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      Democratic TheoryPolitical AnthropologySouth Asian PoliticsDemocracy
Este artículo reexamina la idea de Lijphart (1997) de que el voto obligatorio sea un instrumento efectivo para reducir la desigualdad del ingreso con un diseño de investigación cuasi experimental basado en la técnica de matching. Los... more
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      Political SociologyLatin American StudiesVoting BehaviorPolitical Participation
It has long been recognized that the presence of politicians on the boards of directors of public firms may create inefficiencies. Nevertheless, research has so far neglected the effect of political affiliation on the appointment of... more
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      Political EconomyPartisanshipPolitical patronageExit Strategy
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesSocial NetworksMedieval History
Purpose-According to the traditional view of public administration, a critical component of good policy formulation is the provision of frank and fearless advice to elected decision-makers. This advice can be provided by permanent public... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical patronageMerit Based Appointments
This article aims at offering a framework for analysing party patronage and state politicisation based on game-theoretic reasoning. It is argued that in order to reveal the main causal mechanisms behind these phenomena, one can focus on... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPublic AdministrationPolitical ScienceComparative Public Administration
This article seeks to explore and discuss the complex issues of post-colonial democracy and the role of political brokerage in it. The paper argues that it is highly problematic to explain post-colonial democracy through the prism of... more
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      ElectionsPolitical patronagePolitical BrokerageInformation brokerage
In 2004, an unlikely combination of rural insurgent groups and urban gangs fought over the fate of President Aristide and brought Haiti to the brink of civil war. Ten years on, the country is still plagued by instances of armed violence.... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Violence and TerrorismHaitiPolitical Violence
Assessment of AFBiH capabilities, performance, handicaps and weaknesses, including politicization in the ranks and potential fracture along ethnic lines under pressure.
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      European integrationNATOPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentNationalism
Using Sri Lanka’s iconic presidential elections of January 2015 as a backdrop, we engage with how elite patrimonial politics and everyday moralities around grain access and distributive justice come to intersect with one another. With a... more
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      South Asian StudiesElectoral SystemsSocial Inequality (Anthropology)Social Inequalities
The stream of consciousness mode is a key feature of James Joyce’s Ulysses, but Xiao Qian and Wen Jieruo have turned a blind eye on this as they followed a more socio-political strategy to drop Joyce’s psychological modes altogether from... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesIrish LiteratureJames Joyce
This article examines power dynamics in political groupings during the 2014 Afghanistan presidential election and assesses the impact on political stability and order. The focus is the power dynamics of local political-economic and... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and Development
Oxford, Oxford-Sciences Po Research Group, decembrer 2011, 14 p. on ligne <> (working paper OXPO_10-11f). Written version of a paper... more
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      MozambiquePatronage (History)Neopatrimonialism RegimesFrelimo
Inspired by Sarah Chayes' "Thieves of State," this is a book-length study that drew on broad field research in North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, media and social media monitoring and analysis, polling research, and a deep... more
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      European StudiesComparative PoliticsResiliencePolitical Science
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      LiberalismElites (Political Science)Political ElitesPolitical Corruption
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
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      EntrepreneurshipIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagement
Despite his reputation as one of the most successful English monarchs of the middle ages, Edward I has never been seen as a generous king. This article looks afresh at the accepted view of Edward I as a miserly king and, by examining his... more
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      Medieval NobilityPatronage (Medieval Studies)Edward I of England (1272-1307)Political patronage
The politics of patronage democracy is referring to the allocation of state resources to his staunch supporters such as timber concession, job vacancies in government and many more. In return, his loyal supporters must vote for him in the... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial SciencesPolitical SciencePolitical patronage
In this paper I look at the similarities and differences between the Japanese and Nigerian Patron-Client System. This paper also examines why the use of the same political system has led to such drastic differences in the way each... more
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      Japanese politicsPolitical patronageNigerian Politics
This essay discusses the political changes which transpired in postcolonial Africa after independence (1960s)
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      African HistoryPost-ColonialismAuthoritarianismMilitary Intervention
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      PoliticsPatronage (History)Political patronagePatronage
This chapter will investigate the relationship between elections and democratic development in the Philippines. It will trace the emergence and institutionalization of electoral politics at various junctures in Philippine history.... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical SciencePhilippinesElections
In 1525 Catherine of Austria came to Portugal armed with Flemish tapestries, illuminated manuscripts,family jewels, and a lavish wardrobe, the requisite dowry of a Castilian princess destined to be queen. These personal goods that formed... more
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMaritime History
XI ANTONIO CABEZA Facción y mecenazgo en la Roma de Felipe II: una red castellana en la corte pontificia 1 MANUEL VAQUERO PIÑEIRO La chiesa di San Giacomo degli Spagnoli e la fiscalità pontificia nel XVI secolo 25 GAETANO SABATINI-RENATA... more
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      Italian Baroque artPatronage and collectingRome (Baroque)Political patronage
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      Gender StudiesGender HistoryGenderPatronage (History)
"Transboundary haze pollution is an almost annual occurrence in Southeast Asia. Haze originates from peat and forest fires mostly in Indonesia, with Malaysia and Singapore suffering the worst of its effects. Most of these fires are... more
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      Southeast AsiaIndonesiaAir pollutionPeatland Ecology
Монография посвящена феномену неформальных связей в государственном управлении раннего Нового времени на материалах непростой истории взаимоотношений старшины Гетманской Украины с правящей элитой России в 1700–1760-е гг. В... more
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      Russian StudiesUkrainian StudiesXVIII centuryUkrainian Nationalism
Despite the recent electoral defeat of the Hindu nationalist party, the BJP, Hindu nationalist organizations led by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) remain a dominant force in several parts of India particularly as most of them... more
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      Social MovementsComparative PoliticsUrban PoliticsReligion and Politics
La monarquia de Felipe II a debate, ed. Luis Ribot. Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoraciön de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, Madrid, 2000 This essay explores the patronage and collections of Juana and Maria of Austria, not only... more
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      Habsburg StudiesPatronage (History)Collecting (Art)Collecting and Collections
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      Public AdministrationPatronage (History)Political patronage
This paper aims to conceptualize the Syrian regime under the rule of Hafez and Bashar al-Assad (1970-2011) as a neopatrimonial regime. The paper claims that the neopat-rimonial domination of the Assad regime bases on three pillars; the... more
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      Middle East StudiesPolitical SciencePolitical CultureSyrian Studies
African countries have increasingly embraced devolution as a strategy to improve governance, promote accountability, remedy institutional deficiencies and democracy that highly centralized governments have engendered. In 2010, the... more
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      LeadershipCivic EducationGovernanceLocal Government and Local Development
This joint DPC-Eurothink study, inspired by Sarah Chayes' "Thieves of State," assesses the political, economic and social dynamics in Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia. Two country teams engaged in extensive field research, as... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsDevelopment StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and Development
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical patronage
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      HinduismPolitics and ReligionIndian PoliticsPolitical patronage
On the basis of fieldwork in Kinshasa, this essay makes a link between riots, the recent anthropology of "surplus populations," and distributive politics in low-income countries, especially Africa. Tracing the history of a political... more
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      Political AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyUrban AnthropologyDemocratic Republic of Congo
This project is a socio-historic analysis of two late 14th century dream visions: Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess and the Pearl poem. Utilizing Robert Pogue Harrison’s concept of objectifying grief through ritualized communal mourning, this... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDeath StudiesChaucerMaterial Culture
Neoliberalism is never uniform. Instead, it is always hybridized and imbricated within existing political economic matrixes and sociocultural process. In the Cambodian context neoliberalism is characterized by its intersection with... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySociologyEconomic Sociology
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      English LiteratureShakespeareEarly Modern LiteratureRenaissance drama
During the last phase of the Iberian rule in Sardinia, during that uncertain period of transition towards a new political arena, the city of Cagliari, traditionally linked with Eastern Spain from a commercial and cultural viewpoint,... more
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      Modern HistoryArt HistoryPatronage and collectingPolitical patronage
The book rests on the premise that remote border regions offer an exciting study arena that can tell us important things about how marginal citizens relate to their nation-state.The basic assumption is that central state authority in the... more
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      Indonesian HistoryTransnationalismBorder StudiesAgrarian Studies
After an examination of the ways in which the Mediterranean and modernity have been defined in contradistinction to each other, this chapter shows how an analysis of the similarities and differences among the three main strands of modern... more
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      European HistoryAnthropologySocial AnthropologyTransnationalism
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      Translation StudiesTranslation and IdeologyShakespeareIdeology
This thesis attempts to understand the impact of the nature of the Assad regime on the trajectory of the conflict which took place in Syria following the 2011 uprising. It argues that the Assad regime which has been ruling Syria since... more
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      SyriaNeopatrimonialism RegimesPolitical patronageBaath Party and Hafez Al-Assad
Why has the EU’s promotion of Rule of Law (RoL) triggered different and largely surface-thin reforms across countries subject to a similar frame of enlargement in the Western Balkans (WB)? We hypothesize that the domestic (non)enforcement... more
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      European StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsDemocratic Theory
The proliferation of irregular armed actors which defy simplistic definition has caught public and academic attention alike, not least in the pages of this journal. To move the debate on non-state armed groups (NSAGs) forward, this... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesColombia
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPatronage (History)Patronage (Medieval Studies)
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      DemographyPolitical patronage
Power and Patronage examines the unwritten rules and inner workings of contemporary China's local politics and government. It exposes how these rules have helped to keep the one-Party state together during decades of tumultuous political,... more
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      Comparative PoliticsLocal GovernmentEast Asian StudiesLocal Government and Local Development