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Questo articolo è stato pubblicato originariamente in olandese nel periodico Roma Aeterna 7.1 (2019) ed è stato tradotto da Marcella Mul a cui sono molto grata. Le immagini dell'articolo originale si trovano nel seguente link: httpsOgni... more
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      History of RomeItalian fascismReception of Classical HeritageItalian Fascism, Mussolini, Mussolinismo
A few slides put together surrounding Mussolini, the main parts of his rule, and public imaginaries on the man. “Mussolini was further to the Left in his political opinions than any of his socialist rivals.” - George Bernard Shaw quoted... more
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      European HistoryFascismEarly Modern ItalyItaly
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      Italian (European History)FascismFascism (Revolutions)Interwar Period History
In the political and social doctrine “The Ideology of Twentieth Century” the fascist leader Benito Mussolini expresses his view about the aims of the Fascist government with impressive but indirect way: “The Fascist State express the... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsWar StudiesFascismNationalism
. Non un semplice iscritto al Partito Fascista, ma un fanatico militante disposto a fare il “becchino” per spazzare via i cadaveri ingombranti dei nemici del fascismo. Questo il ritratto di Luigi Pirandello, fascista convinto, alla... more
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      Luigi PirandelloCritica letterariaLeonardo SciasciaItalian Fascism, Mussolini, Mussolinismo
Les dures années de crise que nous traversons entraînent une relance des mouvements d'extrême droite dans tous les pays européens. Cette augmentation est également due au consensus que ces partis réussissent à obtenir dans les quartiers... more
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      FascismItalian fascismBenito MussoliniMussolini's Italy
""Can we refer to Rationalism talking about Italian colonial architecture in Libya? The architectural style proposed in Libya offers an answer to the State request of being “Colonial”, “Italian”, “Modern”, “Fascist” and “Monumental”. The... more
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      Architectural HistoryRationalismNew Towns (Architectural History)Libya
This piece seeks to contextualise the rise of Fascism in Italy after the First World War. From the Treaty of Versailles to the personal character of Mussolini, all key issues contributing to the rise of fascism are analysed vigorously.
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      Italian StudiesFascismFirst World WarItalian fascism
. Per più di mezzo secolo la critica pirandelliana ha sostenuto l’inconciliabilità tra la biografia e l’opera di Pirandello. Quasi che lo scrittore avesse una doppia identità: in pubblico fascista dichiarato e ben altro nel segreto... more
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      Critica letterariaItalian Fascism, Mussolini, MussolinismoFascismoCorrado Alvaro
The idea of a heritage from ancient Rome, or romanità, was central to Italian fascism. This article analyzes, in the 44 volumes of his Opera Omnia, Il Duce Mussolini’s discourse on romanità, focusing on key themes such as empire,... more
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      Reception StudiesReception TheoryHistory and Classical tradition studiesAudience and Reception Studies
saggi l'impegno 43
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      Italian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryItalian StudiesFascism
Questo progetto si propone di descrivere principalmente l’ambiente del ventennio fascista italiano. Non si darà una visione generale sulla quotidianità politica e sociale del governo, ma si concentrerà su specifici temi, non meno... more
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      Italian fascismFranquismoItalian Fascism, Mussolini, MussolinismoStoria Contemporanea
The Futurist movement presents a perfect example of the way politics come into play in a work of art and how those ideas can influence the style and content. In the present day Futurism is unequivocally associated with Benito Mussolini’s... more
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      Art HistoryPoliticsFascismFuturism
FOR THE FORMATTED VERSION WITH KENTRIDGE'S DRAWINGS GO TO: This is a guide to the iconography of William Kentridge’s Triumphs & Laments, the 500-meter-long frieze of colossal... more
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      ReligionRoman HistoryIconographyArt History
Este artículo revela la petición formal de creación y futuro uso de la base aérea italiana en Mallorca que firmó en agosto de 1936 el agregado militar de la Embajada de España en Roma, Manuel Villegas Gardoqui. Asimismo, explora el... more
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      Spanish Civil WarMallorcaGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLAItalian Fascism, Mussolini, Mussolinismo
In this assignment I will present the topic about Mussolini and Fascism in Italy and how Mussolini affected the Italian Football. Initially I will outline the underlying political developments in Italy during the interwar era describing... more
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      FascismItalian fascismHistory of FascismBenito Mussolini
L'imperativo di Mussolini a un gruppo di neo prefetti non era equivocabile: sparare su chi protesta. Costasse anche vite umane andava eseguito. Era il dicembre 1926, la dittatura agli esordi, la lira svalutata, la battaglia del grano... more
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      FascismItalian fascismBenito MussoliniHystory
Biography of the librarian Pietro Zorzanello, director of the Marciana Library, by Stefano Trovato, published in "Dizionario biografico dei soprintendenti bibliografici (1919-1972)", Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2011, pp. 622-627... more
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      Library ScienceItalian (European History)Italian StudiesBibliography
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      FascismItalian fascismWWIBenito Mussolini
Ottant’anni fa, il Mahatma Gandhi visitò Roma con il desiderio di incontrare il Papa. Era Mussolini, però, che desiderava incontrarlo. Voleva cogliere l’occasione per rafforzare la sua immagine e per promuovere se stesso? Qualunque siano... more
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      JournalismPeace and Conflict StudiesFascismCitizen Journalism
Thoughts on Kadare, Borges, Mandel'štam and the Italian culture and literature and its influence outside Italy. Draft of the paper "Universalismo spirituale e nazionalismi tra letteratura d’Italia e d’Albania", published in "La scrittura... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean Studies
"""""During Mussolini’s fascist regime, the Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano – produced in Milan (1927-1938) and widely recognised far beyond the borders of Italy – included among its plates two maps of European ethnic... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
The Role of Women and the Gender Divide, Group Activity: Gender Politics & Propaganda
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      GenderWomenNazi GermanyNazi Propaganda
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryWar StudiesFascism
Si tratta della voce "Fascismo" redatta per il "Dizionario del Liberalismo Italiano" (Tomo I, Rubbettino 2011). Il fascismo, come movimento e come regime, ma soprattutto come ideologia politica allo stato embrionale, è osservato e... more
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      LiberalismFascismHistory of Political ThoughtGramsci
Meu sábio dentro do volume 1 ("Políticas Educacionais e Regimes Autoritários: intelectuais, projetos e instituições"), org. Leandro Pereira Gonçalves e Maurício Parada, pp. 20-51 de "Políticas educacionais ensino e traumas coletivos",... more
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      EducationModern Italian HistoryHistory of EducationPropaganda
Nous nous proposons d’approfondir ici le portrait psychologique et idéologique, dessiné notamment dans Kaputt, du comte Agustín de Foxá, intellectuel espagnol phalangiste, ami de Malaparte et, comme celui-ci, romancier, journaliste,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureSpanish Literature
This article explores the portrayal of Mussolini in film and television drama. It considers the contexts in which films and mini-series were made from the 1970s and the problems faced in bringing the Duce to the screen, mostly in dramas... more
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      Italian CinemaPostwar Italian CultureItalian Fascism, Mussolini, MussolinismoItalian Television
Resumen. Tener el mayor presupuesto del cine italiano en su momento y ser considerado como uno de los mayores esfuerzos culturales de la Italia fascista son dos de las muchas razones por las que Escipión el Africano (Scipione l’Africano,... more
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      FascismAncient RomeSecond Punic WarCinema and History
During Mussolini’s fascist regime, the Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano published in Milan (1927-1938) and too in Barcelona (1930-1935), and widely recognised far beyond the borders of Italy, included among its plates two... more
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      LanguagesGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
Rare interview with Mussolini's son Romano (2004), about his father, fascism, life in Italy during and after the ventennio fascista,...
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      Jazz Studies And New MediaLiberalismFascismJazz Studies
Published in 1938, Guide to Kulchur encapsulates Ezra Pound’s chief concerns: his cultural, historiographic, philosophical, and epistemological theories; his aesthetics and poetics; and his economic and political thought. In its... more
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      English LiteratureCultural TheoryCulture StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Estratto del libro: copertina, esergo, indice e introduzione
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      Dante StudiesMarxist theoryGuido CavalcantiAntonio Gramsci
Dall'Italia di Caporetto alla Londra dei primi governi laburisti, dall'Italia della seconda guerra mondiale, della sconfitta e poi della ricostruzione, alla Parigi degli anni Cinquanta, questi sono solo alcuni dei momenti salienti del... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyAnthropologyPolitical Science
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      EthicsCommunicationCritical Discourse StudiesWeb 2.0
The problem of «precursors», the forerunners of the ideals of the Fascist «revolution», was debated by historians of the regime, who, especially at the beginning, seemed divided between those who underlined the innovative nature of... more
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      Italian StudiesFascismRisorgimentoItalian fascism
Benito Mussolini, ruler and “Duce” of Italy from 1922 to 1945, underwent a series of swift and sudden political and philosophical changes during the early years of his life: born and grown up as an anarchist, he soon became a Socialist in... more
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      AnarchismSocialismItalian Fascism, Mussolini, Mussolinismo
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      Italian (European History)Italy (History)History Of PropagandaBenito Mussolini
In: Virányi Péter (szerk): Európa 1944-45 MTA II. VILÁGHÁBORÚ TÖRTÉNETE ALBIZOTTSÁG 2021, 78-94.o.
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      PropagandaRepubblica sociale italianaItalian Fascism, Mussolini, MussolinismoHistory of Italian Fascism and Fascisms
Die erstmalige Publikation von Zeitzeugenaussagen über italienische Ausschreitungen gegenüber Südtirolern unmittelbar nach Kriegsende zeigt in Verbindung mit enttäuschender politischer Leisetreterei in Bozen und Wien sowie unerfüllter... more
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      ZeitgeschichteItalian Fascism, Mussolini, MussolinismoÖsterreich - ItalienSüdtirol-Konflikt
Connecting post-imperial studies to ruin studies, The Conquest of Ruins reconstructs and analyzes the Roman Empire’s afterlife as Western Europe’s history of neo-Roman mimesis. Each moment in the long European history of imitating Rome,... more
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      Ancient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
A propos du livre de Francesco Germinario «Fascisme et antisémitisme. Projet racial et idéologie totalitaire» (Fascismo e antisemitismo. Progetto razziale e ideologia totalitaria, Laterza, 2009) [Cet article fait partie d'une série de... more
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      Italian PoliticsAntisemitism/RacismsItalian fascismBenito Mussolini
Il fascismo fu moderno o anti-moderno? La sua ideologia, così come le sue decisioni politiche, furono una combinazione di modernità e di anti-modernità, oppure no? E se lo fu, quella ambivalenza va letta come il risultato di una... more
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      HistoryRural SociologyItalian StudiesUrban Politics
Winner of the Maltby Exhibition Prize for Best Dissertation. Using a marriage of archaeological, ancient, and modern sources, this dissertation aims to explore the relationship between urban space and identity in Mussolini’s Rome. The... more
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      ArchaeologyFascismTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient Rome
Emilio Gentile's review of David L. Kertzer’s "The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe" (New York: Random House, 2014). Translation by Steve Baker
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      Italian StudiesCatholic StudiesFascismTotalitarianism
Mussolini's Fascists staged their "March on Rome" in 1922 and bluffed their way to power. GERMAN / DEUTSCH Mit dem inszenierten „Marsch auf Rom“ tricksten sich Mussolinis Faschisten 1922 an die Macht. KEYWORDS / SCHLAGWÖRTER... more
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      Political SociologyCampaigningVisual propagandaPolitical Participation
Velikosrpska ideologija, talijanski iredentizam i nesposobna hrvatska politika, nametnule su Hrvatskoj sustav provedbe prava manjina, koji kao takav ne postoji u svijetu Takav sustav opasan je po suverenitet i integritet Republike... more
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      Italian Fascism, Mussolini, MussolinismoNacionalne manjineHrvatski Jezik
This article delves into the stories of two foreign queer spies in Fascist Italy, the Swiss Roberto Hodel and the German Gerhard Dobbert. The Fascist regime cultivated a dual relationship with homosexuals: it exploited them for their... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesQueer StudiesArchival Studies
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyItalian StudiesFascism