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      Medieval ArchitectureMedieval NobilityHistory of the Poor ClaresArt of the Poor Clares
Between 1528 and 1537 Garofalo produced ten canvases for the recently founded convent of Poor Clares at San Bernardino in Ferrara. Although the cycle is unrivalled as a group of works by a single artist for a female convent throughout the... more
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      Renaissance FerraraArt of the Poor ClaresPoor ClaresLucrezia Borgia
VI. Abkürzungsverzeichnis 334 VII. Bibliografie 336 VIII. Register 379 IX. Abbildungsnachweise 391 6 INHALT "Auch wenn der Baumeister oder Maurer selbst weder die Steine noch die Materialien herstellt, aus denen er das Schloss oder Haus... more
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      Medieval nunneriesDominican nunneriesArt of the Poor ClaresPoor Clares
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      Manuscript StudiesMedieval illuminated manuscriptsArt of the Poor ClaresPoor Clares
The lost medieval convent of the Poor Clares in Breslau [since 1945 Wrocław] with its gothic furnishings and artworks used for private worship, can be envisioned from iconographical, functional, and inspired by posthumanism analysis of... more
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      Medieval ArtMedieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)History of Silesia
Duchess, foundress, “blessed”. Depictions of Anna of Bohemia in arts from the 13th to early 20th century The paper discusses the images of Anna (†1265) – princess of Bohemia and Silesian duchess, spouse of Henry the Pious – executed... more
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      IconographyPatronage (History)Female PatronageMonasteries
Nere Jone Intxaustegi Jauregi, "Rebelión de las clarisas vizcaínas frente al Concilio de Trento", en Labrador Arroyo, Felix (ed.), Líneas recientes de investigación en Historia Moderna, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, pp.93-104, (2015)... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History
Resumen: El objetivo de esta comunicación es el estudio de la fundación conventual clariana que se dio en el País Vasco durante la Edad Moderna. Para ello, se realizará una exposición de los fundadores y de los conventos fundados, lo que... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryWomen's Studies
The contribution focuses on the newly discovered wall paintings on the north wall of the monastery Corpus Christi church in Český Krumlov. Given their original kontext as decoration of the former nuns’ choir, the paintings, preserved... more
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      Medieval Wall PaintingsWall PaintingsArt of the Poor ClaresMedieval Mural Paintings
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      Cult of SaintsMedieval ArchitectureMendicant OrdersGothic architecture
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryWomen's Studies
Monastery of the Poor Clares of Coimbra: from convent to ruin, from ruin to contemporaneity [1283 - 2008] Mosteiro de Santa Clara de Coimbra : do convento à ruína, da ruína à contemporaneidade; coord. Artur Côrte-Real, coord cient.... more
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPortuguese History
The history and genesis of the architecture of the Church of St Mary Magdalene at Zamysłów (Hinzendorf), near Wschowa, is discussed. The building has not as yet been a subject of separate studies. It has also been omitted in the... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of Art
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      ChristianityHistoryWomen's StudiesMedieval History
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      Medieval EuropeCentral and Eastern EuropeMedieval Art HistoryGothic Art
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      Medieval WomenFranciscan StudiesEarly Modern WomenMendicant Orders
Caterina Vigri was a young, educated Ferrarese noblewoman who fled to the court of Niccolo II d'Este in 1426 to join a community of pinzochere or pious laywomen. When they became Poor Clare nuns, she served as mistress of novices, baker... more
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      Women's StudiesFranciscan StudiesEarly Modern ItalyArt of the Poor Clares
Fecha límite de recepción de trabajos: 15 de julio de 2017 Archivo Ibero-Americano. Revista Franciscana de Estudios Históricos, ha abierto el plazo para la presentación de contribuciones para el volumen 78, dedicado al tema «Ocho siglos... more
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      ChristianityHistoryMusicArt History
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      Medieval WomenFranciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualityFranciscanism