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Diplomatics offers a methodological approach to Information Science providing subsidies for documentary analysis in Archival Science. Its origin dates back to the seventeenth century, when in 1681, Mabillon published the work De re... more
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      Archival scienceDiplomatics
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      PaleographyDiplomaticsPaleografiaMujer Y Cultura Escrita
This paper explores the dissemination of seal usage among the Flemish noble elite throughout the twelfth century. Aristocratic seal culture in the county of Flanders was impacted by opposing external influences: Flanders enjoyed strong... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesDiplomaticsSigillography
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      Archival StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory and Memory
Dieser Text ist Teil der Homepage "Materialien zur Buichmalerei" | 411 Die Funktion des Bildes in mittelalterlichen Bruderschafts-und Zunft-Urkunden | 415 Abb. 6: Detail... more
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)DiplomaticsCharters and PaleographyMiddle Ages
Dialoga com Bruno Delmas acerca do papel do arquivista diplomatista e a importância da diplomática para a gestão dos documentos arquivísticos digitais
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      DiplomaticsArchivísticaDiplomatics (Modern)Archivistica y Gestion Documental
The “Majestätsquaterne” of the Moravian Land Registries. Admission to the Estates in Moravia after 1628 and Written Records of them in the Years 1642–1852. The essence of the study is an analysis of the so-called Majestätsquaterne”,... more
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      Diplomatics18th & 19th Centuries17th century EuropeAristocracy
El objetivo del presente artículo es iniciar una serie de estudios de conjunto sobre el gremio de los sastres, quienes, en la investigación histórica más reciente, han sido objeto de perspectivas particulares referidas a zonas geográficas... more
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      InquisitionPaleographyDiplomaticsThe Spanish Inquisition
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      PhilologyGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureLate Latin Literature
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      PaleographyDiplomaticsHistoria de la cultura escritaMujer Y Cultura Escrita
Notai fiorentini e monaci cistercensi fra Due e Trecento, in Notariorum itinera. Notai toscani del basso Medioevo tra routine, mobilità e specializzazione. Casi toscani, a cura di G. Pinto, L. Tanzini, S. Tognetti, Firenze, Olschki, 2018... more
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      Medieval StudiesMonastic StudiesDiplomatics (Medieval)Diplomatics
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      Early Modern HistoryLegal HistoryArchivesDiplomatics (Medieval)
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    • Diplomatics
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)DiplomaticsPiast DynastyHistory of Silesia
O objetivo desta tese é analisar, partindo de uma perspectiva filológica, um conjunto de cartas manuscritas, lavradas durante a década de 1765 a 1775, na capitania de São Paulo. Transcrevem-se os textos, para, a partir desse trabalho... more
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      PhilologyHistorical LinguisticsTextual ScholarshipTextual Criticism
Domböcker är de viktigaste sammanhängande källorna till Finlands historia under 1600-talet. De belyser på ett mångsidigt sätt livet och människorna på det lokala planet men också i ett riksperspektiv. Domböckerna har ett stort... more
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      PhilologyTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismDiplomatics
The aim of presented paper is to outline the concept of the issuing of the seventh volume of the source edition "Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regni Bohemiae" and its digital version. As a reaction to the changes in the diplomatic... more
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      Canon LawRoman LawProsopographyDiplomatics
The article is devoted to the study of diplomatic relations between Georgia and the United States during the first period of the presidency of Mikhail Saakashvili in Georgia in 2004-2007. The history of the formation, strengthening and... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsDiplomatic Studies
Boniface of Canossa is a figure of great importance to the political and military history of eleventh century Italy. Modern historiography has almost universally argued that Boniface gained his power through a close relationship and... more
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      HistoryHigh Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Diplomatic HistoryComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsComposition and Rhetoric
"La présente étude s'inscrit dans le débat à propos d'une éventuelle " mutation féodale " autour de l'an mil. Il s'agit d'étudier l'aristocratie laïque durant les Xe et XIe siècles, en prêtant une égale attention aux ressorts matériels et... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryHagiographyGenealogy
Syftet med denna artikel är att belysa användningen av medeltidslatinska motsvarigheter till nusvenskans gård, stad och by, framför allt i det äldsta svenska brevmaterialet. Med utgångspunkt i ett brev från 1259 kommer ett antal olika... more
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      Medieval HistoryDiplomaticsMedieval Latin
In this essay, I lay out an argument about the scholarship on the emergent rationality of files. Looking at the case of Heinrich Otto Meisner’s groundbreaking modern diplomatics of files and the conditions and possibilities that shaped... more
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      European HistoryHistorical AnthropologySystems TheoryDiplomatics
In: Mapping the Acehnese past, ed. R. Michael Feener, Patrick Daly & Anthony Reid.  Leiden: KITLV, 2011, pp.105-139, 241-257.
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      DiplomaticsEpistolographyAcehnese historyMalay letters
The Singapore and Melaka Straits are a place where regional and long-distance maritime trading networks converge, linking Europe, the Mediterranean, eastern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent with key centres of... more
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      BusinessHistoryEconomic HistoryDiplomatic History
DiploMA se veut un projet bâtisseur de réseau, incubateur de recherches et de projets, en structurant le champ historiographique neuf de l’histoire comparée et connectée des pratiques de l’écrit / scripturalité dans l’espace... more
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      Comparative HistoryConnected HistoryCodicologyDiplomatics
Promover la difusión de las Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas es uno de los fines estatutarios de nuestra Sociedad. Por ese motivo, este libro pretende reunir y ofrecer a investigadores e interesados un repertorio de las publicaciones... more
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      Archival StudiesGenealogyManuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of the Book
Over the 10th and 11th centuries, the dioceses of Florence and Fiesole were governed by important bishops. Their charisma and political power, however, did not prevent them being consigned to obscurity. This paper describes how and why... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval Studies
Bagi semua orang yg mencari KBRI dan Konsulat Indonesia diseluruh dunia baik itu mencari Alamat, Website,E-mail,Fax,NoTelp dan PO>Box silahkan cari disini
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      DiplomaticsDiplomatic Relations
El proceso de conquista y pacificación de los nuevos territorios americanos por parte de la Corona castellana a lo largo del siglo XVI se basó en una combinación de acciones bélicas, diplomacia e implantación de estructuras... more
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      DiplomaticsHistoria Colonial De América Latina
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      International RelationsDiplomaticsInternational PoliticsChina
RESUMO: Artigo que reflete quanto à adoção do certificado digital tipo A3 como garantia da integridade dos documentos arquivísticos digitais pela Justiça Federal nos moldes previstos pelo MoReq-Jus e quanto à obrigatoriedade de sua... more
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      DiplomaticsAutenticidadeDigital Archiving and Records ManagementDigital Records Management
De flesta äldre handlingar i Finland ligger otryckta och svåråtkomliga i arkivens gömmor. Därför har forskningen inte kunnat nyttiggöra dem på ett effektivt och tillförlitligt sätt. Dessutom är många finländska textutgåvor föråldrade och... more
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      PhilologyTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismDiplomatics
Downloadable pdf from: From Buckfast to Borneo: essays presented to Father Robert Nicholl on the 85th anniversary of his birth, 27 March 1995, eds. Victor T. King & A.V.M.Horton; pp.207-235.  Hull: University of Hull, 1995.
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      DiplomaticsEpistolographySoutheast Asian historyBrunei Darussalam
Preserving electronic records strategies in public Administration. Diplomatics, records management, digital curation and other issues related on our experience in Catalonia. There is an introduction with several terms analysed as... more
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      Computer ScienceArchival StudiesInformation ManagementRecords Management
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesDiplomatics (Medieval)Diplomatics
Highly Commended in the British Records Association Janette Harley Prize 2018. The pontificate of Honorius III (1216–27) ranks among the most important papal reigns of the thirteenth century: the pope organised two large-scale crusades... more
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
У раду се анализира повеља босанског краља Стефана Томаша којом су Дубровчанима потврђене и загарантоване трговачке привилегије и споразуми склопљени са претходним босанским владарима. Рад садржи текст на старосрпском и превод на модерни... more
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      Diplomaticsmedieval Bosniamedieval Bosnia; Medieval Dubrovnik (Ragusa)Medieval Dubrovnik (Ragusa)
Abstract: Much has been written about the Siege of the Legations in Peking (Beijing) in 1900, both at the time and later by historians looking back over these accounts and official papers subsequently released to the public. There is a... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryDiplomatic StudiesBritish Imperial & Commonwelath History - 19th & 20th century
This paper aims to present the characteristics and objectives of the APOSCRIPTA Database ‒ Lettres des papes project (, while inviting interested colleagues and institutions to... more
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      HistoryDigital HumanitiesMedieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Usualmente considerados documentos de "segunda clase", los recortes de prensa suelen ser marginados en el tratamiento documental, aunque su presencia en los archivos sea innegable y desafiadora para el archivero dedicado a ordenarlos y... more
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      Archival StudiesArchival scienceDiplomaticsPrensa
L'assetto amministrativo del regno di Sicilia sotto Federico II continua, da un lato, a seguire la prassi dei predecessori normanni, dall'altro incontriamo aggiornamenti ed innovazioni. Si parla dell'ordinamento della cancelleria, del... more
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      Frederic II.Diplomatics (Medieval)DiplomaticsMedieval Sicily
Il contenuto di questo intervento è frutto di una riflessione comune dei due autori, anche se la sua redazione vede distinte responsabilità : a Michele Ansani va accreditato il primo paragrafo; ad Antonella Ghignoli il secondo. Gli... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital HistoryDiplomatics (Medieval)Diplomatics
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      Medieval urban historyLate MedievalDiplomatics (Medieval)Diplomatics
Cuneiform writing has always been studied by epigraphists and philologists. Nonetheless, cuneiform is indissolubly bound to the materiality of its texts, written on clay, stone, metal, precious stones and much more. This article... more
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      International RelationsDiplomaticsDiplomacyVienna Convention on Consular Relations
The reassignment of a chirograph issued between December 1217 and April 1218 (Lille, Archives départementales du Nord, J 362) to the City aldermen (“échevinage de la Cité”) in Tournai sheds new light on the earliest urban chirographs from... more
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      Medieval StudiesUrban HistoryMedieval urban historyDiplomatics
Inhalt : Einleitung S. 290.-1. Äußere Merkmale der Mandate S. 291.-2. Die inneren Merkmale der Mandate S. 293.-3. Abschriftliche Überlieferung von Manda-ten S. 304.-4. Entstehung von Mandaten innerhalb oder außerhalb der Kanzlei S.... more
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    • Diplomatics
Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del Copyright, bajo las sanciones establecidas en las leyes, la reproducción parcial o total de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la... more
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)DiplomaticsNotarial PracticeDerecho Notarial