Cognitive Aging
Recent papers in Cognitive Aging
Many aspects of attention decline with aging. There is a current debate on how aging also affects sustained attention. In this study, we contribute to this debate by meta-analytically comparing performance on the go/no-go Sustained... more
Many studies conducted in a laboratory or university setting are limited by funding, personnel, space, and time constraints. In the present study, we introduce a method of data collection using a mobile application that circumvents these... more
We investigated whether smoking is a risk factor for relative cognitive decline from age 11 to 64 years. The potentially confounding effects of childhood IQ, occupational status, level of education, presence of heart disease,... more
Previous research has demonstrated age-related decline in spatial navigation skills. However, spatial navigation is a complex ability that requires the integration of many component processes that may show differential susceptibility to... more
The present study investigated effects of cognitive aging on conflict resolution (the ability to suppress prepotent and distracting, irrelevant information) and conflict adaptation (the adjustment of conflict resolution based on... more
Besides neuroanatomical changes, neuromodulatory mechanisms are also compromised during aging. Neural network models are suitable tools for exploring the relatively broad and homogenous neuromodulatory influences on cortical function.... more
Aims and objective: While loss of insight of cognitive deficits is a common phenomenon in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), there is a lack of consensus regarding the presence of impaired insight among patients with mild cognitive... more
Objective: To validate the revised version of the Quick Cognitive Screening Test (QCST).
The effectiveness of two interventions, dietary fortification with antioxidants and a program of behavioral enrichment, was assessed in a longitudinal study of cognitive aging in beagle dogs. A baseline protocol of cognitive testing was... more
Objectives: Explore the psychometric properties of a sleep quality index to be used with the elderly population. Methods: 99 elderly (mean age, M=78.65; SD= 6.92; range=60-95) under social responses in institutions from Coimbra Council... more
The Scottish Mental Surveys of 1932 and 1947 collected valid IQ-type test scores for almost everyone born in 1921 and 1936 and attending school on June 1, 1932 (N ϭ 89,498) and June 4, 1947 (N ϭ 70,805). These surveys are described. This... more
This study investigated the effects of hierarchical cognitive training using the categorization program (CP), designed initially for adults with cognitive deficits associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Fifty-eight participants... more
Anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent among older people although infrequently the subject of systematic research in this age group. One important limitation is the lack of a widely accepted instrument to measure... more
Creativity can help individuals think in new ways about aging and retirement by facilitating their questions about what comes next, helping them better manage transitions, and enhancing their well-being. Creativity can help people find... more
Anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent among older people although infrequently the subject of systematic research in this age group. One important limitation is the lack of a widely accepted instrument to measure... more
In chapter 10, Linday Finlay writes with Anna Madill , to describe and explain some different ways to analyse data. Four contrasting types of analysis are outlined with practical exemplars: narrative, thematic, discursive and creative.... more
In the last years, the study of executive control processes has grown exponentially. Executive functions allow us to perform successfully most activities in our daily life, such as task planning or proper launching and inhibition of... more
Popular assertions portray depression as an inevitable outcome of aging, a widespread image embraced by many health professionals. Although epidemiological data contradict the prevalent image that depressive syndromes increase with age,... more
Memory systems (short-term, working, episodic, semantic, explict, implicit, procedural memory) identified in mainstream cognitive research are differentially affected by age. They range from almost no age differences (e.g., for the use of... more
Sustained attention is effortful, demanding, and subject to limitations associated with age-related cognitive decline. Researchers have sought to examine whether attentional capacities can be enhanced through directed mental training,... more
Using theoretical tools from trans studies and disability/crip studies, we reconceptualize the self in the context of dementia. We illustrate that most dementia discourse, scholarship and intervention emphasize a maintenance of the... more
The proliferation of research on social cognition and aging suggest that there are age-related changes in social knowledge and beliefs about others, oneself, and everyday events. Furthermore, the functional significance of social... more
Desde o nascimento a vida se desenvolve de tal forma que a idade cronológica passa a se definir pelo tempo que avança. E o tempo fica definido como uma sinonímia para uma eternidade quantificada, ou seja, uma cota. Desta forma, o homem e... more
REFERENCE: Baril, A., M. Silverman, M.-C. Gauthier and M. Lévesque (2020). “Forgotten Wishes: End-of-life documents for trans people with dementia at the margins of legal change,” Special Issue: On the Margins of Trans Legal Changes,... more
Under-appreciation of mature consumers as a numerous and comparatively wealthy market segment has resulted in not only lost revenues for business, but also lost consumption and service opportunities for the elderly. In response to... more
Design Research article on the importance of distinguishing dementia from normal aging, so that cognitive design can overlay perceptual design to compensate for respective losses.
En los últimos 25 años los estudios sobre los aspectos del envejecimiento se han incrementado de forma importante. En este artículo de revisión trataremos de analizar ¿qué le pasa a nuestro sistema cognitivo a medida que envejecemos?,... more
Palavras-chave: Velhice. Terceira idade. Amor. Sexualidade. Amor é privilégio de maduros estendidos na mais estreita cama, que se torna a mais larga e mais relvosa, roçando, em cada poro, o céu do corpo. É isto, amor: o ganho não previsto... more
The current study investigated the nature of the flow state among older adults. Flow is a pleasurable experiential state that occurs during full-capacity engagement in which an individual is performing at a level that is matched with the... more
Background. Playfulness is an understudied topic in adults and particularly among the elderly. Thus far, there is no large study on age-related changes in playfulness across the lifespan. Relations with different indicators of well-being... more
"More people are reaching an older age today than ever before and the incidence of dementia is thus expected to rise. It is therefore important to investigate possible prevention of dementia and cognitive decline using cost-effective... more
Entre las terapias no farmacológicas que se han ido proponiendo en los últimos años, la estimulación cognitiva es la que recibe el mayor apoyo empírico, especialmente en el envejecimiento normal, el deterioro cognitivo leve y las... more
Introducción. Uno de los tests más utilizados para la evaluación de la afasia en la práctica clínica es el test de denominación de Boston (BNT), una prueba clásica en la que se presentan 60 láminas con dibujos en blanco y negro que... more