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Introduction to a section comprising seventeen articles on skepticism in the modern world. Attention is given to historical and cultural background that shaped, and was shaped by, skepticism, including globalization, the Reformation, and... more
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      EpistemologyHegelFriedrich NietzscheWittgenstein
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      History of Blindness/Visual ImpairmentBlindnessLucretiusDiderot, Denis
Recensione di un’edizione critica realizzata nell’ambito del CELLF 17e-18e siècles, dell’Université Paris-Sorbonne, in cui si analizzano cinque trattati francesi seicenteschi che affrontano tematiche storiche e permettono di riconsiderare... more
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      HistoryLa Mothe Le Vayer
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      HistoriographyEnlightenmentIntellectual History of EnlightenmentHistory of Historiography
In this paper we study a probable reference to Justin (an ancient Greek apologist) in Montesquieu’s "Lettres Persanes". In letter 33, the Persian Usbek discusses the possibility of salvation for Christians: in our opinion, this passage... more
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      PatristicsChristian ApologeticsMontesquieuJustin Martyr
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      NostalgiaLa Mothe Le VayerHomesicknessHistory of Greenland
Parmi les libertins dits érudits, François de La Mothe Le Vayer a souvent passé pour le représentant typique de la duplicité sociale, à la fois libre penseur accusé d’incroyance et précepteur royal fidèlement attaché à la cour. Ce travail... more
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      Patronage (History)Modern EruditionLibertinageHistoire De L'éducation
Au sein du phénomène libertin, le philosophe sceptique François de la Mothe le Vayer (1588-1672) a souvent passé pour le représentant typique de la dissimulation auctoriale, avançant des idées neuves sous un masque toujours changeant.... more
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      17th Century French Literature (Literature)LibertinismLibertinageLibertine Literature
Le Vayer seeks to untangle the ambiguities and apparent contradictions inherent in the writings of seventeenth-century humanist polymath François de La Mothe Le Vayer. Although he served as a tutor for the young Louis XIV, La Mothe Le... more
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      History of Political ThoughtPhilosophical skepticismSkepticismHistory of Political Ideas
Éditeur Institut romand de systématique et d'éthique Référence électronique Antonella Del Prete, « Une philosophie de la religion chez les libertins et libres-penseurs aux XVII e et XVIII e siècles ? », ThéoRèmes [En ligne], 9 | 2016, mis... more
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      Philosophy Of Religion17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySeventeenth CenturyEighteenth-Century French Studies
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      PhilosophyArtHistory of Blindness/Visual ImpairmentBlindness
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      MontaigneSkepticismFideismLa Mothe Le Vayer
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    • La Mothe Le Vayer
François de La Mothe Le Vayer, filósofo francês do século XVII, é o autor do "Diálogo sobre o tema da Divindade", que faz parte de uma obra maior, os "Diálogos feitos à imitação dos antigos", publicada sob pseudônimo por volta de 1630. Às... more
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      SkepticismFideismLa Mothe Le VayerLibertinage Érudit
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      MontaigneSkepticismFideismLa Mothe Le Vayer
É possível ser cético e ao mesmo tempo cristão? A expressão "ceticismo cristão" denota a convivência paradoxal entre a recusa cética da crença e a adesão à crença na religião cristã. Cunhada por Le Vayer para classificar sua filosofia, e... more
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      MontaigneSkepticismFideismLa Mothe Le Vayer
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      HistoriographyHistory of HistoriographyLibertinageNicolas-Claude Fabri De Peiresc
François de la Mothe le Vayer (1588-1672) is well studied by philosophers as the epitomical free-thinker. He was better known in his time as a devoted servant of the King, using the intellectual capital acquired as a philologist from the... more
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      AtheismPatronage (History)LibertinismPolitical patronage
Il s'agit de montrer que la philosophie de la religion ne se réduit pas à la discipline philosophique structurée qui nait à la fin du XVIIIe mais qu'elle se pratique aussi dans les marges de la philosophie et de la pensée en général,... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionDescartesMalebranche
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      French LiteratureEthicsRhetoricSeventeenth Century
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      Old Testament ProphecyGreek Oracles and DivinationLibertinismFontenelle