Literature for Children and Youth
Recent papers in Literature for Children and Youth
Apres un rappel concernant l'histoire des editions Marabout depuis l'immediat apres-guerre, l'article s'interesse aux deux collections destinees a la jeunesse : 'Marabout Junior' avec comme heros recurrent Bob... more
The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary empirical results of qualitative research that examines the junior-age-children´s understanding of a prosocial behavior present in fairy tale characters. The reasons for this research... more
Este artigo analisa a obra A invenção de Hugo Cabret, de Brian Selznick (2007), ambientada na Paris de 1930. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o diálogo verbo-visual na obra, catalogada como juvenil e integrante do acervo de 2013 do... more
Literary critical monograph Year after year (step by step) in Slovak literature for children and youth (Value aspects of original poetry and prose for children and youth in the years 1990 - 2020) was created on the basis of an analysis of... more
A Biblioteca do Avô e O Canteiro dos Livros são narrativas, dirigidas antes de mais a um público infantil e juvenil, que, como os títulos desde logo sugerem, têm como tema o gosto pelo livro e pela leitura. A Maior Flor do Mundo também... more
The role of school as an educational-upbringing institution has to change in the 21st century. One response to the current problems of education is a broader definition of literacy. The author of the article focuses on moral literacy as... more
A afirmação da grandeza de tudo o que constitui a natureza, e a necessidade de nos concebermos numa relação de igualdade e respeito em relação a ela, é o tema dos Contos da Mata dos Medos. Nesta série de quatro narrativas, publicada entre... more
In the paper, the author evaluates the Slovak poetry for children published in 2019.
The Brothers Grimm were criticized by contemporaries for having altered the form and content of the originals they had collected, and also because they retained elements that might wound the sensibilities of younger readers. This... more
Vysokoškolské učebné texty Ľudová slovesnosť v literatúre pre deti a mládež je publikácia, v ktorej si kladieme za cieľ sprostredkovať študentom učiteľstva v bakalárskom štúdiu Predškolskej a elementárnej pedagogiky základné informácie o... more
Kalemci, Z. (2017). Çocuk ve gençlik edebiyatı eserlerinin millî kültürün benimsenmesine etkisi, IV. Uluslararası Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Sempozyumu: Bildiriler, 20-21 Ekim 2017 (ss. 471-476). İstanbul: [Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı... more
Μαργαρώνη, Μ. (2012). «Ο Γεροστάθης ή αναμνήσεις της παιδικής μου ηλικίας του Λέοντος Μελά: συγκρότηση ταυτοτήτων στην ηθικοπλαστική παιδική λογοτεχνία στα μέσα του 19ου αιώνα», στο: Σ. Πανταζής & Χ. Ζάραγκας (επιμ.), Πρακτικά 3ου... more
Many sociologists have attributed several negative characteristics to the contemporary period.The child of 21st century is lost in this postmodern society, so it needs, more than ever before, a beacon – a prosocial role model. Several... more
In the paper, the author evaluates the Slovak literature for children and youth published in 2020.
Η Αναστασία Μαργέτη του Νικολάου έλαβε Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στη "Διδακτική της Γλώσσας, Λογοτεχνία, Θέατρο και Εκπαίδευση" με κατεύθυνση τη Λογοτεχνία από τη Σχολή Επιστημών Αγωγής του Π.Τ.Δ.Ε. / Ε.Κ.ΠΑ και βαθμολογήθηκε με... more
Ele aldığı gerçek dışı olayları olağanüstü özelliklere sahip kahramanlar aracılığı ile yer ve zaman belirsizliğinde aktaran bir sözlü gelenek türü olarak ortaya çıkan masallar, bir kültürün özünü gösteren önemli edebi tür olarak karşımıza... more
ÖZET Gençliğin dili, kendi diliyle ürettiği yazın ve kendi alt-kültürüdür. Bu çalışmada belli başlı gençlik ruhbilim ve gençlik toplumbilim verileri ve görüşleri ışığında gençlik ve gençlik alt-kültürleri ile gençlik yazını incelenmeye... more
An electronic version of this book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched. More information about the initiative can be found at www
Although in the last decade friendship has become a very popular field of investigation by historians of the early modern period, the role it played in the education of powerful elites in the Italian baroque age is still largely unknown.... more
Heslo o (slovenskej) literatúre pre deti a mládež. In: Gavura, Ján et al., 2021. Malý lexikón slovenskej literárnej kultúry po roku 1989 (Prolegomena). Fintice: FACE – Fórum alternatívnej kultúry a vzdelávania v spolupráci s Filozofickou... more
In the paper, the author evaluates the Slovak poetry for children published in 2018.
Peter Pan cumpriu já mais de cem anos, mas permanece tão jovem como quando nasceu. O que é que explica esta vida centenária e o poder que Peter Pan exerce sobre quem lê o romance ou sobre quem vê as peças de teatro, os filmes, os... more
The reception of Classical Antiquity in children's literature has aroused my interest not only because it encompasses children's literature: classical reception is a relatively rare subject in that area of research, but also because of... more
Neste artigo, procuro identificar e discutir as principais características do humor da literatura infantil e juvenil portuguesa. Parto da definição lata de humor enquanto processo cognitivo e emocional de construção de um objeto, e a... more
This paper was presented in the conference “The birth of mass culture in Europe”, that took place in Debrecen, Hungary from 11 to 13 December, 2014... more
No mundo ocidental, são muitas as vozes que nos vão lembrando, de tempos a tempos, que já não sabemos encarar a morte com frontalidade e dignidade. Assumiu-se que falar da morte é produzir uma dor ou um mal-estar que colidem com os... more
In De schaduw van mijn broer van Tom Avery wil hoofdpersoon Kaia als opdracht voor school haar moeder interviewen. Ze schrijft de vragen op: ‘Ben jij ook bevroren net als ik?’ en ‘Heb jij het al ‘verwerkt?’’ (Avery, 2015, pp. 37-38). Maar... more
On the basis of the overall assessment of publicized Slovak poetry for children and youth, this paper claims that the level of contemporary Slovak poetry for children and youth is (below)average. Since Slniečko, a monthly literary... more
In the paper, the author evaluates the Slovak poetry for children published in 2017. The collections that came out were of diverse quality. Most of them merged with the qualitative average, or disappeared below the average. Jana... more
In the article the artistic peculiarities of the unfolding of the theme of death in the literature for children and youth have been analyzed on the basis of Halyna Kyrpa’s (Галина Кирпа) story My Dad Has Become a Star (Мій тато став... more
Μελέτη των θετικών και αρνητικών χαρακτήρων στο ανάγνωσμα παιδικής και εφηβικής λαϊκής λογοτεχνίας "Μικρός Ήρως" (1953- 1968). Πιο συγκεκριμένα, παρουσιάζονται και αναλύονται οι "καλοί" και οι "κακοί" χαρακτήρες των τευχών 9 ως 33,... more
In the paper, the author evaluates the Slovak poetry for children and youth published in 2020.
The main aim of this paper is to shed light and mark some of the basic characteristics of a modern Serbian novels, labeled as a “epic fantasy”. This research, based primarily on structural and semiotic methods, seeks to show that the... more
Esta coletânea de contos vem complementar o ensaio Literatura para a Criança na Imprensa Portuguesa do Séc. XIX que Lurdes Pelarigo publicou em 2009. Naquele estudo, escrito originalmente como dissertação de mestrado, a autora... more
Escritora, professora, conferencista e feminista militante, Emília de Sousa Costa (1877–1959) é uma personalidade que devemos associar a outras portuguesas ilustres do seu tempo, como Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho (1847–1921), Ana de... more
This study used a multimethod approach to evaluate the relationship of alexithymia (measured by the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, and 30-item Emotion Awareness Questionnaire), psychosocial development (assessed with the Measure of... more
The paper presents research of poetry for children and youth in Slovak literary research and didactics of literature. The paper also suggests further research of poetry for children and youth in Slovak literary research and didactics of... more
Heslo o slovenskom časopise Bibiana: revue o umení pre deti a mládež. In: Gavura, Ján et al., 2021. Malý lexikón slovenskej literárnej kultúry po roku 1989 (Prolegomena). Fintice: FACE – Fórum alternatívnej kultúry a vzdelávania v... more
"Dobré je všetko, čo slúži životu; zlé je to, čo slúži smrti. Dobro je úcta k životu, všetko, čo život zmnožuje, čo znamená rast, rozvinutie. Zlo je všetko to, čo život dusí, utláča, trhá na kusy" (Fromm 1969, s. 36). Úvahy a diskusie o... more
Keywords: Representation of American Indians in Europe, Youth literature in Hungary, Youth literature in Poland, Popular culture, Movies, Multimedia, James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851), Karl May (1842-1912), Winnetou, Liselotte... more
Os livros de Valter Hugo Mãe (Angola, 1971) destinados à infância e à juventude começam por seduzir pelo formato, pelas ilustrações e pela cor. As dimensões, com 16,5 por 24 cm, únicas ou muito raras no mercado editorial português, fazem... more