Social Conditions
Recent papers in Social Conditions
Though the solid waste management (SWM) system in Phnom Penh city in general has been upgraded since the waste collection service was franchised out to the private sector, the performance of the existing SWM system is still low.... more
Understanding culture is an essential key to reducing tobacco use. Conceptualizations of culture vary across scientific disciplines and theoretical orientations. Because of the complexity of the causes and effects of tobacco use, no... more
T]he focus shifts the locus of change from the individual to the environment in which the individual resides. Such a shift can provide crucial insight into realistic expectations related to health behaviors and the utilization of health... more
Land-use change models are important tools for integrated environmental management. Through scenario analysis they can help to identify near-future critical locations in the face of environmental change. A dynamic, spatially explicit,... more
Changes in boreal climate of the magnitude projected for the 21 st century have always caused vegetation changes large enough to be societally important. However, the rates and patterns of vegetation change are difficult to predict. We... more
This case study of recent efforts to deconcentrate poverty within the Skid Row area of Los Angeles examines processes of ‘weak-center ’ gentrification as it applies to a ‘service dependent ghetto, ’ thus filling two key gaps in prior... more
There is now widespread empirical evidence that child sexual abuse (CSA) survivors are at greater risk for sexual revictimization in adulthood, but less is known of the mechanisms underlying this relationship. Despite the lack of a... more
Since Agent Orange with its associated TCDD contaminant was aerially disseminated on the test grids, Test Area C-52A provided a 'field laboratory' for what may have happened in Vietnam, had there been no intercepting forest cover.... more
In the Netherlands, the individual risk and the societal risk are used in efforts to reduce the number of people exposed to the effects of an accident. In principle, the societal risk for each new land-use plan should be recalculated.... more
Intersectionality was first articulated in the 1970s and 1980s by women of color scholars, such as Deborah King, Patricia Hill Collins, Kimberle Crenshaw, Cherrie Moraga, Gloria Anzualdua, and Nira Yuval-Davis, and has now become a core... more
The emphasis on risk factor intervention at the individual level has predominated in efforts to reduce mortality and promote health. Interest in social and other nonmedical interventions, particularly socioeconomic status (SES)... more
Andhra Pradesh Government has found a solution to the troubles of land acquisition in building a new capital city (Amaravati) on 34,690 acres of farm land by using land pooling scheme. Amaravati is the India's first planned capital of a... more
In recent years, health promotion has been introduced as a promising strategy for the public health field. The current study is intended to link nutrition into the recent debate on health promotion, analyzing the role of nutritionists in... more
In 1692 and 1693, in Salem, Massachusetts, more than 150 colonists were accused of witchcraft, resulting in 19 being hanged and one man being crushed to death. Contributions to these events included: historical, religious and cultural... more
Objective: The aims were: (1) to examine the profile of African street children and to assess the link between street children in Africa and political violence; (2) to undertake a systematic examination of causal factors of street... more
A conceptualization of racism-related stress and its impact on well-being is offered that integrates existing theory and research on racism, multicultural mental health, and the stress process. The conceptualization is relevant to diverse... more
Women's health is frequently influenced by social and structural factors, largely beyond women's control, and often entrenched in public policy. Although health is acknowledged to be socially determined, the ways that social conditions... more
The present water quality of the Humber rivers and coastal zone depends on a complex interplay of factors, including physical ones, such as the underlying geology, which influences soil type, climatic ones, such as the rainfall, which... more
Streszczenie. Wyjątkowa sytuacja prawna Holandii odgrywa nieocenioną rolę w sporze o le-galizację narkotyków miękkich. Jednak temat ten, mimo oryginalnych uregulowań, od dawna nie jest już kontrowersyjny. Wynika to z ciekawych uwarunkowań... more
Undernutrition is the single largest contributor to the burden of disease in developing countries and has documented effects on social and economic development, yet progress in reducing undernutrition remains slow. This paper identifies... more
Using the concept of vulnerable populations, we examine how disparities in health may be exacerbated by populationapproach interventions.
eds), More Than Chattel: Black Women and Slavery in the Americas (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1996), pp. ix + 341, $39.95 and $18.95. ISBN 0 253 33017 3 (hb) and 0 253 21043 7 (pb). Maggie Montesinos Sale, The Slumbering... more
In the past 50 years, while many indicators of physical health have improved there has been an increase in psychosocial problems, including youth depression, suicide, drug use and drug-related problems . These trends are occurring in the... more
Our interest in the history of women's football developed from our involvement in the project 'The experiences and meanings of physical activities in women's lives: an intercultural comparison in four European countries'. As part of this... more
What resources should be committed to the control of invasive species? This study is based on a survey of nature conservation and forestry authorities, wildlife trusts and private landowners which investigated the extent of the ecological... more
School shootings are traumatic events that cause a community to question itself, its values, and its educational systems. In this article Bryan Warnick, Benjamin Johnson, and Samuel Rocha explore the meanings of school shootings by... more
This paper proposes that therapists subject their work to radical doubt designed to uncover and interpret the micropolitics that inhere in professional knowledge and practice. Using Orlie's notion of trespass, the approach to the past... more
Because freedom of choice and economic gain are at the heart of productivity, human trafficking impedes national and international economic growth. Within the next 10 years, crime experts expect human trafficking to surpass drug and arms... more
This essay explores the growth of boxing among the African populations on the Witwatersrand region of South Africa between 1924 and 1959. It details how the sport's jump in popularity with Africans paralleled... more
This article describes how qualitative social science research has and can contribute to the emerging field of drug and alcohol studies. An eight-stage model of formative-reformative research is presented as a heuristic to outline the... more
In spite of many similarities. the fields of medical anthropology and medical sociology differ significantly in origins. in research methodologies, and in emphases. Medical anthropology has developed from three sources; (1) the... more
In this chapter, the authors consider Paulo Freire' s construct of critical consciousness (CC) and why it deserves more attention in research and discourse on youth political and civic development. His approach to education and similar... more
The purpose of this paper is to review the types of models that are currently being used in the area of municipal waste management and to highlight some major shortcomings of these models. Most of the municipal waste models identified in... more
La conferencia internacional «Refugees on the move: thinking beyong the Euro-Mediterranean crisis» (21 y 22 de abril 2016) que inspira esta publicación, fue organizada gracias a la subvención de la Generalitat de Catalunya, AGAUR, a... more
Previous research suggested that sex differences in personality traits are larger in prosperous, healthy, and egalitarian cultures in which women have more opportunities equal with those of men. In this article, the authors report... more