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Definiremo dapprima il concetto di ideologia linguistica, cioè l’insieme delle idee, più o meno consce ed esplicite, che una data comunità si fa sulla lingua propria ed altrui. Osserveremo diversi esempi di ideologia linguistica... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguistica italianaStoria Della Lingua ItalianaLinguistic ideologies
The purpose of this article is to describe and analyze the policies designed and implemented since the early nineties by Spanish government agencies in order to promote Spanish as a valuable international language. In particular, we focus... more
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      Latin American StudiesLinguistic ImperialismLanguage and GlobalizationLatin America
The present analysis interrogates the ways that American educators and bureaucrats at the turn of the twentieth century conceptualised the project of nationalism and modernity in the newly annexed nation of the Philippines through the... more
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      AnthropologyLanguages and LinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyEnglish
Language use is notably connected to the construction and negotiation of gendered identity (Butler, 1993; Cameron, 1997; Norton, 2000; Menard-Warwick, 2009). However, the study of intersectional identities-such as gendered and religious... more
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      MultilingualismGender RolesLanguage and MigrationGender and religion (Women s Studies)
This chapter discusses the role that word meaning plays both as an element of ordinary pretheoretical discourse and as a hypothesis in the theoretical explanation of language structure and use. It contrasts externalist (reference-based)... more
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      SemanticsTheories of MeaningMetaphorLexical Semantics
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über <> abrufbar.
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      Catalan StudiesCatalan LanguageBasque StudiesPortuguese Studies
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      Catalan StudiesCatalan LanguageGalician StudiesSociolinguistics
Desde una perspectiva de sociolingüística crítica, se analizan los asuntos de aceptación, discriminación y estigmatización de los hablantes de las modalidades menos aceptadas por la sociedad. Se investiga el fenómeno de la identidad... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage and IdentitySpanish language varietiesCritical sociolinguistics
Im Mittelpunkt dieses Themenhefts steht das Konzept der ›sozialen Positionierung‹, das in verschiedenen Feldern der Angewandten Sprachwissenschaft in den letzten Jahren (wieder) an Prominenz gewonnen hat. Das Konzept selbst hat bereits... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesEthnographyGenre studies
Politiques linguistiques d'immigration et didactique du français pour les adultes migrants : Regards croisés sur la France, la Belgique, la Suisse et le Québec Thèse soutenue sous la direction de Jean-Louis Chiss (Sorbonne Nouvelle -... more
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      ImmigrationLanguage Planning and PolicyInstitutional discourseLanguage Teaching
La lucha por la hegemonía en el campo del lenguaje parece haberse convertido en objeto de análisis lingüístico en los últimos tiempos. En este artículo se exponen las diferentes ideologías, la «hegemónica» y las «alternativas», que... more
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      GlotopolíticaGrammatical GenderLinguistic ideologiesIdeologías Lingüísticas
Big things matter if we want to understand the small things of discourse (Blommaert 2010: 41) Resumen El objetivo de esta contribución es ofrecer una propuesta metodológica para abordar el análisis de las prácticas translingües de la... more
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Irish-language discourse features a pervasive system of practices involving the production and dissemination of directly reported speech. These homologous practices, here termed personation, include brief imitations of others in... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureEthnomusicologyLinguistic Anthropology
En las páginas que siguen, estableciendo el género sayagués como punto de partida, interpretándolo desde la sociolingüística como una expresión de jaronismo y haciendo referencia a obras y testimonios de algunos de sus máximos... more
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      StigmaLanguage Attitudes, Identity, Ethnolinguistic Identity TheoryLinguistic ideologiesLeonese
Abstract: Linguistics explained by native speakers, also called naïve linguistics or folk linguistics, amateur linguistics, and in many other ways, is an interesting chapter, albeit elusive, of the social representation of language, i.e.... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsLinguistic ideologiesIdeologías Lingüísticas
In this paper I present a case study on language learning trajectories and language ideologies of Portuguese migrants residing in Andorra. The case study was conceived as parte of the MIME project, which focuses on ways to ease the... more
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      Catalan LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage PolicyMultilingual Education
re. Il segna libro non è defin ito.
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsLinguistic ideologies
En este trabajo analizamos las actitudes y representaciones sociolingüísticas y su relación con ideologías lingüísticas en comentarios a una entrevista del diario La Gaceta. Publicada en mayo de 2016 en Tucumán, "El habla popular de los... more
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      Representaciones SocialesAntropología lingüísticaSociolingüísticaGlotopolítica
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      Discourse AnalysisMulticulturalismLanguages and LinguisticsLinguistic Anthropology
Si la « violence verbale » est une transgression des tabous langagiers, « l’euphémisme » est un moyen de les contourner. L’étude de ces deux concepts dans ce qu’on appelle « le langage des jeunes » est intéressante dans la mesure où... more
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      Linguistic ImpolitenessSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeArabic Sociolinguistics
El médico y político liberal Jaime Ferrer y Parpal (Mahón: 1817-1897) es autor de diversas obras lingüísticas sobre el dialecto menorquín y su enseñanza. Sin embargo, los aspectos meramente lingüísticos de estas obras quedan subordinados... more
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      Filologia CatalanaLinguistic ideologieshistoriografía LingüísticaHistòria de la llengua catalana
This study’s purpose is to analyse the economic value that the languages receive from Galician upper class business managers. This research takes the Galician upper class as the object of study to investigate their perceptions regarding... more
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      Galician StudiesLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Galician languageGalician sociolinguistics
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      Catalan LanguageLanguage ChoiceLinguistic ideologies
This volume is a welcome addition to the increasing body of research investigating the relationship between individual and group identity construction and dialect use. The collection is in four parts, and comprises nineteen chapters... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologySociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and Change
A hora de desenvolver muitas ferramentas estatísticas de Processamento da Linguagem Natural tornase essencial a utilização de grandes quantidades de dados. Para salvar a limitação da escassez de recursos computacionais para línguas... more
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      Galician StudiesSociolinguisticsMachine TranslationMinority Languages
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      Language Maintenance and ShiftLanguage Maintenance & Loss in diasporaLanguage shiftSrpski Jezik
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      Latin American StudiesSociolinguisticsHispanic LinguisticsLanguage politics
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission.
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      Latin American StudiesSociolinguisticsHispanic LinguisticsLinguistic ideologies
Hacia fines de la década de 1930 la industria editorial argentina asistió a un proceso de apertura y de impulso internacional que suele vincularse a la crisis del libro español como resultado de la guerra civil, por el cual Buenos Aires... more
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      ArgentinaBook PublishingFilología HispánicaLengua española
During a debate in an Esperanto association in Paris, Esperantists were discussing technology, surveillance, and freedom, when the question of how to say “drone” in Esperanto emerged. At this point, the previous political debate became a... more
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      InterlinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsInternational CommunicationEthnography
Il contributo descrive i blog, i portali web e i gruppi di Facebook che si occupano di divulgazione della linguistica su internet, ne indica le caratteristiche peculiari e gli orientamenti teorico-ideologici e tenta di tipizzarli secondo... more
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      The InternetLanguage IdeologiesScience PopularizationLinguistic ideologies
Communication dans le cadre de la journée d'étude "Langue, savoir et pouvoir dans l'Espagne classique" (Université Paris-Sorbonne) Dans cette communication, il s'agit de montrer comment López Madera, avocat madrilène et défenseur de... more
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      Literatura española del Siglo de OroLinguistic ideologies
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      Language and IdeologyHispanic LinguisticsGalician sociolinguisticsLinguistic ideologies
Emancipation of Silesian in the context of “old” and “new” linguistic ideologies The emergence of separate nationalities often entails standardisation of the language and an attempt to prove its multifunctional nature, while codification... more
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      EmancipationUpper SilesiaLinguistic ideologies
In this paper, we study the discursive construction of the process of language shift (“muda”), i.e. the process by which a language other than that of the speaker’s initial socialization becomes the dominant language in various areas of... more
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      Oral historyHabitusChronotopeFooting
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      National IdentityPluricentric LanguagesGlotopolíticaDictionaries
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      Linguistic AnthropologyLinguistic ideologiesWilamowice
This study offers a reflection about evaluating knowledge of the Spanish as a foreign language, and its certification, placing it in relation to the opinions and attitudes of non-native speakers with respect to the diversity of Spanish... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage EvaluationSpanish as a Foreign LanguageSpanish Language
What do discourses of diversity achieve and what do they stand for? 1 This has become a central question in critical scholarship examining the recent drive for diversity in areas such as education , corporate organizations, and marketing... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisCultural StudiesHuman Geography
Wikipedia in lingua italiana è un caso interessante di applicazione di ideologia linguistica esplicita e implicita da parte di una comunità in rete. Le norme esplicite sono codificate in un Manuale di stile e in una nutrita serie di... more
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      Wikipedia StudiesCollaborative WritingItalian LinguisticsLinguistica italiana
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      Language EducationSecond Language AcquisitionJapanese Language And CultureJapanese
Circula : revue d'idéologies linguistiques, n o 5 Titre: Un caso di cronaca linguistica per la scuola. Ida Baccini e le origini di Lingua itaLiana Auteur(s): Monastra, Alessandra, Università degli studi di Messina Revue: CirCuLa, numéro 5... more
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    • Linguistic ideologies
A fi de proposar un acostament a la concepció fabriana de les llengües i de la posició d’aquestes dins de la vida de la societat, caldrà fer una reflexió prèvia sobre les nocions d’ideologia i de representacions socials. L’ús habitual del... more
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      Catalan LanguageSociolinguisticsSocial RepresentationsLanguage Standardisation
(Article in English) A la lumière d'une approche sociolinguistique, ethnographique et critique, cet article examine les intersections entre les idéologies langagières d'English only et les discours néolibéraux sur/par les... more
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      Social MovementsLinguistic AnthropologyEnglish languageLinguistic ideologies
This chapter examines the contribution of new production processes and markets in the information economy to the redefinition of national linguistic ideologies in the context of the U.S.-Mexican border, specifically in El Paso, Texas. We... more
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      SociolinguisticsBorder StudiesLanguage IdeologyAnthropology of Borders
Trotz der überall präsenten Debatte über Alterität, anthropologische Objektkonstitution und die daraus resultierende normative "political correctness" sprechen Afrikawissenschaftler und Afrikawissenschaftlerinnen zwar nur informell, aber... more
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      Sociology of ScienceKnowledge ProductionLinguistic ideologies
In foreign language (FL) classrooms, students are rarely alerted to the politics behind a particular use of words. The recent introduction of critical literacy in some FL classrooms has pushed students to understand the ways texts... more
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      Language EducationSecond Language AcquisitionJapanese Language And CultureSecond Language Writing
This article examines bilingual identity of Vietnamese international school students as reflected in their language practices and language beliefs (Spolsky, 2004). It seeks to identify the factors related to sociocultural connection,... more
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      Self and IdentityGlobalizationSocial IdentitySociolinguistics
A tra vés de l'a nàl isi de les aprec iacions de quinze parelles Iingüisticament mixtes de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona i amb fills en edat escolar sobre les actuacions i les representac ions lingüístiques, les autores pretenen... more
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      Language contactLinguistic ideologies