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Note de lecture : Franck Merouze, Les Jeannette, Éditions Cahiers
du temps, novembre 2017
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      Book ReviewsLabor Strikes
Near riots occurred and police patrolled the country lanes in force. In this article, Martyn Everett explains the background to the strike that took place 100 years ago this summer.
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      Rural SociologySocial MovementsAgrarian StudiesRural History
Recent labor disputes between registered nurses and hospitals in Minnesota, California, and Pennsylvania raise moral questions about nurses' professional obligations, nurses' right to collectively bargain to preserve or improve wages,... more
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      CommunityHealthcareLabor unionsHospital Management
Burbank's book is long out of print and very hard to find. It is a must read history of the 1877 railroad strike.
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      Labor unionsStrikesLabor Strikes
ABSTRACT: This lecture covers the reign of Sethnakht/Setnakht briefly, and focuses mainly on Ramesses III, including the Libyan invasions, the Sea Peoples, other activities (e.g., raid against Shasu; building projects), a workmen's... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryArchaeology
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsLabor EconomicsPolitical Economy
W orkers face a common dilemma when exercising their right to strike. For the worst-off workers to go on strike with some reasonable chance of success, they must use coercive strike tactics like mass pickets and sit-downs. These tactics... more
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      Labor History (U.S. history)Labor History and StudiesLabor lawRadical Democracy
In South Africa Mining sector plays a vital role of mass employment. Mine strike is prominent and mostly unprotected strike like the recent prevailed strike of Lonmin Mine.
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      Public AdministrationLabour ProcessStrategic ManagementLabour Law
My dissertation examines the different ways that Mexican-origin farm worker households are racialized and integrated into the U.S. capitalist economy and rural society. There has been an exponential increase of Mexican-origin farm worker... more
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      Social MovementsAgribusinessThe industrialization of agriculture: vertical coordination in the US food system.Immigration
F*ck May 68, Fight Now: Exploring the Uses of the Radical Past from 1968 to Today Session 1: History is a Weapon June 8, 2018 Department of History, University of Liverpool... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryCultural History
When I think about the recent successes of the demonstrations in West Virginia (twice), Arizona, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Colorado, North Carolina, and more recently Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago and Oakland, I feel both a sense of... more
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      Researching on Teacher Unions,their role on educationTeacher Unions and Education PoliticsLabor StrikesTeacher Unionism
In the "age of ideologies," much attention was paid to labor relations, including the question of trade unionization of workers and their right to strike. All three of the major ideologies of the nineteenth century and their polarized... more
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      Jewish LawLabor Law (Law)Jewish StudiesTrade unionism
A história do século XX teve como grande divisor de águas a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Por mais que o conflito tenha devastado apenas partes do Velho Mundo, este foi seguido do que Eric Hobsbawm chamou de um tipo de colapso verdadeiramente... more
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      Argentina HistoryLabor History and StudiesLabor unionsLabor Strikes
This article investigates why, in two very different regimes, similarly high levels of labor militancy are evident in Kazakhstan's oilfields and South Africa's platinum belt. It also explores the common dynamics leading up to the... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Social MovementsComparative Politics
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsEuropean StudiesStrikes
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      U.S. Progressive EraShakespeareLabor History (U.S. history)Social and Political Philosophy
The plantation continues to expand across contemporary frontiers, remaking social orders and ravaging ecologies in the service of value extraction through commodity production. This article revisits the “strange industrial order” of the... more
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      HistorySoutheast Asian StudiesPolitical EcologyIndonesia
On February 6, 1919, workers in Seattle launched a general strike and ran their city for five days, placing it under direct-democratic control.
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsMarxismTrade unionismMarxism (Political Science)
Avant 1946, les fonctionnaires n'avaient pas le droit de faire grève, comme c'est encore le cas en Allemagne aujourd'hui puisque, en raison d'une fiction juridique, le rapport entre l'Etat allemand et ses salariés n'est pas considéré... more
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      Public TransportLabour LawCivil ServiceRailroad Workers
Η "Εφημερίδα των Συντεχνιών" με υπότιτλο δημοσιογραφικόν όργανον των συμφερόντων του ελληνικού λαού, κυκλοφόρησε στην Αθήνα από τον Εργατικό Σύνδεσμο Τυπογράφων την Κυριακή 3 Φεβρουαρίου 1891. Η έκδοση της εφημερίδας ήταν ημερήσια και... more
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      Labor unionsPressSocial Conditions19th Century Greek History
Num quadro de agudização das condições de trabalho e de reforço das assimetrias nas relações laborais, este texto discute a importância do fenómeno da greve em contexto de austeridade. Na primeira parte são propostos alguns olhares... more
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      SociologyPortugalAusterityLabour Market
On January 1, 1912, a state law in Massachusetts went into effect that reduced the number of hours women and children under the age of 18 could work each week from 56 to 54. The loss of two hours’ pay was enough to make the workers’... more
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      Labor unionsNew England (History)Gender Wage GapStrikes
This article explores how crises within capitalism tend to emerge as crises of realization. As the digitalization of capitalism is now presupposed or postdigital, the article explores how this developing context is impacting capitalism's... more
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This chapter discusses labour strikes in post-authoritarian Indonesia between 1998 and 2013, including the occurrence of general strikes in 2012 and 2013. Recovering from dictatorship since Reformasi in 1998, the labour movement has... more
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      Resistance (Social)IndonesiaLabour StudiesWork and Labour
List of the members of the I.W.W. and innocent bystanders - Killed for Organizing, Striking, Taking Direct Action, or For Carrying a Red Card. These members and bystanders were Shot, Stabbed, Beaten, Tortured, Starved, Strangled,... more
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      American HistoryLabour historyLabor unionsTrade unions
Based on a review of divergent interpretations of migrant-worker protests in China, this article analyzes strike patterns during labor struggles in the summer of 2010. The analysis reveals (1) a shift toward more offensive demands for... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)ProtestChina
En las últimas décadas, la transformación económica neoliberal ha reorganizado el mundo del trabajo en Chile, impactando considerablemente en la estructura ocupacional, la estabilidad laboral y la protección social. A nivel sindical, las... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLabor PoliticsLabor Strikes
Economic crisis, inflation, corruption, and fall of the living standard had brought to the first social struggle between workers and Alliance of Communists in Tuzla in the late 1980-is. Those years were years of strikes, first in the... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryEconomicsSocial Sciences
Colloque international : "La citoyenneté industrielle. Perspectives Sud Nord", Tunis du 25 au 27 juin 2018, coordination Amin Allal, Samuel Hayat, Karel Yon.
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsPolitical SociologySocial MovementsPolitical Science
Convegno internazionale. La Leadership delle associazioni professionali. Vicino Oriente Antico, Mondo Antico, Età Medievale e Prima Età Moderna, Bologna 2018
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      History of FlorenceWork and LabourDyeingLabor Strikes
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      Higher EducationResistance (Social)NeoliberalismLabour Studies
This paper empirically examines how wage growth in Turkey has been influenced by workdays lost to strikes, by inflation and by real GDP through the vector autoregression model for the annual period 1963–2015. According to empirical... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational EconomicsEconometrics
The English draft and German translation of my "War in Europe, War on Capital: Wildcat Strikes and the Labor Planning State in the US 1917-1918". The English version can be found here.
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Labor History and StudiesLabor law
Our study shows that more workers are involved in strike activity in the US than is publicly reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports on strikes.

Please contact me for a copy of our unpublished full report.
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor History and StudiesLabor unionsTrade unions
This essay reads Joaquin Miller’s 1886 novel The Destruction of Gotham for how it resonates with strands of “radical pragmatism” in William James’s thought. It argues for the ways James’s philosophy might explain political and social... more
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      American StudiesPragmatismMarxismFascism
Panel 30: Great Refusals: Refusing One Dimensionality Today The Dialectics of Liberation in an Age of Neoliberal Capitalism International Herbert Marcuse Society Seventh Biennial Conference 26-28 October 2017 York... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Esta investigación indaga en la respuesta del Estado mediante la acción policial frente a las huelgas, en un contexto de elevada conflictividad laboral y un sindicalismo debilitado. Se utilizó la base de huelgas del Observatorio de... more
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      RepressionProtest and State RepressionLabor StrikesConflictividad Laboral
ABSTRACT: Following documentary Ancient Lives PART-2, which is often available via Youtube links, Anc. Lives 2 / 4: (or via dvd available via or other venues). John Romer details the... more
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      EgyptologyArt HistoryEgyptian ArchaeologyVillage Studies
Research traditionally focused on how economic, institutional and political variables shape strike patterns. Recent work examines how workers’ structural, associational, and symbolic power facilitate strikes. Building on this research,... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Latin American StudiesSpace and PlaceCollective Action
Participants: Abiyaghi Marie-Noëlle [email protected] Allal Amin [email protected] Barrières Sarah [email protected] Catusse Myriam [email protected] Donoso Sofía [email protected] Emperador Badimon Montserrat... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsPolitical SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical Economy
Source link: Informal 'WILDCAT STRIKES': A 'Wobbly' style labor movement for regional to national wildcat strikes to let both owners and consumers know that their "security" WILL NOT... more
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      Exploitation of WorkersAntifascismLabor Strikeswildcat strikes
Grev hakkı 1947 sendikacılığının ilk yıllarında, işçi kamuoyunu en çok meşgul eden tartışma konularından biridir ve sendikalı işçilerin içinde bulundukları çalışma koşulları, devlet-toplum ilişkileri ve sendikal siyaset hakkındaki... more
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      Labour historyTurkish NationalismTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish History
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      Contemporary HistoryDeindustrializationLabour historyTrade unionism
Micro-politique des revendications matérielles.
Ce qu'elles nous apprennent sur la dynamique des protestations
et sur leur théorisation
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsPolitical SociologySocial MovementsComparative Politics
Seit Wochen streiken Reinigungskräfte in Marseille – von migrantisierten Arbeiter*innen geführte Kämpfe nehmen zu.
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      Class StruggleSocial reproductionDecolonial FeminismLabor Organizing and Worker's Rights
It is timely to reflect on a new direction for the labour movement that recognises society, no longer solely within factories, as a place where organising can challenge capital, not because the community is where factory workers are... more
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      Work and LabourLabour MovementsLabor Strikes
Grev hakkı 1947 sendikacılığının ilk yıllarında, işçi kamuoyunu en çok meşgul eden tartışma konularından biridir ve sendikalı işçilerin içinde bulundukları çalışma koşulları, devlet-toplum ilişkileri ve sendikal siyaset hakkındaki... more
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      Labour historyTurkish NationalismTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish History
In this research, the long- and short-term impacts of workdays lost to strikes, inflation and real GDP growth on wages have been analyzed in Turkey and the United Kingdom, using the Engle-Granger Cointegration Test and Error Correction... more
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      Institutional EconomicsLabor EconomicsMicroeconomicsMacroeconomics