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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCatholic Social TeachingWork and LabourCatholic higher education
This article attributes the crisis in Zimbabwe and the privation of the Zimbabwean people to two malignant factors; the political authoritarianism of the Mugabe regime and the neoliberalism evident in the structural adjustment programme... more
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      ZimbabweLabour MovementsLabor Organizing and Worker's Rights
On 24 April 2013, the Rana plaza, a factory building housing five garment factories, collapsed in Savar, Bangladesh and claimed lives of at least 1134 people, most of whom were women garment workers (Akhter). Many volunteers updated their... more
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      Gender StudiesBangladeshLabor Organizing and Worker's RightsReady-made garment Industry
In this chapter I engage with a number of critical case studies written by scholars and advocates regarding efforts to improve human rights outcomes in global supply chains through private regulatory initiatives (PRIs). More... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityHuman RightsEconomic DevelopmentGlobal Value Chains
O presente trabalho versa sobre a tendência legislativa flexibilizatória legal da jornada de trabalho no Brasil como fator de precarização das relações trabalhistas, pois, apesar de vista como propulsora do estabelecimento de condições de... more
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      Work and LabourLabor Organizing and Worker's Rights
This chapter seeks to explain the prevalence of forced labor in the construction industry and illustrate the phenomenon through a few case studies, including the casino-builders in Saipan. Readers will be introduced to some features of... more
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      Civil LawMigrationHuman TraffickingLabor Migration
For about 20 years, labor organizations in the US are implementing strategies in order to ‘organize’ workers from industries or companies that have for long been deserted by labor unions. Referred to as ‘organizing’, this strategy... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MediaNetworkingLabor unions
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Latin American StudiesGlobalization
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      Working ClassesLabor History (U.S. history)Social ActivismLabor History and Studies
Made in L.A. offers a rare and poignant glimpse into this “other” California, where immigrants in many industries toil long hours for sub-minimum wages, fighting for an opportunity in a new country. As an engagement tool, it offers... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatina/o StudiesImmigrationLos Angeles
This chapter discusses the global supply chain system and analyzes it as a symbol of exploitation and capital accumulation in the era of the “global factory.” It describes the impact of the global supply chain system. In particular, the... more
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      Labor EconomicsLabor RightsCapital mobilityLabor Organizing and Worker's Rights
The Global Care Policy Index (GCPI) is a composite index that provides a numerical assessment of a country’s support for and protection of unpaid family caregivers and paid domestic workers who do the important but often invisible work of... more
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      Social PolicyCambodiaFamily Caregivers/CarersDomestic workers
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      Human RightsInternational Human Rights LawLabour LawUnited Nations
Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) lawyers provide legal advice and advocate for low-income individuals in the province of Ontario (1990), Canada, who would otherwise be unable to afford legal representation. As workers, LAO lawyers had limited... more
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      Labour LawProfessional IdentityLawyersWork and Labour
Questa è un’indagine sul malessere dei lavoratori nel mondo d’oggi. Uno studio del disagio contemporaneo dentro e fuori i luo- ghi di lavoro. Ci si sofferma in modo particolare sul crescente ricor- so dei lavoratori alle sostanze... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsDrugs And AddictionInternational Political EconomyNAFTA
M. Nicoli, L. Paltrinieri, « Il lavoro come produzione di sé. Per una genealogia del contratto psicologico », Psiche. Rivista di cultura psicoanalitica, Il Mulino, 2-2017 Luglio-Dicembre, p. 571-588.
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      PhilosophySociology of WorkNeoliberalismWork and Labour
The essay looks at the impact of TNCs on a host country. Both positive and negative impacts are examined and the essay suggests that TNCs have an overall negative effect in the short-run and a positive effect in the long-run.
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      GlobalizationHuman RightsInternational Political EconomyDeveloping Countries
A twenty-hectare swath of Old Kingdom 4th Dynasty settlement that central authorities laid out at the low, southeastern base of the Giza Plateau as housing and infrastructure for building pyramids shows distinct components that reflect... more
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      AnthropologySocial SciencesState FormationCollective Action
Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have facilitated growth in the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector, and the Republic of the Philippines ranks among the world’s major BPO destinations. The sector’s economic... more
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      BPOWorking ConditionsLabor Organizing and Worker's RightsGlobal Supply Chains
This report reviews the gendered impact of COVID-19—and the need for a transformational approach to prevent and end GBVH using guidance from C190—in the context of Asian fast fashion supply chains which produce primarily consumer apparel... more
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      Gender StudiesCambodiaSocial ProtectionIndonesia
My dissertation examines the different ways that Mexican-origin farm worker households are racialized and integrated into the U.S. capitalist economy and rural society. There has been an exponential increase of Mexican-origin farm worker... more
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      Social MovementsAgribusinessThe industrialization of agriculture: vertical coordination in the US food system.Immigration
Los derechos laborales de actores y actrices en México, a pesar de estar regulados por la Ley Federal del Trabajo, son derechos de difícil acceso, que no coinciden con la realidad del gremio. The labor rights of actors and actresses in... more
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      Performance ArtPerformanceActingLabor law
For more than three years, including well over 100 strike days, the employees at Amazon continue to fight for a collective agreement. Although the labour dispute has still not been won, it exemplifies the struggle of employees in the... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial Movement UnionismTrade unionsLabor Organizing and Worker's Rights
21 Mart - 18 Nisan ayında düzenlenen "Veri Müşterekleri için Ağ Haritalama Hackathonu" [] zemininde birbirini bulan, alanın müdahil araştırmacıları ve veri... more
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      InequalityLabor Organizing and Worker's RightsHuman and Labor Rights
Political theorists have recently sought to replace the liberal, contractual theory of the firm with a political view that models the authority relation of employee to firm, and its appropriate regulation, on that of subject to state.... more
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      Business EthicsPolitical PhilosophyEconomic EthicsLabor Organizing and Worker's Rights Onarıcı Adalet Yaklaşımları – Aslı Odman, Duygu Dağ, Murat Deha Boduroğlu (Hafıza Merkezi // Streamed live on Apr 27, 2022 Bu yazıda yakınlarını iş cinayetlerinde... more
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      Human RightsOccupational Health & SafetyOccupational health and safetyPenal Law
The article examines the role of social media groups for online freelance workers in the Philippines—digital workers obtaining “gigs” from online labor platforms such as Upwork and—for social facilitation and collective... more
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      GlobalizationPhilippinesSocial MediaNeoliberalism
As in many other countries, Spanish society also underwent its own ’68. In response, the Franco regime increased repression: it became much harsher, and much broader. After that, opposition to state brutality became the anti-Franco... more
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      Social MovementsSocial ActivismThe SixtiesSpain (History)
Industrial revolution dramatically changed the dynamics of human kind in terms of social, economical and cultural aspects. The transition of the manufacturing process with the industrial revolution changed our perception on labor. With... more
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      Land and Property DevelopmentManufacturingSocial movements and revolutionKarl Marx
By most accounts, forced labour, human trafficking, and modern slavery are thriving in the global economy. Recent media reports — including the discovery of widespread trafficking in Thailand's shrimp industry, forced labour in global tea... more
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      BusinessSocial SciencesGlobalizationCorporate Social Responsibility
How the degradation of work in the oil-rich Niger Delta jeopardizes the livelihoods and well-being of workers and their families. The growth of insecure and increasingly informal job opportunities results in fewer opportunities for... more
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      Oil and gasNigeriaTrade unionsWorkers rights
This paper articulates a functionalist account of intra-party democracy (IPD). Like realist critics, we insist that IPD practices be evaluated on the basis of whether they facilitate resistance to domination and capture at the level of... more
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      Political PartiesDemocratic TheoryCommunity OrganizingIntra-party democracy
I have painfully learned that a defining feature of white women’s daily racism is their refusal to name the power they exercise over others. As a former organizer and board president, I have experienced how racist violence has been... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesNonprofit StudiesWorking Classes
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      ChileHuman RigthsLabor Organizing and Worker's RightsDerechos Del Niño Y El Adolescente
Among the 40,000 workers in Canada’s largest workplace, Lester B. Pearson International Airport in Toronto, a small but significant group of worker-organizers has created the Toronto Airport Workers’ Council (TAWC), a nonunion... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor EconomicsCommunity OrganizingWorkplace Studies
The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) remains one of the best examples of a labor union that traces its origins to radical anti-racist principles. Today, very few mainstream unions remain that were founded on militant,... more
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      SociologyRace and RacismCivil RightsMasculinities
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      Development EconomicsTechnologySocial PolicyGlobalization
Schilwa, Michael/Wunsch, Lukas: "Gesicht zeigen für Leiharbeiter*innen", in: "Gegenhalten!" LuXemburg - Gesellschaftsanalyse und linke Praxis, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, 2/2020.
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      Race and RacismSolidarityTrade UnionLabor Organizing and Worker's Rights
Ideas about the social responsibility of business are in flux. The foundations of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ have been transformed in recent years by normative developments in the field of business and human rights. The latter... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityContract LawMonitoring And EvaluationCorporate Sustainability
Catholic moral theology possesses a number of tools that can be employed to promote worker justice. Some of these tools, such as Catholic social teaching on solidarity and workers’ rights, have been used to this end before. However,... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsHuman RightsHigher EducationCatholic Social Teaching
Among conditions of job loss and social polarization, Zimbabwe’s trade union movement has continually created space for political dialogue and pro-worker policy reform.
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      Civil SocietyTrade unionsZimbabweWorkers rights
This paper presents findings from the Leeds Index of Platform Labour Protest, a database of platform worker protest events around the world which gathers data from online news media reports and other online sources. For the period... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSociology of WorkIndustrial RelationsProtest
Abstract: This 2018 report reviews the organizing model of the Pioneer Valley Workers Center (PVWC), an organization based in Western Massachusetts that builds the collective power of immigrants and workers. It illustrates how the PVWC... more
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      Social MovementsInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyMigrant workersFood Justice
Through examining the experiences of Burmese migrant workers in Malaysia this paper analyses the complicated relationship between legal status and protection from violence and abuse. While legal status has often been promoted as a means... more
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      MalaysiaInternational MigrationMyanmarInternational Labour Migration
El artículo hace un recorrido por las principales producciones bibliográficas, así como por los principales archivos al respecto del movimiento sindical y los trabajadores durante el gobierno del general Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989). Se... more
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      Latin American StudiesArchivesParaguayLatin American History
La lettura del fenomeno dell’uberizazzione della prestazione lavorativa rappresenta l’esempio emblematico per approfondire le considerazioni di diritto sulla fenomenologia del lavoro on demand. L’archetipo del lavoro digitale tramite la... more
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      Labour LawEqualityWork and LabourDigital Economy
This paper engages the literature on the legal geographies of labour and postdemocracy in order to examine the role of law in limiting the labour rights of non-standard workers. To do so, it analyses the effects of civil suits for... more
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      Employment LawKorean StudiesSouth KoreaLegal Theory
The Global Care Policy Index (GCPI) is a composite index that provides a numerical assessment of a country’s support for and protection of unpaid family caregivers and paid domestic workers who do the important but often invisible work of... more
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      Social PolicyFamily Caregivers/CarersBangladeshDomestic workers
A szakszervezeti mozgalom komoly átalakulásokon ment keresztül az elmúlt évtizedekben és a szakszervezeti tagok száma is jelentősen csökkent, ám ezzel együtt is a világ legnagyobb létszámú szervezett társadalmi mozgalmát képviselik még... more
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      Trade unionismTransitional JusticeLabor unionsTrade unions