Japanese New Religions in Latin America

This contribution to the Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions summerizes the history and the current status of Japanese New Religions in Latin America

11/10/2016 Japanese New Religions in Latin America ­ Springer Living Reference Work Entry Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions pp 1­5 Date: 29 August 2016 Latest Version Japanese New Religions in Latin America Frank Usarski , Rafael Shoji Keywords Japanese New Religion Sōka Gakkai Seichō­no­Ie Perfect Liberty Church of World Messianity This is an excerpt from the content References Carpenter R, Roof WC (1995) The Transplanting of Seicho­no­Ie from Japan to Brazil: moving beyond the ethnic enclave. J Contemp Relig 10(1):41–55 CrossRef ( Clarke P (1999) Japanese new religious movements in Brazil. From ethnic to ‘universal’ religions. In: Wilson B, Cresswell J (eds) New religious movements. Challenge and response. Routledge, London/New York, pp 197–210 Inoue N et al (1995) Neureligionen: Stand ihrer Erforschung in Japan: ein Handbuch. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden Mori K (1992) Vida Religiosa dos Japoneses e seus Descendentes Residentes no Brasil e Religiões de Origem Japonesa. In: Comissão de Elaboração da História dos 80 Anos da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil (ed) Uma Epopeia Moderna. 80 anos da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil. Hucitec/Sociedade Brasileira de Cultura Japonesa, São Paulo, pp 559–603 Support Nakamaki H (2002) A Honmon Butsury­shu no Brasil: Através dos registros do Arcebispo Nissui Ibaragui. In: Usarski F (ed) O Budismo no Brasil. Lorosae, São Paulo, pp 73–106 Pereira RA (2001) O Budismo Leigo da Soka Gakkai no Brasil: da revolução humana à utopia mundial. PhD­thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas Quintero MP (2008) Presencia del budismos de Níćhiren Daishonin en Venezuela. Humania del Sur. Año 3, No 5. Julio­diciembre, 87–103 Shimazono S (1991) The expansion of Japan’s New Religions into foreign cultures. Jpn J Relig Stud 18(2–3):105–132 Watanabe M (2008) The development of Japanese New Religions in Brazil and their propagation in a foreign culture. Jpn J Relig Stud 35(1):115–144­3­319­08956­0_161­1 1/3 11/10/2016 Japanese New Religions in Latin America ­ Springer About this Reference Work Entry Title Japanese New Religions in Latin America Reference Work Title Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions Pages pp 1­5 Copyright 2016 DOI 10.1007/978­3­319­08956­0_161­1 Online ISBN 978­3­319­08956­0 Publisher Springer International Publishing Copyright Holder Springer International Publishing Switzerland Topics Religious Studies, general Regional and Cultural Studies Cultural Studies Keywords Japanese New Religion Sōka Gakkai Seichō­no­Ie Perfect Liberty Church of World Messianity Industry Sectors Biotechnology Pharma eBook Packages Religion and Philosophy Editors Support Henri Gooren (1) Editor Affiliations 1. Sociology/Anthropology, Oakland Univ Sociology/Anthropology Authors Frank Usarski (2)­3­319­08956­0_161­1 2/3 11/10/2016 Japanese New Religions in Latin America ­ Springer Rafael Shoji (2) Author Affiliations 2. Programa de Pós­Graduação em Ciência da Religião, Pontifical University of São Paulo, Rua Ministro de Godói, 969 4° andar, 05014­ 901, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Support Support­3­319­08956­0_161­1 3/3