Books by Diana Dobreva
Aquileia Cossar 3.3. L'instrumentum, il materiale vitreo, metallico e gli elementi architettonico-decorativi, 2021
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle i... more Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle illustrazioni.
Aquileia Cossar 3.3. I materiali ceramici, 2021
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle i... more Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle illustrazioni.
Tra Oriente e Occidente. Dinamiche commerciali in Moesia Inferior e Thracia in epoca romana. I dati delle anfore (Antenor Quaderni 42), Roma 2017, 2017
"This research project is focussed on the distribution of amphorae and patterns of consumption in... more "This research project is focussed on the distribution of amphorae and patterns of consumption in the Eastern Roman provinces of Moesia Inferior and Thrace and their economic relationships with the regions of the Western Mediterranean.
The research represents a critical review of published data. The peculiar modern geopolitical context over the second half of the 20th century and problems related to linguistic accessibility has had the effect of creating a lack of comprehensive and up-to-date studies in this area and the knowledge of Bulgarian and other Slavic languages was instrumental in identifying local classification systems of amphorae with those commonly established.
The overall account of amphora distribution made it possible to examine in detail some case studies, which were selected either because of their role in the Roman period, or for the intensity of research. All these sites are situated near important commercial routes, along the lower bank of the Danube River (Novae, Sexaginta Prista and Trimammium), on the Western coast of the Black Sea (Odessos, Deultum, Apollonia Pontica) and in inland Thrace (Kabyle).
The direct examination of about four hundred items of amphorae (most of them unpublished) discovered in these sites was used to draft a chronological scheme, which builds on relevant contextual data and published evidence.
Trend analysis of the import of foodstuffs over specific historical periods: the typological examination of the amphorae and their marks, along with the type of agricultural production of their provenance area allow establishing the likely content of the containers (oil, wine, fish products or other foodstuffs). Graphs elaborated on the basis of these patterns can throw fresh insights on this archaeological research.
In the final synthesis, economic long term developments are pointed out. In particular, two commercials routes are highlighted: the first one is connected with the Western Black Sea trade route and it concerns mostly Agean and Pontic trading, without excluding some Western Mediterranean products which reached this territory still in the Late Hellenistic period. The second one runs along the Danube and it is related to the presence of Roman army: through this route since the first half of 1st century AD arrived the goods from the Adriatic Sea, and then, after the Dacian wars and the creation of the province of Dacia (106 AD), the foodstuffs from the Iberian Peninsula. The presence of Iberian commodities increases particularly when the Emperor Septimius Severus established the annona militaris. In this period some goods from the Pontus Euxinus reached the inland of Thrace as shown the assignment of Kabyle. "
Book chapters by Diana Dobreva
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle i... more Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle illustrazioni.
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle i... more Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle illustrazioni.
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle i... more Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle illustrazioni.
La lanterna in terracotta, 2021
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle i... more Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle illustrazioni.
LRCW 5. Late Roman coarse ware and amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and archaemetry, 2017
Material culture has always been an important source for the investigation of economic changes in... more Material culture has always been an important source for the investigation of economic changes in ancient societies. In this sense, the persistence of some productive processes in pottery manufacture (or the adoption of new ones) represents an effective tool for the analysis of certain historical periods, particularly of those marked by problematic changes. For instance, the economic crisis that struck the cities during late antiquity can be examined from the point of some trends in the ceramic craft related to specific dynamics of interaction between groups of artisans. This paper falls within the context of issues mentioned above and attempts to analyse some aspects of the socio-economic changes that characterised urban centres of Adriatic Italy during the Late Antique period. In order to carry out the intended research, data regarding the coarse ware found during excavations of the so-called domus of Titus Macer at Aquileia will be used. More specifically, a group of pots will be examined, which represents a prime example of the new techniques used in kitchenware production, but which can also be considered a result of a return to traditional production processes.
Papers by Diana Dobreva
The subject of this paper is a brief synthesis of some finds of Roman amphorae discovered on the ... more The subject of this paper is a brief synthesis of some finds of Roman amphorae discovered on the western Pontic coast (today Eastern Bulgaria). The topic is faced during the research field of my PhD international research project, still in progress, focussed on the commercial dynamics in Moesia Inferior and Thrace during the Roman times. Some first data already came into results individuating some patterns of consumption and confirming the existence of important commercial guidelines between Roman provinces on the Lower Danube, the north-western Pontic area and the Adriatic coast. The results will be completed with analysis of some observations of general character concerning the commercial significance of the Black Sea region for the local market, as well
All\u2019interno del vastissimo panorama dei ritrovamenti archeologici provenienti durante la qua... more All\u2019interno del vastissimo panorama dei ritrovamenti archeologici provenienti durante la quarta campagna di scavo (maggio-luglio 2012) condotta nell\u2019area dei fondi ex Cossar dal Dipartimento dei Beni culturali dell\u2019Universt\ue0 di Padova, si distinguono, per il loro interesse documentario e cronologico, alcuni frammenti di anfore orientali, ceramiche fini, lucerne e materiali vitrei e metallici. I reperti archeologici qui analizzati provengono in particolare dalle ricerche che hanno interessato la parte occidentale della domus ad atrio, le quattro botteghe parallele con le due retrobotteghe, rivolte verso portico che fiancheggia il cardine stradale sul lato est della casa e il settore posto nell\u2019angolo sud-orientale della propriet\ue0, coincidente con la cinta muraria urbana. Nonostante resti ancora molto da fare, si \ue8 voluto, tuttavia, prendere in considerazione alcuni materiali particolarmente significativi, perch\ue9 si ritiene che essi possano, nonostante agli evidenti limiti dovuti a uno studio ancora preliminare, fornire interessanti spunti di riflessione sulle attivit\ue0 produttive e gli scambi commerciali che hanno interessato l\u2019area tra la tarda Repubblica e la fine dell\u2019Antichit\ue0
It has become increasingly apparent over the last decades that cooking pottery played a considera... more It has become increasingly apparent over the last decades that cooking pottery played a considerable role as a trade commodity in ancient time. By taking a closer look at the pottery found in Aquileia, we want to explore and discuss the relationship between locally produced and imported cooking wares from a quantitative, morphological and functional point of view. We will make use of case studies from the so-called domus of Titus Macer to establish in which ways this correlation changes over time and how we can explain some trends. The possibility to examine domestic contexts offered the opportunity to carry out an in-depth analysis of the cooking ware in order to reconstruct pottery sets and, as far as possible, eating habits and food practices
This paper aims to examine the black glossed pottery from excavations at \u2018ex Cossar property... more This paper aims to examine the black glossed pottery from excavations at \u2018ex Cossar property\u2019 in Aquileia carried out between 2009 and 2011. Several groups have been identified at a first stage of research, corresponding to different production areas. Most finds were probably produced locally, in workshops located in North-Adriatic. Among the imported products, the most attested one seems to be the Campana B group, while just few fragments can be related to Central Italic and Campanian areas. Formal and typological analysis of diagnostic finds has been carried out at a second stage of research. Open forms are predominant, among which and following a proper North-Italic \u2018fashion\u2019 types Lamboglia 5 and 28 are well represented, as well as patera Lamboglia 6. From a chronological point of view, the most ancient forms date back to the beginning of the 2nd century BC, associated probably with the foundation of Colonia Aquileia. At that time, imported black glossed ware is predominant, compared to early local production. The distribution of black glossed pottery reached a peak during the 1st century BC, while some few finds from Augustan times testify the final phase of production. Comparing the results obtained by the study of the finds from the \u2018ex Cossar property\u2019 against the regional framework historical, cultural and geographical peculiarities of the North-Adriatic area emerge, outlining this area as an independent reality that presents a proper social, economical and commercial dynamics
This paper aims to examine the character and activity of Luisa Bertacchi in the light of the mani... more This paper aims to examine the character and activity of Luisa Bertacchi in the light of the manifold work she carried out at the \u201cformer Cossar\u201d area in Aquileia. Since 2009 the authors on behalf of the Padua University with the cooperation of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Aquileia Foundation have been operating there. Between the 1960s and 1980s, Luisa Bertacchi\u2019s activity focused on this area, with a particular interest in the restoration of the ruins brought to light in the 1930s by Giovanni Battista Brusin. Over that period of time, the scholar collected a substantial assemblage of pottery finds, which had been stored until now in the Museum deposits. These finds show her particular interest in the contextual analysis between finds and the excavated structures. Her peculiar attention towards heritage management, which she concretely carried out by restoring the ancient structures using innovative technical and structural solutions is even more surprising, and to be considered on the forefront at the time. The work of Luisa Bertacchi at Aquileia resulted in a deep innovation in the field of archaeological investigation through the modernisation of both research methods and preliminary reports. From our contemporary point of view, however, her main achievement was the introduction of new forms of heritage management, through new concepts and terms such as valorisation and archaeological park, which are still key themes of discussion today
Edizioni Quasar eBooks, 2017
Archaeopress Publishing Ltd eBooks, Aug 17, 2023
Un\u2019altra attivit\ue0 concernente il riesame della documentazione pregressa relativa ai fondi... more Un\u2019altra attivit\ue0 concernente il riesame della documentazione pregressa relativa ai fondi Cossar \ue8 stata dedicata allo studio dei materiali rinvenuti durante i lavori di valorizzazione dell\u2019area, effettuati sotto la direzione di Luisa Bertacchi. In quest\u2019occasione, prima di riposizionare i mosaici, alcuni su due strutture in cemento sopraelevate, e altri su solette di cemento, Luisa Bertacchi effettua un\u2019accurata indagine dell\u2019area sottostante. I materiali da lei recuperati non vennnero mai pubblicati, ma nell\u2019unico contributo che riporta tali indagini la studiosa tiene a precisare che \u201ci materiali [...] sono importantissimi al fine della valutazione cronologica dei mosaici stessi...\u201d. Partendo da questa considerazione, e grazie alla gentile collaborazione della Soprintendenza per i Beni archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia, si \ue8 deciso di presentare in maniera estesa tutta la documentazione relativa ai materiali recuperati durante queste indagini
Books by Diana Dobreva
The research represents a critical review of published data. The peculiar modern geopolitical context over the second half of the 20th century and problems related to linguistic accessibility has had the effect of creating a lack of comprehensive and up-to-date studies in this area and the knowledge of Bulgarian and other Slavic languages was instrumental in identifying local classification systems of amphorae with those commonly established.
The overall account of amphora distribution made it possible to examine in detail some case studies, which were selected either because of their role in the Roman period, or for the intensity of research. All these sites are situated near important commercial routes, along the lower bank of the Danube River (Novae, Sexaginta Prista and Trimammium), on the Western coast of the Black Sea (Odessos, Deultum, Apollonia Pontica) and in inland Thrace (Kabyle).
The direct examination of about four hundred items of amphorae (most of them unpublished) discovered in these sites was used to draft a chronological scheme, which builds on relevant contextual data and published evidence.
Trend analysis of the import of foodstuffs over specific historical periods: the typological examination of the amphorae and their marks, along with the type of agricultural production of their provenance area allow establishing the likely content of the containers (oil, wine, fish products or other foodstuffs). Graphs elaborated on the basis of these patterns can throw fresh insights on this archaeological research.
In the final synthesis, economic long term developments are pointed out. In particular, two commercials routes are highlighted: the first one is connected with the Western Black Sea trade route and it concerns mostly Agean and Pontic trading, without excluding some Western Mediterranean products which reached this territory still in the Late Hellenistic period. The second one runs along the Danube and it is related to the presence of Roman army: through this route since the first half of 1st century AD arrived the goods from the Adriatic Sea, and then, after the Dacian wars and the creation of the province of Dacia (106 AD), the foodstuffs from the Iberian Peninsula. The presence of Iberian commodities increases particularly when the Emperor Septimius Severus established the annona militaris. In this period some goods from the Pontus Euxinus reached the inland of Thrace as shown the assignment of Kabyle. "
Book chapters by Diana Dobreva
Papers by Diana Dobreva
The research represents a critical review of published data. The peculiar modern geopolitical context over the second half of the 20th century and problems related to linguistic accessibility has had the effect of creating a lack of comprehensive and up-to-date studies in this area and the knowledge of Bulgarian and other Slavic languages was instrumental in identifying local classification systems of amphorae with those commonly established.
The overall account of amphora distribution made it possible to examine in detail some case studies, which were selected either because of their role in the Roman period, or for the intensity of research. All these sites are situated near important commercial routes, along the lower bank of the Danube River (Novae, Sexaginta Prista and Trimammium), on the Western coast of the Black Sea (Odessos, Deultum, Apollonia Pontica) and in inland Thrace (Kabyle).
The direct examination of about four hundred items of amphorae (most of them unpublished) discovered in these sites was used to draft a chronological scheme, which builds on relevant contextual data and published evidence.
Trend analysis of the import of foodstuffs over specific historical periods: the typological examination of the amphorae and their marks, along with the type of agricultural production of their provenance area allow establishing the likely content of the containers (oil, wine, fish products or other foodstuffs). Graphs elaborated on the basis of these patterns can throw fresh insights on this archaeological research.
In the final synthesis, economic long term developments are pointed out. In particular, two commercials routes are highlighted: the first one is connected with the Western Black Sea trade route and it concerns mostly Agean and Pontic trading, without excluding some Western Mediterranean products which reached this territory still in the Late Hellenistic period. The second one runs along the Danube and it is related to the presence of Roman army: through this route since the first half of 1st century AD arrived the goods from the Adriatic Sea, and then, after the Dacian wars and the creation of the province of Dacia (106 AD), the foodstuffs from the Iberian Peninsula. The presence of Iberian commodities increases particularly when the Emperor Septimius Severus established the annona militaris. In this period some goods from the Pontus Euxinus reached the inland of Thrace as shown the assignment of Kabyle. "
aspects of the Central Mediterranean black-glazed productions. In particular we want to look at the characteristics of their repertory and the development of shapes and decoration within archaeological contexts, as well as at technological aspects of the production(s) and socially embedded techniques used in all phases of the production cycle. The pottery economics, set firmly within the frame of social development and the dynamics of economic and other cultural aspects, can also reveal insights into the networks of connectivity through which knowledge transfer and exchange occurred. Moreover, we wish to underline the advantages of integrated interdisciplinary approaches by discussing methodology employed in various case studies, but we also want to address the specific difficulties faced within. Like other fine wares, black-glazed pottery has always represented a challenge for provenance study in archaeometry. The fine nature of the materials makes it difficult to identify distinctive inclusions, even with the help of a microscope. Also, chemical analysis could be biased due to the possible preparation processes of the clayey raw material (i.e., sieving, levigation, mixing), which can modify the original composition. A high technological level was required for the production of black glazed pottery: from clay processing to firing, and also for making the peculiar black slip used as coating. Hence, an interdisciplinary approach is required to study this pottery both in terms of provenance and technology. More precisely, the detailed combined methodology that uses both archaeological (analysis of style, shape, fabric and context) and archaeometric methods of analysis, offers the most reliable evidence.
This investigation will analyse, through using amphoras as key-evidences, the phenomenon that controlled trading networks, and long-distance maritime routes in particular, since these would have been conditioned by political and economic evolutions. In the first part of this study will be considered the two groups of amphorae that used to transport Sinopean wine from the 2nd to the 4th-5th century AD. Following on, evidence from various sources will be used to map what we know about the distribution of the Sinopean wine, in particular in the western coast of the Black Sea. The results obtained will produce a specific overview to be compared to similar realities out of the researched area. After analysing the regional contexts, wider view in distribution patterns involving thracian city economy will be considered.
The pottery sets during the 1st century BC includes mostly pots of local coarse ware. Alongside them we find, however, pans of both Pompeian red slip ware and Tyrrhenian origin: their presence could testifies the swift acceptance of common Italic diet trends in the Cisalpine area as possible result of the process of Romanization. From the beginning of the 1st century AD and also for the mid Roman times the recipients made in Tyrrhenian coarse ware are gradually being replaced from pots, casseroles and pans imported from the Aegean and North African area; it seems that also the forms produced in local coarse ware are by now part of a koiné that links together different parts of northern Italy.
Completely different is, on the other hand, the framework that comes into light during the 4th century AD: during that period when African imports (mostly amphorae and fine wares) are widely present, the arrival of African Cooking ware decreases unexpectedly as well as for the quantitative presence of Aegean cooking, while coarse ware pots of alpine tradition assert their presence, thus probably following a revival of traditional practices of consumption behavior or food preparation techniques more than a reason of economical nature.
Il contributo si propone quindi come un primo tentativo di raccolta e presentazione di questo nucleo variegato di manufatti, la cui presenza non era finora riconosciuta nel centro alto-adriatico. I primi risultati segnalano una rilevante presenza ad Aquileia, soprattutto se confrontata con l’area italica, di ceramiche fini di produzione dalmata, pannonica e retica. Le ricerche finora condotte pur non essendo esaustive, poiché ancora molti materiali giacciono nei depositi museali, confermano l’importante ruolo di Aquileia come snodo commerciale nel bacino adriatico.
The aim of this paper is to trace networks in the Black Sea through the analysis of Sinopean amphorae and to discuss their distribution in the regional and inter-regional market. In order to better understand this phenomenon some unpublished contexts from the “istro-pontic” region will be presented.
Grazie a una recente revisione del materiale archeologico conservato presso i magazzini del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Aquileia è stato possibile recuperare e visionare un cospicuo numero di coperchi d'anfora (216) relativi agli scavi effettuati negli anni Sessanta e Settanta dello secolo scorso presso i fondi ex Cossar . A questi se ne sono aggiunti circa 304 esemplari, rinvenuti durante le tre campagne di scavo eseguite tra 2009 e 2011. La grande mole di materiale analizzato e la sua varietà tipologica hanno suggerito di adoperare una suddivisione in grandi gruppi e in relativi tipi e varianti. All'interno di ciascun gruppo sono stati considerati le caratteristiche tecniche, il corpo ceramico, l'apparato decorativo ed epigrafico e le misure. Con l'intento di creare una scansione cronologica, seppur preliminare, sono stati considerati i dati stratigrafici dei contesti di rinvenimento. Pur coscienti dei limiti di un lavoro che prende in considerazione un'area circoscritta, ci si augura che questa sia la base per affrontare le molteplici problematiche che riguardano i coperchi d'anfora.
Per poter impostare una riflessione approfondita del problema CERAMICA GRECA IN VENETO, riteniamo fondamentale sia operare un completo censimento dei manufatti greci ed italioti presenti nelle collezioni e nei musei locali del Veneto, sia di tutto il materiale proveniente da scavo, edito in numerosi articoli usciti in riviste o pubblicazioni anche di non larga diffusione, allo scopo di raccogliere tutti i documenti conosciuti in una banca-dati.
Creare un sistema semplice e veloce, ma sufficientemente dettagliato, è stato l’obiettivo alla base dell’ideazione del sistema informatizzato: l’esigenza principale era chiaramente quella di dare alla luce una banca dati che comprendesse le innumerevoli testimonianze di vasi greci e magno-greci conservate nei musei del Veneto.
Il lavoro di catalogazione attraverso la schedatura informatizzata non deve essere un fine ma un punto di partenza per ulteriori analisi che possono comprendere diverse problematiche, dagli aspetti più propriamente tecnici e tecnologici della produzione ceramica all'analisi iconografico/iconologica delle immagini presenti nell’apparato decorativo. L'interrogazione dei singoli campi o l'ordine di più sezioni può fornirci dei dati utili per delineare l'individuazione di pittori e talvolta di gruppi di artigiani: il riconoscimento all'interno della decorazione accessoria di un motivo firma di un artigiano, ad esempio, è illuminate riguardo l'organizzazione della bottega e la distribuzione dei compiti tra i diversi artigiani. Un altro filone di ricerca può essere rappresentato dalla ricostruzione delle modalità di trasmissione del repertorio decorativo figurato e il suo rapporto con il mito.
Ciononostante molto resta ancora da fare nell'ambito della documentazione sistematica della ceramica greca e magno-greca in Veneto, difficilmente gestibile senza un supporto informatico, ci si auspica che questo sia solo un primo passo verso una più compiuta e ampia schedatura informatizzata che potrà diventare una base solida nell'affrontare le problematiche della grecità nel Veneto.
The black glossed pottery from the ex Cossar property at Aquileia: problems and research perspectives
Diana Dobreva, Angela Miriam Griggio
Key words: black glossed pottery, Aquileia, provenance studies, typology, chronology
This paper aims to examine the black glossed pottery from excavations at ‘ex Cossar property’ in Aquileia carried out between 2009 and 2011. Several groups have been identified at a first stage of research, corresponding to different production areas. Most finds were probably produced locally, in workshops located in North-Adriatic. Among the imported products, the most attested one seems to be the campana B group, while just few fragments can be related to Central Italic and Campanian areas.
Formal and typological analysis of diagnostic finds has been carried out at a second stage of research. Open forms are predominant, among which and following a proper North-Italic ‘fashion’ types Lamboglia 5 and 28 are well represented, as well as patera Lamboglia 6. From a chronological point of view, the most ancient forms date back to the beginning of the 2nd century BC, associated probably with the foundation of Colonia Aquileia. At that time, imported black glossed ware is predominant, compared to early local production. The distribution of black glossed pottery reached a peak during the 1st century BC, while some few finds from Augustan times testify the final phase of production. Comparing the results obtained by the study of the finds from the ‘ex Cossar property’ against the regional framework historical, cultural and geographical peculiarities of the North-Adriatic area emerge, outlining this area as an independent reality that presents a proper social, economical and commercial dynamics.
Dalle campagne effettuate dal 2009 al 2011 nello scavo dei fondi ex Cossar sono stati portati alla luce un totale di 247 lucerne fra integre e frammentarie, comprese in un ampio arco cronologico che si estende dall'età tardorepubblicana alla fine del V sec. d.C.
Un gruppo di lucerne infine offre la possibilità di trarre alcune osservazioni preliminari sulla fabbricazione locale di imitazioni di lucerne africane. Di particolare interesse risultano i motivi decorativi che ornano il disco delle lucerne. Si possono riconoscere tre diversi schemi iconografici. La principale peculiarità di queste lucerne consiste nella selezione del soggetto che compone lo schema iconografico di cui non è stato possibile trovare confronti precisi con altre lucerne africane coeve. Una spiegazione di questa singolare unicità potrebbe provenire dalla considerazione dei soggetti rappresentati: diversi indizi suggeriscono la religione mitraica come possibile chiave interpretativa. La grande concentrazione di ritrovamenti ad Aquileia infatti fa supporre che la produzione di queste lucerne nel territorio aquileise, già collegato alla fabbricazione di suppellettili fittili durante l'epoca romana, rispondesse a una committenza ben precisa, addirittura sarebbe possibile, ma rimane tuttavia solamente una suggestione per il momento, collegare il culto di Mitra al proprietario della domus dal cui scavo provengono gli esemplari presi in esame, ipotizzando che le lucerne venissero utilizzate durante i riti di iniziazione.
affrontare uno studio tipologico? Come vanno documentati, quantificati, analizzati e interpretati i materiali recuperati? Quale significato dare alla loro presenza o assenza in un determinato
contesto? Come può essere interpretato il rapporto tra le varie classi, la frequenza di certe forme legati alla funzione e l’origine del contesto di rinvenimento? Come possono essere spiegati i fenomeni legati alla residualità?"
Gli incontri avranno un carattere speculativo e hanno come obiettivo quello di mostrare i diversi filoni di ricerca, ancora in corso, sviluppati dai partecipanti del laboratorio. Il ciclo di seminari si propone come un momento di scambio durante il quale sarà particolarmente apprezzato il coinvolgimento dei partecipanti attraverso riflessioni metodologiche e discussioni analitiche riguardanti diversi aspetti dello studio dei reperti archeologici.
La partecipazione al workshop è aperta a tutti coloro abbiano interesse nell'ambito dell'Archeologia delle produzioni e della Cultura materiale. Non è richiesta nessuna prenotazione, ne obbligo di frequenza.
MODERATORE: dott.ssa Diana Dobreva
PARTECIPANTI: Maria Sutto, Beatrice Luise, Anna Riccato, Martina Trivini Bellini, Simone Dilaria, Alice Bacchin, Marianna Colusso, Cristina Boschetti, Angela Griggio, Margherita Colombo, Andrea Bosetti, Emanuele Madrigali, Matteo De Re, Monica Ranzato, Sabrina Zago, Vittoria Canciani, Mateja Kiseljak e Chiara Andreatta
Archaeological research on the trade networks of the later Roman Empire is dominated by Mediterranean pottery fine wares and amphorae, which have great potential for knowledge. But long-distance commerce beyond these Mediterranean trade networks is still to be understood in detail. It should be asked to what extent other groups of finds might be suitable as proxies of trade relations. The presence of valuable goods such as silk in the Roman provinces in the north shows that exchange with the Mediterranean may have worked, even though there may be no evidence of contemporary Mediterranean pottery.
The aim of the session is to bring together the results of studies on pottery, glass, coins, building material etc. or archaeometry and spatial network analysis, to assess the patterns and developments of regional and supra-regional economic structures in the various regions of the Late Antique West to its full extent. Furthermore, the rise and fall of commercial hubs and economic landscapes has to be considered. Beyond the aspect of trade, the availability of resources, especially precious metals, and the role of coin circulation are potential topics to be discussed at the session.
When: 22nd - 26th October 2018
Number of places available: max 20 Students
Application fee: 100 € (incl. teaching materials, bibliography, books, coffee breaks, guided tours. Students of the University of Verona are exempt from the application fee.
How to apply: Send a CV to [email protected] no
later than 30th September 2018
Credits and information: 3 ECTS; [email protected]
General information
Periods in the Summer School’s focus: Late Republican to Late Roman (2nd BC - 6th
century AD)
Major workshop activities: The main goal of the course is to provide theoretical and
practical training experience on Roman pottery. The students will evaluate and appreciate similarities and differences in typological problems, approaches, methods, technique, design and material choice applied on different pottery classes. The participants will work with authentic pottery from the ancient city of Aquileia. Practical excercises in dfferent techniques of pottery production will also be performed by the partecipants through the use of potter’s wheel and kiln especially arranged for the Summer School.
Scientific coordination: Diana DOBREVA (Dipartimento di Culture e Civiltà, Università di Verona), Martin AUER (Institut für Archäologien, Universität Innsbruck), Florian SCHIMMER (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz).
Main organising institutions: Università di Verona (Italy), Polo Museale del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Aquileia (Italy), Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Fondazione Aquileia (Italy), Universität Innsbruck (Austria), Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz (Germany).
Introducono Francesca Ghedini (direttrice della collana Antenor Quaderni - Università degli Studi di Padova), Jacopo Bonetto (direttore del Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali - Università degli Studi di Padova) e Arnaldo Soldani (direttore del Dipartimento di Culture e Civiltà - Università degli Studi di Verona).
Alessandro Borghi (Università degli Studi di Torino), Alfredo Buonopane (Università degli Studi di Verona) e Luciano Zanaica (Banca dei Colli Euganei) presentano "La trachite euganea. Archeologia e storia di una risorsa lapidea del Veneto antico" di Arturo ZARA.
Stefania Pesavento Mattioli (Università degli Studi di Padova) e Marie-Brigitte Carre (Aix-Marseille Université) presentano "Tra Oriente e Occidente. Dinamiche commerciali in Moesia Inferior e Thracia in epoca romana. I dati delle anfore" di Diana DOBREVA.