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In Narrative Structure in Comics: Making Sense of Fragments, Barbara Postema uses the notion of the gap to explain how comics create meaning. As texts that combine words and images, comics rely on the verbal register to communicate... more
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesComics StudiesVisual Narrative
Fictional transmedia universes have been the objects of communication research throughout the last ten years. There has been such a proliferation of these universes that it can be argued that a ‘transmedia turn’ has occurred in research... more
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      IntertextualityGerard GenetteTransmedia StorytellingParatexts
Nel saggio “Formalisme et Langage Poétique” uscito nell’estate del 1976 su "Comparative Literature" e incluso come capitolo di Mimologiques. Voyage en Cratilie, pubblicato da Seuil nello stesso anno, Gérard Genette esamina alcuni concetti... more
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      Gerard GenetteRoman JakobsonFormalismo Russolinguaggio poetico
In the Cratylus, Socrates discusses with Cratylus and Hermogenes the question of whether names are merely arbitrary or in some sense 'right,' that is, motivated by the nature of the things they designate. In this article, I examine... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePlatoMartin HeideggerArtificial Language
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      AestheticsNelson GoodmanJorge Luis BorgesGerard Genette
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      Martin HeideggerMise en abyme - TheoryGerard GenetteModalities
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      CinemaNarrative TheoryGerard GenetteFocalization
I diritti di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale e con qualsiasi mezzo sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodotta senza il consenso dell'Editore.
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      NarratologyNarrative TheoryGerard GenetteMetalepsis
Det sägs att Bibeln är världens mest lästa och spridda bok, och inom ramen för dess pärmar framstår Psaltaren som en av de mer tongivande rösterna. Martin Luther (1545) föreslår till exempel i en inledning till hans översättning av... more
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      SeptuagintBook of PsalmsMartin LutherGerard Genette
Una lectura sobre la intención imitativa y el resultado satírico sobre la figura clásica del héroe desde la perspectiva del protagonista del Martín Fierro de José Hernández.
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      Gerard GenetteLiteraturaLiteratura argentinaLiteratura Comparada
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesFilm StudiesNarratology
At the heart of this article is a fairly straightforward assertion: that literature has a trans-verbal level at which it affects us as a work of art. Hence discussing a novel means bringing to the fore not only its overt narrative... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArt TheoryPlato
Este estudo define-se como uma análise de contos fantásticos do século XIX, quais sejam, “A noite”, de Maupassant, “O elixir da longa vida”, de Balzac, “O coração denunciador”, de Poe, “É de confundir!”, de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam e “Os... more
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      Fantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyGerard GenetteTeoría Literaria
Are you interested in purchasing a copy? Please send me an e-mail! This is a study of the formation of the ‘Book’ of Psalms that attempts to provide 
answers to two fundamental questions: “how?” and “why?”. The first relates to the... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Biblical StudiesOld TestamentPoetics
(Résumé sur @nalyses:) Avec Aliss (2000), Patrick Senécal rend hommage au roman de Lewis Carroll, Alice au pays des merveilles (1865). Chez Senécal, le roman pour la jeunesse se transforme en un roman pour adultes, variante « X »; il... more
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      NarratologyQuebecois LiteratureGerard GenetteLewis Carroll
Fed up with the commercial and moral restrictions of the mainstream press, the diverse avant-garde groups of authors and artists of the Aesthetic Movement developed a new genre of periodicals in which to propagate their principles and... more
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      Book HistoryWilliam Butler YeatsIllustrationVictorian Literature
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      AdaptationApartheidGerard GenetteW. E. B. Du Bois
Le paratexte, trente ans après Résumé Pendant les trois décennies qui se sont écoulées depuis la publication de Seuils (1987) de Gérard Genette, les études sur le paratexte se sont multipliées dans des disciplines très différentes et dans... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookNarratologyGerard Genette
This chapter from The Canadian Alternative: Cartoonists, Comics, and Graphic Novels (eds. Dominick Grace & Eric Hoffman, U Press of Mississippi, 2018) examines the politics of representation -- both in terms of monstration and recitation... more
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      Canadian HistoryComics StudiesCanadian LiteratureComics
Pendant les trois décennies qui se sont écoulées depuis la publication de "Seuils" (1987) de Gérard Genette, les études sur le paratexte se sont multipliées dans des disciplines très différentes et dans plusieurs champs littéraires. Pour... more
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      History of the BookIllustrationAuteur TheoryGerard Genette
Es ist schwer, ein Register zu rezensieren. Doppelt schwer fällt es, wenn es sich dabei um ein reich kommentiertes und kommentierendes, sich in mancherlei Distinktionen verzweigendes, nie um Belege verlegenes Werk von 535 Seiten handelt,... more
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      LiteratureGerard GenetteLiteraturtheoriePalimpseste
Özet: Metinlerarasılık, birden çok metin arasındaki ilişkiyi saptamaya çalışan bir edebiyat kuramıdır. Bu kavram özünü, bir sanat eserinin kritiğinde başka sanat eserlerini ölçüt tutmak parametresinden alır. Eseri eserle ölçmek ve bir... more
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      IntertextualityJulia KristevaGerard GenetteKlâsik Türk Edebiyatı
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      John MiltonOrigin of LanguageGerard GenettePolysemy
Despite the popularity of today’s comic book film adaptations, superheroes did not make the leap from comics to screen in a single bound; rather it was a series of incremental steps. This chapter examines one of the most important yet... more
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      Television StudiesAnimationComics StudiesFilm Adaptation
The goal of this essay is to explore McEwan’s novel, and highlight within it the use of the different narrative techniques pertaining to Narrative time as proposed by Gerard Genette. More precisely, we will concern ourselves with the... more
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      British LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiteratureNarrative
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiteratureBook Publishing
In seinem philosophischen Roman 'Nachtzug nach Lissabon' (2004) erzählt Pascal Mercier die Geschichte des Lehrers und Altphilologen Raimund Gregorius und seiner Suche nach dem portugiesischen Arzt, Poeten und Widerstandskämpfer Amadeu de... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureFranz KafkaIntertextuality
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      Greek LiteratureNarrative AnalysisGerard GenetteEuropean literature
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      English LiteratureDetective FictionArthur Conan DoyleGerard Genette
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      Visual RhetoricManuscript StudiesTheory of Metaphor and RhetoricsMiniature Books
L'Opera teatrale di Pinter è stata più volte individuata come zona di incontro tra il controverso spirito del novecento - fatto di paradossi e frammentazioni dell'Io ad ogni livello - e una pasta memoriale atavica, connaturata all'uomo di... more
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      Theatre StudiesStructuralism (Philosophy)Gerard GenetteLetteratura teatrale
En el presente trabajo se pretende demostrar mediante un exhaustivo análisis cómo la fotografía representa la problemática narrativa en el relato "Las babas del diablo" de Julio Cortázar. El relato abunda en la ambigüedad narratológica:... more
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      Julio CortázarGerard GenetteNarratologíaLiteratura Hispanoamericana
The objective of this paper is to understand the film Batman vs Superman (2016) via elements of Gerard Genette's Transtextuality. A text does not exist in isolation. The atmosphere in terms of politics, other texts and, the general... more
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      Popular CultureComics StudiesComicsComics/Sequential Art
Ce travail propose d’étudier l’écriture de Robbe-Grillet des années 50. Afin de découvrir sa spécificité, il cherche à lire l’œuvre de cet auteur, tout d’abord en réfléchissant sur le contexte historique de l’époque, notamment... more
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      Nouveau romanGerard GenetteAlain Robbe-GrilletRaymond Roussel
L’autofiction est un « phénomène » littéraire qui a supplanté l’autobiographie. Ce nouveau roman du « Je » est officiellement qualifié en 1977 par Serge Doubrovsky dans le fameux texte de quatrième de couverture de son roman Fils. Ce... more
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      AutobiographyMarguerite DurasSerge DoubrovskyAutofiction
La narrativa dell'ultimo trentennio tende a coniugare le strategie mimetiche del moderno con le strategie metaletterarie del postmoderno, compiendo un moto pendolare tra l'idealismo ingenuo e/o fanatico del primo e il pragmatismo... more
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      SemioticsIntermedialityNarratologyPaul Ricoeur
Dos ejemplos de metalepsis narrativas: Niebla de Miguel de Unamuno y Biblique des derniers gestes de Patrick Chamoiseau La metalepsis narrativa se define como el traspaso de la frontera entre el nivel diegético del narrador y la diégesis,... more
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      NarratologyGerard GenetteMiguel de UnamunoMetalepsis
Gérard Genette Le structuralisme et la critique littéraire
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      LiteratureCritiqueGerard GenetteJakobson, Roman
we will try here in this intervention to decipher the codes of "Ainiat abi dhoaib elhodhaly" poetic discourse, So that we can be able to identify and understand their concept of death, and the way they express it. and we will focus on the... more
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      Gerard Genetteتحليل الخطاب، البلاغة، السيميائية، أباما، استجابات الجمه
This article explores certain aspects of narrative construction in the light of theories and disciplines such as Structuralism and Narratology; and writers/thinkers including Marcel Proust, Balzac, Stendhal, Gérard Genette, Mikhail... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiteratureNarrative
È possibile applicare l’analisi letteraria occidentale a testi di letteratura classica giapponese? Nel presente intervento presenterò un tentativo di applicazione una teoria letteraria abbastanza nota - il concetto di transtexualité... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJapanese LiteraturePoetryIntertextuality
A mon avis le plus important n'est pas d'établir une dichotomie et de dire que certains récits sont non naturels, mais plutôt de dire que différents récits requièrent des stratégies interprétativesfondamentalement différentes. Par... more
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      LiteratureNarrativeNarratologyNarrative Theory
This dissertation for License in biblical Theology draws from Narrative Criticism and specifically the linguistic theory of Alain Rabatel on Point of View to interpret Mk 1, 21-31. Attention is given in particular to the voice of the... more
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      Greek LiteratureLiterary CriticismNarratologyBiblical Interpretation
In diesem Buch werden die performativen und parergonalen Rahmungsstrategien anhand ausgewählter Beispiele der deutschen Literatur 'um 1800' untersucht.
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      German LiteraturePrint CulturePerformativity19th century German literature
A text relation with other texts has been a significant subject, which attracted the consideration of researchers, such as Julia Kristeva, Roland Barthes and etc. within Structuralism and Post-Structuralism. Gerard Genette, a French... more
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    • Gerard Genette