Character Building
Recent papers in Character Building
Human beings with power of senses (Ḥawās) for the purpose of feeling through seeing, touching, smelling, hearing and tasting with the aids of major organs of man, ranging from eye, hand, nose, ear and tongue or mouth. It is with this... more
Leadership has been defined in various ways with some scholars strongly suggesting that it is a calling or something driven by a trait [1], which is expressed through personal values, integrity and certain qualities [2-5]. Leadership in... more
Indonesia, dengan kasus korupsi yang merajalela, juga tengah menempatkan pendidikansebagai solusi permasalahan bangsa. Pendidikan, utamanya pendidikan karakter,dihadirkan atas dasar kegalauan melihat realitas kehidupan... more
Resumen El carácter de desempeño constituye un pilar de la educación del carácter imprescindible para la eficacia en cualquier contexto que implique rendimiento. Su reciente inclusión en modelos de educación del carácter, en consonancia... more
Character building is the optimum goal of education prescribed by all educational philosophies. A quantitative study, with ex post factor ‘retrospective’ design, was conducted to identify how does religious education affects the moral... more
ABSTRAK Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) yang dicanangkan pemerintah sebagai salah satu usaha untuk menciptakan peserta didik berkarakter baik, hal ini berarti proses pembelajaran juga memuat nilai-nilai karakter yang relevan dengan... more
Pendidikan karakter dan budaya bangsa sangat diperlukan untuk membenahi output pendidikan di Negara ini. Keanekaragaman budaya yang dimiliki Indonesia akan terjaga dengan adanya konsep ini. Perlu adanya pengertian dan batasan tegas dalam... more
This easy-to-read, comprehensive guide contains what you need to know on how to parent with confidence. Packed with advice and powerful tips, using the latest research on child development and parenting techniques, it offers a mine of... more
Abstrak Membangun karakter untuk menangani berbagai masalah perilaku remaja menjadi isu penting dalam kurikulum Pendidikan Nasional. Sementara itu, membangun karakter dalam konteks Kristen seharusnya dilihat sebagai bagian dari proses... more
Character Building atau yang biasa disebut dengan pendidikan karakter sangat berperan dalam kepribadian seseorang sehingga sampai saat ini pun pendidikan karakter terus berlangsung untuk memperbaiki diri menjadi pribadi yang ideal dan... more
Character building is the optimum goal of education prescribed by all educational philosophies. A quantitative study, with ex post facto ‘retrospective’ design, was conducted to identify how does religious education affects the moral... more
Sikap profesional adalah syarat wajib yang harus dimiliki oleh seseorang saat bekerja disuatu perusahaan atau bahkan dalam dunia bisnis, dalam setiap kondisi. Seseorang dikatakan memiliki arti profesional didalam dirinya, apabila ia mampu... more
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kondisi ekonomi Indonesia secara makro telah makin membaik. Hal ini terlihat dari angka pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup tinggi, ketika banyak negara lain justru mengalami perlambatan pertumbuhan, bahkan... more
This easy-to-read, comprehensive guide contains what you need to know on how to parent with confidence. Packed with advice and powerful tips, using the latest research on child development and parenting techniques, it offers a mine of... more
Blogpost for EtonX on four connected strategies for developing resilience. Full blogpost available online:
Learning mechanism based on character building is structured in inter-effecting three phases of learning; planning, engagement and evaluation. Lesson plan based on character development comprised of various aspects related with the... more
Isi Essay ini merupakan bagian dari pesyaratan yang dimintakan dalam rangka program beasiswa unggulan diselenggarakan Kemendikbud. Tulisan ini adalah gagasan penulis dalam rangka mewujudkan SDM unggul, Salah satunya melalui Alur yang... more
Fatherhood has changed over time and, as a result, most families are struggling with serious problems and challenges in their respective communities. Fatherhood is the heart of masculinity of what it really means to be a man created by... more
Paling tidak ada tiga faktor yang turut berperan dalam mempengaruhi pembentukan pendidikan dan karakter manusia Indonesia, yakni peran negara, peran masyarakat sipil dan kepentingan bisnis. Jika diklasifikasikan, terdapat dua arus besar... more
Meliputi: Wawasan kebangsaan; konsep dan pengertian negara dan bangsa; teori mengenai negara; teori mengenai terjadinya suatu negara; bentuk negara; pengertian wawasan dan kebangsaan, aspek aspek; wawasan kebangsaan indonesia (WKI);... more
Perkembangan teknologi secara cepat telah membawa dunia memasuki era globalisasi yang semakin modern. Gadget adalah sebuah benda (benda atau barang elektronik) teknologi kecil yang memiliki fungsi khusus, tetapi sering diasosiasikan... more
Myriads of folktales could serve as potential materials for teaching character education to our students as folktales not only reflect particular culture from which they are generated but also contain values and moral lessons. This paper... more
This easy-to-read, comprehensive guide contains what you need to know on how to parent with confidence. Packed with advice and powerful tips, using the latest research on child development and parenting techniques, it offers a mine of... more
This study conceives Christian ministry as a vocation defined by the New Covenant. Addressing a gap in the application of the New Covenant to moral and spiritual formation, it proposes and illustrates a two-dimensional method for the... more
Chess Peace is a variant of chess invented by medical anthropologists to help foster positive social change, ending violence and racism. Current events of violence, racial conflict, and isolation due to the pandemic make the emotional... more
Language is a cultural product that can signify one society from others since it symbolises and represents the identity of a society (Kramsch, 1998; Woodward, 1997). McKay (2000, 2002) supports this by responding to Smith’s idea that... more
This easy-to-read, comprehensive guide contains what you need to know on how to parent with confidence. Packed with advice and powerful tips, using the latest research on child development and parenting techniques, it offers a mine of... more
This opinion paper is about how to build a character language through pragmatics. The main aspects of pragmatics are briefly introduced and then elaborated as building-blocks for building a character language. The building blocks are: (1)... more
This article discusses the analysis of the structural strings in Proverbs 10: 1-5 as the role of parents in the formation of children's character. The purpose of this article is to interpret Proverbs 10: 1-5 and give attention to the... more
This study aims to determine activities of using English classroom greeting expressions in TK Pelita Sari, Desa Mambang, Tabanan, to find out perceptions of teachers and parents regarding development of English language skills at an early... more
Pemenuhan Tugas Besar
Submitted as MA Applied Theatre dissertation
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
University of London
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
University of London
In this paper a solution-orientated approach is proposed as a suggested contribution to help fight the social problem of father absenteeism in South Africa, since the issue of absent fathers is becoming a serious local problem.... more
This study is a Research and Development study (R&D) which aimed at developing character based English material for the ninth grade students of Junior High School in SMP Negeri 1 Petang. The development model used in this study was... more
This article discusses the Role of Citizenship Education in Shaping the Character of the Nation's Generation in the Globalization Era which in this Globalization Era can change the character possessed by the younger generation. This... more