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Inside the Chaco War, which faced Bolivia and Paraguay (1932-1935), it has been analyzed, first, that component factors of the Operational Environment exerted more influence on the military leadership of Paraguay at the Operational level... more
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      Military HistoryHistoria MilitarMilitary PlanningChaco War
Defeat Mechanisms either in concept or in practical application are intended to provide stratagems for achieving victory over an opponent, how to articulate desired effects on the enemy, describe singular action or patterns of activities... more
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      Tactics (Military Science)Military PlanningMilitary Strategy and Tactics
Against the backdrop of Morini's 2010 article focused on the need to take regional perspectives into account when articulating an Afghan strategy, and in light of the harried 2021 withdrawal, argues for the use of what Dr. Jeffrey Reilly... more
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      Strategic StudiesAfghanistanMilitaryStrategy
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      Fuerzas ArmadasDefence PlanningEspañaSeguridad Y Defensa
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      Military IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)ResilienceStrategic Surprise
Esta investigación incursiona en un nivel de guerra poco conocido en 1982, y ampliamente estudiado en el día de hoy: el nivel operacional de la guerra en el Conflicto del Atlántico Sur.(Autores: de Vergara, Evergisto, Demierre, Luis A y... more
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      Military PlanningFalklands/MalvinasDoctrina MilitarGuerra de Malvinas
Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) evolved rapidly after the mid-1990s because of advances in technology. Joint doctrine attempted to respond to the advances in technology and the growing power of geographical information system (GIS)... more
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      Military ScienceDecision MakingEnvironmental Planning and DesignComplexity Science and Design
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      PeruMilitary PlanningDefense PolicyDefense Planning
Captain B. H. Liddell Hart, a military theorist of the twentieth century, started to formulate his concept of the strategy of indirect approach based on the analysis of military history, which was summarized in the study of warfare theory... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)
The arrival of the Allies in Italy in July 1943 was not the result of an impromptu decision, but rather of a prolonged debate that involved both political and military agencies in London and Washington for the first four years of the... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesContemporary History
In the fateful years of 1938 – 1940 the Lithuanian Government failed to resort to armed resistance. It is still being argued whether Lithuania had any chances and was prepared, on its own, for the armed defence of its sovereignty. There... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)
Joint planners insufficiently apply Third Offset capabilities to outweigh those of peer adversaries, a disconnect from senior defense officials increasingly relying on the offsets to counter complex global problems. Adversaries are... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Military PlanningMilitary Operational ArtJoint Military Operations
After the withdrawal of the Syrian armed forces from Lebanon in 2005, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) began to operationalize their capability development. Despite the lack of top-down, strategic policy guidance to inform force posture,... more
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      LebanonCivil-military relationsMilitary PlanningDefense Planning
The article deals with the Lithuanian Army Headquarters defence plans for the Klaipeda Region (Memel Territory) and Klaipeda city against Germany of the 1930’s, providing for their implementation options in the event of military conflict... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)War Studies
Military decision-making is, at its core, about making predictions. Current military decision-making doctrine, however, does not support the making of good predictions. This doctrine is overly dependent on the expertise of influential... more
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      Military IntelligenceHeuristicsIndustrial and Organizational PsychologyIntuition
This report presents the review of workforce planning applications of operations research and explores potential modelling of military training. We classify the operations research techniques applied in workforce planning into four major... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceOperations ResearchModellingMilitary Planning
In combat, commanders and their staffs fight a battle against time. Today, more than ever before in the history of warfare, rapid decision-making is required at the tactical level of war. The increased tempo of 2 1st century warfare will... more
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      Military ScienceDecision MakingLeadershipWar Studies
The first military doctrine in Lithuania during the interwar period was drafted in 1922. The doctrine is the basic belief on which the state military system is based and where the rules on how to train soldiers and how they must fight are... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)
Vojni načrti Kraljevine Italije proti Avstro-Ogrski do vstopa v prvo svetovno vojno I piani di guerra del Regno d’Italia contro l’Austria-Angheria fino all’entrata nella Prima guerra mondiale Italian War Plans against Austria-Hungary... more
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      First World WarMilitary PlanningItalian ArmyIsonzo Front
This report is a practical guide for military staff officers involved in the planning, execution and assessment of military operations where protection of civilians is or may become an objective. It aims to help bridge the gap between the... more
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      Military PlanningProtection of Civilians in Armed ConflictThe utility of military force in contemporary peacekeeping operations
We hereby draw readers’ attention to two historical sources related to the military history of Lithuania in the interwar period. The first document is a brief overview of the military activities of the Lithuanian armed forces that took... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)War StudiesFirst World War
Esse artigo apresenta a relação entre a Ciência e a Arte Operacional, que vem sendo questionada nos Estudos da Guerra por séculos. Ele examina essa relação por meio de uma metodologia que emprega uma pesquisa baseada em revisão literária,... more
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      Design thinkingMilitary PlanningPlanejamento Estrategico
The "study" of 1905, "The next war in Germany" was implemented by the German Army Lieutenant Colonel Baron von der Osten-Sacken-Rhein, and it was published in Berlin in 1905. The purpose of this study was to instill in German public... more
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      Military HistoryGerman HistoryStrategic Planning20th Century German History
Анализ вопроса о том, как британская армия выполняла функцию "имперской полиции" в 1920-е гг., и как это отразилось на ее подготовке ко Второй мировой войне. The analysis of question, how the British army performed the "imperial police"... more
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      AfghanistanTurkeySecond World WarCounterinsurgency
Discusses David Epstein’s analysis of cross-domain expertise, and breadth, raised in his recent book and extends the author’s observations and arguments by applying them to planning and professional military education
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      MilitaryStrategyProfessional Military EducationMilitary Planning
La planificación y ejecución de todas las operaciones militares siempre han contemplado entre sus aspectos más relevantes, el concepto de Seguridad. Sin embargo, la evolución de la doctrina, fruto del permanente cambio que caracteriza al... more
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      Military ScienceMilitary PlanningCiencias MilitaresStrategy and Military Operations
Die sicherheits- und geopolitische Situation in Europa nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer 1989 verlangte nach der Mitarbeit der Europäischen Union (EU) in der autonomen Friedenssicherung im europäischen Umfeld. Um ihren heterogenen... more
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      PoliceMilitary PlanningEU CFSP & CSDP
Artykuł umieszczony jest w kolekcji cyfrowej, gromadzącej zawartość polskich czasopism humanistycznych i społecznych, tworzonej przez Muzeum Historii Polski w Warszawie w ramach prac podejmowanych na rzecz zapewnienia... more
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      Policy Analysis and Decision MakingPoland's Foreign and Security PolicyMilitary Dictatorshiphistory of Poland
The British intervention in Sierra Leone in 2000 -- Operation Palliser -- offers lessons on peacekeeping, diplomacy, Public Diplomacy, and information operations. "Information and communications" is one of the key four capability sets... more
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      Public DiplomacySierra LeonePeacekeepingPsychological operations (PSYOP)
The relations of Lithuania and Poland in the interwar years were tense and even hostile due to occupation of the Vilnius Regions by Poland, thus it is natural that Poland for a lengthy time was identified as the main enemy in the... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)
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      Military PlanningGallipoli Campaign 1915
This article discusses the need to understand the balance between the information and physical dimensions to war - for no single dimension will lead to tactical or strategic victory. After all, there is only war...
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Tactics (Military Science)War Studies
To assist officers attending the Combat Officers Advanced Course (COAC), Combat Command Wing (CCW) staff developed tips on both preparation for and performance on the course. While prepared principally for junior officers, this article... more
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      Tactics (Military Science)MilitaryAustralian ArmyMilitary Planning
Our current conflicts require action across all domains: the physical, information and cognitive. However, one must ask if the idea of ‘messaging and narrative’ has been over emphasised to the detriment of real actions. Is Information... more
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      War TheoryInformation operations (IO)Military Education and TrainingCommand and Control
Over the years, military planning has attracted a lot of attention by researchers with the aim of providing automated planning support tools. There have been some successes (e.g., DART system which was used for movement during Gulf war)... more
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      EngineeringDecision Support SystemsProblem SolvingAutomation
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)
I forkant av frigjøringen utførte den norske militærattacheen i Sovjetunionen Arne Dahl oppgaver som lignet på oppgavene til militærattacheer fra andre antifascistiske land. Den norske militærattacheen koordinerte samarbeidet mellom den... more
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      Military HistorySoviet HistoryWar StudiesNorthern Europe
La planificación y ejecución de todas las operaciones militares siempre han contemplado entre sus aspectos más relevantes, el concepto de Seguridad. Sin embargo, la evolución de la doctrina, fruto del permanente cambio que caracteriza al... more
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      Military ScienceMilitary PlanningCiencias MilitaresStrategy and Military Operations
Defence capabilities are hard to gain and expensive to maintain. Therefore, the decisions concerning defence investments are hard to take. Furthermore, even the best investment may become obsolete when adversary finds an asymmetric way to... more
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      Defence IndustryDefence StudiesMilitary Planning
The article analyses the former prospects of armed resistance to Soviet occupation in 1940. It discusses Plan “R” of the Lithuanian Armed Forces prepared for the case of a military conflict with the USSR. The article reveals the positions... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)
During the interwar period, and bearing in mind its long and open borders, the Lithuanian army was preparing for a war of manoeuvres. In addition, Poland was considered to be one of the main military enemies, which had numerous mobile... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
Is the world, truly, into a situation of a clash of civilizations? Or is it into a situation of a world civilization of international cultural misunderstanding? In fact, international relations are in its roots “inter-national “ cultural... more
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      Military HistoryCultural StudiesAfrican StudiesMilitary Science