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В книге на основе анализа восточных письменных известий, тюркоязычных устных источников и научной литературы освещаются вопросы политической истории Улуса Джучи XIII–XV веков, связанные с проблемой существования центров власти Джучидской... more
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    • Mediaval History
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchitecturePolish HistoryBrick and tile (Archaeology)
The Sword and Buckler were an ubiquitous duo in the middle ages and the Renaissance, although it can be traced back to antiquity. In spite of being often neglected, the buckler has an interesting story to tell. This book offers a new... more
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      Renaissance StudiesMiddle AgesMedieval Weapons and EquipmentAncient Weapons and Warfare
Сравнительный обзор двух историографических традиций исследования Золотой Орды – российской и казахстанской, то ясно видно, что последняя, при таком сопоставлении, выглядит более консервативной, с явно устаревшим идейно-теоретическим... more
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    • Mediaval History
Parchment documents of the Piast dynasty from Teschen from 1408–1566 from the Austrian National Library in Vienna The presented edition together with the introductory study and scientific apparatus makes fully accessible 23 documents that... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCritical Edition (Medieval History)Piast DynastyHistory of Silesia
The castle of Khust – from the depths of the centuries The research deals with the history of origin and built up of a castle complex in the town on Khust. A new concept which implies analyses of architecture of the castle’s... more
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      History of HungaryMedieval HungaryCastlesCastle Studies
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      Queenship (Medieval History)Mendicant Orders in Middle AgesMediaval History
The article describes the heraldry of "kazada", specific social groups in medieval Perast. Each "kazada" consisted of several different families gathered around an "antique" family. It was a great honor for these kazadas to guard the war... more
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      HeraldryMediaval HistoryBoka Kotorska
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMediaval History
Anahtar Kavramlar: Dünyanın İlk Okulları, Dünya’da İlk Eğitimciler, Eski Çağda Eğitim, Anadolu Medeniyetlerinde Eğitim, Eski Türklerde Eğitim, Uzakdoğu Medeniyetlerinden Eğitim (Hint, Çin ve Japonya), Mezopotamya’da Eğitim (Mısır, İran,... more
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      HistoryEducationHistory of EducationPrehistory
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      Central Asian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesOrtaçağ TarihiMediaval History
This text was inspired by the three entries I wrote for ‘The Crusades: An Encyclopedia’, ed. by Alan V. Murray (2006) on Finland, Sweden and the Wendish Crusade (1147), respectively (now uploaded on This made me wonder... more
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      CrusadesHistory of CrusadesSwedish HistoryBernard of Clairvaux
Szlaki historyczne w Polsce to pierwszy tak obszerny wykaz funkcjonujących w XXI wieku polskich szlaków historycznych. Układ szlaków wymienionych w spisie treści ma charakter alfabetyczny. Przy wyborze kierowano się następującą definicją... more
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      history of PolandSpa and Health Tourism in PolandTurystyka I RekreacjaTurystyka Kulturowa
A battle in the kingdom of Kandy in 1592 AD. The local army was victorious over the Portuguese who were an advanced western army. This research examines the use of local military knowledge of Sri Lanka.
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Portuguese StudiesPortuguese History
In 1328, Constance of Saluzzo, coming from a long line of Subalpine nobles related to the kings of Aragon, married Pietro, heir to the throne of Arborea. They governed peaceably and dedicated themselves to bettering their kingdom; in 1343... more
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      PrayerMedieval ArchaeologyPapacy (Medieval Church History)Franciscan Studies
Yazıcızâde Ali tarafından kaleme alınan Tevârih-i Âli Selçuk (Selçuknâme- Oğuznâme) adlı eserin Topkapı Sarayı Kütüphanesi Revan Bölümü Nu: 1391 kayıtlı nüshanın transkripsiyonu ve diğer nüshalarla edisyon kritiği yapılarak varak... more
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      Ortaçağ TarihiMediaval HistoryTürkiye Selçuklu TarihiTevarih-i Ali Selçuk
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      HistoryographyFeudalismGrand Duchy of LithuaniaMediaval History
Статья посвящена истории восточных мадьяр 13-15 веков
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    • Mediaval History
La taïfa de Grenade au XI ème siècle : d'après les « Mémoires » du dernier roi ziride 'Abd Allāh 1 Page du manuscrit de la Bibliothèque d'al-Qarawiyyin des « Mémoires » de 'Abd Allāh, Folio 13 r. Évariste Lévi-Provençal. Un texte inédit... more
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      Islamic StudiesAl-AndalusMedieval Islamic HistoryAl Andalus (Islamic History)
150 pages in English. Due to neglect of foreign impact and several mistakes a part of the traditional Swedish prehistory is reinterpreted in this paper. In 553 AD the Byzantine historian Procopius wrote about a group of Heruls following... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMediaval History
Dr. Rainer Land (Thünen-Institut, Potsdam) hat eine Debatte zur gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungstheorie initiiert, dazu Vortragsveranstaltungen organisiert und relevante Texte auf seiner Internetseite veröffentlicht... more
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesSocial Theory
Tematski zbornik o Moravskoj Srbiji.
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      HistoryArt HistoryFortificationsArheologija
Description of the agrarian landscape in the pre-murgian area between 13th and 14th centuries through pro anima charitable contributions in an obituary of 14th century of Ruvo di Puglia
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      Medieval StudiesAgrarian StudiesAgrarian Historystoria economica e sociale del Mezzogiorno
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesAgrarian HistorySardinia (Medieval Studies)
This article deals with struggle for supremacy of Indian ocean and Persian guelph, between Ottoman Turks and Portuguese in early 15th century AD. Seydi Ali Reis was Ottoman Naval commander who was accidentally driven by Typhoon to Gujarat... more
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      Ottoman HistoryPortuguese HistoryOttoman EmpireMedieval Indian History
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      Russian StudiesTextual Criticism and EditingMediaval History
A mohácsi síkság releváns részét lefedő fémkeresős vizsgálat eredménye alapján kijelenthető, hogy mohácsi csatához köthető hadi lelet jelentős számban és koncentrációban mindeddig csak Majs mellett került elő. A régészeti bizonyítékokra... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical GeographyMilitary GeographyHistory of Hungary
У раду је обарђена ктиторска повеља манастира Дренче.
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      HistoryArt HistoryIstorijaIstorija Umetnosti
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    • Mediaval History
Jean, dit de la Grille ou de Châtillon, fut une figure très importante du XIIe siècle breton. Ses origines ne sont pas connues, mais des éléments le rattachent à la mouvance de Blois-Champagne à laquelle il était très certainement lié, et... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval NobilityMedieval BrittanyCatholic Church History
Ранньосередньовічні археологічні артефакти з острова Ледницького і Ґеча...
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMediaval History
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      Divan EdebiyatıNizami Gandjavi`s KhamsaOrtaçağ TarihiOrta Asya Ve Kafkaslar
In the village of Drenova, next to Leposavić, there is a church dedicated to the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, and it was built during the renewal of the Patriarchate of Peć. It is built of hewn stone, small in size and... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryCodicologySerbian history
Проблема появления союза мадьярских племен средневековья продолжает быть актуальной исторической темой в современной хунгарологии. Ранние мадьяры рубежа раннего и развитого средневековья сформирова- лись как этнополитическая общность на... more
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    • Mediaval History
Статті, що увійшли до збірника, висвітлюють питання етнокультурного та соціального розвитку слов’ян від середини І тисячолітті н. е., тобто в період їх «виходу» на історичну арену. Запропоновані статті різноманітні за змістом: від... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryUkrainian StudiesMedieval Archaeology
The paper offers a hypothesis which could be summarized as follows. In 1347, the divorce of the Bulgarian Tsar John Alexander with Theodora I, the daughter of the Wallachian voevode Ivanko Basarab, broke the kinship relations between the... more
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      Middle AgesSoutheastern Europe in the Middle AgesMediaeval HistoryMediaval History
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      Medieval StudiesMonastic StudiesCarthusiansLate Medieval Religion, Monasticism and Devotion
Τύποι σχολείων κατά τον πρώιμο Μεσαίωνα.
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      History of EducationMediaval History
In English. Scholarly papers conclude that the Listerland in the 6 th-7 th century was ruled by a warrior society between the ordinary Scandinavian societies in Skåne and Västra Vång. This article will in an interdisciplinary way... more
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      Mediaval ArchaeologyMediaval HistoryRune stones
Ripercorrere le vicende storiche del popolo visigoto, dalla leggendaria migrazione scandinava sino alla creazione di un regno nella penisola iberica, significa riflettere su una fase storica straordinariamente cruciale e tumultuosa, che... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArtVisigothic SpainVisigothic Architecture
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesJagello
Интервю с доц. дфн Павел Павлович относно историята на исляма, етно-религиозните проблеми, културното наследство, изучуването на религията и др.
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      PhilologyHistory of IslamHistory of the Islamic WorldArabic historiography and politic culture in Islamic Medieval societies; reconstruction and actual use of history and historical characters
В статье рассматривается история изучения Золотой Орды в казахстанской историографии ХХ века. Показана эволюция взглядов ученых, исследователей по джучидской тематике. Представлены основные концептуальные взгляды по золотоордынской истории.
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    • Mediaval History
Το μεσαιωνικό κάστρο του Αγίου Ιλαρίωνα αποτελεί ένα εξαίρετο δείγμα φρουριακής αρχιτεκτονικής στην Κύπρο, περιλαμβάνοντας εντός των τειχών και διακριτές οικιστικές υποδομές για την περιστασιακή φιλοξενία και εξυπηρέτηση υψηλών προσώπων,... more
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      Castles and FortificationsιστορίαΚάστραMediaval History
Journal of Serbian Archaeological Society
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityByzantine HistoryByzantine Archaeology
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMediaval History
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic HistoryMedieval Islamic HistoryMistycism
Entwicklung ist die Entstehung von Neuem. Mit diesem Satz könnte man wohl die grundlegende Leistung Joseph A. Schumpeter, den Begriff der Entwicklung in die ökonomische Theorie eingeführt und von Wachstum unterschieden zu haben,... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural StudiesSocial Theory
*Fatih İki Torununu Rehin Tutuyor Kendi Yanında, Beyazıt ve Cem İsyan Etmesinler Diye *Daha Gömülmedi Fatih, Ama Kalmamış Durumda İstanbul’da Can ve Mal Güvenliği (Sonra da “Ne Büyük Medeniyet Kurmuş Osmanlılar”) *Neden Ağır Ağır... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesIslamic StudiesOttoman Empire