel's and Dewey's social philosophical approaches to struggles for recognition. It argues that interpreting Dewey's Lectures in China as a commentary on Hegel... more
In the article I argue that Hegel and Deleuze/Guattari construct two distinct political paths toward immanence. Both of these paths have as their starting point Rousseau's bourgeois. I show that both thinkers follow Rousseau in his... more
This paper is about the interest of the second-person to ethics. The focus of recent discussion has been the explanatory power of the second-person, rather than its careful description or the very possibility of what is described. This... more
In this chapter I distinguish between a) recognition of persons, b) normative acknowledgement and c) institution-creating acceptance. All of these go beyond a fourth, merely descriptive sense of the word “recognition,” namely... more
This book represents the main output of the research project titled “Prison overcrowding and alternatives to detention”, funded by the European Commission and completed in the spring of 2016. The resarch started from the acknowledgment... more
Hegel's Internal Critique and Reconstruction of Kant's Critical Philosophy.
The 'Europeanisation' of the fight against crime is a broad and much-contested notion. This in-depth analysis of the role of the EU in fighting crime within the area of freedom, security and justice explores the impact of EU policies in... more
La constitution d'un espace sans frontières intérieures constitue l'un des objectifs majeurs de l'Union européenne. La présente contribution a pour objet d'analyser les moyens qui permettent de décloisonner les ordres juridiques nationaux... more
Full-text article can be sent upon request. ABSTRACT: The European Union has learned from past failures and is attempting an ambitious paradigm shift by adopting Regulation 2018/1805, which implements the mutual recognition of freezing... more
In this essay, I argue that Fichte's political philosophy, in response to the problem of social cooperation, defends a conception of political society as a system of mutual recognition. I examine his theory of right, recognition,... more
This article engages critically with Margaret Gilbert's proposal that joint commitments are necessary for collective emotions. After introducing Gilbert's concept of joint commitment (Section 2), and the joint commitment account of... more
These are the slides that accompanied a lecture to the Aristotelian Society (interleaved with notes to the speaker). is probably not intelligible without them; of course... more
Resumen: El enfoque de la economía civil desarrollado por Luigino Bruni y Stefano Zamagni durante los últimos 20 años, es una propuesta alternativa al modelo económico tradicional basado en la racionalidad perfecta del homo œconomicus.... more
The purpose of this article is to observe the evolving relationship of mutual trust and fundamental rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) of the European Union (EU). The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has long... more
The aim of this report is to provide guidance to assist in the international convergence of quality assurance, benchmarking and assessment systems to improve dental education. Proposals are developed for mutual recognition of... more
Mutually adaptive interaction involves the robot as a partner as opposed to a tool, and requires that the robot is susceptible to similar environmental cues and behavior patterns as humans are. Recognition, or the acknowledgement of the... more
The paper, in Finnish, discusses in an introductory manner Hegel's views about religion and philosophy, and the tópic of mutual recognition; with brief notes on how the views fair today that philosophy should save the phenomena that myths... more
A conflict arises from two basic insights concerning what recognition is. I call them the mutuality–insight and the adequate regard–insight. The former is the idea that recognition involves inbuilt mutuality: ego has to recognize the... more
Los principios de reconocimiento mutuo y Estado de origen, tal y como han sido moldeados y modulados por el Tribunal de Luxemburgo, siguen siendo la clave en la realización del mercado interior de servicios. La eliminación de las barreras... more
Tässä artikkelissa käsittelen Axel Honnethin kriittistä teoriaa ja tunnustusteoria. Pyrin esittelemään Honnethin sosiaalifilosofista ajattelua yleisesti lähestymällä hänen rikasta tuotantoaan irreduktiivisesti sosiaalisten vääryyksien... more
The present article lays out the difference between two psychotherapeutic paradigms: one silencing mental patients, the other one intending to give them back their voice. According to Foucault, medicine from the 17th century gradually... more
This paper analyses the role of international mobility and mutual recognition to regional community building in the ASEAN region by reviewing policy documents and international student mobility statistics. ASEAN policy directives have... more
In Intimate and Committed Love This project brings a hermeneutic moral framework to bear on contemporary psychological understandings of intimate, committed relationships. Specifically, Blaine Fowers' and Jessica Benjamin's understandings... more
This article argues that two modern reinterpretations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, that is the BBC's Sherlock (2010–) and CBS's Elementary (2012–), differ in their representations of the city in ways that bear significant... more
As one of the newer Members of the European Union, this article outlines how Cyprus has adapted to the spirit of European Criminal Justice. As ‘the cornerstone’, the focus of this article is on mutual recognition in criminal matters and... more
Over the last four decades, the concept of collective identity has attracted considerable attention and generated extensive discussions in the various branches of philosophy, as well as in the human and social sciences. The progressive... more
This study compares Philip Pettit’s account of freedom to Hegelian accounts. Both share the key insight that characterizes the tradition of republicanism from the Ancients to Rousseau: to be subordinated to the will of particular others... more
წინამდებარე ნაშრომში განვიხილავ ევროპული კავშირის სამართლის ერთ-ერთი უმნიშვნელოვანეს საკითხს - ერთობლივი აღიარების პრინციპი - რომელიც შიდა ბაზარზე ვრცელდება. აღნიშნული პრინციპი სწორედ იმიტომ იპყრობს დიდ ყურადღებას, რომ იგი დადგენილია... more
We examine how third party certification with quality management standards and mutual recognition of certification through international agreements of accreditation bodies creates trust between trading partners and increases bilateral... more El articulo quiere demostrar las razones por las cuales se precisa de la complementariedad dialectica entre las dos formas de reconocimiento reciproco, la reciprocidad y la mutualidad, si se... more
The idea that physical and organic structures reoccur on the level of social life is central to the social-critical use of the concept of an “outer second nature” (Testa 2007, 488). In what follows, I will suggest that Hegel’s dialectic... more
This paper compares Philip Pettit’s account of freedom to Hegelian ones. Both share the key insight that characterizes the tradition of republicanism from the Ancients to Rousseau: to be subordinated to the will of particular others is to... more
Many interpreters argue that irrational acts of exchange can count as rational and civic-minded for Hegel – even though, admittedly, the persons who are exchanging their property are usually unaware of this fact. While I do not want to... more
This paper critically examines Christopher Zurn’s suggestion mentioned above that various social pathologies (pathologies of ideological recognition, maldistribution, invisibilization, rationality distortions, reification and... more
The principle of mutual recognition in connection with criminal law and criminal procedure law, historically has appeared among the legal provisions of international cooperation in criminal matters. It can be stated - in a retrospective... more
Although John Dewey never developed an explicit “Theory of Recognition,” he did contribute vastly to at least three fields of recognition-theoretical inquiry: the ontology of personhood, social ontology, and the political theory of... more
Abstract: From some years now, the social sciences have been highlighting the existence of a type of goods that are neither material things, nor ideas, nor functional performances but consist, instead, of social relations and, for this... more
The 'Europeanisation' of the fight against crime is a broad and much-contested notion. This in-depth analysis of the role of the EU in fighting crime within the area of freedom, security and justice explores the impact of EU... more
This study aims to investigate the changes in the mutual recognition between Korea and China from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and in the international relationship discerned from here. To discuss these topics, the... more