Antonella Ghignoli (Pisa, 1963) is Full Professor in Paleography (Academic field M-STO/09) at Sapienza - University of Rome, Department of "History Anthropology Religions Art Performing Arts" and Senior Research Fellow at Sapienza School for Advanced Studies - SSAS (2018-2021).
She is currently Principal Investigator of the ERC funded project NOTAE (ERC Advanced Grant 2017 - GA nr. 786572), "NOT A writtEn word but graphic symbols. NOTAE: An evidence-based reconstruction of another written world in pragmatic literacy from Late Antiquity to early medieval Europe" (2018-2023). Official Website <>.
With Paul Bertrand (Université Catholique de Louvain) and Arianna D'Ottone Rambach she is scientific coordinator of the research program "DiploMA. Diplomatics in Mediterranean Area" in partnership with the École Française de Rome (2022-2026).
She studied at the University of Pisa (Laurea cum laude in History, with a Thesis in Palaeography and Diplomatics, 1988), at the University of Florence (PhD in Medieval History) and, thanks to a Research Fellowship, at the University of Leipzig (Quellenkunde und historische Hilfswissenschaften, 1989-1990) and at the École Française de Rome (Moyen Age, 2000).
Her teaching career began as Assistant Professor (in permanent position) for Latin Paleography, Codicology, Diplomatics and for Latin Literature too at the University La Tuscia -Viterbo (2001-2006); subsequently as Assistant Professor for Diplomatics and History of Palaeography and Diplomatics at the University of Florence (2006-2011), then as Assistant Professor for Diplomatics at la Sapienza - University of Rome, finally as Full Professor at the same university. She has lectured extensively in Italy and abroad.
She is member of the Scientific Counseling Board of the Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo (ISIME), of the "Deputazione di storia patria per la Toscana", corresponding member of the Accademia senese degli Intronati (Siena), member of the "Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia e l'Archeologia dell'Alto Medioevo" (SAAME), of the Féderation Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médievales (F.I.D.E.M.), of the "Association Paléographique internationale. Culture Écriture Société" (APICES), of the "Associazione italiana dei Paleografi e Diplomatisti", and of the "Società italiana degli storici medievisti" (SISMED).
She edits (with François Bougard and Wolfgang Huschner) the series "Italia Regia" (Eudora-Verlag, Leipzig, BRD).
She is a member of the editorial board of the review «Archivio Storico Italiano»; member of the steering commitee of the review «Culture del testo e del documento» (Vecchiarelli Editore, Manziana, Italy); member of the scientific committee of the reviews «Scrineum», «Medioevo e Rinascimento» and «Documenta». She served as referee for the following journals: «Archivio storico italiano», «Bullettino dell‘Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo», «Quaderni storici», «Reti medievali Rivista», «Studi medievali», «Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Moyen Age», «Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken» , «Archivio storico per la Calabria e la Lucania», «Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica».
Her main fields of interest include: writings and documents from the late antiquity to the early middle ages; charters of rulers and literacy in medieval Europe (7th.-12th. century); graphic, cultural, legal and political aspects of the activity of medieval notaries; literacy and writing practices of the communal age in Italy; transmission, textual criticism and critical edition of documentary sources for medieval history; methodology of history and research methodologies in palaeography and diplomatics; books and libraries of the Renaissance.
She is currently Principal Investigator of the ERC funded project NOTAE (ERC Advanced Grant 2017 - GA nr. 786572), "NOT A writtEn word but graphic symbols. NOTAE: An evidence-based reconstruction of another written world in pragmatic literacy from Late Antiquity to early medieval Europe" (2018-2023). Official Website <>.
With Paul Bertrand (Université Catholique de Louvain) and Arianna D'Ottone Rambach she is scientific coordinator of the research program "DiploMA. Diplomatics in Mediterranean Area" in partnership with the École Française de Rome (2022-2026).
She studied at the University of Pisa (Laurea cum laude in History, with a Thesis in Palaeography and Diplomatics, 1988), at the University of Florence (PhD in Medieval History) and, thanks to a Research Fellowship, at the University of Leipzig (Quellenkunde und historische Hilfswissenschaften, 1989-1990) and at the École Française de Rome (Moyen Age, 2000).
Her teaching career began as Assistant Professor (in permanent position) for Latin Paleography, Codicology, Diplomatics and for Latin Literature too at the University La Tuscia -Viterbo (2001-2006); subsequently as Assistant Professor for Diplomatics and History of Palaeography and Diplomatics at the University of Florence (2006-2011), then as Assistant Professor for Diplomatics at la Sapienza - University of Rome, finally as Full Professor at the same university. She has lectured extensively in Italy and abroad.
She is member of the Scientific Counseling Board of the Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo (ISIME), of the "Deputazione di storia patria per la Toscana", corresponding member of the Accademia senese degli Intronati (Siena), member of the "Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia e l'Archeologia dell'Alto Medioevo" (SAAME), of the Féderation Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médievales (F.I.D.E.M.), of the "Association Paléographique internationale. Culture Écriture Société" (APICES), of the "Associazione italiana dei Paleografi e Diplomatisti", and of the "Società italiana degli storici medievisti" (SISMED).
She edits (with François Bougard and Wolfgang Huschner) the series "Italia Regia" (Eudora-Verlag, Leipzig, BRD).
She is a member of the editorial board of the review «Archivio Storico Italiano»; member of the steering commitee of the review «Culture del testo e del documento» (Vecchiarelli Editore, Manziana, Italy); member of the scientific committee of the reviews «Scrineum», «Medioevo e Rinascimento» and «Documenta». She served as referee for the following journals: «Archivio storico italiano», «Bullettino dell‘Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo», «Quaderni storici», «Reti medievali Rivista», «Studi medievali», «Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Moyen Age», «Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken» , «Archivio storico per la Calabria e la Lucania», «Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica».
Her main fields of interest include: writings and documents from the late antiquity to the early middle ages; charters of rulers and literacy in medieval Europe (7th.-12th. century); graphic, cultural, legal and political aspects of the activity of medieval notaries; literacy and writing practices of the communal age in Italy; transmission, textual criticism and critical edition of documentary sources for medieval history; methodology of history and research methodologies in palaeography and diplomatics; books and libraries of the Renaissance.
InterestsView All (97)
Books (Authored&Edited) by Antonella Ghignoli
Included in this volume is the edition of an unknown Latin papyrus that was rediscovered around twenty years ago in the collections of the Museo Civico of the Palazzo Chiericati of Vicenza. Dating to the sixth century AD and in all likelihood coming from Sicily, the fragment preserves part of a larger text that was organized in the form of a list reporting various kinds of documentary material. Given the presence of terms and phenomena hitherto not attested in the late antique West in any direct tradition, it constitutes a written testimony of extraordinary importance. The edition is accompanied by comments and studies of a palaeographical and textual nature that aim at clarifying the date, provenance, and nature of the papyrus as well proposing an interpretation of it as a historical source.
The book includes essays by Tessa Canella, Agostino Soldati, Yasmine Amory, Sophie Kovarik, Dario Internullo, Martin Hellmann.
The book is available for download in Open Access at
[Hgg.: Antonella Ghignoli / Wolfgang Huschner / Marie Ulrike Jaros]
Eudora Verlag, Leipzig, 2016
272 Seiten, 4 farbige Beilagen DIN A 3, 81 Abbildungen, 17 Tabellen, 8 Karten, 6 Diagramme, Festeinband, Index, 24 x 32 cm;
ISBN: 978-3-938533-33-8
Mittelalterliche Herrscherurkunden sind nicht länger als bloße Rechtsdokumente, sondern vielmehr als hochkomplexe Medien zu betrachten. In ihnen spiegeln sich die Beziehungen der Eliten wider und werden im Text sowie grafisch zum Ausdruck gebracht. Das Datenbankprojekt „Italia Regia“ erfaßt systematisch die Herrscherurkunden des 7. bis 11. Jahrhunderts für Empfänger im Regnum Italiae nach diesen Aspekten. Mit dem vorliegenden Sammelband, in dem die Beiträge der Tagung „Europäische Herrscher und die Toskana im Spiegel der urkundlichen Überlieferung“ zusammengefaßt sind, wird die gleichnamige Reihe eingeführt. In ihr sollen die Ergebnisse zu den Forschungen über
die einzelnen Regionen veröffentlicht werden.
Der vorliegende Band stellt unter anderem das Projekt näher vor und vereint daneben Einzelstudien von französischen, italienischen und deutschen Autoren zu Urkundenempfängern in der Toskana.
Außerdem werden bislang unbekannte Überlieferungsträger ediert und in Abbildung veröffentlicht.
Abstract: Celio Calcagnini (1479-1541) belonged to one of the most important families of Ferrara: his uncle Teofilo was the most generously rewarded courtier of Borso d'Este; his grandfather, Francesco Calcagnini, was a pupil of Vittorino da Feltre and Guarino Veronese and a well-known copyst of important manuscripts. Celio himself entered the court of Ippolito d'Este and became Cardinal Este's secretary. Celio Calcagnini was considered by his contemporaries as one of the most learned men of his age. A little manuscript, now in State Archive of Modena, preserved the traces of his famous and rich library. Through the criticism of this "Überrest" the book shapes up the only possible representation of the great collection of manuscripts (in greek and latin languages), incunables and printed books (in greek, latin, hebraic, and vernacular languages) of Celio Calcagnini, «one of the most enigmatic and at the same time representative figures of his age» (Adriano Prosperi).
The volume is the first of a series of three («Biblioteca del «Bollettino storico pisano». Fonti; 11, I-III): with the second volume and the third one – concerning the period from 1100 to 1200 and edited by S.P.P. Scalfati – it represents the result of a Research Project "PRIN 2003" financed by the Ministry of Education and Research (National Coordinator: S.P.P. Scalfati)."
A partire da questa pagina:
Papers (a Selection) by Antonella Ghignoli
The article aims to outline the portrait of Egenanda, a woman bearing a name of East Germanic origin, who is probably an Ostrogoth attested in a Latin documentary papyrus hitherto unknown and recently edited, translated and commented by the Author of the article in collaboration with Teresa De Robertis and Stefano Zamponi. Dating to the sixth century AD and likely coming from Sicily, the fragment preserves part of a larger text that was
organized in the form of a list reporting various kinds of documentary material. Given the presence of terms and phenomena hitherto not attested in the late antique West in any direct tradition, it constitutes a written testimony of extraordinary importance. The peculiarities involved in the mentions of Egenanda, starting from her name, and the extraordinary aspects of their context of transmission meet like in a reflecting mirror game.
Enno Bünz/ Wolfgang Huschner (Hgg.) 1050 Jahre Erzbistum Magdeburg (968–2018). Die Errichtung und Etablierung des Erzbistums im europäischen und regionalen Kontext (10.–12. Jahrhundert) /I 1050 anni dell’arcivescovato di Magdeburgo. La fondazione e il consolidamento dell’arcivescovato nel contesto europeo e regionale (secoli X–XII), Eudora Verlag, Leipzig, 2023 (ITALIA REGIA 6), pp. 89-98.
For details
More details on the volume at:
More details on my chapter at:
From the third to the eighth century CE some historical phenomena can be studied in continuity. Documentary practice is certainly one of these. The basic textual frame of “Barbarian” documents is recognizable as part of a Roman “discourse.” This fact is fundamental evidence for the derivation of the early medieval documentary practice in the West from the late Roman world. At the same time, however, this fact constitutes the main obstacle to our understanding the process of derivation in all its aspects. This paper will not follow long-term developments of specific documentary typologies. Rather, it is concerned with a mode of written communication connected to a particular need that emerges as a constant in the whole documentary tradition of the period, regardless of questions concerning the longue durée: the need to represent a sequence of “things” within the written records produced for pragmatic purposes by bureaucrats, official scribes, notaries, and individuals. The paper attempts to reflect on the possibility of framing significant features in the “practice of writing a list” within the rich transmission of documentary papyri of late Roman and Byzantine Egypt. The aim is to assemble a minimal number of critical elements useful for comparative analysis of similar practices attested in the very poor transmission of documentary sources in the late Roman and post-Roman West, in order to provide a basis for the interpretation of a sixth-century Latin documentary papyrus from Italy containing a fragmentary list, which has recently discovered and will be edited and commented in a forthcoming monograph.
Joint Proceedings of RCIS 2022 Workshops and Research Projects Track, co-located with the 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2022) Barcelona, Spain, May 17-20, 2022.
Edited by: Joao Araujo, Jose Luis de la Vara, Isabel Sofia Brito, Nelly Condori-Fernandez, Leticia Duboc, Giovanni Giachetti, Beatriz Marín, Estefania Serral, Alessandra Bagnato, Lidia Lopez
Submitted by: Jose Luis de la Vara
Published on CEUR-WS: 29-May-2022
The paper presents the project NOTAE, which has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Advanced Grant 2017, GA n. 786572, PI Antonella Ghignoli).
All the authors are currently team members or affiliated researchers of the project.
See also:
implications in data. In this paper, we propose a first version of the NOTAE Knowledge Graph, and we outline future works and possible synergies.
Included in this volume is the edition of an unknown Latin papyrus that was rediscovered around twenty years ago in the collections of the Museo Civico of the Palazzo Chiericati of Vicenza. Dating to the sixth century AD and in all likelihood coming from Sicily, the fragment preserves part of a larger text that was organized in the form of a list reporting various kinds of documentary material. Given the presence of terms and phenomena hitherto not attested in the late antique West in any direct tradition, it constitutes a written testimony of extraordinary importance. The edition is accompanied by comments and studies of a palaeographical and textual nature that aim at clarifying the date, provenance, and nature of the papyrus as well proposing an interpretation of it as a historical source.
The book includes essays by Tessa Canella, Agostino Soldati, Yasmine Amory, Sophie Kovarik, Dario Internullo, Martin Hellmann.
The book is available for download in Open Access at
[Hgg.: Antonella Ghignoli / Wolfgang Huschner / Marie Ulrike Jaros]
Eudora Verlag, Leipzig, 2016
272 Seiten, 4 farbige Beilagen DIN A 3, 81 Abbildungen, 17 Tabellen, 8 Karten, 6 Diagramme, Festeinband, Index, 24 x 32 cm;
ISBN: 978-3-938533-33-8
Mittelalterliche Herrscherurkunden sind nicht länger als bloße Rechtsdokumente, sondern vielmehr als hochkomplexe Medien zu betrachten. In ihnen spiegeln sich die Beziehungen der Eliten wider und werden im Text sowie grafisch zum Ausdruck gebracht. Das Datenbankprojekt „Italia Regia“ erfaßt systematisch die Herrscherurkunden des 7. bis 11. Jahrhunderts für Empfänger im Regnum Italiae nach diesen Aspekten. Mit dem vorliegenden Sammelband, in dem die Beiträge der Tagung „Europäische Herrscher und die Toskana im Spiegel der urkundlichen Überlieferung“ zusammengefaßt sind, wird die gleichnamige Reihe eingeführt. In ihr sollen die Ergebnisse zu den Forschungen über
die einzelnen Regionen veröffentlicht werden.
Der vorliegende Band stellt unter anderem das Projekt näher vor und vereint daneben Einzelstudien von französischen, italienischen und deutschen Autoren zu Urkundenempfängern in der Toskana.
Außerdem werden bislang unbekannte Überlieferungsträger ediert und in Abbildung veröffentlicht.
Abstract: Celio Calcagnini (1479-1541) belonged to one of the most important families of Ferrara: his uncle Teofilo was the most generously rewarded courtier of Borso d'Este; his grandfather, Francesco Calcagnini, was a pupil of Vittorino da Feltre and Guarino Veronese and a well-known copyst of important manuscripts. Celio himself entered the court of Ippolito d'Este and became Cardinal Este's secretary. Celio Calcagnini was considered by his contemporaries as one of the most learned men of his age. A little manuscript, now in State Archive of Modena, preserved the traces of his famous and rich library. Through the criticism of this "Überrest" the book shapes up the only possible representation of the great collection of manuscripts (in greek and latin languages), incunables and printed books (in greek, latin, hebraic, and vernacular languages) of Celio Calcagnini, «one of the most enigmatic and at the same time representative figures of his age» (Adriano Prosperi).
The volume is the first of a series of three («Biblioteca del «Bollettino storico pisano». Fonti; 11, I-III): with the second volume and the third one – concerning the period from 1100 to 1200 and edited by S.P.P. Scalfati – it represents the result of a Research Project "PRIN 2003" financed by the Ministry of Education and Research (National Coordinator: S.P.P. Scalfati)."
A partire da questa pagina:
The article aims to outline the portrait of Egenanda, a woman bearing a name of East Germanic origin, who is probably an Ostrogoth attested in a Latin documentary papyrus hitherto unknown and recently edited, translated and commented by the Author of the article in collaboration with Teresa De Robertis and Stefano Zamponi. Dating to the sixth century AD and likely coming from Sicily, the fragment preserves part of a larger text that was
organized in the form of a list reporting various kinds of documentary material. Given the presence of terms and phenomena hitherto not attested in the late antique West in any direct tradition, it constitutes a written testimony of extraordinary importance. The peculiarities involved in the mentions of Egenanda, starting from her name, and the extraordinary aspects of their context of transmission meet like in a reflecting mirror game.
Enno Bünz/ Wolfgang Huschner (Hgg.) 1050 Jahre Erzbistum Magdeburg (968–2018). Die Errichtung und Etablierung des Erzbistums im europäischen und regionalen Kontext (10.–12. Jahrhundert) /I 1050 anni dell’arcivescovato di Magdeburgo. La fondazione e il consolidamento dell’arcivescovato nel contesto europeo e regionale (secoli X–XII), Eudora Verlag, Leipzig, 2023 (ITALIA REGIA 6), pp. 89-98.
For details
More details on the volume at:
More details on my chapter at:
From the third to the eighth century CE some historical phenomena can be studied in continuity. Documentary practice is certainly one of these. The basic textual frame of “Barbarian” documents is recognizable as part of a Roman “discourse.” This fact is fundamental evidence for the derivation of the early medieval documentary practice in the West from the late Roman world. At the same time, however, this fact constitutes the main obstacle to our understanding the process of derivation in all its aspects. This paper will not follow long-term developments of specific documentary typologies. Rather, it is concerned with a mode of written communication connected to a particular need that emerges as a constant in the whole documentary tradition of the period, regardless of questions concerning the longue durée: the need to represent a sequence of “things” within the written records produced for pragmatic purposes by bureaucrats, official scribes, notaries, and individuals. The paper attempts to reflect on the possibility of framing significant features in the “practice of writing a list” within the rich transmission of documentary papyri of late Roman and Byzantine Egypt. The aim is to assemble a minimal number of critical elements useful for comparative analysis of similar practices attested in the very poor transmission of documentary sources in the late Roman and post-Roman West, in order to provide a basis for the interpretation of a sixth-century Latin documentary papyrus from Italy containing a fragmentary list, which has recently discovered and will be edited and commented in a forthcoming monograph.
Joint Proceedings of RCIS 2022 Workshops and Research Projects Track, co-located with the 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2022) Barcelona, Spain, May 17-20, 2022.
Edited by: Joao Araujo, Jose Luis de la Vara, Isabel Sofia Brito, Nelly Condori-Fernandez, Leticia Duboc, Giovanni Giachetti, Beatriz Marín, Estefania Serral, Alessandra Bagnato, Lidia Lopez
Submitted by: Jose Luis de la Vara
Published on CEUR-WS: 29-May-2022
The paper presents the project NOTAE, which has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Advanced Grant 2017, GA n. 786572, PI Antonella Ghignoli).
All the authors are currently team members or affiliated researchers of the project.
See also:
implications in data. In this paper, we propose a first version of the NOTAE Knowledge Graph, and we outline future works and possible synergies.
Free downloadable until 22th february 2020 here:
DOI: <>
The use of graphic symbols in documentary records from the 5th to the 9th century has so far received scant attention. What we mean by graphic symbols are graphic signs (including alphabetical ones) drawn as a visual unit in a written text and representing something other or something more than a word of that text. The Project NOTAE represents the first attempt to investigate these graphic entities as a historical phenomenon from Late Antiquity to early medieval Europe in any written sources containing texts generated for pragmatic purposes (con-tracts, petitions, official and private letters, lists etc.). Identifying and classifying graphic symbols on such documents is a task that requires experience and knowledge of the field, but software applications may come in help by learning to recognize symbols from previously annotated documents and suggesting experts potential symbols and likely classification in newly acquired documents to be validated, thus easing the task. This contribution introduces the NOTAE system that, in addition to the aforementioned task, provides non expert users with tools to explore the documents annotated by experts.
This work is supported by the ERC grant NOTAE: NOT A writtEn word but graphic symbols, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 786572, Advanced Grant 2017, PI Antonella Ghignoli).
S. ROEBERT, A. GHIGNOLI, C. NEUSTADT, S. KOLDITZ (Edd.), Von der Ostsee zum Mittelmeer. Forschungen zur mittelalterlicher Geschichte für Wolfgang Huschner. Dal Mar Baltico al Mediterraneo. Ricerche di storia medievale per Wolfgang Huschner, Eudora- Verlag, Leipzig, 2019 (Italia Regia 4), pp. 37-52.
This paper focuses on the medieval and early modern transmission of diplomas issued by rulers from 10th to 12th centuries for monasteries and churches of the Florentine and Sienese contado. In the light of some considerations about the practice of "Empfängerausfertigung" in the high medieval period and the legal function of copying documents in the Communal Age, the paper discusses three case studies of documentary transmission and monastic archival practice represented by the abbey of San Salvatore a Settimo near Florence, the abbey of Santa Maria in Florence (the so called Badia Fiorentina) and the abbey of Sant'Antimo in the Sienese contado. The paper presents also a new hypothesis on the role of the notary Albertus – one of the most active notaries in Florence during the second half of the 11th century – as copyst as well as scriptor of diplomas addressed to Florentine monasteries.
Friday 18 June 2021 03:00 pm (GMT+1, Roma)
Tessa Canella (Sapienza – Università di Roma) will give a lecture entitled "Segni, sogni e visioni celesti nella letteratura di età costantiniana".
Lecture on 28 May 2021 03:00 pm
Lecture by Johannes Preiser-Kapeller (ÖAW) on 14/05/2021, 03:00 pm, (Rome) through
The video of the lecture is now online:
Location: Sapienza-University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome, CU003 (Faculty of “Lettere e Filosofia”), Third Floor, Department of “Storia Religioni Arte Spettacolo“, Room “A di Studi storico religiosi".
Friday 5 February 2021 03:00 pm (Roma)
Silvia Ferrara (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, PI ERC project INSCRIBE-Invention of Scripts and their Beginnings)
Da icona a linea. Evoluzione dei primi segni tra natura e cultura
Più di un'arte, più di un'intuizione. Una proposta tipologica per l'analisi paleografica dei papiri documentari greci.
Sophie Kovarik, Notaries in Late Antiquity (4th-8th century). The Middle Egyptian Evidence.
11 September 2020, 05:00 pm.
For registration, please mail to:
[email protected]
Storici moderni e fiscalità tardoantica: breve storia critica di una «relazione complicata»
11 September 2020, 05:00 pm.
The lecture will take place online on Google Meet.
For information and registration, please mail to: [email protected]
NOTAE is a research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Advanced Grant grant agreement n. 786572,) and is hosted by Sapienza Università di Roma.
For information and registration: [email protected]
PROject NOTAE Lectures Series is organized by the ERC-2017-ADG NOTAE, a 5-years project funded by European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Advanced Grant, grant agreement n° 786572) and hosted by Sapienza University of Rome.
The lecture will take place online on Google Meet
For information and registration, please mail to: [email protected]
In this lecture prof. De Robertis will present the 'new roman cursive' (or «nouvelle écriture commune» according to the definition of Jean Mallon) attested in a so far unknown latin documentary papyrus datable to the 6th century AD. The common and unique features of that script will be discussed as well as the problems and the cruces of the text.
Lectures Series 2019-2020 updated program: <>
PROject NOTAE Lectures Series is organized by the ERC-2017-ADG NOTAE, a 5-years project funded by European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Advanced Grant, grant agreement n° 786572) and hosted by Sapienza University of Rome.
ERC-2017-ADG Project N° 786572.
Principal Investigator: Antonella Ghignoli, Sapienza Università di Roma.
After a one-year pause, devoted to seeking a considerable number of bursaries to support as many applicants as possible, Translating the Past will be offered again in summer 2013 at The International Studies Institute at Palazzo Rucellai (Florence, Italy). Throughout June 2013, students will participate in a one-month summer workshop in Florence devoted to these disciplines and taught by internationally renowned specialists who are noted for their scholarly contributions and long teaching experience. Students attending the workshop will acquire both a methodological and a practical introduction to the subjects through seminars and hands-on assignments. Furthermore, they will explore the Florentine collections in the famous local libraries and archives, such as the Archivio di Stato, the Biblioteca Nazionale and the Biblioteca Riccardiana.
Relatori invitati: Isabella Lazzarini, Tiziana Plebani, Michele Di Sivo, Attilio Bartoli Langeli, Lucia Colella - Marta Marucci, Nicoletta Giovè, Maria Cristina La Rocca, Marco Albertoni, María Herranz Pinacho.
secoli VII-VIII. Articolazioni, sviluppi, contesti", organized by Daniele Bianconi, Raffaele Luiselli, Agostino Soldati.
Sapienza University of Rome 1 February 2023
Dipartimento di Storia, Antropologia, Religioni, Arte, Spettacolo
Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità
4th–6th October 2018
For further information:
L'evento sarà inaugurato dai saluti del dr. Enrico Spinelli (Dirigente del Servizio Biblioteche e Archivi del comune di Ferrara), del prof. Massimo Miglio (Presidente dell'Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo) e del prof. Franco Cazzola (Presidente delle Deputazione provinciale ferrarese di storia patria).
Il libro verrà presentato e discusso dai proff. Sandro Bertelli e Paolo Trovato dell'Università degli studi di Ferrara.
Antonella Ghignoli, Marco Grimaldi e Giorgio Inglese presentano il nuovo
CODICE DIPLOMATICO DANTESCO, a cura di Teresa De Robertis, Giuliano Milani, Laura Regnicoli, Stefano Zamponi, Salerno Editrice, Roma 2016 (Nuova Edizione Commentata delle Opere di Dante, VII. Opere di dubbia attribuzione e altri documenti danteschi, t. III).
Saranno presenti i curatori e Enrico Malato, ideatore del progetto editoriale.
Interverranno Giulio Ferroni e Amedeo Quondam.
wichtigsten Quellen zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte im
frühmittelalterlichen Italien. Ihre starre formelhafte Struktur
bewirkte allerdings, dass die Veränderungen der wirtschaftlichen
Konjunkturen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen mitunter nur
verspätet Eingang in sie fanden. Das Seminar untersucht die
Dokumente nicht nur aus einer historischen Perspektive im
engeren Sinne, sondern richtet den Blick insbesondere auf ihre
formalen Aspekte. Auf der Grundlage eines interregionalen und
interdisziplinären Vergleichs geht es darum, unsere Kenntnisse
über die Natur, Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Quellen zur
Geschichte der italienischen Agrarlandschaft im Frühmittelalter zu
erweitern und zu erneuern.
I contratti agrari costituiscono, assieme ai polittici, una delle
fonti essenziali per la storia economica e sociale dell'Italia
altomedievale. Tuttavia i patti agrari, caratterizzati da un
formulario rigido, sono fonti reticenti e potevano tardare a
recepire i cambiamenti avvenuti nelle congiunture economiche
e nelle strutture sociali. Il seminario esaminerà i documenti non
solo in una prospettiva propriamente storica, ma anche con
particolare riguardo ai loro aspetti formali. Attraverso un
confronto interregionale e interdisciplinare, si mira ad
approfondire e aggiornare le nostre conoscenze su caratteri,
limiti e potenzialità delle fonti sulla storia delle campagne
italiane nell'alto medioevo.
Venerdì 20 gennaio 2017, ore 17
Ferrara, Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea, Sala Agnelli.
Ne parlano con la curatrice Corinna Mezzetti:
Teresa De Robertis, Università degli studi di Firenze
Antonella Ghignoli, Università La Sapienza di Roma
Veranstaltungsort: Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 1. 04107 Leipzig.
Veranstalter: Universität Leipzig, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano.
Gefôrdet von: DAAD – Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig.
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten bis zum 22. Mai 2015
Registration deadline: 22th May 2015
Kontakt: Frau Monika Jäger: [email protected]
Una certa funzione ausiliaria della paleografia non viene meno con la sua sostanziale e ormai riconosciuta autonomia come scienza. Tale funzione si esprime in un originario rapporto con la filologia e consiste principalmente nel datare il testimone manoscritto di un testo letterario: localizzarne nel tempo e nello spazio la scrittura. In questo senso (inclusa la possibilità di stabilire indirettamente l’età dell’antigrafo di un testimone, individuandovi errori originati dalla lettura di un certo tipo di scrittura) il lavoro paleografico può contribuire quell’operazione storico-critica che è la recensio. Ma che cosa succede se la tradizione presenta aspetti peculiari e per i suoi testimoni – in quanto appartenenti a una certa tipologia di scrittura e di libro – il contributo paleografico consiste, per metodo, nel riconoscere problemi anziché risolverli? È ciò che proveremo a esemplificare esaminando le datazioni di quattro manoscritti del Roman de Troie: Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, D 55 sup.; Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale XIII c. 38; Città del Vaticano, Vat. Reg. Lat. 1505; Venezia, Biblioteca Marciana, fr. VII.
Per le candidatura:
"Cultural Heritage Studies. Texts, Writings, Images."
More info:
Closing date for applications: 01-06-2018
Within the Poster session published on the project site (<>), the Notae project poster is now accessible here: <>,
Il calendario prevede un seminario al mese, da ottobre a maggio, dalle 16:00 alle 18:30. Gli iscritti utilizzeranno la piattaforma per l’insegnamento a distanza messa a disposizione dalla Pontificia Università Antonianum.
Requisiti minimi di ammissione: studenti in possesso di laurea magistrale in discipline umanistiche o di licenza ottenuta presso facoltà ecclesiastiche; studenti iscritti ai corsi per il conseguimento dei suddetti titoli di studio.
Iscrizioni: dal 13 settembre al 15 ottobre 2021.
Il costo per l’iscrizione è di € 200,00.
Per gli studenti del Dipartimento SARAS della Sapienza l’iscrizione è gratuita in virtù dell’Accordo quadro di collaborazione scientifica con la PUA.
A coloro che avranno frequentato tutti gli otto seminari e avranno consegnato un elaborato finale di almeno cinque cartelle, la Segreteria della PUA rilascerà un attestato di 3 ECTS
The interview is available at the following address: <>
Tutte le informazioni, così come il programma (in costante aggiornamento), sono disponibili al seguente link: