Recent papers in Footing
In the world of technology-mediated communication (TMC), the involvement of audiences with media texts takes very diverse forms. The participation is shaped by multiple factors ranging from the genre of the media text (e.g., the news... more
Les caractéristiques géotechniques des sols rencontrés en offshore profond conduisent de manière récurrente à des fondations de très grandes dimensions. Ceci induit des difficultés d'installation qui stimulent la recherche de solutions... more
We describe the building and testing of a museum audio tour with content recorded as spontaneous interactive dialogue between two curators as they walked around an art gallery. The aim was to produce a guide which would increase the... more
Tinder, a primarily mobile-based free social dating application (Gatter & Hodkinson, 2016), is a highly controversial platform. It is most known for its design: users connect their Facebook account to the app to create a profile, and they... more
I address how the offspring of Portuguese emigrants in France, Luso-descendants (LDs), interpret their language practices and identities relative to models of language and personhood from their 'sending' society. Specifically, I examine... more
The presence of some high voltage towers in flood stream is one of the most important problems that may lead to the collapse of these towers. The main reason for collapse is the soil erosion around the tower foundation during flood. The... more
We describe the building and testing of a museum audio tour with content recorded as spontaneous interactive dialogue between two curators as they walked around an art gallery. The aim was to produce a guide which would increase the... more
This paper deals with the phenomenon of the ‘microphone gaffe’ in the context of sports broadcast talk. This peculiar communicative event is characterized by the public mediation of live talk to media audiences without the speakers being... more
In this paper, we describe the language used in a particular educational video game, Quest Atlantis (QA). We begin by reviewing a number of works which deal with video games and come to the conclusion that, although many speak of aligning... more
In this paper, I analyse how expertise is discursively negotiated in TV documentary programmes. While previous research has explored the relationship between the ‘lay’ and the ‘expert’ dimensions in various public participation... more
In this paper, we study the discursive construction of the process of language shift (“muda”), i.e. the process by which a language other than that of the speaker’s initial socialization becomes the dominant language in various areas of... more
Public speaking is generally conceived as pre-planned, read-aloud, onesided monologue with minimal opportunities for audience response except as feedback showing approval (or disapproval). Previous work in the area of talkas-interaction... more
A new simple and practical strut-and-tie model (STM) for predicting the shear strength of RC pile caps is proposed in this paper. Two approaches are adopted to take into account the concrete softening effect. In the first approach, a... more
A method is presented that makes it possible to reduce foundation and soil vibrations significantly. The approach is based on vibration transmitting behaviour of a soil layer over bedrock. To obtain the effects of bedrock an obstacle... more
ABSTRACT: Growing human population has caused the increase in the tempo of construction activity world wide.Since new techniques are either available or constantly emerging the sites which have been deemed unsuitable are being put to use... more
We describe the building and testing of a museum audio tour with content recorded as spontaneous interactive dialogue between two curators as they walked around an art gallery. The aim was to produce a guide which would increase the... more
The paper adopts a usage-based perspective on the grammar of Russian talk-in-interaction and analyzes specific patterns relying on govorit’ (‘to say’) in the ORD corpus. Combining ideas from Construction Grammar and Interactional... more
Maria da Conceição Azevedo 2 (UFPA) [email protected] RESUMO: Partindo de um corpus autêntico de interação verbal do Programa do Jô, da Rede Globo de Televisão, discutimos, neste estudo, a forma como se desenrola o processo de coconstrução... more
espanolEn este articulo, estudiamos la construccion discursiva del proceso de "muda linguistica", proceso por el cual una lengua distinta de aquella en la que se produjo la primera socializacion pasa a ser la lengua dominante en... more
In this paper, I take the research direction of incorporating empirical findings in counseling with LGBT clients (Bieschke et al, 2007), and heed Weiste and Peräkylä’s (2015) call for the application of epistemics in Conversation Analysis... more