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Hungary was a large kingdom and the Arpads did not only stay in the medium regni but also traveled to the surrounding parts of the country. In addition to the main royal residences, bishoprics or monasteries, they also used their courts... more
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      Kingship (Medieval History)Arpadian AgeBenedictine MonasticismMedieval Kingship
Very few authentic charters have come down to us from the 11th century. It is this rather thin source material that justifi es the attention that linguists pay to non-authentic charters and those not preserved in their original form, as... more
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      Historical LinguisticsOnomasticsMedieval charters
У раду се расправља питање дипломатичке природе Свето- стефанске хрисовуље сачуване у облику књиге. Оригинал Милутинове повеље није нужно морао да буде обликован у виду свитка, а примерак који се сачувао могао би да буде сам оригинал,... more
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Serbian historyMedieval BalkansMedieval Serbia
Издание, подготовленное российскими учёными, представляет собой научную публикацию документов на средненижненемецком языке о взаимоотношениях Великого Новгорода и Ганзы в 1392–1409 гг. (63 документа). Эти источники содержат ценные и мало... more
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      Merchant communitiesNovgorod the GreatHanseatic LeagueHistorical Documents
Der Herrschaft Kaiser Sigismunds wird in den letzten Jahren von Seiten der Historiker ein beachtliches Interesse entgegengebracht. Dabei stößt die Forschung auf ein wesentliches Hindernis: die in ganz Europa verstreuten und bisher nur... more
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      Late Medieval Bohemia and Central EuropeEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)Hussite revolution (Bohemia)Medieval charters
Antonella Ghignoli – Complete List of Publications 1991-2024 (updated October 2024)
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      Medieval HistoryPapyrologyMedieval StudiesRenaissance Studies
The critical edition of The Principal Navigations is under contract with Oxford University Press in 14 volumes. It will provide an unparalleled resource for researchers and teachers working on early modern travel, trade and colonialism.... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryGerman StudiesRussian Studies
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      Slavonic manuscripts - paleographyMedieval charters
The wine produced in Syrmia (Srijem, Srem, Szerémség), a land between the Danube and the Sava, on the gentle slopes of the local mountain of Fruška Gora, was the most famous and most appreciated wine of the continental parts of the... more
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      Renaissance literatureMedieval HungaryViticultureWine Trade
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      HistoryLegal HistoryCommercial LawNovgorod the Great
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      Medieval HistoryHistory Of LondonSigillographyMedieval England
U prvom dijelu rada prikazuje se toponimijska uporaba hrvatske riječi brod i mađarske riječi rév u srednjem vijeku, s osobitim obzirom na donje međurječje Drave i Save. Drugi dio rada izlaže nastanak i razvoj kontroverzije oko najstarijeg... more
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      Medieval HungaryMedieval LatinHistorical topographyLexical studies
The critical edition of The Principal Navigations is under contract with Oxford University Press in 14 volumes. It will provide an unparalleled resource for researchers and teachers working on early modern travel, trade and colonialism.... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryGeographyAsian Studies
Na osnovu dokumentacije Arhiva Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu o restituciji arhivske građe između Austrije i Jugoslavije prilog pokazuje kako je nakon dugotrajnih pregovora povelja bosanskog kralja Dabiše kćeri Stani iz 1395. godine... more
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      Archival scienceArchivesRestitutionArchival Research
Deutsch-russische Kulturbeziehungen in Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Aus abendländischen Beständen in Russland, hrsg. von Natalija Ganina, Klaus Klein, Catherine Squires, Jürgen Wolf [= Sonderschr. Akad. gemeinn. Wiss. Erfurt 49 (2017)],... more
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      Old Germanic LanguagesOld FrisianCompoundingResearch Report
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ChroniclesAngevin Hungary
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Latin PalaeographyPalaeographyCharters and Paleography
Präsentation zu den Historischen Grundwissenschaften
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      Diplomatic HistoryHistorical Auxiliary SciencesCharters and PaleographyHistorische Hilfswissenschaften
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      history of Grand Duchy of Lithuania (XIV-XV)Medieval chartersGrand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas
The development of the duchy of Brabant in the twelfth and thirteenth century has already been analysed by many diplomatic scholars. Nevertheless, the political discourses in the charters of the dukes have never been scrutinized before.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesUrban History
The Benedictine Abbey of Pécsvárad was founded by St. Stephen. The authentic foundation charter of the abbey was presumably completed at the beginning of the 11th century, and it was followed by the authentic registering charter at the... more
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      Historical LinguisticsOnomasticsMedieval charters
Tagungsprogramm, finale Fassung. Abstract: Die Digitalisierung stellt die heutigen Geisteswissenschaften in vielfältiger Hinsicht vor neuartige Herausforderungen. Als Medienwandel eröffnet sie völlig neue Möglichkeiten, das Wissen über... more
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      HistoryDigital HumanitiesMedieval LiteratureLate Middle Ages
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      Medieval HistoryMiddle AgesGerman and Russian languages and the cultureLanguage Contacts
Papal impact on peripheral areas in the Middle Ages depended on the means of and possibilities for communication. This case study of the Livonian crusade and mission in the first half of the thirteenth century demonstrates the... more
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      CrusadesBaltic StudiesMedieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)
In current paper the digital reproduction of two imperial diplomatic documents writing in the Italien chanceries of Holy Roman Empire are presented: the Charter of the Emperor Guido issued in the year 891 February 2 — Diploma di Guido G6,... more
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      Medieval SealsMedieval charters
A bakonybéli apátság alapításkori adományait tartalmazó Bakonybéli alapítólevél egyike a Szent István korára (1037) visszahamisított okleveleknek. Az alapítólevelet különböző oklevelek és legendák felhasználásával vélhetően 1230 és 1240... more
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      PhilologyMedieval HistoryCharter schoolsMedieval Hungary
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      Historical LinguisticsOnomasticsMedieval charters
Programme de l'année 2029-2020 : « Donner vigueur à l’acte et entretenir son efficacité (VIIe-XIIIe siècle) ; « Études de diplomatique pontificale » ; « Travaux récents et études en cours » ; Atelier de diplomatique (en quinzaine) :... more
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      Medieval StudiesDiplomatics (Medieval)Carolingian StudiesMedieval charters
The Charter of Pécsvárad forged for the age of St. Stephen (1015) was probably recorded in the first half of the 13th century, using the authentic 11th-century founding charter from the era of St. Stephen among other sources, along with... more
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      Historical LinguisticsOnomasticsMedieval charters
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      Monastic StudiesHistory of MonasticismMedieval ChampagneMedieval charters
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      Canon LawMedieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
This edition is the result of a substantial work of reconstitution of the family archives of a medieval noble family from the southern Low Countries, the Berthout family, lords of the city of Mechelen as well as a number of rural... more
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      Archival StudiesDiplomatics (Medieval)DiplomaticsMedieval Nobility
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesDiplomatics (Medieval)Ottonen
Le gouvernement épiscopal du diocèse et des églises locales a été récemment étudié dans plusieurs régions de l’Europe du Nord-ouest, hors de la Normandie. Cette thèse vise à mettre en lumière la manière dont s’est construit le pouvoir... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryEcclesiastical HistoryAnglo-Norman historyMedieval Bishops
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      Medieval FrancePower and jurisdiction in Medieval historyTextométrieTextometry
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      Medieval LiteracyMedieval Canon LawPapal GovernmentMedieval charters
Complete reference of the volume : Jeunes chercheurs en Sciences humaines et sociales. Travaux de doctorants de l’École Doctorale « Littératures, cultures et sciences sociales » – II, Cahiers de la Maison de la Recherche en Sciences... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval BishopsMedieval Parish ChurchMedieval charters