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Acaba anlaşıp aynı anda zıplasak yer yerinden oynar mıydı? Elimizde bir şalter olsaydı ve yer çekimini şıp diye kapatsaydık ne olurdu? Sizin aklınıza da böyle sorular geliyor mu? "Olmaz öyle şey!" deyip geçmeyin. Bunları hayal etmek bile... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureSpaceAstronomyPopular Science
The Arabic translation of my 2011 book, "The Fact of Evolution" (Penguin Random House) as published by Sumer Press, Baghdad.
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      Evolutionary BiologyBiologyIslamic StudiesIslam and Modernity
Il potenziale critico fondamentale delle scienze storiche risiede nel poter includere nella ricerca idee e punti di vista che rischierebbero altrimenti di esserne esclusi. Nell'ambito specifico che interessa questo articolo, quello dello... more
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      European HistoryModern HistorySociologySocial Theory
Resumo É nos grandes centros urbanos que encontramos a quase totalidade dos Centros e Museus de Ciências brasileiros. Para Hamburger (2001), isto ocorre devido a maioria dos museus de ciência pertencerem às universidades, normalmente... more
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    • Science Popularization
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      Laos (Lao PDR)Cultural TransmissionScience PopularizationFieldwork Methodology
"In January 2008 the world’s leading scientific journal, Nature, carried an editorial titled “Spread the Word: Evolution is a scientific fact, and every organization whose research depends on it should explain why”. Speaking for the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsEvolutionary PsychologyAnthropology
Se han realizado diversos estudios sobre la percepción infantil de la ciencia y de el/la científico/a en países desarrollados, tanto en Europa como en Norteamérica. Sin embargo, aún falta conocimiento empírico sobre dicha materia en... more
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      Social RepresentationsSocial Studies Of ScienceScience StudiesScience Popularization
Popularyzacja wyników badań przybiera rozmaite formy, a badacze niekiedy prześcigają się w sposobach docierania z nauką do ludzi pozornie nią niezainteresowanych. Chwytliwe tytuły, ciekawa oprawa czy próba dotarcia do większej ilości... more
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      Public ArchaeologyScience PopularizationHistorical ReconstructionPopularisation of Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryTeaching HistoryHistoria AntigaScience Popularization
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      Population ecologyGiraffePopular ScienceScience Popularization
In 1863, the French popularizer of science Louis Figuier produced a work that would become a classic of popular science and open up the new field of palaeontology to a wide audience of non-specialists. Its success derived largely from the... more
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      Translation StudiesHistory of ScienceScience Popularization
This paper focuses on TED talks, hybrid web-mediated forms of popularization disseminating knowledge about different domains (e.g. technology, science, global issues). Drawing on the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis... more
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      Critical Discourse StudiesScience PopularizationEnvironmental Discourse
The article investigates the discourse of guidebooks in terms of popularization, that is, in terms of the ways in which specialised and culture-specific concepts are reconceptualised and recontextualised to meet the needs, tastes and... more
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      English for Specific PurposesMultimodalityTranslationScience Popularization
Many ways of popularization exist, e. g. publications in books and journals, lectures, exhibitions and museums, science on stage, in addition pubic observatories, planetariums, star gazing, as well as new media. In Baroque time and... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of Philosophy of Science
Der Aufsatz untersucht, wie die Zeitgenossen die Angebote der mit neuen Medien und Verbreitungsformen verbundenen großstädtischen Massenkultur um 1900 wahrnahmen, wie sie sie einordneten und bewerteten. Die zentrale These lautet, dass... more
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      Popular CultureUrban HistoryUrban AnthropologyKnowledge Society
„Promosaurus. Poradnik promocji nauki” to inspiracje, wskazówki i odpowiedzi między innymi na pytania: Dlaczego ignorancja społeczeństwa winna być wyzwaniem dla naukowców? Czy nauka może być przyjemniejsza od seksu? Czy i jak można... more
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      Science PopularizationNaukaOtwarta NaukaKomunikacja Naukowa
This is the Index of all the articles published in Urdu Science Monthly in 2017.
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationUrdu LiteraturePopular Science
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      Paleolithic ArtScience PopularizationEducation science outreach
מתוך הבלוג מדע ושאר רוח
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    • Science Popularization
This paper deals with the new formulae of science communication throughout comics. Based on the specific case study of the work Neurocomic (2014) by Matteo Farinella and Hana Ros, the adaptation of the format to the principles of science... more
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      Comics and Graphic NovelsScience PopularizationDivulgacion CIentifica
It is a curious coincidence that, in the early months of 1805, a series of lectures intended to define and to popularize the discipline of geology was undertaken almost simultaneously by prominent men of science in London and in Paris.... more
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      History of ScienceEnglish RomanticismScience Popularization
Pokud by náhodný kolemjdoucí během některého z červnových dnů zavítal do odlehlých lesů na Vysočině a v dnes již zlehka chátrajícím táborovém areálu spatřil sto padesát adolescentů v bílých tílkách a různobarevných trenkách, kterak s... more
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      HistoryTeaching and LearningEducationTeacher Education
THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT IS A BRIEF EXCERPT FORM A BOOK CHAPTER. THE FULL PUBLICATION CAN BE FOUND AT: (Please do not hesitate to contact the author for further details) During... more
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      English for Specific PurposesMedical EducationMedical Discourse AnalysisEnglish for Nursing and Medical Purposes
1999 : chap. 1 dans Beacco (dir.) : L'astronomie dans les médias, Paris : Presses de la Sorbonne nouvelle. Contributions de G. Petit, M. Brasquet-Loubeyre, S. Moirand, F. Mourlhon-Dallies, G. Petiot, F. Cusin-Berche, M.-F. Mortureux ; p.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscourseCritical Discourse AnalysisAnálisis del Discurso
Linguistics popularization (in Italian). Chapters by: Giorgio Francesco Arcodia, Daniele Baglioni, Valentina Bambini, Gaetano Berruto, Anna Cardinaletti, Massimo Cerruti, Francesca Chiusaroli, Roberta D’Alessandro, Silvia Dal Negro,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsScience PopularizationDivulgazione Scientifica
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      PrehistoryScience PopularizationPrimary EducationDivulgação Científica
Robots are increasingly behaving in a manner that completely defies our understanding about non-thinking machines that they are supposed to be.
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      Popular SciencePhilosophy of Artificial IntelligenceScience PopularizationRobots
This Introduction to the special issue of Science in Context devoted to "Science in Film and the Deficit Model" provides a historical overview of the "deficit model" in the fields of science popularization and the public understanding of... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyPublic Understanding Of ScienceScience PopularizationHistory of science popularization
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      Science CommunicationScience Popularization
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of TechnologyHistoria AntigaScience Popularization
Much of empirical research published so far on science communication analysed the problem from sociological or educational perspective, ignoring communication standpoints. Similarly, a large number of studies have overlooked the process... more
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      Science CommunicationDevelopment communicationScience PopularizationIndian Media
Explaining the philosophy of Machiavelli on the example of street racing: power, deception, realist behaviour, realist ethics, violence. The article was first published on Drivetribe. The article is a part of the book "Introduction to... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical ScienceRealism (Political Science)
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    • Science Popularization
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      Human EvolutionScience EducationEvolutionEvolution Education
ترویج علم به مثابۀ «میان‌کنش بین دانشمندان و عموم مردم» مفهومی بسیار گسترده و شامل همۀ تلاش‌ها برای ارائۀ علم و نظریات علمی به عموم افراد جامعه از جمله از طریق کتاب، مجله، سخنرانی، جشنواره، نمایشگاه، موزه، اردو، برنامه‌های تلویزیونی، فیلم... more
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    • Science Popularization
Is Earth the only planet that harbours life in this Universe? It need not be so.
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      Evolutionary BiologySETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)ExobiologyPopular Science
There are many unresolved enigmas in the Universe. We are trying to find the answers to some of the most intriguing of these mysteries, with commendable success.
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      Early UniverseAstrophysicsUniversePopular Science
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      Science PopularizationVenezuelan ArchaeologyArqueología de VenezuelaLos Roques archaeology
Spazio e tempo sono grandezze fondamentali della fisica e anche concetti da sempre al centro di riflessioni scientifiche e filosofiche. "Cos'è il tempo? -scriveva Sant'Agostino -Se nessuno me lo chiede lo so; se voglio spiegarlo a uno che... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of SciencePhilosophy of SpaceGeneral Philosophy of Science
O general mais famoso do mundo era, na verdade, um mestre conciliador e um gênio da política. Seu nome virou sinônimo de imperador, mas ele nunca pisou no trono. Conheça os paradoxos da vida de Júlio César.
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      Ancient HistoryHistoria AntigaScience PopularizationDivulgação Científica
" To sleep, perchance to dream-ay, there's the rub. " Hamlet Why do we sleep? There are various theories-and none explains it fully. We know that deprivation of sleep causes various problems including irritability, lack of focus and... more
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      Altered States of ConsciousnessDreamsSleep & Circadian RhythmsPopular Science
in: Menzel, Birgit; Hagemeister, Michael; Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer (Hg.): The New Age of Russia. Occult and Esoteric Dimensions, München 2011, S. 209-235.
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      Russian LiteratureScience FictionOccultismSoviet Science Fiction

misprint: the Neo-Assyrian inscription on the frontispiece of the book reads {I}AN.ŠAR2-DU3-A MAN ŠU2 MAN KUR AN.ŠAR2{ki} (instead of {Id}AN.ŠAR2-DU3-A ŠU2 KUR AN.ŠAR2{ki}).
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      Museum StudiesAssyriologyAncient Near EastCuneiform
In accord with World TB Day, the title story deals with Tuberculosis. There are other and regular popular science articles.
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      Urdu LiteratureScience PopularizationPopularisation of Science
This study traces the historical development of Shanghai Museum (RAS), which was established by the British and American expatriate-led North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society in 1874.
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      Museum StudiesHistory of Natural HistoryHistory of MuseumsChina studies
"Presentiamo una raccolta di dodici articoli di divulgazione scientifica pubblicati sulla rivista mensile Controluce, qui riveduti e corretti. Lo scopo degli articoli era di osservare le esperienze quotidiane attraverso l’occhio di un... more
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      PhysicsPhysics EducationElementary Science EducationFísica
This is the story of a pupil and his master on his initiation journey. In each chapter, the reader can learn about something related to science. Every chapter is also a step into a mysterious and perplexing adventure. In the end, what the... more
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      Creative WritingScience EducationIllustrationScience Fiction
This dissertation explores the popularisation of Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory in Romania from 1859 to 1918. Placing Darwinism in the Romanian context is important in several ways, as not only gives a picture of the... more
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      Romanian HistoryHistory Of EugenicsHistory of ScienceHistory of Central and Southeastern Europe
A corpus-based comparison of Italian popular science writing and Italian academic scientific writing. The two do-it-yourself corpora of roughly 50,000 tokens each are analyzed in order to single out their differences on a morphosyntactic,... more
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      SociolinguisticsAcademic WritingCorpus LinguisticsScientific Writing
In view of " World Cancer Day", title story is an in depth account of Cancer, plus all other regular columns.
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      Science EducationScience PopularizationUrdu Language and Literature