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      New Religious MovementsJapanese StudiesLatin American StudiesJapanese Religions
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      New Religious MovementsComparative ReligionJapanese ReligionsNew Religions
近代以降、教学・神学と宗教学とが諸宗派において少なからぬ緊張関係をも つなか、天理教学と宗教学は例外的に「幸福な結婚」を果たしたようにみえる。だが, 今日の人文社会科学における近代的学知の批判的再検討は、近代宗教学に多くを負って... more
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      TenrikyoReligion and TheologyJapanese New Religions
Soka Gakkai is Japan’s largest and most influential new religious organization: It claims more than 8 million Japanese households and close to 2 million members in 192 countries and territories. The religion is best known for its... more
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      Critical TheoryBuddhismJapanese StudiesEthnography
This article analyzes Buddhist environmentalism in Japan during the last few decades, which manifests through various discussions and forms of activism and is characterized by the use of popular Buddhist ideas such as aversion to greed,... more
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      ReligionBuddhismNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
The analysis of various discourses emerging from contemporary Japanese religions shows that the endorsement of religious pluralism ("all religions have equal dignity") may not go beyond a formal stage, and that the underlying pattern in... more
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      Japanese ReligionsReligious PluralismJapanese BuddhismReligion and Globalization
TR: Yeni dini hareketler her ne kadar ortaya çıktığı, geliştiği ve yayılım gösterdiği yer, zaman ve göreliliğe bağlı olarak küresel değişimlerin yaşandığı savaş sonrası dönemlere göre tanımlansa da böyle bir yaklaşım kapsamının sınırlı... more
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      New Religious MovementsJapanese StudiesJapanese BuddhismJapanese
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      New Religious MovementsJapanese ReligionsJapanese BuddhismNew Religions
A new stratum of religious affiliation emerged in Japan from the first half of the nineteenth century onward and quite a large number of movements were formed as a result of social, cultural, economic and political changes in Japan. To... more
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    • Japanese New Religions
Japon Yeni Dinî Hareketleri (YDH’leri) alanındaki konumu açısından önemli bir değere sahiptir. Bu önemin bir kısmını tarihi-kültürel özelliklerinden alan Japon dinî hareketleri, diğer kısmını da dünya akademisindeki yeni ilgisinden... more
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      New Religious MovementsJapanese BuddhismDinler TarihiŞIntoizm
This article analyzes a few selected case studies from diffferent religious traditions in contemporary Japan to illustrate, fijirst, the active role played by religion in Japan in the creation of hybrid forms and, secondly, the... more
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      Japanese ReligionsGlocalizationHybridityReligion and Ecology
This essay will serve as a report of my explorations of Tenrikyo in London, with a focus on the question of how the Joyous Life is expressed and lived within the boundaries of this ever-busy metropolis.
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsEthnographyJapanese Religions
Shinnyo-en, and other twentieth-century Buddhist lay movements emerging from older monastic and temple institutions, reconfigures elements of “traditional” Buddhism and “folk” religion to meet the conditions of modernity. Shinnyo-en’s... more
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      Japanese ReligionsNew ReligionsBuddhist modernismShinnyo-en
Research on religion and globalization is revealing that religious responses to global dynamics have been highly varied, positioned across a broad spectrum that ranges from the defensive to the open and creative. However, attempts to... more
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      New Religious MovementsSociology of ReligionJapanese StudiesGlobalization
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      BuddhismJapanese StudiesBuddhist PhilosophyJapanese Religions
In this short paper presenting my research project, I show how shintô in Manchuria is linked to several religious figures such as Ômotokyô's co founder Deguchi Onisaburô; farmer settlers' leader Katô Kanji; or Tenrikyô Manchurian... more
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      New Religious MovementsJapanese StudiesJapanese ReligionsShinto Studies
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      New Religious MovementsJapanese New Religions
The Global Repositioning of Japanese Religions: An Integrated Approach explores how Japanese religions respond to the relativizing effects of globalization, thereby repositioning themselves as global players. Organized around concrete... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionSociology of Religion
This contribution to the Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions summerizes the history and the current status of Japanese New Religions in Latin America
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionLatin American Studies
Öz: Halk hekimliği, birçok kültürde deneyime, geleneksel bilgiye ve halk inançlarına bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan tedavi yöntemlerinden biri olarak bilinmektedir. 20. yüzyılda neredeyse tüm dünyadaki insanları etkileyen Yeni Dini Hareketler... more
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      New Religious MovementsJapanese ReligionsHistory of JapanFolk Medicine
This essay is a critical exploration of the basis of the Lotus Sutra–based interreligious thought of Rev. Niwano Nikkyō (1906–1999), founder of the Japanese Buddhist lay group Rissho Kosei-kai and prominent figure in the development of... more
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      BuddhismJapanese ReligionsReligious PluralismCatholic Theology
One of the first thesis in Europe about AUM Shinrikyo, based on primary documents obtained through my fieldwork at AUM Shinrikyo branch in Kyoto few weeks before 1995 sarin jiken. With an appendix of translated interviews to followers... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsJapanese Language And CultureModern and Contemporary JapanJapanese New Religions
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      Research EthicsReligion and ViolenceAum ShinrikyoJapanese New Religions
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionReligious StudiesJapanese New Religions
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      New Religious MovementsJapanese ReligionsShinto StudiesNew Religions
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      New ReligionsReikiReishiJapanese New Religions
Although Buddhism, Shinto and Japanese New Religions represent a relatively small segment of Brazil’s religious landscape, they deserve attention for at least three reasons. First, there is the historical aspect: these traditions were... more
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      ReligionBuddhismNew Religious MovementsSociology of Religion
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Japanese ReligionsShinto StudiesChristian MissionsReligious Syncretism
The study zooms in on a Japanese new religion (Sekai Kyûseikyô: Church of World Messianity) with its different branches in the city of Kinshasa. After tracing the history of this messianic movement of Japanese inspiration, which was... more
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      New Religious MovementsAfrican StudiesSpirituality & MysticismGlobalisation and "global cultural flows"
Based on several streams of globalization theory and the author’s previous work, this article proposes a multidimensional approach to the study of Risshō Kōseikai under globalization. The analysis shows that this Buddhism-based new... more
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      Japanese ReligionsGlocalizationReligion and GlobalizationGlobalization and Glocalization
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      Japanese StudiesSocial WorkJapanese ReligionsSocial Care
The paper explores the interplay between religious and social aspects of jinzai ikusei through the analysis of social welfare training in Risshō Kōseikai. While invested with religious significance, training activities also fulfil... more
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      ReligionBuddhismJapanese StudiesJapanese Religions
Segundo Meishu-Sama (1882-1955), fundador da religião messiânica no Japão, o paraíso é o mundo do belo e da arte e o ser humano é a obra prima do Criador. A partir da ligação inseparável entre vida humana e a arte, a teologia messiânica... more
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      TheologyNew ReligionsStudy of ReligionsJapanese New Religions
This book analyzes the variety of ways through which Japanese religions (Buddhism, Shinto, and new religious movements) contribute to the dynamics of accelerated globalization in recent decades. It looks at how Japanese religions provide... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionSociology of Religion
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Japanese ReligionsNew ReligionsExorcismMahikari
This contribution is about the ritual touching of soil (French terre, Lingala mabelè) during individual and collective gardening sessions of two spiritual movements in Kinshasa. The practice allows participants to uplift and reconcile... more
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      African StudiesSpirituality & MysticismAfrican ReligionsAncestors (Anthropology Of Religion)
Entrevista realizada em 16/09/2014 com representantes da Seicho-No-Ie do Brasil.
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      Japanese ReligionsRitualTransplantation of religionSeicho No Ie
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionJapanese Studies
The Japanese "new religions" (Shin Shûkyô) active in Kinshasa (DR Congo) nearly all perform healing through the channeling of invisible divine light. In the case of Sekai Kyûseikyô (Church of World Messianity), the light of Johrei cannot... more
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      African Religion in Africa and the DiasporaAfrican ReligionsAfrican Traditional ReligionsAfrican and Afro-Asiatic Religion & Spirituality
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      ReligionJapanese StudiesJapanese ReligionsSocial Care
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese ReligionsZen BuddhismGlobalized New Religious Movements
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      ReligionComparative ReligionPsychologyJapanese Studies
Contemporary Japan faces a range of pressing social issues, including an aging population, growing income gaps and economic uncertainty. The state has often compensated for the limits of public assistance by mobilising intermediate... more
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      ReligionSocial WorkJapanese ReligionsAging
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    • Japanese New Religions
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      Social NetworksInternet StudiesComputer-Mediated CommunicationReligious Studies
Soka Gakkai is Japan’s largest and most influential new religious organization: It claims more than 8 million Japanese households and close to 2 million members in 192 countries and territories. The religion is best known for its... more
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      Critical TheoryBuddhismJapanese StudiesArt
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      African Religion in Africa and the DiasporaChristianity and African Indigenous ReligionAfrican traditional religionAfrican and Afro-Asiatic Religion & Spirituality
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      Democratic Republic of CongoAfrican Traditional ReligionsKinshasaGlobalized New Religious Movements
一貫道最早向國外傳播的地方是韓國與日本.到現在為止,兩國一貫道已經通過七十多年的本地化,這樣的過程中跨文化發展已經很明顯.本文探討一貫道或是說屬於所謂「先天大道系統」的宗教團體在日本的發展與現況.本文以本地的「天道」與「道德會館」為例,介紹一貫道日本化的一些方面,包括語言、人員、組織、儀式、宗教實踐(religious... more
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      New Religious MovementsJapanese ReligionsChinese ReligionsReligion and Globalization