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This study examines the interaction effect of age in L2 attainment. It explores whether success in foreign language learning at early childhood grades varies depending on age. It also addresses the beliefs of foreign language teachers... more
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      Age-period-cohort modelsLanguage InstructionStarters
El articulo presenta los errores fosilizables que los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana cometen en fonetica y en fonologia en los niveles intermedios (B2) de frances. A partir de... more
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      PhoneticsFrenchFonéticaLanguage Instruction
This paper examines students' records of English language exercises in public schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Students' record shows classroom practices or interaction between teachers and students as it relates to the implementation of... more
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      EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionSpecial Education
Saber viver juntos e com os outros que traduz a dimensão ética do Homem, isto é, saber comunicar-se com os outros, respeitar-se a si, à sua família e aos outros homens de diversas culturas, religiões, raças, entre outros. Agenda 2025:129
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      PortugueseMozambiqueCurriculumLanguage Instruction
Developing from the thesis that understanding is the key to any and all meaningful conversation/s, this study focuses on the facilitation of listening skills among foreign language learners. It is conducted with the objective to find out... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationLanguages and LinguisticsHigher Education
The conference papers presented here are grouped under the six topics around which the conference Was organized. The section on program goals and models for bilingual education contains
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      SpanishBilingual EducationSecond Language LearningBilingualism
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      Book ReviewsBiblical Hebrew LanguageLanguage Instruction
Employing conversation analysis, this article explores correction sequences initiated by correction invitations in ordinary multilingual interactions. The article focuses on a phenomenon I call the post-other-correction repeat (POCR) and... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInstructional DesignLanguage and Social InteractionMultilingualism
Sarah Blake LaRose
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      Language AssessmentBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Language InstructionBlind students
Writing is, at times, neglected by both teachers and students. Far too often, courses involve an emphasis on speaking skills and direct grammar instruction. These courses, however, pay little attention to writing skills and, most... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEnglishSecond Language WritingEnglish language teaching
This manuscript reports on a study carried out at a public university in southeast Mexico aimed to determine whether changes in the instructional design of an online English course benefit students' oral communicative competence. The... more
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      Instructional DesignAssessmentLanguage InstructionCommunicative Competence
The current study considered effects of PI (explicit information and practice) in two populations: older (age 60+) and young adults (age 19-27), all of whom were late English/Spanish bilinguals. We focused on bilinguals because their... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionCognitive AgingLanguage Instruction
This article looks at how EFL university students understand the pronunciation of adjectives that end in -ed. The goal is to determine the extent to which students are able to follow pronunciation rules and exceptions of -ed inflections... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationSpoken languageLanguage Instruction
Literature is a creative and imaginative work; it records human lives or experiences using a language as its medium. Literary works as a medium rather than a goal or an end in the language instruction will be revealed. There are four... more
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      LiteratureLanguage SkillsLanguage InstructionCharacter Building
Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) deals with different types of load available in human working memory and how to manipulate instructional designs so that working memory can be available for learning. Designing relevant instructional materials... more
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      TESOLCognitive Load TheoryLanguage InstructionInstructional Materials
Developing from the thesis that understanding is the key to any and all meaningful conversation/s, this study focuses on the facilitation of listening skills among foreign language learners. It is conducted with the objective to find out... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationLanguages and LinguisticsHigher Education
This article looks at how EFL university students understand the pronunciation of adjectives that end in -ed. The goal is to determine the extent to which students are able to follow pronunciation rules and exceptions of -ed inflections... more
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      Higher EducationSpoken languageLanguage InstructionEducación superior
L'article présente les erreurs fossilisables que les étudiants de Licence en Langues Modernes de l'Université Pontificale Javeriana commettent en phonétique et phonologie dans les niveaux intermédiaires (B2) de français. À partir... more
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      PhoneticsFrenchFonéticaLanguage Instruction
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      Second Language AcquisitionSwedish LanguageLanguage TeachingLanguage Instruction
Writing is, at times, neglected by both teachers and students. Far too often, courses involve an emphasis on speaking skills and direct grammar instruction. These courses, however, pay little attention to writing skills and, most... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEnglishSecond Language WritingEnglish language teaching
Il saggio si interroga sulla possibilità di definire ciò che è bene, e quindi eticamente sostenibile, nell’educazione linguistica. Ovvero, vaglia su quali dimensioni e con quali modalità si debba procedere per una valutazione etica... more
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      Language Teaching MethodologyLanguage InstructionCommunicative CompetenceGlottodidattica
This paper examines students' records of English language exercises in public schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Students' record shows classroom practices or interaction between teachers and students as it relates to the implementation of... more
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      PsychologyEducationSecond Language AcquisitionSpecial Education
Writing is, at times, neglected by both teachers and students. Far too often, courses involve an emphasis on speaking skills and direct grammar instruction. These courses, however, pay little attention to writing skills and, most... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEnglishSecond Language WritingEnglish language teaching
Hörande barn med döva föräldrar växer upp med det svenska teckenspråket, men när de kommer upp i skolåldern de har begränsade möjligheter att utveckla sitt modersmål. Denna rapport visar att döva föräldrar önskar att deras hörande barn... more
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      Language InstructionMother-Tongue LiteracyLanguage of InstructionChildren of Deaf Adults (CODAs)
L'article présente les erreurs fossilisables que les étudiants de Licence en Langues Modernes de l'Université Pontificale Javeriana commettent en phonétique et phonologie dans les niveaux intermédiaires (B2) de français. À partir... more
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      PhoneticsFrenchFonéticaLanguage Instruction
This paper examines students' records of English language exercises in public schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Students' record shows classroom practices or interaction between teachers and students as it relates to the implementation of... more
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      PsychologyEducationSecond Language AcquisitionSpecial Education
L'article présente les erreurs fossilisables que les étudiants de Licence en Langues Modernes de l'Université Pontificale Javeriana font en phonétique et phonologie dans les niveaux intermédiaires (B2) de français. À partir des concepts... more
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      PhoneticsFrenchFonéticaLanguage Instruction
Abstract: This case study looks closely at the bilingual first language acquisition of a Costa Rican child who was raised through OPOL (One Parent One Language) and Minority Language at Home (mL@H).The subject, Itzel, was raised in a... more
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      Language EducationBilingualismLanguage InstructionBilingüismo