Medieval nunneries
Recent papers in Medieval nunneries
If you submit late work that is to be considered for assessment then you should provide written documentation, medical or otherwise, to explain why the work was submitted late (we do not give extensions). You will need to complete a... more
VI. Abkürzungsverzeichnis 334 VII. Bibliografie 336 VIII. Register 379 IX. Abbildungsnachweise 391 6 INHALT "Auch wenn der Baumeister oder Maurer selbst weder die Steine noch die Materialien herstellt, aus denen er das Schloss oder Haus... more
Resumen: Durante la Baja Edad Media numerosas mujeres de la nobleza y de las oligarquías urbanas tomaron el hábito en algún monasterio. Se analizan las causas y dinámi-cas de estas profesiones, los diferentes comportamientos de las damas... more
The cemetery of Littlemore Priory, a Benedictine Nunnery, was excavated in 2014 and 91 individuals were recovered. Varying levels of truncation across the site affected the completeness of the burials. The intercutting or direct... more
M o n a c h e s i m i f e m m i n i l i i n F r i u l i n e l D u e c e n t o [A stampa in Il monachesimo benedettino in Friuli in età patriarcale (Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Udine-Rosazzo, 18-20 novembre 1999), a cura di... more
This paper analyses the role played by the female religious community of San Zaccaria in the political, social and religious context of the Venetian Dogado during the Early Middle Ages. On the one hand, by comparing the convent with the... more
García-Fernández, “Beyond the Wall: Power, Parties, and Sex in Late Medieval Galician Nunneries”, en Mercedes Pérez Vidal (ed.), Women Religious crossing between Cloister and the World. Nunneries in Europe and the Americas, ca. 1200-1700,... more
Die Publikation wurde im Rahmen des Projektes »Land. Wirtschaft ehemaliger und aktiver Klöster -Erbe und Tradition landwirtschaftlichen Wirkens der Klöster als Chance für den ländlichen Raum.« realisiert. KLOSTERLAND e. V. erhielt zur... more
The lost medieval convent of the Poor Clares in Breslau [since 1945 Wrocław] with its gothic furnishings and artworks used for private worship, can be envisioned from iconographical, functional, and inspired by posthumanism analysis of... more
A fin de arrojar luz sobre las manifestaciones femeninas de la reforma franciscana, estas páginas analizan las fundaciones reformistas de la Orden de Santa Clara en el obispado de Córdoba entre las primeras noticias conocidas, datadas en... more
Im Sommer 2011 hat sich Prof. Hans-Gert Roloff, der Gründer und Herausgeber von Editionen in der Kritik, dazu entschlossen, die Verantwortung für die Reihe in meine jüngeren Hände zu legen. Ich betrachte diesen Beweis seines Vertrauens... more
Fondata nel 1192, su un percorso che collegava la piazza Grande di Modena a un'antica porta delle mura, la chiesa di San Paolo ebbe vari rifacimenti, ma conserva tuttora tracce tardoromaniche. Sul finire del Quattrocento fu affidata alle... more
Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick zu den wesentlichen architektonischen Merkmalen mittelalterlicher Frauenklöster.
The article gives an overview of the essential architectural features of medieval women's monasteries.
The article gives an overview of the essential architectural features of medieval women's monasteries.
Scratched marks (graffiti) on pots are rather rare in medieval and post-medieval pottery assemblages. An inventory of sites in Belgium and the surrounding countries reveals that these finds occur almost only on monastic sites, and - even... more
The earliest monastic foundation in England was that of SS Peter and Paul at Canterbury, which obviously followed the traditions of Gregory the Great. In the North Irish traditions have attracted more attention, because of the... more
In: María del Carmen García Herrero y Cristina Pérez Galán (eds.), Mujeres de la Edad Media: actividades políticas, socioeconómicas y culturales. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico, 2014, pp. 51-68.
This is a paper for 'International Symposium 2017. Mechthild of Hackeborn’s Liber specialis gratiae: The Idea of its Middle English Translation and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 220 (2017 September 23.).' Comparing hagiographies of... more
En el complejo panorama de la historia franciscana medieval se halla todavía pendiente de aclaración el problema de la denominada "Conventualidad", habitualmente defi nida en oposición a la Observancia como un estado de desvirtuación... more
The following story is set in the monastery of Maria Mai in the village of Maihingen located seventy kilometers south of Nuremberg between Nordlingen and Oettingen (fig. 1 ). Here, in 1516 the fifty-year-old widow Katerina Lemmel... more
Summary, Introduction & annexes Mit dem 10. Band der MittelalterStudien sollen aktuelle Projekte und neue Aspekte der Klosterforschung einem breiteren Publikum präsentiert werden: interdisziplinäre Grundlagenforschung, Positionen zum... more
The Rosenberg Family founded in Český Krumlov (South Bohemia) a triple monastic complex. The double monastery of sacrosante dei genitricis perpetueque virginis Mariae was founded in 1350 right below the family castle and across the Vltava... more
In April 2016 further investigations were carried out on the site of Holystone’s medieval Priory, which is known to have functioned as an Augustinian nunnery from the 12th century until its dissolution by Henry VIII in 1539.
This article analyzes the beaterios as expressions of feminine religiosity during the Middle Ages preceding the regular convents founded during the Modern Age. This is confirmed through both the role of the beaterios leading the birth of... more
This article discusses the paintings of the chapter-house of Sijena, most of which were destroyed by fire in 1936. To this end, the paper makes use of earlier photographic material, proposes a new reading of the biblical cycle,... more
Uit het testament van Yde Bockes dr Harinxma van 1483 blijkt dat haar vader een pachtcontract met de zusters had afgesloten voor de boerderij op het erf waarvan het klooster tot stand moest komen. Het blijkt ook dat hij voor gezamenlijke... more
The Castilian Franciscanism born closely linked to the Crown. The data we have are scarce and often legendary, but they allow us to draw a first scheme of links and interests. We analyze the performances of Fernando III, closely related... more
Conferencia impartida en el marco del programa de verano "Cultiva Cultura 2021" organizado por la Asociación Segredos de Pantón, el día 30 de julio, en el Salón de Actos del Edificio Sociocultural.
הרפורמציות פתחו פתח לתמורות ניכרות ביחסי המגדר. מאמר זה מתמקד באחת המרכזיות שבהן: ההשפעה המורכבת של ביטול מוסד הנזירות על-ידי מרטין לותר על אפשרויות הפעולה הפתוחות בפני נשים, לעומת אלה העומדות בפני גברים, בתחום הדתי. המאמר בוחן את... more
El control del territorio desde un centro monástico medieval a través de la difusión de la tecnología hidráulica: los ejemplos periurbanos de Las Huelgas de Burgos y San Vicente el Real de Segovia.
Monasteries and convents were — and still are — not only a place of worship isolated from the material world, but also organizations dealing with secular, worldly matters. Everyday goods like food and beverage had to make their way inside... more
En este artículo se analiza un conjunto de iglesias monásticas castellanas, todas ellas pertenecientes a la rama femenina de la Orden del Císter. Protegidas por importantes familias aristocráticas del Reino y por el propio monarca, el... more