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The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary empirical results of qualitative research that examines the junior-age-children´s understanding of a prosocial behavior present in fairy tale characters. The reasons for this research... more
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      Reception TheoryLiteratureLiterary TheoryProsocial Behavior
Literary critical monograph Year after year (step by step) in Slovak literature for children and youth (Value aspects of original poetry and prose for children and youth in the years 1990 - 2020) was created on the basis of an analysis of... more
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      LiteratureLiterary CriticismSlovak LiteratureChildrens Literature
Children's novels may roughly be classified as fantasies and realistic. In realistic novels for children, usually the problems which the child may come across in his/her everyday life are dealt with. The writers of realistic novels for... more
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      English LiteraturePeer BullyingLiterature for children
In contemporary literature for children and young adults, intermedial works are becoming commonplace. It requires experts from a number of different branches of art to carry out their analysis, interpretation and evaluation. In 2019... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryMultimodalityChildrens' musical learning
AUNQUE la traducción entre los modernistas hispánicos fue una práctica recurrente desarrollada a la par que la creación de obras originales, 1 dicha actividad no estuvo casi nunca orientada a la recepción de un público infantil. En... more
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      Cuban literatureJosé MartíModernismo, Spanish and Latin American Modernism19th Century Latin American Literature
This paper offers a critique of Satyajit Ray’s literature for young adults, a major part of which was dedicated to his popular and favorite sleuth, Feluda. The primary contention of this paper is that, since it was conceived on the pages... more
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      ArtSouth AsiaDetective FictionBengali Literature
The role of school as an educational-upbringing institution has to change in the 21st century. One response to the current problems of education is a broader definition of literacy. The author of the article focuses on moral literacy as... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryProsocial BehaviorModern Fairy Tales
Peter Rabbit and Voices In The Park are picturebooks which reflect a lot of ideologies and values, one of the most significant and obvious issues that peter Rabbit and voices in the park present is the different images of motherhood.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesWomen's StudiesChildren's Literature & Culture
Предмет овог рада представља литерарно моделовање фрагмената словенске митологије у збирци прича Каљави коњ Весне Алексић. С обзиром на то да целовита митска прича о словенским боговима и прворадњама којима они моделују лице света, као... more
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      Literature for childrenSlavic folklore
Colección de cuentos folklóricos argentinos de la especie de cuentos animalísticos recopilados en investigaciones de campo, clasificados por el sistema ATU, acompañados de un estudio preliminar, con descripción de tipos temáticos y tabla... more
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      Oral narrativeLiterature for childrenFolk Narrative
In the paper, the author evaluates the Slovak poetry for children published in 2019.
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      PoetryLiterary CriticismPoetry for childrenModern Poetry
Publikácia Metodika na podporu čitateľstva žiakov v mladšom školskom veku je výstupom výskumného projektu VEGA 1/0455/18 Výskum a rozvoj čitateľstva žiakov mladšieho školského veku. Zámerom projektu bolo objaviť príčiny znižovania... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesReading Habits/AttitudesReadingChildren reading for pleasure
i umiarem, subiektywizmu nad obiektywizmem, żartu nad powagą, radości życia nad trudem istnienia.
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodChildren's LiteratureChildren's Literature & CultureChildren's and Young Adult Literature
Colección de cuentos maravillosos recogidos en investigaciones de campo propias y de otros recolectores contemporáneos, clasificados por sistema ATU, con un estudio preliminar, tabla de narradores y descripción de tipos narrativos
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      AnthropologyLiterary TheoryOral literatureLiterature for children
Questo libro nasce dall’esigenza di studiare le reali pratiche educative poste in essere in passato tanto all’interno quanto all’esterno delle istituzioni scolastiche. Fino a questo momento la ricostruzione storica di queste pratiche si è... more
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      History of EducationPedagogiaLetteratura per l'infanziaLiterature for children
My doctoral thesis. The main theme is the conflict between aesthetics and religious sense in Oscar Wilde literature. I study fairy tales, the Picture of Dorian Gray, Salome, and comedies. in all of there works, Wilde wrote both of... more
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      20th Century Russian LiteratureSoviet literatureLiterature for childrenСоветская литература
The Text and Illustration in Translations for Children and Youth in Slovakia (from the 1960s to the present) scientific monograph synthesises the results of a research focused on the books for children and youth imported after 1960. The... more
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      IllustrationLiterary translationChildren's Book IllustrationLiterature for children
This is a character sketch of Nakurbabu, the central character in Satyajit Ray's story "Nakurbabu and El Dorado".
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      Popular LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyIndian LiteratureLiterature for children
Повість Наталі Пасічник, відзначена першою премією «Коронації слова», розповідає про таксу Терезку, яка мешкає у Львові на вулиці Медової печери. Поки Терезчиної господині немає вдома, вдвох із сусідським псом Бровком вони мандрують... more
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    • Literature for children
Many sociologists have attributed several negative characteristics to the contemporary period.The child of 21st century is lost in this postmodern society, so it needs, more than ever before, a beacon – a prosocial role model. Several... more
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      Reception TheoryLiteratureReceptionProsocial Behavior
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      Old English LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureOld English PoetryBeowulf
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      Harry PotterLiterature for children
In the paper, the author evaluates the Slovak literature for children and youth published in 2020.
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      Literary CriticismSlovak LiteratureChildrens LiteratureLiterature for children
Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900), as the Irish aesthetic writer in the Victorian era, wrote religious fairy tales (The Happy Prince and Other Tales , 1888) and (The House of Pomegranates, 1891). It was the beginning of his writer's... more
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      ReligionChristianityEnglish LiteratureLiterature
(Po)etika umeleckej tvorby pre deti a mládež je zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Éthos a poésis v umeleckej tvorbe pre deti a mládež, ktorá sa konala pri príležitosti okrúhleho životného jubilea prof. PhDr. Zuzany... more
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      Fairy talesSlovak LiteratureChildrens LiteratureLiterature for children
The study is divided into two parts. The first (Fauna and flora in researches over literature and culture (subjective choice of issues)) presents in a draft chosen examples considered here as the most important issues regarding presence... more
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      Literature for childrenfauna and flora
An electronic version of this book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched. More information about the initiative can be found at www
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      Japanese StudiesClassicsReception StudiesJapanese Literature
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    • Literature for children
This paper offers a critique of Satyajit Ray’s literature for young adults, a major part of which was dedicated to his popular and favorite sleuth, Feluda. The primary contention of this paper is that, since it was conceived on the pages... more
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      Detective FictionBengali LiteratureSatyajit RayLiterature for children
Heslo o (slovenskej) literatúre pre deti a mládež. In: Gavura, Ján et al., 2021. Malý lexikón slovenskej literárnej kultúry po roku 1989 (Prolegomena). Fintice: FACE – Fórum alternatívnej kultúry a vzdelávania v spolupráci s Filozofickou... more
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      Slovak LiteratureChildrens LiteratureLiterature for childrenLiterature for Children and Youth
In the paper, the author evaluates the Slovak poetry for children published in 2018.
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      PoetryLiterary CriticismPoetry for childrenSlovak Literature
Peter Pan cumpriu já mais de cem anos, mas permanece tão jovem como quando nasceu. O que é que explica esta vida centenária e o poder que Peter Pan exerce sobre quem lê o romance ou sobre quem vê as peças de teatro, os filmes, os... more
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      Peter PanLiteratura UniversalLiterature for childrenLiterature for Young Adults
RESUMEN: En este trabajo, comparo relatos folklóricos infantiles recogidos de boca de los mismos niños, con registros escriturarios y mediatizados de las matrices " Caperucita Roja " y " Blancanieves ". La comparación permite advertir las... more
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      Folk and Fairy TalesLiterature for childrenFolk Narrative
The reception of Classical Antiquity in children's literature has aroused my interest not only because it encompasses children's literature: classical reception is a relatively rare subject in that area of research, but also because of... more
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      Japanese StudiesClassicsReception StudiesJapanese Literature
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens – elusive and whimsical tale about pre-Neverland life of the Boy Who Would Not Grow Up, non-adult excerpt from the novel originally written for adults, published separately in 1906 as the book for children... more
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      Children's literature (Classics)Literary translationChildren's literature in TranslationPeter Pan
Программа XVII Пирровых чтений
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      Animal StudiesHeraldrySoviet FilmHistory of Art
This paper was presented in the conference “The birth of mass culture in Europe”, that took place in Debrecen, Hungary from 11 to 13 December, 2014... more
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      Cultural StudiesChildren's LiteraturePopular CultureModern Greek literature
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    • Literature for children
The aim of this paper is to examine selected stories from "Mali bohaterowie. Opowieść o dzieciach walczącej Warszawy 1940–1944" by Zofia Lorentz (1947, 2nd edition 1971). The book presents citizens of occupied Warsaw as they take part... more
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      Hans Christian AndersenFairy talesFairy-tale studiesLiterature for children
The novels for children about violence against children may be shocking for some adults, for those in particular who are not used to reading contemporary realistic novels for children. Violence against children is dealt with by the... more
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      English LiteratureLiterature for children
Les Misérables , written by Victor Hugo, a writer who was also a republican politician, has many adaptations like musical shows, literature for children, cartoons and animat ions . Considering the fact that quite a small number of studies... more
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      ReligionChristianityFrench LiteratureEnglish Literature
Gavura, Ján et al., 2021. Malý lexikón slovenskej literárnej kultúry po roku 1989 (Prolegomena). Fintice: FACE – Fórum alternatívnej kultúry a vzdelávania v spolupráci s Filozofickou fakultou Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove. ISBN... more
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      LiteratureCultureSlovak LiteratureLiterature for children
Szanto’s study examines a collection of Twelver Shi’i children’s books from the Syrian shrine-town of Sayyida Zaynab. As there are few Twelver Shi’is and Shi’i publishers in Syria, the Shi’i children’s books are imported from Lebanon,... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionEducationSelf and Identity
В статье рассматривается цикл С. Я. Маршака "Детки в клетке", первое значительное произведение писателя для детей. Книга исследуется в контексте других детских бестиариев 1920-х гг. Сопоставление разных редакций текста, сильно... more
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      Soviet literatureTextologyТекстологияRussian/Soviet literature
The aim of this article is to examine images of the child perceived as the Other that appear in contemporary Polish children’s and young adult literature. The analysis focus on the following aspects of “otherness”: (1) physical disability... more
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureRepresentation of OthersOtherness
The Coronavirus outbreak has disturbed innocent lives of our children. Children have great observation skills inherent in them. In present scenario, we cannot ignore the psychological well being of our kids. On the other hand, we have to... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyTranslation Studies
The aim of this paper is to examine three contemporary Polish tales about refugees: Wędrówka Nabu (The Journey of Nabu) by Jarosław Mikołajewski; Kot Karima i obrazki (Karim’s Cat and Pictures) by Liliana Bardijewska; and Hebanowe serce... more
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      Children's LiteratureRefugee StudiesForced MigrationRefugees
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      Medieval LiteratureLiterature for children
Статья посвящена фольклорно-мифологическому плану в повести в стихах С.Я. Маршака «Мистер Твистер», способам его текстуальной репрезентации и функциональной нагруженности. Анализируются мифопоэтические компоненты образов Кука,... more
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      Theory of Children's Literature as a GenreRussian Poetry of the 20th centuryLiterature for children