History of Islam
Recent papers in History of Islam
This article interrogates the long history of continued Islamic renewal in the north of Ghana that privileges continuous reinterpretation of the Islamic ideal. It contextualizes three approaches at renewal: (a) the non-pacifist approach... more
In Islam, most political and religious reform movements invoke a return to the Tradition supposedly initiated by Muḥammad in the Seventh Century. The Almohads are no exception to the rule, but they go further still: the Muslim West frees... more
The first four caliphs are honored by the title al-Rashidoon, the “Rightly-guided.” The details that are related in the book about this phase of Islamic history are extremely important for the proper understanding of Islam, then and now.... more
İslâm sadece inanç, hukuk ve ibadetten ibaret olmayıp aynı zamanda sosyal hayatı da düzenleyen bir dindir. İnanç ve ibadet kadar sosyal hayat ve ahlak da bu dinin kapsamına girmektedir. Dolayısıyla Hz. Peygamber’in tebliğ ettiği din,... more
İlk dönem İslâm tarihinin önde gelen isimlerinden Hz. Ömer hakkında sahip olduğumuz sert ve katı görünümlü imaj, halifeliği dönemindeki icraatları ile birlikte düşünüldüğünde daha da kuvvetlenmektedir. Sert, tavizsiz, titiz bir şahıs... more
Günümüzde İslam dünyasının; mezhepçilik, siyasi nüfuz vs. sebeplerle yüz yüze olduğu problemlerin temelinde Müslümanların İslam’ın söz konusu vasıflarından ve tevhid anlayışının belirlediği kaidelerden uzaklaşmış olmaları yatmaktadır.... more
Książka powstała na podstawie rozprawy doktorskiej przygotowanej w Katedrze Historii Bizancjum UŁ i obronionej w lipcu 2013 r. W obrębie zainteresowania jej Autora znalazły się próby zdobycia Konstantynopola, stolicy cesarstwa... more
Sillabo elaborato nell'ambito del Progetto TRAIN TRAINING PROJECT (Corso di formazione pilota per il personale penitenziario destinatario della sperimentazione on the job dello strumento di valutazione del rischio di radicalizzazione... more
v INDICE Premessa ix Prologo. Intorno a Maometto il profeta 3 §1. Dove si apprende che Maometto, prima che profeta, am-biva essere papa di Roma, p. 3-§2. Dove si apprende che Maometto era gabellato per cristiano eretico e l'islam per un... more
SINCE the promulgation of Islam the world has seen great changes; empires have risen and disappeared; great nationalities have been swept away making room for others; knowledge and culture have drifted from the East to the West; and... more
El siguiente trabajo pretende hacer un análisis sobre la estructura y las competencias La Liga de los Estados Árabes, la importancia para la región de la unidad árabe y su soberanía, y el trabajo en conjunto por el respeto por la... more
La obra Kitáb a!-'lbar del gran historiador árabe del siglo XIV, de origen andalusí, Ibn Jaldún; el cual describe al fundador del movimiento almohade como «un jurista versado en la ciencia, que daba consejos y practicaba la enseñanza».... more
About Emirate of Tiflis (Tbilisi): History of Tiflis and surrounding areas before "fath" (Islamic conquest). Islamic conquest of Tiflis and surrounding areas. Islamic state-like formations of South Caucasus. Clashes between Christian... more
İslâm dininin kutsal ve en önemli şehirlerinden biri olan ve eski ismiyle Yesrib olarak bilinen Medîne, tesis edildiği ilk günden bugüne hala Hicaz bölgesinin stratejik öneme sahip bir şehri olarak varlığını sürdürmektedir. Arap... more
Quote as: Salvatore, Armando, 2016. The Sociology of Islam: Knowledge, Power and Civility, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. This is the Introduction to the book The Sociology of Islam, which provides an accessible introduction to this emerging... more
Joannes Leo Africanus, (c. 1494 – c. 1554?) (or al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi, Arabic:حسن ابن محمد الوزان الفاسي) was an Andalusian Amazigh Moorish diplomat and author who is best known for his book Descrittione dell’Africa... more
My sincere thanks to Edgar Xavier (https://independent.academia.edu/EdgarXavier2) for kindly pointing out some errors of fact in this paper. On page 70, the Herald is incorrectly identified as an Indonesian Catholic newspaper. The... more
"Cette étude s’appuie sur une recherche menée sur plusieurs monastères et cella mal connus ou inédits. Au IXe siècle, sous la protection des rois carolingiens, une floraison d’établissements monastiques voit le jour sur des itinéraires de... more
تناولت هذه الورقة بالدراسة تقاطعات النسوية والاستشراق، ولا سيما تفسير التاريخ الإسلامي من منظور جنوسي. حيث إن دراسة التاريخ -عمومًا وليس في سياق تاريخ المسلمين فحسب- من منظور جنوسي تطرحُ -بحكم الضرورة- إشكاليَّات منهجيَّة كثيرةً، بناءً... more
Resensi buku Ira M. Lapidus.
History of Islamic Society. Buku yang banyak dijadikan sumber otoritatif dalam penelitian kesejarahan dan sosial budaya Islam.
History of Islamic Society. Buku yang banyak dijadikan sumber otoritatif dalam penelitian kesejarahan dan sosial budaya Islam.
The paper is presenting a brief history of Islam in Africa. It includes the contribution of Islam in Africa in terms of it impact on languages, cultures, civilization and education.
This essay is an attempt at collecting some thoughts on an important historical event and its related historiographical questions. It is not written with the intention of providing definitive answers to the larger questions surrounding... more
“Banū Mūsā”, in Kalin, Ibrahim., Ayduz, Salim & Dagli, Caner (eds).,The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, Science and Technology in Islam (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), I, 87-89.
Tarih, tam manasıyla bir kimya laboratuvarı olabilir mi? Herhalükârda, maziyi tenkit ve tahlil edecek bir tarihçi, eğer bu unvana layık olmak istiyor ve siyasî bir amaca hizmet gayesinde bulunmuyorsa, hakikati görecek yüksek bir mahalle... more
Ang Islamikong sibilisasyon, simula pa noong panahon ni Propeta Muhammad (s) hanggang ngayon, ay matatag na itinatag sa konsepto ng 'paghahari ng batas.' Sa dahilang iyon, ang batas ay na-publish at kilala, at ang mga mamamayan at korte... more
İnsan düşünen bir varlıktır. Düşünme eylemi bu nedenle insanlık tarihinin başlangıcından günümüze tüm toplumların ekonomik, siyasî ve dinî anlayışının oluşmasında en etkili faktördür. Hz. Peygamber’in temelini oluşturduğu İslam... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
Quote as: Dressler, Markus, Armando Salvatore and Monika Wohlrab-Sahr (eds). 2029. Islamicate Secularities: Past and Present, in Historical Social Research 44(3). All papers are accessible through... more
The Life of the Prophet is a branch of science that begins and progresses after the death of the Prophet. As Sirah or Maghazi, it is possible to evaluate these studies, which are the subject of the prophet and the prophecy struggle of The... more
Event-oriented history-writing (histoire événementielle) is not dead and even quite necessary while working with big and fuzzy concepts (empire, territoriality, centre-periphery relations, etc.). This does not imply, however, a... more