Late roman Amphoras
Recent papers in Late roman Amphoras
Un decennio di ricerche archeologiche nel territorio di Paola (CS). Le Calabrie romane fra II a.C. e VI d.C.
The article is devoted to the classifi cation and chronology of the C Snp I amphorae by D. Kassab Tezgör’s typology, corresponding to the Type Zeest-100. There is no doubt that Sinope produced C Snp I amphorae during the first half of the... more
A. V. Sazanov The chronology of “Myrmekion type” amphorae (Zeest 72–Bottger I.5) of roman period This article is devoted to so-called amphorae of «Myrmekion type», found in the Northern Black Sea regions. The initial hypothesis was put... more
La obra aquí presentada se inserta en la moderna corriente de estudio: por una parte, se recoge un corpus de los sellos hallados, fundamentalmente, en dos lugares de la antigua provincia romana: Olisipo ( Lisboa) y Augusta Emerita... more
In March 2012, Philipps-Universität Marburg conducted a 12-day survey along a section of the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia reaching from Rabigh in the north to al-Shoaiba in the south. As the beginning of a five-year archaeological... more
Εμπορικοί αμφορείς από την περιοχή του λιμένα του Πειραιά. Αποτέλεσαν, το 1994, το υλικό της εργασίας του τότε δόκιμου Επιμελητή Αρχαιοτήτων Σ. Ραπτόπουλου. Ο κατάλογος συνοδεύεται από κείμενο σχετικό με το εμπόριο στην περιοχή των... more
La production d'une même forme amphorique dans plusieurs centres est désormais un fait bien connu dès le IV e s. av. J.-C. au plus tard. 1 Il a été observé en mer Noire, et S. Vnukov a consacré une étude exhaustive aux amphores dites du... more
This paper considers a Sardinian context from the 3rd to the 7th centuries AD. In this study a methodological comparison is proposed between imported and local pottery recovered in the excavations in the town of Nora (Cagliari) and... more
"This research project is focussed on the distribution of amphorae and patterns of consumption in the Eastern Roman provinces of Moesia Inferior and Thrace and their economic relationships with the regions of the Western Mediterranean.... more
Dirigé par Souen FONTAINE (Drassm, chercheur membre du Centre Camille Jullian-UMR7299) en co-responsabilité scientifique avec Corinne ROUSSE (AMU, Centre Camille Jullian-UMR 7299) Mourad EL AMOURI (Ipso Facto) Frédéric MARTY (PIPC Ouest... more
Anfore da Hadrianopolis (Sofratike, Albania) indagini 2005-2010.
Olbia is the main port on the Eastern coast of Sardinia. It is settled in a gulf which allowed the development of an important market since the Phoenician period. In Late Roman period cargoes from the whole Mediterranean area (Hispania,... more
BAR S2833 Il paesaggio di Nora (Cagliari – Sud Sardegna) by Cristina Nervi. British Archaeological Reports; 9781407315225, 2016. Order Online: This book studies the imported and local pottery from 238 BC to 700 AD... more
Cette communication présentera les nouvelles découvertes issues d’une recherche conduite, à la fois en Cyrénaïque et en Égypte. Nous exposerons les résultats obtenus à partir du matériel amphorique provenant essentiellement des fouilles... more
O centro produtor da Quinta do Rouxinol (estuário do Tejo), escavado de 1986 a 1991, produziu, entre os meados do sec. II e inícios do sec. V, cerâmica comum e ânforas das formas Almagro 50, Almagro 51c e Lusitana 9. Neste trabalho faz-se... more
by Marco CAVALIERI, in Res Antiquae 15, 2018. — Dans le cadre du projet international « VII Regio. Le Val d’Elsa pendant l’époque romaine et l’Antiquité tardive », une mission de recherche archéologique dirigée par l’UCLouvain depuis... more
This paper aims to analyse in detail the origin, morphological evolution and distribution of the annular bottom amphora type Riley Mid Roman 1 (MRA1) (Keay LXXXI/Ostia I, 453-454/Robinson M254). The type occurs at numerous eastern and... more