Das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert im Fokus der Historischen Archäologie / The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th Centuries - Beiträge zur Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie in Österreich , 2024
Between 1915 and 1917, the Vršič pass represented an important hinterland of the Soča/Isonzo Fro... more Between 1915 and 1917, the Vršič pass represented an important hinterland of the Soča/Isonzo Front, over which a new military road and a system of cableways were constructed. The entire infrastructure was built by exploiting prisoners of war of various origins, but mainly from the Imperial Russian Army. This vast, multilayered conflict landscape with numerous remains was explored during a two-year research project using multi- and interdisciplinary approaches of modern conflict archaeology. The goal was to collect and evaluate relevant information about the legacy of the First World War between Kranjska Gora and Trenta in order to create an archaeological dataset for a future tourist-historical trail.
Druga svetovna vojna na slovenskem ozemlju se ni bojevala le po vaseh, po poljih, gozdovih in gor... more Druga svetovna vojna na slovenskem ozemlju se ni bojevala le po vaseh, po poljih, gozdovih in gorskih grapah, vojna je potekala tudi nad glavami takratnih prebivalcev in vojakov, visoko nad oblaki ali celo nizko nad tlemi. Bolj kot se je bližal konec vojne, bolj pogosto so na nebu zavezniška letala zamenjala nemška letala, ki so bila v manjšini. Preleti bombnikov na poti v Rajh so že v letu 1944
Arheologija modernih konfliktov Prva svetovna vojna je bila dolga leta deležna le obravnave s str... more Arheologija modernih konfliktov Prva svetovna vojna je bila dolga leta deležna le obravnave s strani zgodovinopisja, v zadnjih tridesetih letih pa se njenega preučevanja loteva tudi arheologija. Začetek arheoloških raziskav vojnih ostalin lahko postavimo na območje zahodne fronte v Franciji in Belgiji, kjer so posamezni arheologi začeli ugotavljati, da imajo ohranjene ostaline na nekdanjih bojiščih in v zaledju velik informacijski potencial, na podlagi
Prispevek obravnava problematiko vojaških pokopališč in grobov vojnih ujetnikov in vojakov iz čas... more Prispevek obravnava problematiko vojaških pokopališč in grobov vojnih ujetnikov in vojakov iz časa prve svetovne vojne, ki so nastali na območju med Trento in Kranjsko Goro. Na podlagi arhivskih in drugih virov ter terenskih raziskav so prikazane in opisane lokacije nekdanjih in sedanjih pokopališč, dostopni popisi pokopanih vojakov in ujetnikov pa predstavljajo izhodišče za oceno števila ruskih, italijanskih, srbskih in drugih vojnih ujetnikov ter vojakov, ki so umrli na obravnavanem območju. Rezultati kažejo, da je njihovo število precej manjše od številk, ki so se dolgo pojavljale v slovenski literaturi in v pričevanjih očividcev dogodkov v času prve svetovne vojne.
The contribution discusses the problem of the Russian Chapel and the grave of an unknown Russian ... more The contribution discusses the problem of the Russian Chapel and the grave of an unknown Russian prisoner of war on the Vršič Pass, which are at the centre of many historically unfounded assertions, especially those concerning the date and the reason for the construction of the chapel and the number of graves in its vicinity. The interwar period even witnessed the institution of a commemoration dedicated to the grave of an unknown prisoner of war, whose identity is now no longer a mystery. Based on newspaper sources and archival materials, the article points to discrepancies between the misapprehension and erroneous interpretation of the above-mentioned vestiges of the First World War and their actual historical context.
ABSTRACT Mt. Rombon, located in north-western Slovenia, was a part of the Soča Front during the F... more ABSTRACT Mt. Rombon, located in north-western Slovenia, was a part of the Soča Front during the First World War. The conflict that lasted from the end of May 1915 until the end of October 1917 left numerous traces in the landscape, whose social meanings and understandings changed as it shifted from a landscape of peace to a place associated with war. Alongside social meanings, the human experiences with the landscape also changed. This is evident through every main episode of the landscapes constructed biography. It also became clear that this alpine landscape has had a great impact on human activities and vice versa, which is noticeable in the nature of anthropogenic features and organization of the landscape itself throughout history.
The Soča (Isonzo) Front was the southernmost section of almost 600 km long front line between Aus... more The Soča (Isonzo) Front was the southernmost section of almost 600 km long front line between Austro-Hungarian Empire and Kingdom of Italy. One third of the Soča frontline ran over of the Upper Soča Valley and Julian Alps; large parts of this conflict landscape are located in a remote and inaccessible terrain – either covered by dense forest or located in the mountains. This chapter focuses on the survey of the conflict landscape in the Upper Soča Valley, Slovenia. Conflict landscapes are often multi-temporal, where features that were used, reused and modified during conflicts form a complex palimpsest of traces. In order to understand the relations between individual features, structures and the surrounding landscape, an integrated approach using remote sensing methods (Airborne Laser Scanning) and field surveys was employed. This allowed us to approach the landscape as a whole. The landscape was not just a setting, nor was it an artefact resulting from human activity. Instead, the landscape played an active role in the life of people during conflicts. The close perspective offered by field survey brings additional insights to the vast quantity of remains, their preservation and post-abandonment processes, and the attrition of remains in the harsh environmental conditions and from scavenging and relic hunting. Integrating remote sensing and field survey allow us to approach a hostile landscape shaped by forces bigger than a single human life, but also to interrogate material practices that struggle to preserve the integrity and identity of bodies thrown into conflict.
The archaeology of genocide, war crimes, and mass death has become a growing sub-discipline in re... more The archaeology of genocide, war crimes, and mass death has become a growing sub-discipline in recent decades, with the most attention given to the locations of National Socialist ‘terror and mass death’. Within genocide research, the porajmos, or genocide of Romani people, is not a well-known topic, especially in Slovenia. Contrary to popular belief, the mistreatment of Romani and violence against them was not inflicted only by the Nazis and their allies, but by pro-communist-orientated Slovenian partisans as well. Archaeological traces of three mass executions have provided us with evidence of serious and poignant crimes committed against the Romani ethnic minority. The remains might have a significant role in determining whether these crimes are a part of porajmos or not and represent a unique material testimony of crimes against the Romani population in the Slovenian and the wider European context.
The paper examines the applicability of a metal detector survey and distribution analysis of most... more The paper examines the applicability of a metal detector survey and distribution analysis of mostly metal objects at four post-World War II mass execution sites in Ko?evski Rog, Slovenia. All locations were surveyed with the intent to gather the material evidence, reconstruct the events and identify areas of different activities. With the distribution analysis, we were able to reconstruct pathways leading through forest to the execution sites; places of untying, undressing and restricting of the victims; and places of shooting. Locations with discarded and sometimes burned clothing, equipment and personal belongings were also found, containing various metal and non-metal objects. Metal detector survey and distribution analysis of objects proved to be an excellent tool for researching, interpreting and reconstructing poorly documented events, such as World War II and post-war extrajudicial mass executions.
Mednarodni uredniški odbor: dr. Kornelija Ajlec (SI), dr. Tina Bahovec (SI), dr. Bojan Balkovec (... more Mednarodni uredniški odbor: dr. Kornelija Ajlec (SI), dr. Tina Bahovec (SI), dr. Bojan Balkovec (SI) (tehnični urednik), dr. Rajko Bratož (SI), dr. Ernst Bruckmüller (AT), dr. Liliana Ferrari (IT), dr. Ivo Goldstein (HR), dr. Žarko Lazarević (SI), dr. Dušan Mlacović (SI) (namestnik odgovornega urednika), dr. Božo Repe (SI), dr. Franc Rozman (SI), Janez Stergar (SI), dr. Imre Szilágyi (H), dr. Peter Štih (SI) (odgovorni urednik), dr. Marta Verginella (SI), dr. Peter Vodopivec (SI), dr. Marija Wakounig (AT) Za vsebino prispevkov so odgovorni avtorji, prav tako morajo poskrbeti za avtorske pravice za objavljeno slikovno in drugo gradivo, v kolikor je to potrebno. Ponatis člankov in slik je mogoč samo z dovoljenjem uredništva in navedbo vira. Redakcija tega zvezka je bila zaključena 6. april 2022.
Prispevek obravnava problematiko Ruske kapelice in groba neznanega ruskega vojnega ujetnika na Vr... more Prispevek obravnava problematiko Ruske kapelice in groba neznanega ruskega vojnega ujetnika na Vršiču, okoli katerih so spletene številne zgodovinsko nedokazane trditve. Te se nanašajo na čas in razlog izgradnje kapelice ter na število grobov v njeni bližini, v času med svetovnima vojnama pa se je izoblikovala celo komemoracija, osredotočena na grob neznanega ujetnika, ki danes ni več neznan. Na podlagi časopisnih virov in arhivskega gradiva je prikazano nasprotje med napačnim razumevanjem in interpretiranjem omenjenih ostalin iz časa prve svetovne vojne ter njunim resničnim zgodovinskim ozadjem.
KLJUČNE BESEDE Vršič, Ruska kapelica, grobovi, vojni ujetniki, prva svetovna vojna
ABSTRACT: THE RUSSIAN CHAPEL AND THE GRAVE OF AN UNKNOWN PRISONER OF WAR. BETWEEN MYTH AND TRUTH The contribution discusses the problem of the Russian Chapel and the grave of an unknown Russian prisoner of war on the Vršič Pass, which are at the centre of many historically unfounded assertions, especially those concerning the date and the reason for the construction of the chapel and the number of graves in its vicinity. The interwar period even witnessed the institution of a commemoration dedicated to the grave of an unknown prisoner of war, whose identity is now no longer a mystery. Based on newspaper sources and archival materials, the article points to discrepancies between the misapprehension and erroneous interpretation of the above-mentioned vestiges of the First World War and their actual historical context.
Arheologija v letu 2020. Dediščina za javnost., 2021
Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokov... more Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokovno srečanje Slovenskega arheološkega društva na spletni videokonferenci 10. decembra 2021
Arheologija v letu 2020. Dediščina za javnost., 2021
Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokov... more Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokovno srečanje Slovenskega arheološkega društva na spletni videokonferenci 10. decembra 2021
Forced Soldiers II - People of Gorenjska and Koroška Mobilized into the German Army 1943-1945, 2021
The uniforms of the German armed forces are probably the most recognizable from the Second World ... more The uniforms of the German armed forces are probably the most recognizable from the Second World War, especially their individual elements such as helmets or insignia. Generally, all soldiers, regardless of the branch of the military, could wear jackets, trousers, shorts, coats, anoraks, helmets, hats, caps, boots, shoes etc. The many variants of the basic pieces of clothing and specialized clothing for individual military branches and purposes represent a very complex selection of uniforms and clothes of various colours and models (Davis 1980, 8) that are not mentioned or described herein. Nevertheless, a general look of the uniforms of most mobilized Slovenes is presented. Reich Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst) Reich Labour Service developed from the previous Nationalsocialist Voluntary Labour Service (NS Freiwilligenarbeitsdienst) which was established in 1931 (Davis 1980, 133; Kokalj Kočevar 2017, 162). From 1935 onwards, all male citizens of the Reich between 17 and 25 years of age had to serve six months in the Reich Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst-RAD), later 3 137 this included people from annexed areas, such as Gorenjska, Koroška and Štajerska. After the war started, RAD represented a significant support for German armed forces, and the men and boys were adjusted to military life. In the second half of the war, RAD members were also tasked with building fortifications and trained in anti-air fighting and similar duties (Davis 1980, 133-135; Kokalj Kočevar 2017, 162). After entering the RAD, the men received light work or 10 9
Das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert im Fokus der Historischen Archäologie / The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th Centuries - Beiträge zur Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie in Österreich , 2024
Between 1915 and 1917, the Vršič pass represented an important hinterland of the Soča/Isonzo Fro... more Between 1915 and 1917, the Vršič pass represented an important hinterland of the Soča/Isonzo Front, over which a new military road and a system of cableways were constructed. The entire infrastructure was built by exploiting prisoners of war of various origins, but mainly from the Imperial Russian Army. This vast, multilayered conflict landscape with numerous remains was explored during a two-year research project using multi- and interdisciplinary approaches of modern conflict archaeology. The goal was to collect and evaluate relevant information about the legacy of the First World War between Kranjska Gora and Trenta in order to create an archaeological dataset for a future tourist-historical trail.
Druga svetovna vojna na slovenskem ozemlju se ni bojevala le po vaseh, po poljih, gozdovih in gor... more Druga svetovna vojna na slovenskem ozemlju se ni bojevala le po vaseh, po poljih, gozdovih in gorskih grapah, vojna je potekala tudi nad glavami takratnih prebivalcev in vojakov, visoko nad oblaki ali celo nizko nad tlemi. Bolj kot se je bližal konec vojne, bolj pogosto so na nebu zavezniška letala zamenjala nemška letala, ki so bila v manjšini. Preleti bombnikov na poti v Rajh so že v letu 1944
Arheologija modernih konfliktov Prva svetovna vojna je bila dolga leta deležna le obravnave s str... more Arheologija modernih konfliktov Prva svetovna vojna je bila dolga leta deležna le obravnave s strani zgodovinopisja, v zadnjih tridesetih letih pa se njenega preučevanja loteva tudi arheologija. Začetek arheoloških raziskav vojnih ostalin lahko postavimo na območje zahodne fronte v Franciji in Belgiji, kjer so posamezni arheologi začeli ugotavljati, da imajo ohranjene ostaline na nekdanjih bojiščih in v zaledju velik informacijski potencial, na podlagi
Prispevek obravnava problematiko vojaških pokopališč in grobov vojnih ujetnikov in vojakov iz čas... more Prispevek obravnava problematiko vojaških pokopališč in grobov vojnih ujetnikov in vojakov iz časa prve svetovne vojne, ki so nastali na območju med Trento in Kranjsko Goro. Na podlagi arhivskih in drugih virov ter terenskih raziskav so prikazane in opisane lokacije nekdanjih in sedanjih pokopališč, dostopni popisi pokopanih vojakov in ujetnikov pa predstavljajo izhodišče za oceno števila ruskih, italijanskih, srbskih in drugih vojnih ujetnikov ter vojakov, ki so umrli na obravnavanem območju. Rezultati kažejo, da je njihovo število precej manjše od številk, ki so se dolgo pojavljale v slovenski literaturi in v pričevanjih očividcev dogodkov v času prve svetovne vojne.
The contribution discusses the problem of the Russian Chapel and the grave of an unknown Russian ... more The contribution discusses the problem of the Russian Chapel and the grave of an unknown Russian prisoner of war on the Vršič Pass, which are at the centre of many historically unfounded assertions, especially those concerning the date and the reason for the construction of the chapel and the number of graves in its vicinity. The interwar period even witnessed the institution of a commemoration dedicated to the grave of an unknown prisoner of war, whose identity is now no longer a mystery. Based on newspaper sources and archival materials, the article points to discrepancies between the misapprehension and erroneous interpretation of the above-mentioned vestiges of the First World War and their actual historical context.
ABSTRACT Mt. Rombon, located in north-western Slovenia, was a part of the Soča Front during the F... more ABSTRACT Mt. Rombon, located in north-western Slovenia, was a part of the Soča Front during the First World War. The conflict that lasted from the end of May 1915 until the end of October 1917 left numerous traces in the landscape, whose social meanings and understandings changed as it shifted from a landscape of peace to a place associated with war. Alongside social meanings, the human experiences with the landscape also changed. This is evident through every main episode of the landscapes constructed biography. It also became clear that this alpine landscape has had a great impact on human activities and vice versa, which is noticeable in the nature of anthropogenic features and organization of the landscape itself throughout history.
The Soča (Isonzo) Front was the southernmost section of almost 600 km long front line between Aus... more The Soča (Isonzo) Front was the southernmost section of almost 600 km long front line between Austro-Hungarian Empire and Kingdom of Italy. One third of the Soča frontline ran over of the Upper Soča Valley and Julian Alps; large parts of this conflict landscape are located in a remote and inaccessible terrain – either covered by dense forest or located in the mountains. This chapter focuses on the survey of the conflict landscape in the Upper Soča Valley, Slovenia. Conflict landscapes are often multi-temporal, where features that were used, reused and modified during conflicts form a complex palimpsest of traces. In order to understand the relations between individual features, structures and the surrounding landscape, an integrated approach using remote sensing methods (Airborne Laser Scanning) and field surveys was employed. This allowed us to approach the landscape as a whole. The landscape was not just a setting, nor was it an artefact resulting from human activity. Instead, the landscape played an active role in the life of people during conflicts. The close perspective offered by field survey brings additional insights to the vast quantity of remains, their preservation and post-abandonment processes, and the attrition of remains in the harsh environmental conditions and from scavenging and relic hunting. Integrating remote sensing and field survey allow us to approach a hostile landscape shaped by forces bigger than a single human life, but also to interrogate material practices that struggle to preserve the integrity and identity of bodies thrown into conflict.
The archaeology of genocide, war crimes, and mass death has become a growing sub-discipline in re... more The archaeology of genocide, war crimes, and mass death has become a growing sub-discipline in recent decades, with the most attention given to the locations of National Socialist ‘terror and mass death’. Within genocide research, the porajmos, or genocide of Romani people, is not a well-known topic, especially in Slovenia. Contrary to popular belief, the mistreatment of Romani and violence against them was not inflicted only by the Nazis and their allies, but by pro-communist-orientated Slovenian partisans as well. Archaeological traces of three mass executions have provided us with evidence of serious and poignant crimes committed against the Romani ethnic minority. The remains might have a significant role in determining whether these crimes are a part of porajmos or not and represent a unique material testimony of crimes against the Romani population in the Slovenian and the wider European context.
The paper examines the applicability of a metal detector survey and distribution analysis of most... more The paper examines the applicability of a metal detector survey and distribution analysis of mostly metal objects at four post-World War II mass execution sites in Ko?evski Rog, Slovenia. All locations were surveyed with the intent to gather the material evidence, reconstruct the events and identify areas of different activities. With the distribution analysis, we were able to reconstruct pathways leading through forest to the execution sites; places of untying, undressing and restricting of the victims; and places of shooting. Locations with discarded and sometimes burned clothing, equipment and personal belongings were also found, containing various metal and non-metal objects. Metal detector survey and distribution analysis of objects proved to be an excellent tool for researching, interpreting and reconstructing poorly documented events, such as World War II and post-war extrajudicial mass executions.
Mednarodni uredniški odbor: dr. Kornelija Ajlec (SI), dr. Tina Bahovec (SI), dr. Bojan Balkovec (... more Mednarodni uredniški odbor: dr. Kornelija Ajlec (SI), dr. Tina Bahovec (SI), dr. Bojan Balkovec (SI) (tehnični urednik), dr. Rajko Bratož (SI), dr. Ernst Bruckmüller (AT), dr. Liliana Ferrari (IT), dr. Ivo Goldstein (HR), dr. Žarko Lazarević (SI), dr. Dušan Mlacović (SI) (namestnik odgovornega urednika), dr. Božo Repe (SI), dr. Franc Rozman (SI), Janez Stergar (SI), dr. Imre Szilágyi (H), dr. Peter Štih (SI) (odgovorni urednik), dr. Marta Verginella (SI), dr. Peter Vodopivec (SI), dr. Marija Wakounig (AT) Za vsebino prispevkov so odgovorni avtorji, prav tako morajo poskrbeti za avtorske pravice za objavljeno slikovno in drugo gradivo, v kolikor je to potrebno. Ponatis člankov in slik je mogoč samo z dovoljenjem uredništva in navedbo vira. Redakcija tega zvezka je bila zaključena 6. april 2022.
Prispevek obravnava problematiko Ruske kapelice in groba neznanega ruskega vojnega ujetnika na Vr... more Prispevek obravnava problematiko Ruske kapelice in groba neznanega ruskega vojnega ujetnika na Vršiču, okoli katerih so spletene številne zgodovinsko nedokazane trditve. Te se nanašajo na čas in razlog izgradnje kapelice ter na število grobov v njeni bližini, v času med svetovnima vojnama pa se je izoblikovala celo komemoracija, osredotočena na grob neznanega ujetnika, ki danes ni več neznan. Na podlagi časopisnih virov in arhivskega gradiva je prikazano nasprotje med napačnim razumevanjem in interpretiranjem omenjenih ostalin iz časa prve svetovne vojne ter njunim resničnim zgodovinskim ozadjem.
KLJUČNE BESEDE Vršič, Ruska kapelica, grobovi, vojni ujetniki, prva svetovna vojna
ABSTRACT: THE RUSSIAN CHAPEL AND THE GRAVE OF AN UNKNOWN PRISONER OF WAR. BETWEEN MYTH AND TRUTH The contribution discusses the problem of the Russian Chapel and the grave of an unknown Russian prisoner of war on the Vršič Pass, which are at the centre of many historically unfounded assertions, especially those concerning the date and the reason for the construction of the chapel and the number of graves in its vicinity. The interwar period even witnessed the institution of a commemoration dedicated to the grave of an unknown prisoner of war, whose identity is now no longer a mystery. Based on newspaper sources and archival materials, the article points to discrepancies between the misapprehension and erroneous interpretation of the above-mentioned vestiges of the First World War and their actual historical context.
Arheologija v letu 2020. Dediščina za javnost., 2021
Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokov... more Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokovno srečanje Slovenskega arheološkega društva na spletni videokonferenci 10. decembra 2021
Arheologija v letu 2020. Dediščina za javnost., 2021
Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokov... more Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokovno srečanje Slovenskega arheološkega društva na spletni videokonferenci 10. decembra 2021
Forced Soldiers II - People of Gorenjska and Koroška Mobilized into the German Army 1943-1945, 2021
The uniforms of the German armed forces are probably the most recognizable from the Second World ... more The uniforms of the German armed forces are probably the most recognizable from the Second World War, especially their individual elements such as helmets or insignia. Generally, all soldiers, regardless of the branch of the military, could wear jackets, trousers, shorts, coats, anoraks, helmets, hats, caps, boots, shoes etc. The many variants of the basic pieces of clothing and specialized clothing for individual military branches and purposes represent a very complex selection of uniforms and clothes of various colours and models (Davis 1980, 8) that are not mentioned or described herein. Nevertheless, a general look of the uniforms of most mobilized Slovenes is presented. Reich Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst) Reich Labour Service developed from the previous Nationalsocialist Voluntary Labour Service (NS Freiwilligenarbeitsdienst) which was established in 1931 (Davis 1980, 133; Kokalj Kočevar 2017, 162). From 1935 onwards, all male citizens of the Reich between 17 and 25 years of age had to serve six months in the Reich Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst-RAD), later 3 137 this included people from annexed areas, such as Gorenjska, Koroška and Štajerska. After the war started, RAD represented a significant support for German armed forces, and the men and boys were adjusted to military life. In the second half of the war, RAD members were also tasked with building fortifications and trained in anti-air fighting and similar duties (Davis 1980, 133-135; Kokalj Kočevar 2017, 162). After entering the RAD, the men received light work or 10 9
On May 24 th , 2015 one hundred years will have passed since the beginning of the armed conflict ... more On May 24 th , 2015 one hundred years will have passed since the beginning of the armed conflict between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy on the Soča / Isonzo Front. We would like to mark the occasion of the centenary with the first international conference on multidisciplinary research of modern conflicts, focusing on the Great War and its numerous legacies, to take place in Slovenia.
On May 24th, 2015 one hundred years will have passed since the beginning of the armed conflict be... more On May 24th, 2015 one hundred years will have passed since the beginning of the armed conflict between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy on the Soča / Isonzo Front. We will mark the occasion of the centenary with the first international conference on multidisciplinary research of modern conflicts, focusing on the Great War and its numerous legacies, to take place in Slovenia.
On May 24 th , 2015 one hundred years will have passed since the beginning of the armed conflict ... more On May 24 th , 2015 one hundred years will have passed since the beginning of the armed conflict between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy on the Soča / Isonzo Front. We would like to mark the occasion of the centenary with the first international conference on multidisciplinary research of modern conflicts, focusing on the Great War and its numerous legacies, to take place in Slovenia.
Using image-based 3D modelling technique several material remains of Soča Front were documented. ... more Using image-based 3D modelling technique several material remains of Soča Front were documented. These vary from monuments and chapels to gun position and stone build trenches with embrasures. We documented an Italian cemetery chapel near Lokvica and several Austro-Hungarian structures: military chapel of Feldspital 808 at Kosovelje, entrance pillar of Štanjel cemetery, grave marker of an Austro-Hungarian gunner at Log pod Mangartom and stone build trenches, shelter and gun position at Čelo above Kal -Koritnica near Bovec.
Arheologija v letu 2020. Dediščina za javnost., 2021
Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokov... more Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokovno srečanje Slovenskega arheološkega društva na spletni videokonferenci 10. decembra 2021
"Varuhi kontekstov" K odgovornejši rabi arheoloških virov v Evropi - knjiga povzetkov / "Guardians of the contexts". Towards a (more) responsible use of European archaeological resources - book of abstracts (Črešnar, M., A. Gaspari (eds.), page 9), 2018
Rediscovering the Great War - Archaeology and Enduring Legacies on the Soča and Eastern Fronts, 2019
The Great War was a turning point of the twentieth century, giving birth to a new, modern, and in... more The Great War was a turning point of the twentieth century, giving birth to a new, modern, and industrial approach to warfare that changed the world forever. The remembrance, awareness, and knowledge of the conflict and, most importantly, of those who participated and were affected by it, altered from country to country, and in some cases has been almost entirely forgotten.
New research strategies have emerged to help broaden our understanding of the First World War. Multidisciplinary approaches have been applied to material culture and conflict landscapes, from archive sources analysis and aerial photography to remote sensing, GIS and field research. Working within the context of a material and archival understanding of war, this book combines papers from different study fields that present interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches towards researching the First World War and its legacies, with particular concentration on the central and eastern European theatres of war.
"Iron greetings from the sky" Archaeological investigation and recovery of Supermarine Spitfire MJ116 near Ižanska cesta in Ljubljana and the last mission of Sergeant Peter J Clark with No. 73 Squadron of the Royal Air Force edited by Andrej Gaspari, 2021
Arheološka raziskava ostankov britanskega lovskega letala supermarine spitfire MJ116 ob Ižanski c... more Arheološka raziskava ostankov britanskega lovskega letala supermarine spitfire MJ116 ob Ižanski cesti v Ljubljani in zadnji polet narednika Petra J. Clarka v 73. skupini Kraljevih letalskih sil "Iron greetings from the sky" Archaeological investigation and recovery of Supermarine Spitfire MJ116 near Ižanska cesta in Ljubljana and the last mission of Sergeant Peter J Clark with No. 73 Squadron of the Royal Air Force » Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a « uredil/edited by Andrej Gaspari Iron greetings from the sky Predgovor 1 Arheološka raziskava ostankov britanskega lovskega letala supermarine spitfire MJ116 ob Ižanski cesti v Ljubljani in zadnji polet narednika Petra J. Clarka v 73. skupini Kraljevih letalskih sil "Iron greetings from the sky" Archaeological investigation and recovery of Supermarine Spitfire MJ116 near Ižanska cesta in Ljubljana and the last mission of Sergeant Peter J Clark with No. 73 Squadron of the Royal Air Force » Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a « uredil/edited by Andrej Gaspari Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a Predgovor 2 »Jekleni pozdravi iz zraka« Arheološka raziskava ostankov britanskega lovskega letala supermarine spitfire MJ116 ob Ižanski cesti v Ljubljani in zadnji polet narednika Petra J. Clarka v 73. skupini Kraljevih letalskih sil
Papers by Uroš Košir
KLJUČNE BESEDE Vršič, Ruska kapelica, grobovi, vojni ujetniki, prva svetovna vojna
The contribution discusses the problem of the Russian Chapel and the grave of an unknown Russian prisoner of war on the Vršič Pass, which are at the centre of many historically unfounded assertions, especially those concerning the date and the reason for the construction of the chapel and the number of graves in its vicinity. The interwar period even witnessed the institution of a commemoration dedicated to the grave of an unknown prisoner of war, whose identity is now no longer a mystery. Based on newspaper sources and archival materials, the article points to discrepancies between the misapprehension and erroneous interpretation of the above-mentioned vestiges of the First World War and their actual historical context.
KLJUČNE BESEDE Vršič, Ruska kapelica, grobovi, vojni ujetniki, prva svetovna vojna
The contribution discusses the problem of the Russian Chapel and the grave of an unknown Russian prisoner of war on the Vršič Pass, which are at the centre of many historically unfounded assertions, especially those concerning the date and the reason for the construction of the chapel and the number of graves in its vicinity. The interwar period even witnessed the institution of a commemoration dedicated to the grave of an unknown prisoner of war, whose identity is now no longer a mystery. Based on newspaper sources and archival materials, the article points to discrepancies between the misapprehension and erroneous interpretation of the above-mentioned vestiges of the First World War and their actual historical context.
New research strategies have emerged to help broaden our understanding of the First World War. Multidisciplinary approaches have been applied to material culture and conflict landscapes, from archive sources analysis and aerial photography to remote sensing, GIS and field research. Working within the context of a material and archival understanding of war, this book combines papers from different study fields that present interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches towards researching the First World War and its legacies, with particular concentration on the central and eastern European theatres of war.