International Gothic
Recent papers in International Gothic
The pietà from the church of St. Michael the Archangel in Domachowo, a former bishop’s village, has not been studied separately so far. It has been mentioned in two exhibition catalogues during reflections on the most important pietàs... more
En un absis lateral de l’església de Sant Vicenç de Besalú es conserva, molt malmesa després de la Guerra Civil, una singular tomba gòtica, pertanyent a un legista que efectuà una important donació de relíquies santes a l’església. La... more
In 2004, a number of events and exhibitions devoted to the arts in France around the year 1400 highlighted the rich diversity of current research in this area. Recent studies have challenged the validity of the critical term... more
Il contributo è una sintesi dei primi esiti parziali della mia tesi di laurea sulla riconsiderazione del ciclo di Garello a Castel Roncolo in anticipo, tesi che discuterò a fine giugno 2014 all’Istituto di storia dell’arte della... more
dynastii, budou Lucemburkové patřit k prvým knihám, po kterých většina čtenářů sáhne, a to oprávněně. Nelze však přehlížet poněkud roztříštěný charakter práce, patrný již v mechanickém dělení celé lucemburské epochy na dvě období kolem... more
El artículo profundiza en la figura de Fernando Yáñez de Figueroa, fundador de la orden de San Jerónimo y primer prior regular del Monasterio de Guadalupe. Su importante patronazgo artístico nos llevará a rastrear el entorno cultural del... more
Der Aufsatz fasst vorab erste Teilergebnisse meiner Magisterarbeit zur Neubetrachtung des Garelzyklus auf Schloss Runkelstein zusammen, die ich Ende Juni 2014 am Kunstgeschichtlichen Institut der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main... more
Estudi sobre la tomba del cardenal Berenguer d'Angesola, a la catedral de Girona, obra documentada de Pere Oller, i els seus referents estilístics i formals
giampaOlO ermiNi, matteO ferrari, mONia maNescalcHi, stefaNO ricciONi, eleNa vaiaNi Sono accettati nella rivista contributi in italiano, francese e inglese. In vista della pubblicazione, i testi inviati sono sottoposti in forma anonima... more
Pere Sanglada és un dels escultors més prestigiosos de la Catalunya de finals del segle xiv i inicis del xv. Els encàrrecs que rebé del Consell i la catedral de Barcelona són un clar reflex de la seva elevada reputació. No obstant això,... more
Art gòtic dels segles XIII i XIV al Pla de l’Estany,
( Torres, A. & Moner, J., ed.), Quaderns, 27, CECB,
Banyoles, 2008
( Torres, A. & Moner, J., ed.), Quaderns, 27, CECB,
Banyoles, 2008
For a rave review of the exhibition: n.
L'any 1425, la comunitat benedictina de Sant Daniel de Girona va encarregar a Francesc Artau, un dels argenters més importants de l'art gòtic català, la factura d'un bust-reliquiari del sant titular. Aquesta comissió s'emmarca en un... more
La presentación de las obras expuestas en la sala 51B del Museo, recientemente remodelada, es el objeto de esta conferencia. A partir de esas obras, comparadas con otras piezas emblemáticas del arte europeo hacia 1400, se propone un... more
La scelta artistica di un capitano di ventura: il ciclo arturiano di Frugarolo 25 Marianna Cuomo I plinti affrescati nella Campania altomedievale. La pittura decorativa tra VI e XI secolo 41 Serena Franzon Indossare la fede. Gioielli... more
Kastorian workshop (1480-1510) and early italian art. Contribution to the planning of autonomous learning during the covid-19 period Το θέμα της παρούσας μελέτης είναι διττής φύσης. Από τη μια πλευρά, σχετίζεται με την παρουσίαση των... more
Il gotico internazionale ha segnato un florido periodo per Verona. Viaggio tra le opere più importanti della città, seguendo le orme di Pisanello e Michelino da Besozzo .
Around 1400, some of the most powerful princes of the time commissioned altarpieces carved in bone and ivory from the Embriachi workshop, of Florentine origin. The uncles of the King of France, Jean, Duke of Berry, and Philippe, Duke of... more
MD'A: Museu d'Art Girona Núm. 76, 2010, pp. 19-20
El pintor conocido como Maestro de Santa María tuvo su taller en Siracusa (Sicilia) probablemente ya desde el final de la primera década del siglo XV. De su producción queda un reducido catálogo que parece resumir de forma emblemática las... more
This article deals with the long-lasting engagement of Enrico Castelnuovo with the art of the period usually termed international gothic. It shows how the author contributed to a better understanding of this period. moreover, it tries to... more
Syllabus of lectures held at the EPHA in 2006-2007 on so-called International Gothic Style in Italy
As Johan Huizinga has already shown in a pioneering way, the chroniclers of the years around 1400 are privileged witnesses of the culture of the elites in France during the reigns of Charles V and Charles VI. Neglected by art historians... more
Among holdings of Italian art in the United States, the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh is notable both for the breadth and quality of its paintings collection, particularly works from the fourteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth... more
This article focuses on the altarpieces installed on the altars of the church of the charterhouse in Champmol, near Dijon, founded by the first Valois Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Bold, in 1385, and completed, including most of its... more