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This paper presents the events and interactions of solidarities that occurred in the area of upper Soča/Isonzo valley (today northwestern part of Slovenia) through years 1915-1917. The town Bovec and its surroundings were evacuated in May... more
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      Refugee StudiesSocial InteractionGreat WarFirst World War
Damir Feigel, primorski pisec humoristične proze, ki je največ ustvarjal v obdobju med dvema vojnama, je s stališča slovenske literarne zgodovine nedvomno obrobni avtor. Podobno je z njegovo prisotnostjo v slovenskih srednješolskih... more
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      Local HistoryLocal GovernmentNational IdentityHumor/Satire
Kratki uvod predstavi kulturo spominjanja in njeno nasprotje, kulturo pozabe. Pri tem posebno pozornost posveti prvi svetovni vojni, ki je v zadnjih štirih letih bila deležna veliko pozornosti. Kratek prispevek o soški fronti predstavi... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyMemory StudiesConflict Archaeology
Izvleček: Članek se poveča času od začetka prve svetovne vojne do začetka druge svetov-ne vojne, obravnavan je kolektivni spomin na begunsko izkušnjo, ki jo je skoraj celotno prebivalstvo Bovškega najprej doživelo v letih 1915–1918, nato... more
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      FascismGreat WarCollective MemoryFirst World War
PhD thesis - Arheologija soške fronte (Archaeology of the Isonzo Front)
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyAnthropology
Esplorare “un mondo” ormai scomparso e spesso dimenticato. È questo l’obiettivo del presente lavoro, che intende raccontare 100 anni di storia delle Fiamme Gialle nel Goriziano ripercorrendo le travagliate vicende storiche che hanno... more
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      Military HistoryWWIHistory of GoriziaIsonzo Front
Absicht des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es einige Aspekte im Bezug auf die Kriegserfahrungen und die Stellung der Kroaten in der Donaumonarchie während des Ersten Weltkriegs und unmittelbar nach dessen Ende darzustellen, um damit ein... more
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      Croatian HistoryWWIWorld War 1915 -1918Kroatien
Mt. Rombon, located in north-western Slovenia, was a part of the Soča Front during the First World War. The conflict that lasted from the end of May 1915 until the end of October 1917 left numerous traces in the landscape, whose social... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyGreat War
The First World War is still widely regarded as a recent event. However, with the passing of the last survivors, History is becoming the domain of Archaeology. These archaeological finds give a clear insight into global politics and... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and Technology
Mi ritrovo ancora a scrivere di questi eventi dolorosi. Come mi rendo conto di quanto sia necessario il divulgare queste parole quanto mi sento sempre di profanare qualcosa di altri e, in tutto questo materiale che è stato accumulato in... more
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      Prima Guerra MondialeHistory of Friuli Venezia GiuliaGrande GuerraIsonzo Front
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      HistoryArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyLiDAR
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      HistoryConflict ArchaeologyFirst World WarModern conflict archaeology
On May 24 th , 2015 one hundred years will have passed since the beginning of the armed conflict between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy on the Soča / Isonzo Front. We would like to mark the occasion of the centenary... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryGeographyMilitary Geography
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      PhotographyGreat WarPrisoners of WarCultural History of the First World War
This paper was presented in Grad Kromberk of Goriški muzej on 5th April 2016. In the presentation I reviewed the events that followed the Italy's declaration of war to Austria-Hungary. The area of city Bovec was immediately evacuated, the... more
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      Military HistoryRefugee StudiesGreat WarFirst World War
The paper analyses war memorials and commemorative practices in Venezia Giulia from 1918 to 1922. In this regard Venezia Giulia offers an especially relevant case study, as, due to heavy fighting along the Isonzo front, various local... more
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      HistoryArchitectureItalian (European History)Italian Studies
Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino LIV -1/2014 275 * Uroš Košir, univ. dipl. arheolog, Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije; Center za preventivno arheologijo, Uroš Košir: Arheološko dokumentiranje bojišča prve svetovne vojne na... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesGreat War
La storia del primo colpo di fucile sul fronte italiano della Grande Guerra
e del suo monumento commemorativo dedicato ai due finanzieri protagonisti
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      Military HistoryWWIPrima Guerra MondialeHistory of Gorizia
Vojni načrti Kraljevine Italije proti Avstro-Ogrski do vstopa v prvo svetovno vojno I piani di guerra del Regno d’Italia contro l’Austria-Angheria fino all’entrata nella Prima guerra mondiale Italian War Plans against Austria-Hungary... more
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      First World WarMilitary PlanningItalian ArmyIsonzo Front
A preliminary evaluation of the Soča Valley’s First and Second World War conflict landscapes has revealed the extraordinary preservation of archaeological and anthropological evidence. Adopting the multidisciplinary approach of “modern... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyGreat WarConflict Archaeology
The paper deals with responses to World War I in Slovenian secondary school literature textbooks in the interwar period. Among other texts, these textbooks in the 1920s feature writings about the Isonzo front, expressing the pain due to... more
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      Yugoslavia (History)History and Cultural Politics of the former Yugoslavia and its successor statesIsonzo Front
Le ravitaillement en vivres des soldats sur les champs de bataille a toujours été un défi très important pour l’intendance et la logistique militaires. Une alimentation inappropriée provoquait la faiblesse des soldats sur les plans tant... more
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      Austria (European History)Habsburg StudiesFood HistoryWorld War I
Prispevek poskuša orisati strukturno ureditev vojaške duhovščine pri soški armadi, kakor tudi delovanje vojaške duhovščine v času velike vojne. Pri tem se opira zlasti na arhivsko gradivo Vojnega arhiva z Dunaja in na poročila, ki so jih... more
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      Military HistoryChurch HistoryFirst World WarAustro-Hungarian History
This article explores three recent representations of the First World War—specifically of the Isonzo Front—in Slovenian popular music. It considers the works of Rodoljubac, Bakalina, and Bratko Bibič. These musicians and music collectives... more
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      FolkloreAnthropology of MusicPopular MusicSpace and Place
Successful joint operation of Austro-Hungarian and German army on 24th October 1917 moved the front between Italy and Austria-Hungary from Isonzo to Piave River. The area of town Bovec in Upper Soča valley, where part of the offensive was... more
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      Refugee StudiesGreat WarFirst World WarMemories and Experiences of War
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      Military HistoryArtilleryHistory of MuseumsFirst World War
The paper deals with responses to World War I in Slovenian secondary school literature textbooks in the interwar period. Among other texts, these textbooks in the 1920s feature writings about the Isonzo front, expressing the pain due to... more
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      NationalismYugoslaviaWorld War IRoman Empire
The Great War brought major changes along the valley of Isonzo river, as the Italian announcement of war meant new problems for the Austro-Hungarian army. During the period from 1915 to 1917 Italian army tried eleven times to break... more
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      Great WarFirst World WarMemories and Experiences of WarIsonzo Front
"On Hostile Feelings". Internment as an Anti-Slavic Practice on the Soča-Isonzo Front during the First World War. This article focuses on the characteristics on the Anti-Slavic practices set by the Italian military in order to legitimize... more
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      NationalismFirst World WarHistory of Nationalism and Nation-BuildingInternment (First World War)
Il Progetto “ - banca dati dei servizi sanitari italiani nella Grande Guerra” è ideato, curato e realizzato dall’Associazione Storica Cimeetrincee (ASCeT), un'associazione storica, apolitica e senza fini di lucro,... more
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      War StudiesWorld War IFirst World WarWWI
On 23 May 1915, Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary. The very next day the Italian army crossed the border and attacked the fortified positions of Austro-Hungarian armed forces in the Austrian Littoral (Österreichisches Küstenland).... more
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      World War IFirst World WarRefugee HistoryAustria-Hungary
The Soča (Isonzo) Front was the southernmost section of almost 600 km long front line between Austro-Hungarian Empire and Kingdom of Italy. One third of the Soča frontline ran over of the Upper Soča Valley and Julian Alps; large parts of... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyLiDAR
Co-authored by dr. Dušan Nečak
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      Military HistoryContemporary HistoryWar StudiesBiography
Prispevek obravnava odmeve na prvo svetovno vojno v slovenskih srednješolskih berilih v obdobju med dvema vojnama. V dvajsetih letih 20. stoletja se poleg drugih pojavljajo tudi zapisi o soški fronti, ki se povezujejo z izpovedjo bolečine... more
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      First World WarSloveniaAustria-HungaryKingdom of Yugoslavia
Paper on mysterious life and death of k.u.k. Feldpilot Hauptmann Franc Rabič (Franz Rabitsch).
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      AviationWorld War IFirst World WarAustro-Hungarian History
Using image-based 3D modelling technique several material remains of Soča Front were documented. These vary from monuments and chapels to gun position and stone build trenches with embrasures. We documented an Italian cemetery chapel near... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageGreat WarConflict Archaeology
15 novembre 1915. Un giovane uomo, sottotenente nel 2° Reggimento Artiglieria stazionante sulle alture antistanti il monte Podgora, sta dirigendo il suo cannone da 149 mm contro le posizioni austro-ungariche. Una granata, proveniente dal... more
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      First World WarUniversity HistoryFriuli Venezia GiuliaStoria Contemporanea
It was on the 23 of May 1915 when the Great war brought great changes to the judicial district of Bovec. The beginning of the war between the Kingdom of Italy and Austria-Hungary was in the Bovec’s district followed by the exile of most... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryRefugee StudiesGreat War
Lawrence Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf
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      Military HistoryFirst World WarAustria-HungaryIsonzo Front
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryMedia Studies
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      ArchaeologyGreat WarConflict ArchaeologyArchaeology of the Contemporary Past