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      Children's readingComics StudiesVisual LiteracyChildren's and Young Adult Literature
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      Children's readingChildren reading for pleasure
Publikácia Metodika na podporu čitateľstva žiakov v mladšom školskom veku je výstupom výskumného projektu VEGA 1/0455/18 Výskum a rozvoj čitateľstva žiakov mladšieho školského veku. Zámerom projektu bolo objaviť príčiny znižovania... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesReading Habits/AttitudesReadingChildren reading for pleasure
Η ανάγνωση βιβλίων λογοτεχνίας, κυρίως κατάλληλα προσαρμοσμένης για τις ανάγκες και δυνατότητες μικρών αναγνωστών-μαθητών ξένης γλώσσας, μπορεί να διαμορφώσει αναγνώστες με ευχέρεια στην ξένη γλώσσα και να αναπτύξει παράλληλα στους... more
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      English LiteratureLiteratureTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageChildren reading for pleasure
The challenges of the 21st century enact new demands for contemporary education and literacy. A multimodal, material and posthuman era emphasizes the relational, embedded, embodied, and affective nature of knowledge. Multimodal artworks... more
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      PosthumanismArts EducationChildren reading for pleasureNew Materialism
The place of pleasure in the teaching of reading is considered in the Canadian and North American context in past and contemporary times.
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    • Children reading for pleasure
Given the narrow scope of primary teachers’ knowledge and use of children’s literature identified in Phase I of Teachers as Readers (2006–2007), the core goal of the Phase II project was to improve teachers’ knowledge and experience of... more
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      Teachers PracticesChildren reading for pleasurePublic and private spheresTeachers Beliefs About Teaching Reading and Writing in Lmd System
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      Boys and LiteracyChildren reading for pleasureReading Pedagogy
The first comprehensive review of research on children's reading for pleasure in Aotearoa New Zealand. The review is one of three reports commissioned from AUT by the National Library as part of its Pūtoi Rito Communities of Readers... more
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      Children's readingChildren reading for pleasureLiteracy EducationPublic Education
¿Cómo promover el acto de leer, en una sociedad que vive y se desarrolla en medio de una realidad de rasgos sociales, políticos, culturales, económicos y educativos, poco favorables para adquirir este hábito? Se plantean a su vez, algunas... more
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      Critical Reading (Education)Children reading for pleasureEducational Policy StudiesReading Education
Resumen Algunos centros educativos que buscan hacer una mejor animación a la lectura ponen en funcionamiento clubs de lectura escolares, sin embargo, esta práctica sigue siendo minoritaria en el contexto de las acciones que los centros... more
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      Children's LiteratureReadingReading ComprehensionBook Clubs
A multifaceted notion, Reading for Pleasure, highlights readers’ agency, their desire to read, the delight gained through this experience, and a related pedagogy that fertilizes such volitional stance. The journey that emerges under the... more
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      Children's LiteraturePosthumanismArts Education and PedagogyArts-Based Research
A core requirement in our Initial Teacher Education (ITE) English department is that, over their three years, students keep a reading file which catalogues the children’s books they have read. In it, they reflect on the teaching and... more
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    • Children reading for pleasure
This chapter considers the reading experiences of voluntary reading groups in schools, their collaborative interpretation of children’s/young adult literature, and their construction of reader identities. We focus on a study of secondary... more
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      Information Literacy: Teacher Librarians/ School Library Media Specialist/ School Library Media TeachersReading groupsChildren reading for pleasure
Given the narrow scope of primary teachers' knowledge and use of children's literature identified in Phase I of Teachers as Readers (2006–2007), the core goal of the Phase II project was to improve teachers' knowledge and... more
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      LiteracyTeachers PracticesTeaching and Learning Writing and ReadingChildren reading for pleasure
This is a report on the most recent of three similar studies. We present results on all three here in order to highlight the profound similarities. All three are analyses of the results of the PIRLS (Progress in International Reading... more
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      ReadingChildren reading for pleasure
This paper examines the perspectives of Year 5 pupils from a school in East London on reading for pleasure. Sixty children initially completed a questionnaire and their responses were used to identify two groups: children whose responses... more
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      Early YearsEarly Childhood EducationReadingElementary Education
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    • Children reading for pleasure
This article describes my book, MOTIVATING TEEN AND PRETEEN READERS: HOW TEACHERS AND PARENTS CAN LEAD THE WAY (Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2011). As the title says, it's all about self-motivation, or motivating adolescent readers... more
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      VisualizationChildren's readingReading Habits/AttitudesReading