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Land Use and Development Control in Hawaii: a Preliminary Report. Plan 610 Seminar May, 1971, Pacific Urban Studies and Planning Program (PUSPP) University of Hawaii, Honolulu. By: Harry Akagi, Clinton Effinger, Richard Harter, Charlotte... more
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      Land-use planningPacific IslandsUrban Growth ManagementHawaii
Population studies have become key especially when planning out structures of a city. Old means of capturing population data have however been replaced by modern methods such as remote sensing which are a faster way to capture this data.
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      Urban PlanningRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchUrban Growth ManagementPopulation Studies
Urban sprawl is a remarkable characteristic of cities of the Arabian Gulf region, including Muscat city, the capital of the Sultanate of Oman. The city has grown from discrete isolated settlements to a compact, dense urban metropolitan... more
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      Sustainable Urban EnvironmentsUrban Growth Management
We are witnessing a rebirth of physical design, both in practice and the academy, spurred on by neo-traditional community planning and neo-urbanism. This article attributes the sources of contemporary regional design to this renaissance.... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban And Regional PlanningUrban Growth ManagementUrban Design
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      Urban managementSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningRegional and Local Governance
During the past two decades, the Gulf countries have experienced the most rapid urban growth in the world. The traditional societies in this region have been guilelessly opened on the market economy and western lifestyle. In spite the... more
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      Urbanization in Developing AreasUrbanismUrbanizationUrban Growth Management
At the core of this study lies the recognition that the current human civilization is facing a multitude of concurrent environmental challenges converging from many directions. Deteriorating condition of the Earth's rehabilitative... more
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      Landscape EcologyEnvironmental ScienceMaterials ScienceDevelopment Studies
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningGreen Space DesignSmart Growth
RED 2017 documents a stylized fact with important implications for public policies that seek to improve the development of Latin American cities and the wellbeing of their inhabitants: cities in the region have a high population density... more
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      Land use regulationUrban Growth ManagementLand UseAccesibility
Sustainable urban design offers a dynamic, creative and collaborative process strengthened by a number of different disciplines in order to generate ecologically responsive and environmentally responsible transformations in urbanized... more
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      DesignArchitectureClimate ChangeSustainable Transportation
This study briefly explores the global landscape of Transit-Oriented Developments and presents a concise summary of the principles behind successful TOD projects worldwide. The research explores various definitions for Transit-Oriented... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesClimate ChangeSustainable Transportation
The neighborhood is the main base of urban body and the future of social life balance in the cities has much dependence to keep the unit of the neighborhood. It is the neighborhoods that make pleasant living in the large cities. During... more
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      Social SciencesSustainable TransportationUrban managementSustainable Development
In a challenging world of exponentially increasing numbers, relationships, and complexities, the GIS-based technologies make possible the gathering, compilation, analysis, as well as representation of very large amounts of hypothetical... more
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      Civil EngineeringLandscape EcologyFuture StudiesRenewable Energy
The chapter, Smart Growth: A Critical Review of the State of the Art, is part of the book, Companion to Urban Design. The chapter discusses the complex picture of smart growth practices and point to successful efforts but also to... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesSmart GrowthUrban Growth Management
The paper reviews the notion of Land Value Capture (LVC), its advantages and disadvantages and relevance to for urban growth management. LVC encompasses a wide range of mechanisms, applied in very diverse contexts to monetize 'windfall'... more
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      Environmental ScienceSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrban Growth Management
Bu çalışma, Fatih Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Fonu tarafından P51060801-2 proje numarası ile desteklenmiştir.
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      UrbanizationUrban Growth ManagementKentleşme
Volets essentiels de la mise en place d'une stratégie de développement de l'écosystème urbain: intelligence urbaine, ingénierie urbaine et prospective urbaine. BEREZOWSKA-AZZAG E., (2011), "Programmation stratégique, prospecter pour... more
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      Urban managementTown planningUrban Growth ManagementProspective studies
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      Environmental policyEconomic GrowthUrban PlanningUrban Studies
In North America, metropolitan growth management (MGM) has been significantly influenced by what I term communicative regionalism. The latter concept is rooted in communicative planning theory, and thus stresses dialogue and consensus in... more
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      Actor Network TheorySuburban StudiesDecision Making ProcessesMetropolitan Planning
The present paper has as main objective to analyze the construction of the regional dimension as a process of interactions between a set of human settlements and a set of environment, politic, legal, historic, economic and functional... more
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      Urban PlanningGovernanceRegional developmentUrban Growth Management
The negative impacts of land take on natural components and economic resources affect planning choices and territorial policies. The importance of land take monitoring, in Italy, has been only recently considered, but despite this... more
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      Remote SensingEnvironmental Remote SensingRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchRemote sensing and GIS
In today’s increasingly complex urban environments the concepts of urban growth and sprawl are particularly relevant to the long-term sustainability of urban areas. Development and use of effective urban design methods to... more
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      Development StudiesClimate ChangeResearch MethodologyInternational Development
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is seen as an instrument that is essential to realizing sustainability goals that transcend project-level undertakings (e.g. policies, plans and programmes). The purpose of this case-based,... more
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      Infrastructure PlanningSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Impact AssessmentStrategic Environmental Assessment
Spontaneous, massive illegal building processes do not happen by chance. Usually, a number of factors create an adequate environment for the widespread appearance of abusive building in a particular territory. Such factors can be... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban SprawlUrban Growth ManagementUrban Growth
There is a growing recognition of the worsening problems of accessibility in Africa's major urban centres and cityregions. Yet, research assessing differential accessibility in these contexts is limited, partly because of the lack of... more
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      Urban GeographyAccessibilityTransportation StudiesUrban Planning
Are the urban design and planning strategies of the prominent environmental performance assessment systems appropriate methodologies to not only reverse the accumulating degradation in the natural environment but also to restore... more
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyEnvironmental ScienceDevelopment Studies
The core intent of this study was to find out how effectively the urban growth boundary prevents the typical urban sprawl from happening in a given area. In trying to substantiate a method for analyzing and evaluating the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringUrban GeographyEnvironmental ScienceEconomics
ÖZET Amaç: Kentlerin alansal olarak büyümesi yeni yerleşim alanları ve istihdam olanakları oluşturulması açısından avantajlı görünse de, her büyüme kararının yerel özelliklerle uyumlu olduğu veya gerekli ölçüde planlandığı... more
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      Urban PlanningEnvironmental SustainabilityUrban Growth ManagementSmart Cities
Rural-urban interface never vanishes but only slides outwards from the city core as the city grows. This interface, so-called “peri-urban area”, is characterised by “dynamism” and “diversity” as it acts like the place where movements of... more
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      ResilienceUrban PlanningUrban And Regional PlanningUrban Agriculture
We analyze the role of landscape ideology in the recent Ontario Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) Greenbelt Plan. Focusing on the “Protected Countryside,” the major land-use designation in the Plan that structures the Greenbelt framework, we... more
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      Cultural GeographyRURAL-URBAN FRINGELandscapeUrban Growth Management
The Urban Research Program acknowledges the generous support provided by Brisbane City Council in the production of the Urban Research Program publication series.
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      EngineeringArchitectureUrban PlanningGreen Space Design
The approach of American preservationists differs from European heritage management by remaining primarily locally regulated while many European cities practise an area-based approach. Growth management and historic preservation are... more
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      Historic PreservationUrban PlanningAbandoned BuildingsUrban Growth Management
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      RURAL-URBAN FRINGEUrban And Regional PlanningUrban Growth ManagementGreen Belts
Avenida Colombo, 5790 CEP 87020-900 Maringá -Paraná -Brasil (44) 3011-5091 RESUMO: A colonização de Maringá teve início no final da década de 30 a partir do plano de desenvolvimento da Companhia de Terras Norte do Paraná para a ocupação... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban PlanningUrban Growth Management
South East Queensland (SEQ) has experienced voracious growth over the past five decades. Spanning some 200 km, this sprawling subtropical coastal conurbation is beginning to reach its ecological and socio-political limits. Over the last... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationUrban PlanningSmart GrowthUrban Growth Management
The negative impacts of land take on natural components and economic resources affect planning choices and territorial policies. The importance of land take monitoring, in Italy, has been only recently considered, but despite this... more
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      GeographyComputer ScienceRemote SensingUrban Planning
In the last seventy years, countries in the Global South, including Ghana, have experienced high levels of urbanization. Rapid urbanization manifests in two ways. Firstly, the phenomenon is evidenced by the large concentration of... more
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      Urban PlanningGhanaUrban And Regional PlanningUrbanization
motorists can observe urban sprawl drastically altering the expanding edges of our urban metropolitan areas where cities and counties interface.
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      Urban Growth ManagementExurban land managementGrowth management / smart growth
The global trend indicates that more and more people live and will continue to live in urban areas. Today cities are expanding both in physical size and number due to the rapid population growth along with sprawl development, which caused... more
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      Urban PlanningHousing PolicyIrregular/Informal Settlements StudiesUrban Growth Management
Urban growth and access to opportunities: A challenge for Latin America Urbanization without development The process of long-term development implies structural changes within countries, amongst which the increase in urban population... more
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      Land use regulationUrban Growth ManagementLand UseAccesibility
New Urban Management discusses how the logic of economic flows poses a challenge to local governments throughout the world. The book argues that the increased fluidity in economic life must have its reflection in local economic... more
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      ManagementEconomic SociologyUrban GeographyDevelopment Economics
This paper attempts to examine how the processes of urbanisation have impinged on components of the natural environment of this ancient city. Obviously, there are copious ecological problems that need to be diagnosed in the city in order... more
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      Urban Biodiversity ConservationUrban PlanningUrbanismUrban And Regional Planning
Cities have become important actors on the global scene. Metropolitan governments are ‘glocal’ players sharpening their global influence strategy and improving the management of their brand. International city branding has its undeniable... more
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      MarketingUrban GeographyMedia StudiesNew Media
Expanding irregular cities is caused to problems such as increase dimensions of cities framework, emerge various shapes of huge settlement from growth urban sprawl and continue to build in vulnerable lands and or prone to develop suburb.... more
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      Urban StudiesLand-use planningUrban Theories and ConceptsUrban Growth Management
Rural-urban interface never vanishes but only slides outwards from the city core as the city grows. This interface, so-called "peri-urban area", is characterised by "dynamism" and "diversity" as it acts like the place where movements of... more
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      GeographyResilienceUrban And Regional PlanningUrban Agriculture
Australian cities have undergone profound reforms over recent decades, as politicians, decisionmakers and planners have sought to ensure our built environments remain liveable and can adapt to new lifestyles and demographic trends. Urban... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningGreen Space DesignSmart Growth
In view of the wide-ranging and long-lasting implications of population change, Australia should adopt a population policy. • Changing the total number of permanent migration visas issued is the key policy lever though which the Federal... more
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      DemographyFertilityInternational MigrationDemography of ageing
South East Queensland (SEQ) has experienced voracious growth over the past five decades. Spanning some 200 km, this sprawling subtropical coastal conurbation is beginning to reach its ecological and socio-political limits. Over the last... more
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      Social MovementsClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationUrban Planning
The greatest challenges of the 21st century will presumably require tremendous shifts in the way cities, neighborhoods and buildings are formed, designed and shaped. While the regulations and constrains predicated primarily by... more
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyFuture StudiesEnvironmental Science