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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsEquivalenceEarly Algebra
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      ComputingAlgorithmDifferential EquationsMathematical Sciences
Design strategies for foldable mechanisms have been developed with inspiration from origami. In this study, we investigate a new direction that blocks are folded in a way that origami folds as the ori-blocks to generate a new type of... more
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      Mechanism DesignOrigamiKinematicsEquivalence
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      Cognitive ScienceNeurologyMotor DevelopmentSpeech Production
Before implementing a new diagnostic test, we may wish to study whether this test is noninferior to a reference test with respect to the sensitivity and/or the specificity. This paper discusses sample size determination for one-sided... more
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      StatisticsMethodologyMonte Carlo SimulationStatistical Analysis
Computational and memory costs restrict spectral tech-niques to rather small graphs, which is a serious limitation especially in video segmentation. In this paper, we propose the use of a reduced graph based on superpixels. In con-trast... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceGraph TheoryMemory Management
This paper deals with Ralph Wendell Burhoe's scientific theology and his theory of altruism.
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      SociologyPhilosophyAltruismEvolutionary Epistemology
Metaphor has been widely discussed within the discipline of Translation Studies, predominantly with respect to translatability and transfer methods. It has been argued that metaphors can become a translation problem, since transferring... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyTranslation StudiesPragmatics
Abstract. We study Rickard equivalences between p-blocks of twisted group algebras and their local structure, in connection with Dade's conjectures. We prove that an extended form of Broué's conjecture implies Dade's... more
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      AlgebraGroup TheoryPure MathematicsEquivalence
The purpose of this article is to document the discussions at the 2010 European Workshop on Equivalence Determinations for Orally Inhaled Drugs for Local Action, cohosted by the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM) and... more
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      PharmacokineticsAerosolsCanadaIn Vitro
Several leaf litter decay studies have indicated that decomposition occurs more rapidly when litter is placed beneath the plant species from which it had been derived than beneath a different plant species (i.e. home-field advantage,... more
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      Soil ScienceAdaptationDecompositionCarbon Cycle
The rational number knowledge of student teachers, in particular the equivalence of fractions, decimals, and percentages, and their comparison and ordering, is the focus of this article. An instrument comprising multiple choice, short... more
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      Teacher EducationRasch AnalysisEquivalencePercentages
A low-NO x aircraft gas turbine engine combustion concept was developed and tested. The concept is a second generation swirl-venturi lean direct injection (SV-LDI) concept. LDI is a lean-burn combustion concept in which the fuel is... more
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Розглянуто трактування понять еквівалентності в контрастивному аналізі в працях проф. Ю. О. Жлуктенка. Проведено паралелі і порівняння його підходу з поглядами інших дослідників: Т. Кшешовскі, М. Галідей та ін. The issues of equivalence... more
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      Contrastive AnalysisEquivalenceContrastive Linguistics
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      NursingPsychometricsMethodologyNonparametric Statistics
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      Cultural StudiesPsychometricsJapaneseEvaluation
There are many theories of translation study, among which, Skopos theory is a new branch and can explain and instruct many translation activities. This paper puts forth some basic concepts of Skopos theory, introduces some basic rules of... more
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      MathematicsTranslation StudiesCultureAction
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      HistoryInternational EconomicsFolklorePragmatism
This article examines the question of whether (or to what extent) equivalence between idiomatic expressions in different languages is possible. As equivalence is understood here in a broad sense to include all linguistic levels and all... more
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      SpanishGerman LanguageEnglishCorpus Linguistics
Different cultures influence the way the members of a society view and perceive the world. This principle is important in the translation phenomenon. What is important for a translator is the purpose of conveying the message of the source... more
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      Practice theoryTranslationLiterary translationEquivalence
This study examines Equivalence, an approach that has been largely discussed, and Skopos Theory which was suggested by Hans J. Vermeer. To that end, scientific findings on this topic, as well as analogical and distinctive characteristics... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationSkopostheorieEquivalence
Over the centuries translators have faced, and continue to face, linguistic and cultural challenges between different languages and cultures. Such challenges have put forth many translation theories and strategies to minimize these... more
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      DomesticationEquivalenceForeignizationThe Arabian Nights
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Vol.6. No.4 December 2015 Pp.... more
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      HemingwayArabic translationEquivalenceCollocations
Given the increasing number of online courses and the established association between student perceptions of learning environments and academic outcomes, this study investigated student perceptions of the equivalence of online classes and... more
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      Distance LearningEquivalenceOnline ClassesStudent Perceptions
"Nonequivalence" and cultural context in specialised translation. Translation techniques in the case of so called non-equivalent expressions in the form of borrowings point to foreignness, expose it, emphasise it, but by doing so they... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsRussian Language
Este cunoscut faptul că frazeologia are o deosebită importanţă în practica traducerii, domeniul ei constituindu-se într-o adevărată piatră de încercare pentru traducători, prin dificultăţile pe care îmbinările stabile de cuvinte le impun... more
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Ce travail consiste en l’analyse d’un passage du De Trinitate, X, XI , 18 d’Augustin à l’aide de la lecture qu’en fait Boèce dans ses Traités théologiques ; passage dans lequel on pense déceler une solution possible et – il semble – non... more
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      EquivalenceLogiqueAugustinSaint Augustin
Traduire l'idiomaticité d'un texte littéraire ne revient pas à traduire seulement la phraséologie employée dans le texte en question, mais aussi l'ensemble des moyens linguistiques présents dans sa composition. Pour ce faire, il faut... more
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      PhraseologyLiterary translationEquivalenceIdiomaticity
This research intended to validate two brief scales of sensations seeking with Peruvian adolescents: the eight item scale (BSSS8; Hoyle, Stephenson, Palmgreen, Lorch, y Donohew, 2002) and the four item scale (BSSS4; Stephenson, Hoyle,... more
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      ValidationSensation SeekingReliabilityAdolescents
In 2001, a multidisciplinary team made of analytical scientists and statisticians at sanofi-aventis has published a methodology which has governed, from that time, the transfers from R&D sites to Manufacturing sites of the release... more
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      Analytical ChemistryPharmaceutical TechnologyTechnology transferDrug Discovery
The harmonic oscillator formalism has been and still is playing an important role in many branches of physics. This is the simplest mathematical device which can connect the basic principle of physics with what we observe in the real... more
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      MathematicsQuantum TheoryDeformationEquivalence
Master 1 Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales Études néo-helléniques-Parcours Traduction  Soutenu par: VAVAITI Niki
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      Translation StudiesGreekTranslationTurkish Language
Apres un rappel des principes fondamentaux sur lesquels repose l'approche culturelle de la terminologie, cet article presente une methodologie detaillee et pragmatique de la terminologie culturelle dans le contexte du developpement... more
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      Applied LinguisticsLinguisticsTranslationLanguage Studies
There are many theories of translation study, among which, Skopos theory is a new branch and can explain and instruct many translation activities. This paper puts forth some basic concepts of Skopos theory, introduces some basic rules of... more
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      Translation StudiesCultureActionEquivalence
Teaching a foreign language is a challenge. In such a case, teaching translation is more than a challenge, primarily if students are taught the bilateral interpretation (Russian and English language combinations), and each of the... more
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      Teaching MethodsEquivalenceAccuracyEXERCISES
To show how important the equivalence of ST and TT in business law text is the main goal of this research. Besides that, the benefit of this research is to motivate a translator to become more critical and accurate in producing more... more
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      Mutual Recognition of QualificationsMutual recognitionEquivalenceDiritto Amministrativo
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      Cultural StudiesStylisticsTheoryApplied Linguistics
Das Problem, das bereits seit langer Zeit all jene beschäftigt, die über das Übersetzen nachdenken, ist die Frage nach der Beziehung zwischen dem Ausgangstext und dem Zieltext, wofür meist der Begriff der Äquivalenz verwendet wird. Im... more
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      Translation theoryLegal TranslationEquivalence
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryEvaluationBias
En el presente escrito, exponemos los avances del trabajo que estamos realizando, el cual trata acerca de la equivalencia de expresiones algebraicas, en la situación concreta de resolución de secuencias numéricas, que pueden ser... more
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      VisualizationAlgebraic ThinkingEquivalence
Philip Larkin's poem "Love Song in Age" is analyzed against its Polish translation by Stanisław Barańczak using conceptual metaphor theory. The use of conventional and novel metaphors is compared. Some iconic effects along with their... more
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      Translation StudiesPoetryConceptual MetaphorTerminology
Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellectuelle et est la propriété exclusive de l'éditeur. Les oeuvres figurant sur ce site peuvent être consultées et reproduites sur un support... more
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      CultureApplied LinguisticsTranslationCommon Law
The λ-calculus is considered an useful mathematical tool in the study of programming languages, since programs can be identified with λ-terms. However, if one goes further and uses βη-conversion to prove equivalence of programs, then a... more
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      Mathematical LogicLambda CalculusProgrammingEquivalence
In linguistics, onomatopoeic words, which constitute one of the main areas of sound symbolism, differ from other words in the language in terms of their phonological, morphological and semantic features. The selection and sequence of... more
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THE TRANSLATION ISSUES OF TELEVISION ADVERTS The purpose of this study is clarify the translation issues, linguistic and non-linguistic factors effecting translation encountered in the target language translation of the foreign production... more
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      AdvertisingAdaptation (Film Studies)Audiovisual TranslationEquivalence