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Ce travail a pour objet d'etudier les emplois du verbe-outil kāna en arabe contemporain. 1ere partie : nous commencons par faire la synthese des descriptions de kāna chez les grammairiens arabes et arabisants, en nous interessant au... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsTextometry
Drawing from the most recent developments in the field of Digital Humanities, the article showcases some of the most promising methods as well as some of the most useful tools for computational textual analysis. Textometry, stylometry and... more
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      Digital HumanitiesStylometricsRomanian LiteratureNetwork Analysis
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      Medieval HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Political PowerInnocent III
Résumé En 2010, nous avons établi un grand corpus de l’œuvre de Jules Verne qui dépasse les six millions de mots et qui nous a permis une approche différente de sa production littéraire. Grâce aux nouveaux outils informatiques dont nous... more
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      French LiteratureScience FictionPhraseologyLittérature Française
Within the framework of a research whose objective consists of responding to a need formulated by the IDIT, which helps to interpret the jurisprudential texts contained in its database, we are looking to highlight the interpretive paths... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsLinguisticsLegal argumentationTextometry
Enjeux d'une praxis textuelle en éducation : réflexion sur l'apport des scien...
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      Ernst CassirerPraxeologyMarcel MaussFrançois Rastier
Dans un contexte d'enseignement de la traduction, nous comparons diffé rentes traductions franç aises d'un mê me texte original en anglais (ici, le discours d'investiture prononcé par le pré sident Barack Obama en 2009). Certaines des... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesTextométrieTextometry
This article describes the methodology for identifying a certain kind of speech in internet forums. The detection of the speech of a Community Manager combines recent issues in the domain of Natural Language Processing, including... more
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      Data MiningMultilingualismSemanticsClassification (Machine Learning)
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      Digital HumanitiesHistory of FlorenceHistorical MethodologyTextual analysis
Cet article traite de l’évolution contemporaine des discours sur la guerre et de leur poids dans la construction d’une réalité acceptable et acceptée. A travers le cas des compagnies de sécurité privée, il analyse les transformations des... more
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      Critical Security StudiesSciences PolitiquesSociology of International RelationsPMSC
Luis de Góngora (1561-1627) intensified and deepened what was understood by imitation of Classical and Italian models in Spanish literary practice for almost a century. How did he become, in doing so, the master of a new poetry in Spain,... more
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      Digital HumanitiesNetwork AnalysisLuis de GóngoraControversies
The difficulty of automatic processing has forced most analyses of verbless sentences to rely on fragmented data. This paper overcomes fixed annotation and verb-centric syntactic modelling to present a new method of automatic retrieval of... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingCorpus LinguisticsPredicationInformation structure (Languages And Linguistics)
Within the framework of a research whose objective consists of responding to a need formulated by the IDIT, which helps to interpret the jurisprudential texts contained in its database, we are looking to highlight the interpretive paths... more
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      Computer ScienceCorpus LinguisticsLinguisticsLegal argumentation
The corpus Jules Verne that we have established is composed of more than 6 millions words. By using recent technology, new statistical and reliable approaches of large corpus can be made, and in consequence, impartial and objective... more
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      French LiteratureLiteratura FrancesaLittérature FrançaiseJules Verne
Cette présentation se donne pour objet les « routines discursives » caractéristiques des rapports éducatifs rédigés par des éducateurs spécialisés dans le secteur de la protection de l’enfance. En effet, ces textes se caractérisent par... more
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      Discourse AnalysisProfessional WritingWriting ProcessesTextometry
L’étude de Simon Laflamme, sa huitième dans nos Cahiers, porte sur des entretiens qui ont été réalisés, il y a une vingtaine d’années, auprès de francophones d’une communauté du nord-est de l’Ontario. Ces données, analysées dans une... more
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      Relational SociologyTextometryFrench Canadian Minorities
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      Medieval FrancePower and jurisdiction in Medieval historyTextométrieTextometry
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsTextometry
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      Discourse AnalysisNatural Language ProcessingWeb MiningText Mining