Medieval Weapons and Equipment
Recent papers in Medieval Weapons and Equipment
In the literature about swords, their use has predominantly not been analysed. This article tries to reconstruct some aspects of the use of Viking Age swords from Northern and Eastern Europe. The reconstruction is based on biomechanics,... more
The publication deals with description and attribution of the javelin head from the Kholodivskiy yar VI settlement. This is a relatively small type of the javelin, which should be attributed as the artefact of the 13th – 15th c. This is... more
Vlijmscherp verleden Vlijmscherp verleden vertelt het verhaal over de geschiedenis van het zwaard en de rituele en symbolische betekenis ervan. U ziet bijna tweehonderd bijzondere zwaarden, afkomstig uit de prehistorie tot de twintigste... more
Import of weapons came to the steppes in various ways. One of them was to pass on as diplomatic gifts that testified about the concluded covenants and emphasized the status and prestige of the donors and the donees. Such a ceremonial... more
Статья представляет собой краткий обзор и авторский перевод фехтовального трактата «Le Jeu de la Hache» (MS Francias 1996), что значит «Игры с топором». Это анонимный манускрипт на среднефранцузском языке, предположительно написанный в XV... more
Los yacimientos olvidados: registro y musealización de campos de batalla is a project that aims to encompass all aspects of battlefield archaeology, in order to be a reference work in this study area. Therefore, a detailed... more
A short term paper for an art history course at the University of New Hampshire, fall 2015. This paper briefly examines the armors in Paolo Uccello's "Battle of San Romano" paintings and argues that the painter did not have a working... more
Talk given in Spanish at Complutense University, History department, Madrid for "De fuste e de Fierro". Armamento medieval en la Peninsula Iberica. IV International Seminar. 9-10th March, 2020 (for English translation see Archery CV... more
A Transylvanian medieval sword in the collection of the National Museum of History and Archaeology Constanta
The Sword and Buckler were an ubiquitous duo in the middle ages and the Renaissance, although it can be traced back to antiquity. In spite of being often neglected, the buckler has an interesting story to tell. This book offers a new... more
Studie byla publikována v roce 1972 v časopise ,,Gladius", Vol. 10 / The study was published in 1972 in the journal ,,Gladius", Vol. 10 / L'étude a été publiée en 1972 dans la revue ,,Gladius", Vol. 10.
LIEN pour la lecture / LINK to read it Etude archéologique des techniques d’acquisition et de transformation du métal dans le cadre de la production... more
Determining the difference in military or political function of castles is a topic heavily debated between scholars. Traditionally the military function has been studied through the use of historical documents or archaeological research... more
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitt ed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without... more
The article reports on archaeological material – pottery vessels and metal artifacts –recovered from two motte sites, one at Tarnowice Stare, the other at Woźniki at present held by the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom. Most of the... more
A feltételezhetőleg Tüzes Gáborhoz köthető mozsárbomba-töredék kapcsolata a várban található nagy kiterjedésű átégett rétegekkel. Az állatfejes zabla pontos eredete és esetleges párhuzamai. A II. régió 5. szelvényének legalsó rétegében... more
No âmbito do processo de classificação como Monumento Nacional do Terreiro da Batalha dos Atoleiros (Portalegre / Fronteira), trabalhos arqueológicos procuraram detetar vestígios do conhecido episódio bélico que, no dia 6 de abril de... more
Research of who are the Gurkhas and what is their contribution to military history.
"Władysław Łokietek and the caves of Ojców". The picturesque village of Ojców, situated in the Jurassic landscape of the southern part of the Cracow–Częstochowa Upland, is an inextricably connected with the legend of Prince Władysław... more
. In "Quei maledetti normanni. Studi offerti a Errico Cuozzo per i suoi settant'annni dai suoi colleghi , allievi, amici", a c. di J. M. Martin e R. Alaggio, Centro Europeo di Studi Normanni, 2 voll., Ariano Irpino-Napoli, 2016. vol. I,... more
Review by Lado Mirianashvili on Mamuka Tsurtsumia's book published in Georgian - "Medieval Georgian Army (900-1700): Organization, Tactics, Armament", Tbilisi 2016, 782 p.
Anyone interested in the Middle Ages – from amateur to professor – likely knows what a military flail is. It’s one of the most iconic weapons of the period. It has a short handle (about the length of a forearm), a long chain and a spiked... more
In the summer of 1991, St. Johns Expeditions, a Florida-based marine salvage company, discovered a shipwreck buried behind a shallow reef along the western edge of the Little Bahama Bank. The group contacted archaeologists to... more
An amateur metal detector survey conducted in the cadastral territory of Klamoš in 2015/2016 yielded, among other things, a well-preserved long-sword. Based on the typo-chronological analysis, the sword can be classified as an Oakeshott... more
The paper re-interprets the implement known as the ‘Towton Battle Axe’ allegedly found in the river which borders the Towton Battlefield (1461), Yorkshire, England, and which now resides in Alnwick Castle, Northumberland. The paper... more
We don’t know much about the medieval history of Szalacska up to this point. We only have some medieval stray finds from here. In the course of excavations of the 1980’s many medieval finds turned up. We can conclude that Szalacska was... more
Mariano Taccola’s eques scoppiectarius: an armoured knight who uses a hand-cannonon horseback. This drawing was probably inspired by the vivacious construction of firearms in Siena, making this city one of the main centers for the best... more
The article discusses the "self-defense" techniques presented in fight-books and treaties. The objective is to determine if these techniques take the reality of fight in account, to evaluate the difference between theory and practice in... more