Papers by Krisztina Karsai
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 3, 2023
Social Science Research Network, 2023
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 12, 2022
there is no robot law yet. However, a government-backed AI Strategy (Strategy) was created in 202... more there is no robot law yet. However, a government-backed AI Strategy (Strategy) was created in 2020. The Strategy draws up a detailed and ambitious Action Plan, three subparagraphs of which set up deadlines (2021) for elaborating the general and sectoral framework of the regulation (30/06/2021) and a code of ethics (30/04/2021) as well. The framework, however, is still under preparation. Criminal law was not on the Agenda of the Action Plan, not even in the sectoral framework. Research on the possible hazards of the digital age in the criminal law field had been started by experts and practitioners way before the Strategy. Consequently, a map of challenges has been drawn up in 11 categories, one of them dealing with harms possibly caused by a future AI. This work is run by a government agency (Digital Welfare Program Ltd.). The goal is to give tools and hints to the ministry responsible for codification of the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, to help identify the most obvious (and, in the case of AI, not so obvious) hazards of digitalisation, and to help to prepare amendments to those Codes in case of necessity. However, no modifications have been made with the help of this work so far. No case law has developed concerning the traditional categories of criminal law's General Part, but there has been a lively debate on the topic of AI in academic circles and tabloids too. This debate is more about AI ethics than AI criminal law in connection with the components of the offence (actus reus, mens rea, culpability) on the one hand and with the aims of punishments on the other hand. Furthermore, the academic debate is currently carried out on the possible application of algorithmic decision-making solutions within the justice ecosystem. The academic debate comes in conferences, books, and articles and by launching research projects and establishing research labs and institutions dedicated for this thematical areas. 1. For instance, the AI conference organised by the University of Public Service (2020) discussed private law, administrative law andat some point-1 Digicrimjus 2020-1-HU01-KA203-078670, New challenges for teaching, researching and practicing criminal law in the digital age.
Ultima ratio ilkesi Devlet gücü 1 ne önemli bir sınırlama olarak kabul edilir ve bu nedenle tüm A... more Ultima ratio ilkesi Devlet gücü 1 ne önemli bir sınırlama olarak kabul edilir ve bu nedenle tüm Avrupa devletlerinde ius puniendidir ama Almanya ve takipçilerinde gelişim özel hukuk doktrini yönündedir. (Hemen hemen) tüm ceza hukukukçuları ultima ratio hakkında konuşmaktadır, ama yine de kavramın neye işaret ettiği halen her nasılsa belirsizdir 2. Genel olarak, ultima ratio şu anlama gelmektedir "eğer müdahale gerekli ise, o takdirde yardım, destek, koruma, sigorta ve ruhsat düzenlemeleri zorlayıcı tedbirlere göre öncelikli olmalıdır. Eğer zorlayıcı tedbirler gerekli ise, yaptırımda ısrar edilmemelidir. Eğer yaptırımlar gerekli ise, özel hukuk yaptırımları idari yaptırımlara tercih edilebilir." 3 ASHWORTH bunu minimalist bakış açısı olarak adlandırmaktadır (o "minimalism taraftarı"dır), ki bu ceza hukukunun sosyal kontrolün diğer formları ile olan ilişkisine dair belirli bir fikre dayanmaktadır. Onun belirttiği üzere: 1
Badó attila: Centralizációs törekvések a magyar önkormányzati rendszer átalakításánál .
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Feb 16, 2023
I. Introduction-A Dogmatic Approach in Domestic Law The last twenty years in the history of Europ... more I. Introduction-A Dogmatic Approach in Domestic Law The last twenty years in the history of European Criminal Law (ECL) began with the demonstration of a dynamic development by first labeling "traditional forms" of mutual cooperation in criminal matters as "European" ones, then subsequently beginning to elaborate on new-singular and independent-forms of cooperation. Simultaneously, a new philosophy of cooperation emerged and began gaining strength in the field of criminal law, which came to be followed in present-day legislation and in applying the law. This philosophy reworked several "old" principles in this field-in a more precise manner-through the addition of new elements. Furthermore, the philosophy created new principles to this "European" criminal law, such that are considered to be inevitable and essential for the everyday functioning of this field of criminal law, as well as for future developments. The primary goal of this manuscript is to present the changing face of the legality principle with regard to the impacts of European integration on the criminal law systems. In 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon came into force, and with this, the regulation of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Art. 67-89 TFEU) became part of the rules on European Criminal Law. Today there is no doubt concerning the concept of ECL: this branch of European law contains every legal norm issued on the legal basis of the third pillar and of its successor, the AFSJ. The counterparts of ECL rest in various sets of domestic criminal law, which constantly deal with having to accommodate to the impact and developments brought about by the European movement-in the form of "harmonized criminal law". Establishing a definition for this new legal terrain was initially difficult, due to the uncertainty of the Member States and the political implications of the question of whether the followed approach is proper and suitable. By now, the basic framework of ECL has crystallized, and the twenty busy years of developing an originally indefinite legal phenomenon have now uncovered clear paths into the near future of ECL. In the last ten years, the early "soft definitions" have toughened and the existence of "European Criminal Law", whatever it might be, is no longer disputed. II. Legality Legality is the preeminent, most fundamental principle in modern criminal justice systems-and is also a pillar of the rule of law. Legality has played a central role in understanding the rule of law in Europe. The principle is comprised of two interconnected maxims: nullum crimen sine lege ("[there exists] no crime without a pre-existing penal law establishing such crime") and nulla poena sine lege ("[there exists] no punishment without a pre-existing penal law establishing such punishment"). 1
Az európai integráció fejlődése a nemzeti büntetőjogok evolúcióját is magával hozta, legalábbis a... more Az európai integráció fejlődése a nemzeti büntetőjogok evolúcióját is magával hozta, legalábbis az evolúció azon értelmében, hogy a nemzetállami kereteket meghaladó büntetőjogi jogviszonyokat is egyre sűrűbb nemzetközi szabályozási háló jellemzi. Egyfelől szükségképpeni fejlődésről van szó, amely az egyes államok közötti erőteljessé vált migrációs jelenségekhez kötődik, illetve másrészről az Európai Unióban kifejezett célkitűzések megvalósítása is szerepet játszik a transznacionális büntetőjogi viszonyok szabályozására vonatkozó fejlesztésekben (pl. joghatósági konfliktusok kezelése, európai elfogatóparancs, európai bizonyítás-felvételi parancs stb.). Ilyen ötlet a büntetőügyekre vonatkozó európai nyomozási határozat (más fordításban európai bűnügyi nyomozati parancs) is, amely tagállami kezdeményezésként 2010-ben egy irányelvtervezetben látott napvilágot. 1 Azóta komolyan foglalkoztat-1 A Belga Királyság, a Bolgár Köztársaság, az Észt Köztársaság, a Spanyol Királyság, az Osztrák Köztársaság, a Szlovén Köztársaság és a Svéd Királyság kezdeményezése az Európai Parlament és a Tanács irányelvére vonatkozóan (…) a büntetőügyekben kibocsátott európai nyomozási határozatról. HL C 165/22 2010. 06. 24. Ezt megelőzően a Bizottság a büntetőügyekben felvett bizonyítékoknak a tagállamok által másik tagállamtól történő megszerzéséről és elfogadhatóságuk biztosításáról szóló Zöld Könyvben (Brüsszel, 2009.11.11. COM(2009)624 végleges) igyekezett kipuhatolni a tagállamok és a szakemberek véleményét és nyílt konzultációs eljárást folytatott, aminek ismeretében a tagállami kezdeményezésként benyújtott irányelvtervezet, ami már konkrét jogalkotási kezdeményezés, több mint meglepő volt. Dr. Karsai Krisztina-habilitált egyetemi docens, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Állam-és Jogtudományi Kar, MTA Bolyai-ösztöndíjas brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by SZTE Publicatio Repozitórium-SZTE-Repository of...
Karsai Krisztina* * Intézetvezető egyetemi tanár, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Állam-és Jogtudományi ... more Karsai Krisztina* * Intézetvezető egyetemi tanár, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Állam-és Jogtudományi Kar, Bűnügyi Tudományok Intézete, az MTA doktora. ** A kutatást az EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00007 azonosítószámú, Az intelligens, fenntartható és inkluzív társadalom fejlesztésének aspektusai: társadalmi, technológiai, innovációs hálózatok a foglalkoztatásban és a digitális gazdaságban című projekt támogatta. A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Szociális Alap és Magyarország költségvetése társfinanszírozásában valósul meg.
This document is a background study for the research project titled "New European Anti-Fraud Land... more This document is a background study for the research project titled "New European Anti-Fraud Landscape in Hungary: Challenges and Missed Opportunities" implemented from a grant received from the European Anti-Fraud Office by Transparency International Hungary Foundation through tendering.
Papers by Krisztina Karsai