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Situations in which conflicting constraints clash can potentially provide linguists with insights into the architecture of grammar. This paper deals with such a case. When predicative modifiers of morphologically rich languages head... more
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The work presented below is part of a PhD project that deals with the acquisition of the English Resultative Construction (ERC hereafter) by Spanish native speakers who learn English as a foreign language (EFL). Our main interest is to... more
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      LinguisticsSecond language adquisitionEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Resultative Construction
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    • French
This paper analyses a phenomenon not frequently dealt with in the grammar of Romance languages: closest conjunct (number) agreement [CCA] between determiners, adjectives and nouns in Spanish structures containing conjoined singular Ns: [... more
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Апресян, Юрий Дереникович. Лингвистическое обеспечение системы французско-русского автоматического перевода ЭТАП-1 : [Часть] III : Французский синтаксический анализ / Ю.Д. Апресян, И.М. Богуславский, Л.Л. Иомдин ; Под ред. В.Ю.... more
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Dilbilim alanıyla birlikte diğer bilim alanlarında da karşımıza çıkan tipoloji (sınıflandırma, taksonomi) terimi “belli unsurların yapılarının karşılaştırılması sonucunda oluşan benzerlik ya da farklılıkları bir araya getirme, bir yapının... more
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      Eski TürkçeTipoloji
Introduction: A suprising contrast Compounding is extremely productive in the old Indo-Aryan language Sanskrit (Mikkola 1967; Lowe 2015b); moreover, the internal order of Sanskrit bahuvrīhi compounds (henceforth, bahuvrīhis) involves... more
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      SanskritFormal syntaxMorphology and SyntaxFormal grammars
This paper gives an overview of constructions with propositional proforms in three languages: English, German and Hungarian. Starting from the position that these elements are not meaningless expletives, four strategies are identified,... more
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      SyntaxDeixisLexical-Functional Grammar
The French verb laisser ('to let') allows for two different syntactic constructions, an Exceptional Case Marking (ECM) construction and a Faire-Infinitive (FI) construction with a postverbal Causee, and for two different interpretations,... more
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      Computer ScienceSyntaxLinguisticsSemantics (Computer Science)
It is argued that switch-reference, as it is exhibited in Papuan languages, is not primarily a syntactic device like reflexivization or verb agreement for indicating nominal reference, but rather its main function is that of a thematic... more
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    • Descriptive Linguistics
Generative syntax was built on the foundations of Immediate Constituent (IC) analysis, and IC methods and heuristics were an important tool in the early days of the generative enterprise. However, developments in the theory entailed a... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxLinguisticsGenerative linguistics
In a collocation, the choice of one lexical item depends on the choice made for another. This poses a problem for simple approaches to lexicalisation in natural language generation systems. In the Meaning-Text framework, recurrent... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingLinguistics
This paper describes what we take to be the correct perspective on the'empiri-cist'vs' rationalist'debate which is the dominant theme of this workshop, and describes a technique for dealing with the translation... more
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    • Humanities
This study uses a corpus linguistic approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, to analyze epistemic modal lexical verbs (EMLVs) in six of George W. Bush's speeches from September 11, 2001, to December 16, 2004. The speeches... more
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      PoliticsLexical-Functional GrammarEpistemic modality
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceSyntaxSemantics (Computer Science)
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    • Computer Science
This is the first chapter of the book "The verbal kaleidoscope: perspectives on the syntax and semantic of verbs" in which the authors and editors of the book introduce the topic of the book to the readers. Verbs are often considered a... more
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The change of the mode of narration from first person in the drafts to third person in the final version of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment has received surprisingly little attention from either literary critics1 or linguists.... more
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New names are created on daily bases but old names never change in form. Thus, names offer a window where the archaic linguistics structure of a language can be traced. This study explores the grammatical structure of personal names in... more
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This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science.
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    • Mathematics Education
We examine the phrasal vs. clausal syntactic status of French in®nitives. Whereas a number of current theories assume a VP-hypothesis (contra principles and parameters theories, including the Minimalist Program), data relative to... more
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      Computer ScienceLinguisticsMinimalist programLanguage Studies
Lexical Functional Grammar (Kaplan & Bresnan, 1982; Bresnan et al., 2016; Dalrymple et al., 2019) assumes that word order and phrasal constituency is modeled at a syntactic level called constituent structure, represented as a phrase... more
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      SyntaxWord ClassesLexical Functional Grammar (LFG)
This thesis describes a tactical generator for Turkish, a free constituent order language, in which the order of the constituents may c hange according to the information structure of the sentences to be generated. In the absence of any... more
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    • Key words
The subject at hand of this paper is intransitive prepositions, which E. Klima (1965) defined as prepositions that do not select syntactic objects. This word group comprises those linguistic units which traditional grammar used to... more
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This paper discusses the control properties of the subjects of Greek gerunds. First, we discuss the control properties of overt subjects that are disjoint in reference from matrix arguments and we conclude that these subjects constitute... more
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The article presents Vuosttas Digisanit (VD), an electronic dictionary from North Sami to Norwegian. Its novelty lies in the way we have utilized existing resources (a basic dictionary and a morphological analyser/generator) in order to... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingLemmatisation
This article discussed the specifics of the translation of comparative constructions in literature from Tatar into Russian. It also suggested methods for the full-fledged translation of such constructions according to semantics and... more
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      Computer ScienceSustainable DevelopmentEpistemology of the Social SciencesEconomy
This study aims to describe the deixis used in a single comedy show. Deixis is a word that has arbitrary references. This type of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The data source was obtained from the video of... more
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Persian is usually assumed to lack a nonfinite clause, as its morphosyntactically distinguished infinitival form is a nominal infinitive. This paper takes a closer look at Persian modal verbs, which, in their impersonal use, take a... more
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      SyntaxLexical-Functional GrammarTheoretical LinguisticsInfinitives
In LFG, so-called 'pro-drop' is analyzed as pronoun incorporation, where the person and number marking on the head is the pronoun. The morphology on the head thus serves a dual function: it is an agreement marker when an independent noun... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsFormal syntaxLexical-Functional GrammarFinno-Ugric languages
Ein NPN-konstruksjon består av eit teljeleg substantiv i ubestemt eintal følgt av ein preposisjon følgd av det same substantivet i ubestemt eintal, som ansikt til ansikt og time etter time. Stundom har konstruksjonen modifiserande... more
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      MathematicsLinguisticsLiterary studiesNoun
This paper addresses the formal properties of constituent structure (cstructure). We demonstrate inadequacies in the formalization of traditional X0 theory by Bresnan (2001) and Bresnan et al. (2016), and in the alternative proposal of... more
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      Computer ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsSyntaxFormal syntax
A problem that crops up repeatedly in shallow and deep syntactic parsing approaches to South Asian languages like Urdu/Hindi is the proper treatment of complex predications. Problems for the NLP of complex predications are posed by their... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingVisualization
Computational LFG grammar in development in Konstanz Aim: large-scale LFG grammar for parsing Urdu/Hindi Grammar is part of the ParGram project Collaborative, world-wide research project Devoted to developing parallel LFG grammars for a... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingComputational Linguistics
A Noun+ Verb Complex Predicate formed by combining a noun and a verb► noun uninflected, light verb inflected both contribute to overall argument structure of clause► 1 argument from noun► 2 arguments from verb► combine into 3 arguments in... more
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Ahstract: This paper outlines a theory of constituent coordination For l,exicaI-Funetional Grammar. On this theory LFG's flat, unstructured nets are used as the functional representation of coordinate constructions, l"unction application... more
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    • Computer Science
This article aims to analyze the monofinite complex clause in the Kumyk language in terms of structure. The originality of the research lies in the fact that the article proposes a different approach than in Russian studies on the... more
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      Computer ScienceLinguisticsSentenceVerb Phrase
Within the field of linguistics, the makeup of the Complementizer Phrase (CP) layer of the clause has been an issue of recurring debate. Being dependent upon the CP, the structure of relative clauses has been particularly contentious. Two... more
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    • Mathematics
This paper deals with the close relation between the verb (V) and its direct object (DO) in Greek ditransitive structures, bringing together a formal analysis of the inherent nature of this special bond and a performance motivated... more
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      SociologyLinguisticsGreekGreek Linguistics
The article focuses on language norms determining structural and semantic organization of complex sentences in the modern Russian language. The author studies violations of correct combinability of grammatical stems in poly-predicative... more
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      Computer ScienceLinguisticsWord orderSentence
Hierarchies are the hidden backbones of complex systems and their analysis allows for a deeper understanding of their structure and how they evolve. We consider languages also to be complex adaptive systems with several intricate networks... more
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      Computer ScienceSyntaxGermanHierarchical Organization
AbstractReference is a connection between words and things which is become references. Magical words is one of culture society. That magical words will be tell and expressed in order to reach the user wishes itself or others wishes. The... more
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This paper presents a simple parser to parse Arabic sentences. The aim of this parser is to check whether the syntax of an Arabic sentence is grammatically correct or not by constructing new efficient Context-Free Grammar that makes... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingArabic
People understand utterances in real time. Blank [1] described a natural language processor which also parses sentences in linear time. Like human performance, it stays within fixed and finite short-term memory-indeed, these limits... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingParsing
This paper presents the results of two experiments in German testing the acceptability of (non-)restrictive relative clauses (NRCs/RRCs) with split antecedents (SpAs). According to Moltmann (1992), SpAs are only grammatical if their parts... more
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      Computer ScienceJapaneseContextParsing
This paper investigates the prosodic structure of simple prepositions and dependent personal pronouns as weak function words in Leilakhi Dialect with the theoretical framework of Prosodic Phonology or Phonology of Domains. Weak function... more
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This research aims to describe the use of form anda function of cohesion device in Mercusuar Daily editorial discourse including device of grammatical and lexical cohesion. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The data... more
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      Computer ScienceLinguisticsGrammarSentence
The paper proposes an account of asymmetries in agreement patterns that obtain in restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses headed by hybrid agreement nouns d(j)eca 'children', braća 'brothers', and gospoda 'gentry' in... more
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      MathematicsSlavic LanguagesSerbianCroatian