Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG)
Recent papers in Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG)
In this paper I set out to model the encoding of definiteness in Hungarian possessive DPs with particular attention to the (non)complementarity of definiteness markers and possessive markers. I develop a formal LFG account of the relevant... more
Andrews and Manning (1993, 1999) proposed to analyse a number of constructions, including complex predicates and modal adjectives, in a heavily modified version of LFG that could accomodate the fact that these constructions seem to... more
Download/Open Review at: http://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/25 This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistics or contributed tools that are relevant for current linguistic theorizing (Phrase... more
This book is a contribution to the general discussion of the question whether argument structure constructions should be treated with reference to phrasal patterns as suggested by Goldberg (1995, 2006); Culicover and Jackendoff (2005) and... more
A crossed/backward control structure in Indonesian is analysed within LFG as forming a complex SVC-like tight structure that allows argument sharing. It shows properties having intermediate status between a complex predicate and an... more
Verb agreement with disjunctively conjoined nouns results in either a singular or a plural verb. This variation is associated to an analysis of disjunction either as inclusive or or as exclusive or in truth-conditional semantics. Apart... more
The present research aims to investigate the effect of stress on Vafsi oblique clitic PAMs and accordingly determine their placement based on LFG analysis by using the prosody-syntax interface. Vafsi is one of the Iranian languages... more
In the framework of a Modern Greek LFG/XLE grammar development project at ILSP/ " Athena " RC, we implemented a novel multilevel analysis of tense in main and na subordinated clauses. Existing analyses of tense and the subjunctive mood in... more
This paper discusses the interaction and the mismatch between a syntactically ergative system and morphologically symmetrical markings in Kulon-Pazeh (Austronesian language, ISO: UUN, Taiwan, henceforth Pazeh), specifically referring to... more
This study provides description and analysis of some verbal complementation patterns in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA), namely the Auxiliary /kaan/, Causative /xalla/, phasal verbs and modals. Each verb is represented by a set of... more
Talk at the 25th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference, 23–25 June 2020.
In this paper we study obligatory object control (OOC) in Greek, in the sequence main + na-subordinate clause. Our aim is to provide a list of verbs categorized by the type of OOC they allow-exhaustive object control or partial control.... more