Interval Semi-Supervised LDA: Classifying
Needles in a Haystack
Svetlana Bodrunova, Sergei Koltsov, Olessia Koltsova,
Sergey Nikolenko, and Anastasia Shimorina
Laboratory for Internet Studies (LINIS),
National Research University Higher School of Economics,
ul. Soyuza Pechatnikov, d. 16, 190008 St. Petersburg, Russia
Abstract. An important text mining problem is to find, in a large collection of texts, documents related to specific topics and then discern
further structure among the found texts. This problem is especially important for social sciences, where the purpose is to find the most representative documents for subsequent qualitative interpretation. To solve
this problem, we propose an interval semi-supervised LDA approach,
in which certain predefined sets of keywords (that define the topics researchers are interested in) are restricted to specific intervals of topic
assignments. We present a case study on a Russian LiveJournal dataset
aimed at ethnicity discourse analysis.
Keywords: topic modeling, latent Dirichlet allocation, text mining
Many applications in social sciences are related to text mining. Researchers often
aim to understand how a certain large body of text behaves: what topics interest
the authors of this body, how these topics develop and interact, what are the key
words that define these topics in the discourse and so on. Topic modeling approaches, usually based on some version of the LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation)
model [8], are very important in this regard. Often, the actually interesting part
of the dataset is relatively small, although it is still too large to be processed by
hand and, moreover, it is unclear how to separate the interesting part from the
rest of the dataset. Such an “interesting” part may be, for instance, represented
by certain topics that are defined, but not limited to, certain relevant keywords
(so that a simple search for these keywords would yield only a subset of the
interesting part). In this short paper, we propose a method for identifying documents relevant to a specific set of topics that also extracts its topical structure
based on a semi-supervised version of the LDA model. The paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2, we briefly review the basic LDA model and survey related
work concerning various extensions of the LDA model. In Section 3 we introduce
two extensions: semi-supervised LDA that sets a single topic for each predefined
set of key words and interval semi-supervised LDA that maps a set of keywords
to an interval of topics. In Section 4, we present a case study of mining ethnical
Bodrunova, Koltsov, Koltsova, Nikolenko, Shimorina
discourse from a dataset of Russian LiveJournal blogs and show the advantages
of the proposed approach; Section 5 concludes the paper.
The LDA Model and Extensions
The basic latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model [8, 12] is depicted on Fig. 1a.
In this model, a collection of D documents is assumed to contain T topics expressed with W different words. Each document d ∈ D is modeled as a discrete
distribution θ(d) over the set of topics: p(zw = j) = θ(d) , where z is a discrete
variable that defines the topic for each word w ∈ d. Each topic, in turn, cor(j)
responds to a multinomial distribution over the words, p(w | zw = j) = φw .
The model also introduces Dirichlet priors α for the distribution over documents
(topic vectors) θ, θ ∼ Dir(α), and β for the distribution over the topical word
distributions, φ ∼ Dir(β). The inference problem in LDA is to find hidden topic
variables z, a vector spanning all instances of all words in the dataset. There are
two approaches to inference in the LDA model: variational approximations and
MCMC sampling which in this case is convenient to frame as Gibbs sampling. In
this work, we use Gibbs sampling because it generalizes easily to semi-supervised
LDA considered below. In the LDA model, Gibbs sampling after easy transformations [12] reduces to the so-called collapsed Gibbs sampling, where zw are
iteratively resampled with distributions
p(zw = t | z −w , w, α, β) ∝
n−w,t + β
n−w,t + α
∝ q(zw , t, z −w , w, α, β) = P
(w′ )
t ∈T
w ∈W
where n−w,t is the number of times topic t occurs in document d and n−w,t is
the number of times word w is generated by topic t, not counting the current
value zw .
Related work: LDA extensions
Over the recent years, the basic LDA model has been subject to many extensions;
each of them presenting either a variational of a Gibbs sampling algorithm for
a model that builds upon LDA to incorporate some additional information or
additional presumed dependencies. Among the most important extensions we
can list the following:
– correlated topic models (CTM) improve upon the fact that in the base LDA
model, topic distributions are independent and uncorrelated, but, of course,
some topics are closer to each other and share words with each other; CTM
use logistic normal distribution instead of Dirichlet to model correlations
between topics [5];
Interval Semi-Supervised LDA: Classifying Needles in a Haystack
– Markov topic models use Markov random fields to model the interactions
between topics in different parts of the dataset (different text corpora), connecting a number of different hyperparameters βi in a Markov random field
that lets one subject these hyperparameters to a wide class of prior constraints [16];
– relational topic models construct a hierarchical model that reflects the structure of a document network as a graph [9];
– the Topics over Time model applies when documents have timestamps of
their creation (e.g., news articles); it represents the time when topics arise
in continuous time with a beta distribution [27];
– dynamic topic models represent the temporal evolution of topics through
the evolution of their hyperparameters α and β, either with a state-based
discrete model [6] or with a Brownian motion in continuous time [26];
– supervised LDA assigns each document with an additional response variable
that can be observed; this variable depends on the distribution of topics
in the document and can represent, e.g., user response in a recommender
system [7];
– DiscLDA assumes that each document is assigned with a categorical label
and attempts to utilize LDA for mining topic classes related to this classification problem [15];
– the Author-Topic model incorporates information about the author of a document, assuming that texts from the same author will be more likely to
concentrate on the same topics and will be more likely to share common
words [18, 19];
– finally, a lot of work has been done on nonparametric LDA variants based on
Dirichlet processes that we will not go into in this paper; for the most important nonparametric approaches to LDA see [4, 10, 20, 21, 28] and references
The extension that appears to be closest to the one proposed in this work is
the Topic-in-Set knowledge model and its extension with Dirichlet forest priors
[1, 2]. In [1], words are assigned with “z-labels”; a z-label represents the topic
this specific word should fall into; in this work, we build upon and extend this
Semi-Supervised LDA and Interval Semi-Supervised
Semi-Supervised LDA
In real life text mining applications, it often happens that the entire dataset D
deals with a large number of different unrelated topics, while the researcher is
actually interested only in a small subset of these topics. In this case, a direct
application of the LDA model has important disadvantages. Relevant topics may
have too small a presence in the dataset to be detected directly, and one would
need a very large number of topics to capture them in an unsupervised fashion.
Bodrunova, Koltsov, Koltsova, Nikolenko, Shimorina
l, zr ]
Fig. 1. Probabilistic models: (a) LDA; (b) semi-supervised LDA; (c) interval semisupervised LDA.
For a large number of topics, however, the LDA model often has too many local
maxima, giving unstable results with many degenerate topics.
To find relevant subsets of topics in the dataset, we propose to use a semisupervised approach to LDA, fixing the values of z for certain key words related
to the topics in question; similar approaches have been considered in [1, 2]. The
resulting graphical model is shown on Fig. 1b. For words w ∈ Wsup from a
predefined set Wsup , the values of z are known and remain fixed to z̃w throughout
the Gibbs sampling process:
[t = z̃w ],
w ∈ Wsup ,
p(zw = t | z −w , w, α, β) ∝
q(zw , t, z −w , w, α, β) otherwise.
Otherwise, the Gibbs sampler works as in the basic LDA model; this yields an
efficient inference algorithm that does not incur additional computational costs.
Interval Semi-Supervised LDA
One disadvantage of the semi-supervised LDA approach is that it assigns only
a single topic to each set of keywords, while in fact there may be more than
one topics about them. For instance, in our case study (see Section 4) there are
several topics related to Ukraine and Ukrainians in the Russian blogosphere,
and artificially drawing them all together with the semi-supervised LDA model
would have undesirable consequences: some “Ukrainian” topics would be cut
off from the supervised topic and left without Ukrainian keywords because it is
more likely for the model to cut off a few words even if they fit well than bring
together two very different sets of words under a single topic.
Therefore, we propose to map each set of key words to several topics; it is
convenient to choose a contiguous interval, hence interval semi-supervised LDA
(ISLDA). Each key word w ∈ Wsup is thus mapped to an interval [zlw , zrw ], and
the probability distribution is restricted to that interval; the graphical model is
Interval Semi-Supervised LDA: Classifying Needles in a Haystack
shown on Fig. 1c, where I[zlw , zrw ] denotes the indicator function: I[zlw , zrw ](z) = 1
iff z ∈ [zlw , zrw ]. In the Gibbs sampling algorithm, we simply need to set the
probabilities of all topics outside [zlw , zrw ] to zero and renormalize the distribution
( w w
w ,t,z −w ,w,α,β)
, w ∈ Wsup ,
I[zl , zr ](t) P w q(z
w q(zw ,t ,z −w ,w,α,β)
z ≤t′ ≤zr
p(zw = t | z −w , w, α, β) ∝
q(zw , t, z −w , w, α, β)
Note that in other applications it may be desirable to assign intersecting
subsets of topics to different words, say in a context when some words are more
general or have homonyms with other meanings; this is easy to do in the proposed
model by assigning a specific subset of topics Z w to each key word, not necessarily
a contiguous interval. The Gibbs sampling algorithm does not change:
,t,z −w ,w,α,β)
, w ∈ Wsup ,
I[Z w ](t) P ′ q(zwwq(z
w ,t ,z −w ,w,α,β)
t ∈Z
p(zw = t | z −w , w, α, β) ∝
q(zw , t, z −w , w, α, β)
Mining Ethnical Discourse
Case study: project description
We have applied the method outlined above to a sociological project intended to
study ethnical discourse in the Russian blogosphere. The project aims to analyze
ethnically-marked discourse, in particular, find: (1) topics of discussion connected
to ethnicity and their qualitative discursive interpretation; (2) ethnically-marked
social milieus or spaces; (3) ethnically-marked social problems; (4) “just dangerous” ethnicities that would be surrounded by pejorative / stereotyped / fearmarked discourse without any particular reason for it evident from data mining.
This study stems from constructivist research on inequalities in socio-economical
development vs. ethnical diversity, ethnicities as social borders, and ethnicities as
sources of moral panic [3,13,14]; our project goes in line with current research in
mediated representations of ethnicity and ethnic-marked discourse [11,17,22,23].
The major issues in mediated representation of ethnicity may be conceptualized as criminalization of ethnicity, sensibilization of cultural difference and
enhancing cultural stereotypes, problematization of immigration, reinforcement
of negativism in image of ethnicities, unequal coverage of ethnic groups, labeling
and boundary marking, and flawed connections of ethnicity with other major
areas of social cleavages, e.g. religion. The approach needs to be both quantitative and qualitative; we need to be able to automatically mine existing topics
from a large dataset and then qualitatively interpret these results. This led us to
topic modeling, and ultimately to developing ISLDA for this project. Thus, the
second aim of the project is methodological, as we realize that ethnic vocabulary may not show up as the most important words in the topics, and discursive
significance of less frequent ethnonyms (like Tajik or Vietnamese) will be very
low. As for the most frequent ethnonyms (in case of the Russian blogosphere,
Bodrunova, Koltsov, Koltsova, Nikolenko, Shimorina
they include American, Ukranian, or German), our hypothesis was that they
may provide varying numbers of discussion topics in the blogosphere, from 0 (no
clear topics evident) up to 4 or 5 major topics, which are not always spotted by
regular LDA.
Case study results and discussion
In this section, we present qualitative results of the case study itself and compare
LDA with ISLDA. In this case study, the dataset consisted of four months of
LiveJournal posts written by 2000 top bloggers. In total, there were 235,407
documents in the dataset, and the dictionary, after cleaning stopwords and low
frequency words, contained 192,614 words with about 53.5 million total instances
of these words. We have performed experiments with different numbers of topics
(50, 100, 200, and 400) for both regular LDA and Interval Semi-Supervised LDA.
Comparing regular LDA results for 100 and 400 topics, it is clear that ethnic
topics need to be dug up at 400 rather than 100 topics. The share of ethnic
topics was approximately the same: 9 out of 100 (9%) and 34 out of 400 (8.5%),
but in terms of quality, the first iteration gives “too thick” topics like Great
Patriotic war, Muslim, CEE countries, “big chess play” (great world powers and
their roles in local conflicts), Russian vs. Western values, US/UK celebrities and
East in travel (Japan, India, China and Korea). This does not provide us with
any particular hints on how various ethnicities are treated in the blogosphere.
The 400-topic LDA iteration looks much more informative, providing topics
of three kinds: event-oriented (e.g., death of Kim Jong-il or boycotting Russian
TV channel NTV in Lithuania), current affairs oriented (e.g., armed conflicts
in Libya and Syria or protests in Kazakh city Zhanaozen), and long-term topics. The latter may be divided into “neutral” descriptions of country/historic
realities (Japan, China, British Commonwealth countries, ancient Indians etc.),
long-term conflict topics (e.g., the Arab-Israeli conflict, Serb-Albanian conflict
and the Kosovo problem), and two types of “problematized” topics: internal
problems of a given country/nation (e.g., the U.S.) and “Russia vs. another
country/region” topics (Poland, Chechnya, Ukraine). There are several topics
of particular interest for the ethnic case study: a topic on Tajiks, two opposing
topics on Russian nationalism (“patriotic” and “negative”), and a Tatar topic.
Several ethnicities, e.g., Americans, Germans, Russians, and Arabs, were subject
of more than one topic.
In ISLDA results, the 100-topic modeling covered the same ethnic topics as
regular LDA, but Ukrainian ethnonyms produced a new result discussed below.
400-topic ISLDA gave a result much better than regular LDA. For ex-Soviet
ethnicities (Tajik and Georgian), one of two pre-assigned topics clearly showed
a problematized context. For Tajiks, it was illegal migration: the word collection
also showed the writers from opposing opinion camps (Belkovsky, Kholmogorov,
Krylov) and vocabulary characteristic of opinion media texts. For Georgians, the
context of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict of 2008 clearly showed up, enriched by
current events like election issues in South Ossetia. French and Ukrainian, both
assigned 4 topics, showed good results. France had all topics more or less clearly
Interval Semi-Supervised LDA: Classifying Needles in a Haystack
connected to distinctive topics: a Mediterranean topic, Patriotic wars in Russia
(with France and Germany), the current conflict in Lybia and general history of
Europe. Here, we see that topics related to current affairs are easily de-aligned
from long-term topics.
In general, we have found that ISLDA results have significant advantages
over regular LDA. Most importantly, ISLDA finds new important topics related
to the chosen semi-supervised subjects. As an example, Table 1 shows topics
from our runs with 100 and 400 topics related to Ukraine. In every case, there is
a strong topic related to Ukrainian politics, but then differences begin. In the 100
topic case (Figs. 1a and 1c), ISLDA distinguishes a Ukrainian nationalist topic
(very important for our study) that was lost on LDA. With 400 topics (Figs. 1b
and 1d), LDA finds virtually the same topics, while ISLDA finds three new
important topics: scandals related to Russian natural gas transmitted through
Ukraine, a topic devoted to Crimea, and again the nationalist topic (this time
with a Western Ukrainian spin). The same pattern appears for other ethnical
subjects in the dataset: ISLDA produces more informative topics on the specified
As for numerical evaluation of modeling results, we have computed the heldout perplexity on two test sets of 1000 documents each; i.e., we estimated the
value of
p(w | D) = p(w | Φ, αm)p(Φ, αm | D)dαdΦ
for each held-out document w and then normalized the result as
w∈Dtest log p(w)
perplexity(Dtest ) = exp − P
w∈Dtest Nd
To compute p(w | D), we used the left-to-right algorithm proposed and recommended in [24, 25]. The test sets were separate datasets of blog posts from the
same set of authors and around the same time as the main dataset; the first test
set Dtest contained general posts while the second, Dtest
, was comprised of posts
that contain at least one of the key words used in ISLDA. Perplexity results are
shown in Table 2; it is clear that perplexity virtually does not suffer in ISLDA,
and there is no difference in the perplexity between the keyword-containing test
set and the general test set. This indicates that ISLDA merely brings the relevant topics to the surface of the model and does not in general interfere with
the model’s predictive power.
For further sociological studies directed at specific issues, we recommend
to use ISLDA with the number of preassigned topics (interval sizes) chosen a
priori larger than the possible number of relevant topics: in our experiments,
we saw that extra slots are simply filled up with some unrelated topics and
do not deteriorate the quality of relevant topics. However, the results begin to
deteriorate if more than about 10% of all topics (e.g., 40 out of 400) are assigned
to the semi-supervised part; one always needs to have sufficient “free space” to
fill with other topics. This provides a certain tension that may be resolved with
further study (see below).
Bodrunova, Koltsov, Koltsova, Nikolenko, Shimorina
Ukraine 0.049
Ukrainian 0.017
0.012 Timoshenko 0.015
0.011 Yanukovich 0.015
Victor 0.012
president 0.012
Ukraine 0.054 dragon 0.026
0.068 Timoshenko 0.019
Kiev 0.022
0.020 Yanukovich 0.018
Bali 0.012
Ukrainian 0.016 house 0.010
president 0.015 place 0.006
Victor 0.013
work 0.006
Ukraine 0.062 Ukrainian 0.040
Crimea 0.046
0.030 Timoshenko 0.023
Ukraine 0.036
Crimean 0.015
Ukrainian 0.022
Polish 0.021 Sevastopol 0.015
0.019 Yanukovich 0.018
Poland 0.017 Simferopol 0.008
Kiev 0.015
year 0.009
Yalta 0.008
Victor 0.014
L’vov 0.006
source 0.007
president 0.013 Western 0.005 Orjonikidze 0.005
party 0.013
cossack 0.005
sea 0.005
(d )
Ukraine 0.062 Ukrainian 0.040
Crimea 0.046
0.030 Timoshenko 0.023
Ukraine 0.036
Crimean 0.015
Ukrainian 0.022
Polish 0.021 Sevastopol 0.015
0.019 Yanukovich 0.018
Poland 0.017 Simferopol 0.008
Kiev 0.015
year 0.009
Yalta 0.008
Victor 0.014
L’vov 0.006
source 0.007
president 0.013 Western 0.005 Orjonikidze 0.005
party 0.013
cossack 0.005
sea 0.005
Table 1. A comparison of LDA topics related to Ukraine: (a) LDA, 100 topics; (b)
LDA, 400 topics; (c) ISLDA, 100 topics; (d ) ISLDA, 400 topics.
In this work, we have introduced the Interval Semi-Supervised LDA model
(ISLDA) as a tool for a more detailed analysis of a specific set of topics inside
a larger dataset and have showed an inference algorithm for this model based
on collapsed Gibbs sampling. With this tool, we have described a case study in
ethnical discourse analysis on a dataset comprised of the Russian LiveJournal
blogs. We show that topics relevant to the subject of study do indeed improve in
the ISLDA analysis and recommend ISLDA for further use in sociological studies
of the blogosphere.
For further work, note that the approach outlined above requires the user
to specify how many topics are assigned to each keyword. We have mentioned
that there is a tradeoff between possibly losing interesting topics and breaking
the model up by assigning too many topics in the semi-supervised part; in the
current model, we can only advise to experiment until a suitable number of semi-
Interval Semi-Supervised LDA: Classifying Needles in a Haystack
# of topics
Perplexity, LDA
Table 2. Held-out perplexity results.
supervised topics is found. Therefore, we propose an interesting open problem:
develop a nonparametric model that chooses the number of topics in each semisupervised cluster of topics separately and also chooses separately the rest of the
topics in the model.
Acknowledgements. This work was done at the Laboratory for Internet Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE), Russia, and partially supported by the Basic Research Program of NRU HSE. The
work of Sergey Nikolenko was also supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant 12-01-00450-a and the Russian Presidential Grant Programme
for Young Ph.D.’s, grant no. MK-6628.2012.1.
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